Madame Web Movie Review We Have Reached The Superhero Nadir - Contractual Obligation The Movie - Zero Stars

  • 7 months ago
There are incredibly complicated, ancient, IP-related contractual reasons why Sony keep releasing these weird Spider-Man films without Spider-Man in them (hi, Morbius). Basically, they have to make a certain… actually, I don’t fully understand. Or care. The end of superheromovieaggedon cannot come swiftly enough so far as I am concerned. And films like Madame Web will surely do nothing but speed up this process.To the millions who do care about superheroes, though, this film is a highly contemptuous insult: and the fat cats at Sony (no doubt privately as exhausted by the prospect of making nothing but superhero films as the rest of us) would do well to remember that audience has paid for a lot of third quarter bonuses. AI will be watching this film with its feet up on the seat in front, maniacally laughing and thinking, “Wow, maybe this business is going to be easier to take over than I thought.”It is an insult, too, to a quite staggeringly talented cast – Dakota Johnson, Sydney Sweeney, Celeste O’Connor, Zosia Mamet, Adam Scott, Tahar Rahim – who are all given absolutely nothing to work with. There is not a single, even attempt at a joke or a one liner. There are two half, painfully slow action scenes. There were no advance screenings of Madame Web – wonder why? – so I got to read many of my swifter peers’ reviews as I finished my own. Many of them were one star reviews. My question to my swifter peers would be: what was the one star for?
00:03 Hey, come on.
00:05 Get your stuff.
00:06 Let's go.
00:07 [GASP]
00:24 Let's try that again.
00:29 A week ago, I spent my life racing against time.
00:33 I'm going to help you out today, OK?
00:35 Trying to save people who were running out of it.
00:38 Catch it!
00:39 Until one moment changed everything.
00:43 Come on!
00:47 Welcome back to the land that we're living in.
00:50 I don't understand what's happening.
00:52 I've been having visions.
00:56 I knew he was going to die.
00:59 I think I'm seeing the future.
01:02 New York City's a whole new level of crazy these days.
01:06 What do you want from me?
01:13 What do you want?
01:16 New York City's a whole new level of crazy these days.
01:19 This is an emergency.
01:20 Get off the train!
01:21 That man's trying to kill you.
01:22 What?
01:23 Who are you?
01:24 What is going on?
01:27 I can see the future.
01:29 Oh, what the hell?
01:31 She didn't see that coming?
01:32 That's not how it works.
01:35 I've seen that man before.
01:37 So who is he?
01:37 Ezekiel Sims.
01:39 He was in the Amazon with my mom when
01:41 she was researching spiders right before she died.
01:46 Wait, I recognize you.
01:47 You live in my building.
01:48 You're the paramedic.
01:50 Yeah, you almost ran me over.
01:54 You don't think this is weird, how we're all connected?
01:58 It's honestly like the least weird thing
02:00 that's happened all day.
02:02 What do you want from me?
02:04 You have no idea what those girls have come for.
02:06 Why don't you want from me?
02:08 I think he can see into the future.
02:10 Why are you wondering?
02:12 He's trying to change what happens.
02:14 Why can't I?
02:15 Julia, get down!
02:16 Why can't I?
02:20 Why aren't you scared of me?
02:22 Why do you care for me?
02:24 Your future was almost so different.
02:27 If you want to live, you have to trust me.
02:32 Get ready.
02:33 Now!
02:39 You're showing off.
02:43 Maybe a little.
