Fit to Learn graduates February 2024.

  • 8 months ago
WATCH: Fit to Learn graduates at PCYC Bathurst on February 15, 2024.
00:00 I want to congratulate you guys for actually sticking it out and doing the eight week program with us,
00:06 as well as the four days that you were down here doing your white card, your first aid and that employability skills.
00:12 So it's an actual credit to you guys and you should be proud of what you've achieved with it.
00:17 I know school's not for everyone, learning in this environment's not for everyone,
00:21 but you guys did put in the hard work with it, so I actually want to say congratulations to all of you.
00:26 So in that, we've invited Chief Inspector Cogdale down from Bathurst Police Station to,
00:32 as the youth sponsor for the Chifley District, we just wanted to invite him down to present his certificates with you
00:40 and obviously Mr Barwick, Cecilia that came down as well as the PCYC representative Linda Clemmons,
00:49 just to congratulate you guys and actually show that you do deserve this recognition
00:55 and you should be proud of what you've done.
00:58 So I hope you do go home and show your parents of what you've achieved,
01:03 because it may be a piece of paper to you, but it's actually a great achievement.
01:07 This is going to put you forward in the workplace, whether you choose to use it next year,
01:13 whether you choose to use it in five years time, it's there and you guys now have the skills to move forward with it
01:19 and better yourselves moving forward now that you're in year 11 and 12 to use it to your advantage.
01:25 advantage.
