• last year


00:00 All these guys and gals make such a big deal about this chair, but I don't really see what
00:07 all the fuss is about.
00:08 It's not even that comfortable.
00:11 [music]
00:32 Reporting live here from the finish, Cam Hoffman, how'd your run go?
00:37 Well, um, you know, everything pretty much went according to plan, which was no plan at all.
00:44 Just like my great-grandfather used to say, "My plan B is my plan A."
00:48 [music]
00:54 [heavy breathing]
00:58 [music]
01:04 I don't know what the speed is supposed to be like. I'm pretty fucking...
01:07 [splash]
01:09 This is a good one! Oh!
01:12 [splash]
01:15 Marginal conditions.
01:20 What does marginal mean?
01:22 [music]
01:38 The Freeride Poo-Teen World Tour continues with Poo-Teen Round 2.
01:42 Round 2-teen of the Poo-Teen.
01:45 We here at Pit Viper, we understand that these competitions can be stressful, tense, difficult, right?
01:52 Like, you guys are under a lot of tension sometimes.
01:55 So we here at Pit Viper have brought you tonight what we call the Relaxation Station.
02:00 Having proper eye protection is key. Pit Viper can help you with that.
02:03 But a close second, cucumber eye masks.
02:06 [music]
02:26 [music]
