• last year
The latest trailer for Unicorn Overlord showcases tips on how you can strengthen your troops with training, a breakdown of classes, class promotions, and completing auxiliary stages to level up in this upcoming tactical RPG.
00:00 [music]
00:11 Your Highness, if we plan to challenge the might of the Zinoiran Empire, we must first build a military capable of doing so.
00:20 I can't argue that, but it will take constant training and refinement of our forces.
00:25 Indeed it shall. However, there are many options available for bolstering the strength of your troops. Allow me to explain.
00:34 As you may know, each character within your army is assigned a certain class.
00:42 Some specialize in melee combat, others snipe enemies from the back row, some provide healing to allies, and still others launch attacks from the skies.
00:53 That's quite a variety. I'll need to carefully monitor class distribution when organizing our troops.
00:59 Precisely, Your Highness. Each class has its strengths and weaknesses.
01:04 Flying-type classes are vulnerable to archer types, to give one example, but you will learn these dynamics as you gain battle experience.
01:13 For this lesson, we will focus on techniques for strengthening these character classes.
01:19 You can advance characters to higher classes via promotions. Promotions can be awarded by spending honors, which you obtain primarily by completing quests.
01:31 Reaching an advanced class will boost a character's stats and allow them to learn new skills.
01:37 I see. It seems like promotions are key to expanding our range of tactics.
01:42 Quite so. In your case, Your Highness, advancing to the rank of High Lord will allow you to swiftly traverse the map atop a mighty steed.
01:52 On the Overworld, you will also encounter the Sigils of the Ancients, more pedestrianly known as Auxiliary Stages.
02:03 In these stages, you may battle against armies of Phantom Soldiers to earn additional experience.
02:09 Auxiliary Stages can be repeated, giving you an excellent opportunity to level up your forces.
02:16 Auxiliary Stages are also one place you might obtain items called Military Treatises.
02:23 Using these special items will grant experience to a character without the need for combat.
02:28 That could prove handy. I've also heard rumors of items that can directly boost attributes like HP and Attack Power.
02:37 I guess we have more options for strengthening the Liberation Army than just relentless training.
02:41 Thank you, Joseph. This knowledge will serve me well as I grow into leadership.
02:46 I have utmost faith in you, Your Highness.
02:49 Next time, we dive into the most crucial component in our goal of defeating the Empire.
02:55 Battle. This will be our final lesson.
02:59 Come. Destiny awaits.
03:02 (((NO-SYSTEMS)))