10 Wrestling Matches With The Most Unexpected Consequences

  • 7 months ago
The Butterfly-Suplex Effect


00:00 Imagine if every wrestling match ended "Move 1, 2, 3".
00:04 Some fans would love that, but that's not for me.
00:06 I live for weirdness and goofiness.
00:08 So yep, I'm part of the problem.
00:10 It's what makes sports entertainment so much fun, though, is really, you never know.
00:15 Literally anything can happen, which is why I am signed for WhatCulture.
00:18 Please do subscribe.
00:19 This is 10 Wrestling Matches With The Most Unexpected Consequences.
00:23 10.
00:24 Ryback vs 3MB
00:25 So you do not remember this.
00:27 Why would you?
00:28 I was on a random Raw back in March 2013 and saw Drew McIntyre, Jinder Mahal and Heath
00:33 Slater get wrecked by Mr. Feed Me More because he was getting a push.
00:37 As already chatted about, however, sometimes wrestling can find magic from nowhere, which
00:40 is what happened during this.
00:42 Drew was all ready to hit a big boot on Ryback to try and knock his nose off when he realised
00:46 his pants were too tight.
00:47 I'm not kidding.
00:48 It meant when he went for this thing, he didn't have the flexibility he needed, so slipped
00:52 and went flying into the big guy with his foot zooming in like an airplane.
00:56 On paper that sounds like a disaster, but nope, McIntyre had just inadvertently come
01:00 up with the Claymore Kick.
01:01 This version is nowhere near as good as what he does today, but it is where it was born
01:05 and over time, he made it work, didn't he?
01:07 This is also why no match is ever truly pointless.
01:10 3MB were never going to be much more than a bunch of droppers, but in a matter of seconds,
01:13 it was going to set McIntyre up for a long while to come.
01:17 You gotta love it.
01:18 9.
01:19 Braun Strowman vs James Ellsworth
01:20 Another story of enhancement talent getting somewhat of a break.
01:23 This is even more wild as James Ellsworth wasn't even on the books.
01:26 He had just been brought in on the 25th of July 2016 Raw to get owned by Braun Strowman.
01:31 WWE had been doing this for a while, so it was just another tick in the box.
01:36 Part of this angle was that these victims got to say a few words beforehand, and somehow
01:40 Ellsworth took this moment and made it count.
01:42 He went on some rant about how any man with two hands has a fighting chance and it clicked.
01:46 The audience thought it was the greatest thing ever.
01:49 It helped that James looked somewhat like a child with a strange chin, so it generated
01:52 a ton of sympathy, and even though Braun did as instructed and killed him, this momentum
01:56 from Ellsworth continued to the point he got signed.
01:59 I mean, what?
02:00 It is a proper story of taking your 15 minutes of fame and turning it into a life-changing
02:04 opportunity.
02:05 I'm not sure any of us saw this happening.
02:07 Plus he won the Women's Money in the Bank match.
02:09 Kinda.
02:10 That wasn't so good.
02:11 In fact, it was really bad.
02:12 Oh well.
02:13 8.
02:14 Bret Hart vs Goldberg
02:15 Starrcade 1999 will always be the night that Bret Hart technically had his last match.
02:20 There were a few after this, but the Hitman was struggling so much due to the effects
02:23 of this contest he was never the same again.
02:26 Hart still talks about this today.
02:28 This we know.
02:29 That was the unexpected consequence though, as this was not Bret's plan at all.
02:33 WCW may have been booking him and everybody else like an idiot, but there was a lot of
02:36 miles left in the tank and a WWE return wasn't totally off the table.
02:40 But then we got this.
02:41 For those that don't know, a wild kick by Bill smacked Hart right in the head, and it
02:45 connected so badly it concussed Bret something fierce.
02:48 He was never able to get over it or re-find his feet, and the aftermath has been quite
02:52 the sad story, one of the best ever taken out way too soon.
02:55 It would be nice if these guys could make up as Goldberg is quite clearly remorseful
02:58 about the whole thing, but I wouldn't bet on it.
03:01 I do kind of get it too.
03:02 So many of Hart's peers have made a fortune in the later years and got to stay in the
03:06 spotlight.
03:07 He never got that chance.
03:08 7.
03:09 The Rock vs Hulk Hogan
03:10 WrestleMania 18 will always be the story of one match.
03:14 Seeing The Rock and Hogan square off felt like some kind of fever dream, especially
03:18 as the fans were crazy from start to finish.
03:20 I think we all knew that the audience was going to be loud, but this was so noisy many
03:24 still call it the best match of all time.
03:26 That's the adrenaline it gives you.
03:28 Given that Hulk was coming into the thing as a heel though, and Rocky was a massive
03:31 babyface, logic told us these would be the roles that they would play.
03:35 The Hulkster would get some cheers of course, but otherwise, nice and easy, nope.
03:39 As soon as the bell rang, Canada decided they were going to act like it was 1984 and just
03:43 showered Hogan in praise.
03:45 He couldn't even move his head without receiving rapturous applause, and it got so out of control
03:49 he and The Rock had to switch places, they honestly had no choice.
03:52 It was so bonkers it actually changed all of WWE's plans too.
03:57 There was no pathway that saw Hulk going back to his red and yellow pomp, but quite rightfully
04:00 that was the direction afterwards.
04:02 It got so out of control the Hulkster even had one last run as the WWE Champion, which
04:06 was truly surreal.
04:07 Mainly, this just proves that the fans can make or break any match.
04:11 I mean, it's been all these years later, and I don't think I'm over it.
04:15 6.
04:16 That Gauntlet Match
04:17 The 12th of February 2019, WWE booked a gauntlet match for Smackdown, and as far as we know,
04:22 it was just done for the sake of doing it.
04:24 It was an idea to give the win to Mustafa Ali to see if we could push him to the moon
04:28 when he got injured.
04:31 This made sense as Ali had recently beaten WWE Champion Daniel Bryan in an untitled match,
04:36 so why not try someone new?
04:37 Sadly, he was hurt and changes had to be made, which is when in came Kofi Kingston.
04:42 Always a fan favourite and an underrated gem, I can only remember the fans remembered that
04:46 during this night as from nowhere he was the most over guy in the company.
04:50 A huge reason for this was his star-making performance as he got win after win, beating
04:53 the likes of Jeff Hardy and Samoa Joe before falling to AJ Styles.
04:57 Didn't matter by this point though, we'd made up our mind.
05:00 It gathered so much steam there was no choice but to kickstart KofiMania, which ended with
05:04 Kingston beating Bryan for the WWE title, and honestly, it was one of the best moments
05:08 ever.
05:09 The less said about his reign the better as we did not do right by the man, but still,
05:13 nobody can take this memory away.
05:15 Boy how did Kofi earn it, I hope one day we get to do a round two and this time get it
05:20 right.
05:21 5.
05:22 Charlotte Flair vs. Becky Lynch vs. Carmella
05:24 Summerslam 2018 will always be remembered for a huge shift in power when it came to
05:28 the women's division.
05:29 The Smackdown Women's title was on the line and originally, yeah, it was meant to be Carmella
05:33 vs. Becky Lynch, but as was the way during this time, Charlotte would always find a way
05:37 to sneak into proceedings.
05:39 This happened when the Queen pinned Carmella in a non-title match to make her claim, and
05:42 it did tie directly into the story.
05:44 Lynch was so sick of it, especially when Flair pinned Becks to become the champion.
05:48 In fact, it pissed Lynch off so much she snapped and sort of turned heel, or at least that's
05:52 what WWE was hoping for.
05:54 Instead, the fans understood her frustration so much and just loved Becky anyway, that
05:58 they refused to accept this, cheered her like a returning hero she'd beat up Charlotte,
06:02 and from there we just moved it into the stratosphere.
06:05 It all soon led to the Man character which was a genuine game-changer for the company,
06:09 and there's a reason Lynch was able to secure a far bigger contract when it was time to
06:12 renew.
06:13 She used all of this to become a bona fide draw, even though that was never meant to
06:17 happen in the first place.
06:19 4.
06:20 Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan
06:21 Never forget that when Sheamus tonked Daniel Bryan in 18 seconds at WrestleMania 28, the
06:25 idea was to turn the Irishman into a Super Duper star.
06:29 Everyone on their dog thought the fans would love seeing Sheamus kick Bryan in the head
06:32 and take his World Heavyweight title that quickly, especially as this was the first
06:36 match of the show of shows.
06:38 We would start with a bang and nothing could go wrong.
06:40 Incorrect.
06:41 Somehow the powers that be had totally missed the swell of support Daniel had been getting
06:44 over the prior months, so when this contingent felt like he'd been wronged, they got mad.
06:49 Deciding this was more evidence they weren't being listened to, the "yes" movement
06:52 began when no matter what Bryan did, people were going to cheer him, and boy did they
06:56 stick to that.
06:57 Within months he had become the most over guy in the company, to the point when we got
07:00 to WrestleMania 30, there was no choice but to put him in the main event.
07:04 That's quite the shift in two years, and it was one of the best wrestling sagas of
07:07 the 21st century.
07:08 And how did it start?
07:10 With a genuine misstep, so you never know.
07:12 3.
07:13 The Bella Twins vs. Paige and Emma
07:15 So this match happened on the 23rd of February 2015 Raw, and there's really not much to
07:20 tell at all.
07:21 It's very par for the course for WWE at the time, as within 30 seconds they all yell
07:25 at each other.
07:26 Emma gets distracted, meaning Brie hits the Bella Buster and wins.
07:29 I don't think Paige and Nikki even get in the match properly.
07:31 It's the sheer lack of length why this is here, however, as this was the only female
07:35 action on a show that boasts a 180 minute running time.
07:39 All of a sudden fans realised this was ridiculous, so decided to head to social media and make
07:42 some noise about it, because what the flub were we doing?
07:45 It led to the phrase and trending topic of "give divas a chance", and it was so loud,
07:49 the company had no choice but to acknowledge it.
07:51 But by the end of the year, the women's revolution as it would be known was in full
07:54 effect, leading to what we have today.
07:56 So without this match we may never get this shift, and that would be stupid.
07:59 Because I know, it sounds crazy, but women can wrestle too.
08:04 Seems like something we already should have been aware of.
08:06 2.
08:07 Booker T vs Buff Bagwell
08:08 Way back on a Raw in July 2001, Vince McMahon had bought WCW, and had decided to re-brand
08:14 Monday Night Raw to Nitro while keeping Smackdown as the WWE product.
08:18 And not kidding, it's all out there.
08:20 McMahon basically thought he could rebuild the brand and then strut a round bracket about
08:23 it, which is why he booked Booker T and Buff Bagwell on an episode of Raw.
08:27 We'll tease the audience, and then we'll get to the bigger thing.
08:29 That didn't happen.
08:30 And why?
08:31 Because for years the WWE had been telling their fans that World Championship Wrestling
08:35 sucked, so when it was presented to them complete with logos, the audience just spat it out.
08:40 They wanted none of this, and it didn't help the match was average at best, which
08:43 is probably being kind.
08:44 The thing is though, it could have been Flair vs Steamboat and nobody was going to have
08:48 it, because the decision had already been made in the fans' minds, WCW was a no.
08:52 It meant sweeping changes and a giant waste of cash as WWE had sunk a ton of money to
08:57 promote all of this.
08:58 As we know, we got the invasion angle instead, which was pants.
09:02 Basically nobody knew what to do with World Championship Wrestling and this was all bad.
09:05 Still makes me sad today.
09:06 But one stone cold Steve Austin vs Owen Hart.
09:09 There's only one match most remembered from Summerslam 1997, and it's this one.
09:14 I doubt anyone can actually tell you anything else that happened, but halfway through Owen
09:17 Hart did go for a pile driver, dropped Austin right on his head, breaking his neck in the
09:22 process.
09:23 It was terrifying.
09:24 The rattlesnake was left temporarily paralysed, which is just scary, and it would be an incident
09:27 that ultimately would cut Stone Cold's career short, even when he was on top of the world.
09:32 He did take some time off after this, but was back far quicker than you'd imagine,
09:35 and after countless surgeries and other treatments, he got to 2003 and just couldn't keep going.
09:40 His neck couldn't take it anymore.
09:42 This is what makes the legend of Austin even more amazing, because if we argue the gimmick
09:45 truly took off in 1998, just five years later he was done and rode off into the sunset.
09:50 It also means you can wonder what else he would be able to do without this moment, and
09:54 whether he would have been able to continue for far longer.
09:56 Now we will never know, but man I tell you, that is one hell of a situation.
10:01 Know of any other matches with the most unexpected consequences?
10:05 Please do let us know in the comments below and don't forget to like the video, share
10:07 the video and subscribe.
10:08 Head on over to whatculture.com where you can read yourself some articles.
10:11 Please come and follow us on social media @whatculture, @wwe and @simon316.
10:15 And we do have some other videos, some of which where I talk and I don't sound like
10:19 the illest man on the planet.
10:21 My name is Ivan Whatculture, thank you as always for being here with me, I love you
10:25 and I'll take you out for a date very soon.
