Amis Elders Pass Down Music and Dance Traditions

  • 7 months ago
Members of Taiwan’s largest Indigenous group are trying to preserve their culture through music and dance.


00:00 (singing in foreign language)
00:03 Keeping the Amis culture alive through song and dance.
00:09 Most of these dancers are over 70 years old,
00:12 but they still have a lot of energy.
00:14 They want to pass on their community's traditions
00:17 to the next generation, showing unity through art.
00:21 (speaking in foreign language)
00:24 (singing in foreign language)
00:28 Music and dance play important roles in Amis culture
00:37 and are frequently performed at major ceremonies.
00:40 These seniors say that learning music
00:41 can be a fun way to preserve their traditions
00:44 and learn their language.
00:46 (speaking in foreign language)
00:50 (speaking in foreign language)
00:54 These elders hope their performances
00:58 can inspire the next generation
01:00 to embrace their Amis heritage.
01:03 Luffy Lee and Tiffany Wong for Taiwan Plus.
