Leeds Valentine’s Day shout-outs

  • 7 months ago
Leeds locals discuss Valentine’s Day and share messages to their partners.


00:00 I'd like to give a big shout out to my boyfriend and my best friend.
00:04 I think Valentine's Day is really important.
00:07 We should always share love, not only on Valentine's Day,
00:10 every single day.
00:11 This is my best friend, she's one of the most important people to me.
00:14 My boyfriend's hiding over there, I'd like to give him a big shout out as well.
00:18 And I'd like to shout out my mum and dad as well,
00:21 because Valentine's Day, it's about appreciating everybody.
00:25 So happy Valentine's Day, everybody!
00:27 Happy Valentine's Day!
00:28 Happy Valentine's Day!
00:30 Personally, Valentine's Day is a load of tash.
00:33 That's my personal opinion.
00:34 Do you know what I mean?
00:36 But, obviously, today's my wedding anniversary.
00:39 We've been married a year.
00:41 She's currently stood behind you, not wanting to get in on the...
00:44 She's giving me evils there.
00:46 So, yeah, we've been married a year. She's called Megan.
00:49 And, yeah, it's been quite an amazing year, yeah.
00:52 I'd probably give a shout out to my boyfriend, Dan,
00:54 who's been with me through very tough times.
00:56 But he's great and he loves Leeds as well.
01:00 I'd probably say Valentine's Day, I've always kind of...
01:03 It's been a love-hate relationship.
01:05 I think when you're with somebody,
01:07 it's a lot easier to get through that holiday.
01:09 But when you're not, it can be quite difficult.
01:12 I miss you, Roxy, but I love Mona very much.
01:15 Our friendship was a great time we had last year.
01:18 I met someone new.
01:20 I don't know how that's going to go, but I hope it's going to go well.
01:24 Erm... Sorry.
01:28 Well, I'm single, so I will be spending Valentine's Day
01:31 with my best friend.
01:32 We're just going to do, like, a little Galentine's night in.
01:34 I've never celebrated Valentine's Day.
01:37 I've always just been single.
01:39 But I'm excited for it, just to be with my friends,
01:41 and it should be a nice evening.
01:42 I'm in a relationship myself, but he lives, like, 300 miles away.
01:46 So we're not spending Valentine's together.
01:48 I think we're going to do something later on in the week
01:50 when it comes up.
01:51 And I think Valentine's, in general,
01:53 I think it's a nice day to, like, just spend time with each other.
01:56 But I think there's a lot of pressure on it
01:58 and, like, a lot of pressure to spend money.
02:00 But I don't think it necessarily needs to be that.
02:01 I think just spending quality time together is the best way to do it.
02:05 I do have another half.
02:06 We're going on... We're going out to the Men's Market.
02:09 We've got a booking for two o'clock lunchtime.
02:11 But, er...
02:13 ..you know who you are.
02:15 I would like to do a shout-out to...
02:22 ..to Beth Donson.
02:26 I don't really do Valentine's Day, to be fair.
02:28 I always looked at it as a bit of, like, a Hallmark holiday.
02:31 Erm, you know, kind of, I guess, if you're doing your thing
02:34 with a significant other throughout the course of the year,
02:37 you don't really need one night to go out in the town.
02:39 Erm, so...
02:41 But, I mean, listen, I love my wife.
02:43 I mean, listen, I'm from New York
02:45 and I'm sitting here in England right now
02:47 because of my other half.
02:48 So, you know, so I...
02:50 It's...
02:52 But I think when you've got to, like,
02:54 key in the romance for a day, you know, it just feels a bit...
02:58 I don't know. It's a bit...
03:00 It's classic capitalism, isn't it? You know what I mean?
