USA : opposition républicaine bloque aide à l'Ukraine, défi pour Biden

  • 7 months ago
Le patron républicain de la Chambre des représentants, Mike Johnson, a répété mardi qu'il n'avait pas l'intention d'autoriser un vote sur le projet de loi d'aide à l'Ukraine promu par le président Joe Biden et validé auparavant par le Sénat à majorité démocrate.

Le chef républicain de la Chambre des représentants a refusé mardi 13 février tout vote sur le dernier projet de loi d'aide à l'Ukraine, ignorant ainsi l'appel plus tôt de Joe Biden, qui avait exhorté ses opposants à "choisir l'Amérique" face à la Russie de Vladimir Poutine.

Le rejet du "speaker" républicain vient, comme le craignait Joe Biden, torpiller l'enveloppe, pourtant approuvée mardi par le Sénat, la chambre haute du Congrès, elle à majorité démocrate.

Proche de Donald Trump, probable concurrent de Joe Biden à la présidentielle de novembre, Mike Johnson a affirmé à la presse qu'il n'avait même pas l'intention d'autoriser un vote sur le projet de loi.
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00:00 The Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, repeated Tuesday that he had
00:05 no intention of authorizing a vote on the Ukraine aid bill proposed by President Joe
00:09 Biden and previously approved by the Senate with a Democratic majority.
00:12 The Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives refused Tuesday, February 13, any vote on the
00:17 latest aid bill in Ukraine, ignoring Joe Biden's earlier call, who had exhorted his
00:23 opponents to choose America over Vladimir Putin's Russia.
00:27 The rejection of the Republican Speaker comes, as Joe Biden feared, to "spin the envelope",
00:32 yet approved Tuesday by the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Democratic majority.
00:37 Close to Donald Trump, likely competitor to Joe Biden at the November presidential election,
00:43 Mike Johnson said to the press that he did not even intend to authorize a vote on the
00:47 bill.
00:48 "Certainly not," he said.
00:50 The Senate has approved this new $95 billion envelope for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, but
00:57 its final adoption depends on the supporters of the former Republican president in the
01:01 House, who therefore refuse to examine the text in the state.
01:03 I say this to the Republicans in the House, you must choose.
01:07 Are you going to defend freedom or take the side of terror and tyranny?
01:12 Will you be with Ukraine or with Putin?
01:15 Will you choose America or Trump, said the Democratic president earlier during a short
01:19 speech at the White House.
01:21 Is everything going well?
01:23 In the middle of the election year, the issue turned into a brawl between Joe Biden and
01:28 his predecessor.
01:29 The 81-year-old Democrat, in his speech Tuesday, was sorting out the recent words of his rival
01:35 on NATO.
01:36 Saturday, Donald Trump had said that he would encourage Russia to take revenge on the
01:41 country of the defense alliance if it did not pay for their share.
01:43 "It's stupid, it's unworthy, it's dangerous, it's anti-American," said Joe Biden.
01:50 "They think NATO is a racket system.
01:53 They don't understand that NATO relies on fundamental principles of freedom, security
01:58 and sovereignty," Joe Biden continued.
02:01 "For Trump, principles don't count, all this merchant," said the American president.
02:07 The Republican Party has already put itself in battle order behind the former president.
02:12 In the Senate, with a Democratic majority, several Republicans voted in favor of aid
02:17 to Ukraine, allowing the adoption of the text to the qualified majority.
02:20 But it's a whole other matter in the House of Representatives, with a Republican majority.
02:25 Its President Mike Johnson has been refusing for months to examine the text without change
02:30 on "a whole other subject", the Biden administration's migratory policy.
