Legitimate strikes in wage disputes

  • 7 months ago
Strikes are common around the world. They are trade unions’ last resort in fighting for higher wages and better working conditions for employees.
00:00 Why do workers go on strike?
00:05 All the wheels shall stand still if your mighty arm wills it.
00:09 This battle song of the German labor movement from 1863 is still considered a call to strike
00:14 today.
00:16 And strikes are the trade union's most powerful weapon worldwide.
00:21 Whether dock workers in London or miners in the Ruhr Valley, May Day rioters in Paris,
00:26 civil strikers in India, or creative workers in Hollywood, the aim is always to fight for
00:32 higher wages and better working or living conditions.
00:37 When employees go on strike, they stop work temporarily.
00:42 Strikes are organized by labor unions.
00:46 These organizations represent workers and negotiate collective bargains with employers.
00:52 If no agreement is reached, despite attempts at mediation, a strike is called.
00:57 At least 75% of workers must vote in favor of a strike in a ballot in order to be allowed
01:03 to go on strike.
01:06 This can be very expensive for employers.
01:09 Although they pay no wages when workers strike, they can neither produce anything nor earn
01:14 anything.
01:16 Unions pay employees who are union members strike pay.
01:20 This helps them cope with the loss of pay and endure the strike for quite a long time.
01:26 The strike only ends once a new offer has been made and 25% of employees agree to it.
01:35 Labor disputes happen repeatedly around the world, but willingness to strike varies greatly,
01:40 as can be seen in the number of days that workers go on strike.
01:47 Between 2012 and 2021, Belgium lost the most workdays per 1,000 employees each year with
01:53 96, followed closely by France.
01:57 Then comes Canada with 78, Denmark with 53, and Finland with 48.
02:05 Germany is far behind with just 18 days.
02:09 Strikes here are also increasingly met with a lack of understanding, such as when buses,
02:14 trains or airplanes come to a standstill.
02:17 Even so, many see strikes as necessary to represent the interests of workers in labor
02:23 disputes.
02:24 (upbeat music)
