Power Couple Romania Episodul 6

  • 7 months ago
Power Couple Romania Episodul 6


00:00:01 [MUSIC PLAYING]
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00:05:06 Coming soon
00:05:34 The first time all the couples leave the villa at the same time
00:05:39 and we get into a kind of theater
00:05:42 Scripts
00:05:44 I'm sure it's going to be something that will make us impossible
00:05:48 We have to find the extreme element
00:05:50 Aha, he puts us on stage
00:05:52 Ah, it's a play!
00:05:54 You never know what the devil has in store for you
00:06:01 No, no pain
00:06:02 Welcome to Speed Game
00:06:04 That's how I feel
00:06:06 I didn't watch the movies, as usual, because I'm a real screenwriter
00:06:09 and I thought, "Wow, what a small space there!"
00:06:12 I mean, it's not good to be a nightmare for someone to fall in, in case he does something
00:06:15 It's not good for some snakes to fall there and hurt themselves
00:06:18 It was good for everything
00:06:21 Oh, a car is coming, a car is coming
00:06:28 Oh, I'm doing brain surgery
00:06:30 I saw the stressed people, which made me a little anxious
00:06:34 For me, that location is a little traumatic
00:06:38 Especially because I had the audition with Wow Mommy there
00:06:40 It's with a bone cutting
00:06:42 It can be any audition, just not with pain
00:06:45 We're going to close, we're going to hear some things in the back, like at Wow Mommy
00:06:49 and we're going to close
00:06:51 Christ!
00:06:58 My dears, welcome to your second couple audition
00:07:04 You shouldn't have any problems, because it's an audition that takes place in the kitchen
00:07:10 I thought it was something with the theater
00:07:13 You will see the kitchen from a different perspective after today
00:07:18 Today, we're going to make a cake together for my mother-in-law, Tanti
00:07:26 Filoftea!
00:07:28 Filoftea!
00:07:29 Should I add more?
00:07:30 Add more!
00:07:31 I'm going to add a "baba", honey!
00:07:32 Tanti has a fetish with the name Filoftea
00:07:35 You know what we have to cook for her?
00:07:37 Because she cooks the best, of course
00:07:39 Yo, you wanna see something cool?
00:07:40 No?
00:07:41 Well, I'm gonna do it anyway
00:07:55 The lid opened and I saw a kitchen with the background up
00:08:00 And Dani was stunned, all the blood came down his head
00:08:06 The guy on the counter is Dani Spider-Man
00:08:09 I didn't like seeing Dani like that, so it didn't create any comfort for me
00:08:12 You add lemon peel and you...
00:08:17 Oh my God
00:08:18 ...mix it
00:08:19 Mix it, mix it
00:08:20 Mix it, bravo!
00:08:23 *laughter*
00:08:25 Anyway, what matters is that you will be suspended here
00:08:31 Because our challenge is called "The kitchen with the background up"
00:08:35 You will have to help each other, you will have to not get in trouble
00:08:40 And you will have to finish a cake cake recipe for your mother-in-law in the shortest time
00:08:47 May the best team win!
00:08:50 I relaxed a little, I told myself that it's ok, it's a kitchen, it's a miracle
00:08:55 The kitchen is the same, it's the same with the background up, and the opposite, and the opposite
00:08:58 The little girl doesn't like any cake
00:09:06 Here's the recipe for the challenge "The kitchen with the background up"
00:09:11 You pour a kilogram of flour into the bowl on the counter
00:09:18 Come on, honey, pour it in the tray
00:09:20 One partner will hold the bowl, the other will empty the bag
00:09:23 It's hard to hold the sugar like this
00:09:24 Where is it?
00:09:25 Look here, hold it like this
00:09:27 Over the flour, you break 6 eggs
00:09:29 Wait, I don't know where to put it
00:09:31 Between them
00:09:32 Easy, mama, no
00:09:34 Between them, you add 500 grams of sugar
00:09:39 Done
00:09:40 Then 500 milliliters of milk
00:09:45 Come on, honey, come on
00:09:47 And in the end, you crush a lemon in the bowl
00:09:51 Come on, give me that lemon
00:09:53 Wait, I'm looking for it
00:09:54 Watch your eyes
00:09:55 Done
00:09:56 The dessert is ready after all the ingredients are mixed for 20 seconds
00:10:01 Hey, wait there
00:10:02 And that's all
00:10:03 Oh, the kitchen must be left a cell, because that's how it's nice
00:10:08 The best couple wins the challenge and receives the bonus of 2000 euros
00:10:15 And the couple that takes out the least time will be sent to the elimination
00:10:21 Who doesn't like this challenge?
00:10:26 I understand that this individual, together with Ana, has a high head
00:10:39 I don't like the challenge, because I knew it, with my head down, I'm a bad person
00:10:45 Disorientation
00:10:46 We know each other
00:10:47 I had a carrot, you don't want to know
00:10:50 Because I have a problem with people
00:10:53 I can't stand being insulted
00:10:55 Yes
00:10:56 It annoys me, I don't have my head down
00:10:59 It's very good
00:11:01 The challenge is extraordinary, just to catch us
00:11:05 No, no, you're not with your head down
00:11:09 Nothing happens, you don't get blood in your head, you're weak
00:11:12 Don't be upset
00:11:13 Yes
00:11:14 Did you catch me?
00:11:19 I gave a cinematic reference
00:11:21 Danny is a bad man
00:11:23 Rules
00:11:25 We play on the clock, the timer starts from zero and stops when you finish the challenge
00:11:31 Radu is very panicked, he has many tests ahead of him, he gets ready, he goes to the bathroom 18 times like me
00:11:38 We have the same illness
00:11:40 The external stress will be the test and the fact that you are sure that you have finished the challenge before your time
00:11:48 The test ends when you manage to do a little cleaning in the kitchen
00:11:53 Everyone has the same recipe, the recipe is visible on the worktop
00:12:00 Sorry
00:12:01 Whenever you feel like you have doubts, you can go back to the recipe for the next point
00:12:07 You have to take the ingredients one by one
00:12:10 It's important not to rush so much that you lose all the ingredients by the fingers
00:12:14 When you break an egg, you can't break it from the husband's head, the lover's, the lover's, the partner's
00:12:22 But you have to break it from the bottom
00:12:27 Oh my God
00:12:28 Yes
00:12:29 I was kidding, I'm playing with your minds
00:12:31 What do you want?
00:12:33 I remind you, we have a couple who have to pull their teeth today
00:12:38 Gabriela and Cristi, today you have to win, but the important thing is not to lose
00:12:46 We are in a rather complicated situation, not quite complicated
00:12:51 Very complicated
00:12:54 The most complicated
00:12:56 Ok, let's leave it like that, complicated
00:12:59 Who considers, as a couple, that it is strong enough to start?
00:13:05 I did so little, I hoped they wouldn't see me
00:13:21 Me neither, I didn't feel the need to offer myself
00:13:23 Me, me, me, I wanted to be first
00:13:27 Nobody
00:13:28 I wanted to be first
00:13:29 No, you, Don!
00:13:30 Look how Hercules got out of it, just now, to raise his hand
00:13:34 I looked at him and said, "Did you understand why you raised your hand?"
00:13:37 You have to stay attuned, like Iliac
00:13:40 Yes, but you thought that maybe I can't stay attuned
00:13:44 We had to discuss a little before, to stay a little, to consult, to do something
00:13:50 It's just panic from the beginning
00:13:53 Tudor raised his hand
00:13:54 Dorit, we are only half a couple, get me out of here
00:13:57 Why?
00:13:58 Shut your mouth, Tudor, God, brother, God, why do you put me to be first?
00:14:03 So, where did you get it from?
00:14:05 I don't know where it came from, it came out of my soul, that's all it could do
00:14:10 That's how the bike came out of the ground
00:14:12 That's all it could do, it couldn't do more
00:14:15 Ana, why didn't you want to start?
00:14:17 I started eliminating, I would like to stay a little longer
00:14:20 Let me stay with my brain a little bit
00:14:23 Then...
00:14:25 I don't think it's a smart move to be first when you don't know the terrain
00:14:32 We want to start
00:14:41 Good, why?
00:14:43 Because...
00:14:44 Nobody wants to
00:14:45 We do, we get rid of, and that's it
00:14:47 How hard can it be?
00:14:48 You don't have any more emotions, how can it be?
00:14:50 You expect from the other one to see what he's doing
00:14:52 I don't think you understand where you're going
00:14:55 But what a mistake, don't go first
00:14:57 I'm glad for your choice, we're keeping our fingers crossed
00:15:00 It's not a big advantage to be last, I think it's a good thing to see everyone at work
00:15:05 But everyone with their choices in life
00:15:07 My dear, if you are ready, we are, let's go
00:15:11 Come on!
00:15:15 In the kitchen, I don't know if there are penguins, I think there are only penguins
00:15:19 He has a kitchen robot that moves him when he's in the kitchen, when he's in the yard
00:15:24 I make a carrot cake, a vegan one, which is super good and Cosmin likes it a lot
00:15:29 He likes it
00:15:31 I like it, I like it, I like it, I like it
00:15:35 *music*
00:15:43 At Power Couple, I break
00:15:45 Be careful when you think about this, when we're not in a hurry, my love, so things don't fall, you know?
00:15:50 Before any test, whenever I'm afraid, I have to tell myself that I have the greatest courage to take the test
00:15:54 After the test, we'll talk again
00:15:56 *laughs*
00:15:57 *breathes*
00:16:00 *music*
00:16:04 You can, you can, you can, you can, you can, keep breathing, you can, you can, you're brave, you're brave, you're brave
00:16:08 That's what I said, keep breathing
00:16:10 If everyone is ready, I say we should go
00:16:14 The kitchen with the bottom up starts right now
00:16:18 *music*
00:16:27 Please, let go of your hands if you think you're touching something
00:16:30 For once
00:16:32 *music*
00:16:34 *laughs*
00:16:36 *laughs*
00:16:37 Natan Ticu
00:16:38 *cheers*
00:16:39 Did you think you could be Spiderman?
00:16:41 Wow
00:16:42 Wow
00:16:43 Wow
00:16:44 *music*
00:16:47 Wow, how is it?
00:16:49 Come on, come on
00:16:50 It's all deep up, after all, what's there to do?
00:16:53 *music*
00:16:56 Three
00:16:57 *music*
00:16:58 Two
00:16:59 *music*
00:17:01 One, start the timer
00:17:03 Wow, very good up to here
00:17:05 What do we have for the first time, Lizzy?
00:17:07 Flour
00:17:08 I found it
00:17:09 And you?
00:17:10 Ah, no, I found sugar
00:17:12 Like this?
00:17:13 Oh my God
00:17:15 I found the flour
00:17:16 Congratulations
00:17:17 You take the bowl
00:17:18 I'll take the bowl
00:17:19 How do I do it?
00:17:20 You don't have to
00:17:21 *music*
00:17:23 The flour doesn't have to be measured
00:17:25 *music*
00:17:26 No, you have to touch the top, right?
00:17:29 What top?
00:17:30 The top when you use the flour, right?
00:17:33 Did you open it?
00:17:35 Did you open it?
00:17:37 I don't cook with flour
00:17:40 I don't cook cakes with flour
00:17:42 That's why I have a lot of bad cooking roles that are very easy
00:17:44 Wait, wait
00:17:45 *music*
00:17:47 You have to get to the sifter, Lizzy, because you're safe
00:17:50 *music*
00:17:53 I was only focused on the sifting
00:17:56 I didn't want to look down because it's a mess
00:17:59 It's better to keep your head down all the time
00:18:01 I kept it like this, because if you keep it down all the time, you'll get hurt
00:18:03 Hold the bowl
00:18:04 Who's holding the bowl?
00:18:06 *laughter*
00:18:09 At some point, you don't know which is the left, which is the right
00:18:12 Where's the sifter, where are you, where's the bowl
00:18:15 It's his
00:18:16 *music*
00:18:21 I found the sifter, it was the cupboard
00:18:23 Yes, and...
00:18:24 The sifter was me, it was the cupboard, my holy friend
00:18:27 Yes
00:18:28 First, you lift the bag
00:18:30 *laughter*
00:18:34 *cheering*
00:18:36 First attempt at flour
00:18:38 *music*
00:18:41 What's the second thing on the recipe?
00:18:43 What is it, Lizzy?
00:18:44 I can't see how my eyes are like this until I look up without glasses
00:18:47 One kilogram of flour...
00:18:49 *music*
00:18:52 Six eggs, three eggs...
00:18:54 Oh my life
00:18:55 Three eggs each, please look for eggs
00:18:57 Whoever finds the first egg, you have to know that one breaks three eggs from the top layer, the other breaks
00:19:03 The other three eggs we're going to break into the bowl
00:19:06 Aha
00:19:07 *music*
00:19:10 Come on, I found it
00:19:11 Did you find the egg?
00:19:12 Yes, where is it?
00:19:13 Here, here
00:19:14 Lizzy will be the first, don't drop the egg, ok?
00:19:18 I can't see from up there
00:19:19 It's ok, it's ok, keep going
00:19:21 After this challenge, I want to take two of those home and put them on the wall
00:19:24 I want to make those abs upside down, so I want to clean both of them
00:19:28 So we're clearly going to need a wall
00:19:30 Because if you break it, the walls will fall
00:19:32 You can hold them there
00:19:33 Manole and...
00:19:34 Yes
00:19:35 Ana
00:19:36 Ana and Manole
00:19:37 I'm looking for another egg
00:19:38 Did you find another egg?
00:19:39 Yes
00:19:40 Come on, come on
00:19:41 Go for it
00:19:43 Two, bravo, we're moving on
00:19:45 The rhythm is very good
00:19:47 I didn't want to jump that one at all
00:19:49 Oh my God
00:19:50 It's so good, the movement
00:19:52 Very good
00:19:53 Hit it
00:19:54 I thought that when I stick the egg on the ceiling, only the yolk should stick
00:19:59 Because that's how it is with cake
00:20:00 Without the eggshell
00:20:01 Without the eggshell, without I don't know what
00:20:02 I thought about the "tamara" or whatever it's called
00:20:04 Tatiana
00:20:05 Come on Lizzy, hold the bowl
00:20:06 Hold the bowl, Lizzy
00:20:07 Let's see if you can keep it in the attic
00:20:09 I remind you, if you drop things, you can't get them back from the bottom
00:20:14 Come on, come on, Tanticu, your first egg
00:20:16 I don't know how to hold it
00:20:18 Here
00:20:20 Ok
00:20:23 You're a fool
00:20:26 Fool
00:20:27 You're a fool
00:20:32 You have two hands, Cosmin
00:20:33 Thank you, Dani
00:20:35 Where's the eggshell? I don't know where the eggshell is
00:20:38 Come on, come on
00:20:39 Come on
00:20:40 Two
00:20:41 We're moving on
00:20:43 What do we have?
00:20:44 500 grams of sugar
00:20:45 Is the sugar with me?
00:20:46 It's measured in the container of life
00:20:48 Listen
00:20:49 Do you want me to hold the cake?
00:20:52 Give me the container, so I can get there
00:20:54 The container
00:20:56 Hold it well
00:20:57 Wait a minute, I don't understand, how do I hold it?
00:20:59 I was caught in a strange, disgusting state
00:21:02 With a kind of amnesia, of saying that I was drunk
00:21:05 I don't know, I was totally drunk
00:21:08 So drunk that I couldn't go back
00:21:12 The closer to the counter, the more I put it on the counter, Lizzie
00:21:14 Where do I put it?
00:21:15 Where's the counter?
00:21:16 Lower, like this
00:21:17 Where? Well, if you hold it like this, it's hard
00:21:19 It's hard to get the sugar like this
00:21:21 Where is it?
00:21:22 Look here, hold it like this
00:21:24 You're a fool
00:21:25 Hold it with your right hand, give me the way
00:21:27 I don't know how to put it
00:21:28 Hold it like this, can you?
00:21:29 Yes
00:21:30 Hold it like this
00:21:31 Ready, take it
00:21:32 Where is it?
00:21:33 Look
00:21:34 Ready, yes, yes, it's good, it's good
00:21:37 I put it here, right?
00:21:38 Put it at once
00:21:39 What else do I have to do?
00:21:40 What else do we have?
00:21:42 Milk, milk
00:21:43 Oh my God, I don't know where I am
00:21:46 To die, baby
00:21:48 It's yours, it's mine, put it in the same place
00:21:50 Give it to me
00:21:51 It's undone
00:21:52 Give it to me
00:21:53 I don't really go to the kitchen, she just asks me what I want to eat
00:21:57 And eventually, we also undone this can for me
00:22:00 Or this jar
00:22:01 What do you want to eat with this can?
00:22:02 I don't know, we give it to him
00:22:03 I take care of him
00:22:04 Yes, I do these things with the help of the kitchen
00:22:06 How much milk is it?
00:22:08 500 ml of milk is measured in a graded container
00:22:12 Come on
00:22:13 You give him the container
00:22:14 Oh, go away
00:22:15 Give him the container
00:22:16 I give you the container, take care of him
00:22:18 Go away
00:22:19 Are you ready?
00:22:20 Yes
00:22:21 Be careful, keep it there
00:22:22 You
00:22:23 Come on, come on
00:22:26 It's good, good, good, good
00:22:30 Come on, move on
00:22:32 Move on
00:22:34 Half a lemon, just to get rid of that f*cking lemon
00:22:37 How much do they want?
00:22:39 How much? How much lemon?
00:22:41 Done
00:22:46 I found half of it
00:22:48 I found half of it
00:22:50 Put it in the jar, in the jar, Tanticu, help her
00:22:53 You're good
00:22:54 Wait, you, son, I found it
00:22:56 Don't drop it, don't drop it
00:22:58 Lizzy, put this here
00:22:59 Hold the jar
00:23:00 I can't reach it
00:23:01 Put the jar there
00:23:02 How can you not reach it?
00:23:03 I can't reach it
00:23:04 How can you not reach it?
00:23:05 Give way to the other one, Lizzy, you're in the way
00:23:07 You're getting bigger with him
00:23:08 You're safe, keep it there
00:23:10 Hold it
00:23:11 You're safe, keep it there
00:23:13 I'm going to be in control
00:23:15 And if I don't have something to lean on
00:23:17 Something that gives me a feeling of control
00:23:20 I won't look
00:23:21 Come on, hold it
00:23:22 You're safe
00:23:23 Keep it there
00:23:24 It's leaking
00:23:25 It's leaking, it's leaking
00:23:26 I got it, bravo
00:23:28 Come on
00:23:29 I'm getting worse and worse
00:23:30 When I shook that hand, I shook it like it was the price of my life
00:23:33 It was like
00:23:35 Good
00:23:36 Good
00:23:37 Good
00:23:38 Good
00:23:39 And the other way
00:23:40 Come on
00:23:41 Bravo
00:23:43 Come on, Lizzy
00:23:44 Come on, Lizzy, you can do it
00:23:46 Bravo
00:23:47 What else do we have, Lizzy?
00:23:48 We have to mix two
00:23:49 Two, like this
00:23:50 How many did you take?
00:23:51 That's it, two
00:23:52 I put it
00:23:53 What else? You were looking for the third one
00:23:54 Mix this one, mix it
00:23:55 Mix it, but with what? With your finger?
00:23:56 Come on, you can do it
00:23:59 One
00:24:01 Bravo, from the 19th second
00:24:02 Come on, 20 seconds
00:24:03 It's leaking
00:24:04 Come on, come on, come on
00:24:05 Bravo, come on, come on
00:24:06 Good
00:24:07 He's doing it by himself
00:24:08 Bravo, bravo
00:24:09 Hold it tight, Lizzy
00:24:10 Hold it tight, hold it tight, hold it tight, hold it tight
00:24:12 Hold it tight
00:24:13 Lizzy, you have to hold it tight
00:24:14 You have to have contact with the bowl, bravo
00:24:15 Hold it like this
00:24:16 Come on, ladies
00:24:19 Come on, ladies, come on
00:24:20 What's going on here? Nobody's eating
00:24:22 How many seconds do you have, Dani?
00:24:25 Done
00:24:26 Great
00:24:27 Let's go with the cleaning, the cleaning
00:24:29 You have to expose your face
00:24:30 Come on
00:24:31 Watch out, I'm going to hit you with my face
00:24:32 I'm going to hit you with my face
00:24:33 I'm going to hit you with my face
00:24:34 Come on, you're going to hit me with your face
00:24:35 One, two, three
00:24:36 One, try, two, try, three
00:24:37 Done
00:24:38 I hit him with my face, I hit Lizzy with my face, with my neck, my neck
00:24:42 But hold it down, it's done
00:24:44 Bravo, slow down
00:24:46 5 minutes 55
00:24:48 I think it can be done better than we did
00:24:50 Yes
00:24:51 Especially since those who were on the side saw it
00:24:55 And now we're playing with the result
00:24:57 Once again, I applaud these two people who raised their hands, not the others
00:25:02 Bravo
00:25:03 Maybe she was calm to eat
00:25:06 And I think she would have liked what came out of our hands
00:25:10 Down, down, down, down, slowly, slowly, slowly
00:25:14 Go to the sartan, Lizzy
00:25:16 Yes, I would have told people to be afraid
00:25:18 Done, come on, down, down, down
00:25:19 Yes, I'm hitting you
00:25:20 Down
00:25:21 Down
00:25:22 On the back, Lizzy, slowly, slowly
00:25:24 Down, down, down, down
00:25:26 Down
00:25:27 Down
00:25:28 Oh my God
00:25:29 It's not easy at all
00:25:30 It's not easy
00:25:32 It's not easy at all
00:25:33 It's not easy at all
00:25:34 You're great, I love you
00:25:36 I was so scared
00:25:43 You were so scared, Nina, I knew it
00:25:45 But why, what scared you?
00:25:48 I saw him with his head down
00:25:50 And?
00:25:51 I don't know, I didn't like it at all
00:25:54 I was so scared
00:25:56 You realize how cool you are
00:25:58 You're overjoyed now, I hope, right?
00:26:00 Yes, yes, you realize
00:26:02 But it was a very strong emotion
00:26:04 But you managed to survive
00:26:06 Think how much you make me cry
00:26:08 I didn't feel a second of emotion for you
00:26:10 I didn't feel a second that you didn't manage
00:26:12 I didn't feel a second of anything
00:26:14 I mean, oh my God
00:26:16 But it's so scary, I was so scared before
00:26:19 And you said it was better that I was the first one in?
00:26:22 Yes, it was much better than I remember
00:26:24 But I had to cry to get rid of that emotion
00:26:26 Yes, that's what I mean, bravo
00:26:28 Do you want me to wash your hands a bit so you don't get sticky?
00:26:30 You made a great cake
00:26:32 Bravo, love, without you I wouldn't have made it
00:26:34 That's why we're together, right?
00:26:36 Yes, yes
00:26:38 What, you want to know who's next?
00:26:51 I'm going to get busy
00:26:53 I'm going to...
00:26:55 You want to come with me?
00:26:57 It's a deal
00:26:59 Let's go
00:27:01 Wait, where are you going?
00:27:03 I admit, I panicked a bit
00:27:05 After I saw Lizzie
00:27:07 She was very red in the face
00:27:09 She couldn't coordinate very well
00:27:11 And I said, if I stay here, I'll go crazy
00:27:13 Indeed, I panicked even more
00:27:15 And I didn't give her any more time
00:27:17 I said, whatever, whatever
00:27:19 Whatever happens
00:27:21 We can do anything
00:27:25 We're in pain
00:27:27 Attention
00:27:29 All the cakes, all the sweets, I don't like them
00:27:43 All the sweets, come to me
00:27:45 I like them all to be made by others
00:27:47 Pavlova, you're doing a good job
00:27:49 Pavlova, you're doing a good job
00:27:51 Pavlova, you're doing a good job
00:27:53 Pavlova, you're doing a good job
00:27:55 Pavlova, you're doing a good job
00:27:57 Pavlova, you're doing a good job
00:27:59 Pavlova, you're doing a good job
00:28:01 Pavlova, you're doing a good job
00:28:03 Pavlova, you're doing a good job
00:28:05 Pavlova, you're doing a good job
00:28:07 Pavlova, you're doing a good job
00:28:09 Pavlova, you're doing a good job
00:28:11 Pavlova, you're doing a good job
00:28:13 Pavlova, you're doing a good job
00:28:15 Pavlova, you're doing a good job
00:28:17 I lost my bearings
00:28:31 I started to spin around
00:28:33 I didn't know where I was
00:28:35 I didn't understand how to get my head up
00:28:37 Dear friends, the time you have to beat
00:28:39 just to not be sure
00:28:41 is 5 minutes 55
00:28:43 Attention, we start in
00:28:45 3, 2, 1
00:28:47 1 kilogram of flour
00:28:49 1 kilogram of flour
00:28:51 From the outside, the test seemed
00:28:59 much easier, but when you're there
00:29:01 it's something...
00:29:03 You know, it seemed easier to me when I saw the antiques
00:29:05 I found it
00:29:07 Sugar?
00:29:09 I found it
00:29:11 Where the hell is the ball?
00:29:13 Hold the ball
00:29:15 Wait, wait
00:29:17 Hold the ball, I'm balancing myself
00:29:19 Hold it, hold it
00:29:21 Hold the ball
00:29:23 No, hold it
00:29:25 That's how you do it
00:29:27 Put it on the top plate
00:29:29 It's not on the top, it's on the bottom
00:29:31 Oh my God
00:29:33 I had so many tests
00:29:35 Oh my God
00:29:37 Give me my car, damn it
00:29:39 Hold the ball
00:29:41 I'm holding it, you give it
00:29:43 Up, touch the top plate, Ana
00:29:45 Perfect, you can validate
00:29:47 All the flour will flow at some point
00:29:49 All the flour will flow, bravo
00:29:51 Are you ok?
00:29:53 Are you ok? All of it, shake it well
00:29:55 It has to be 1 kilogram of flour
00:29:57 Come on
00:29:59 It's officially done, go away
00:30:01 6 eggs
00:30:03 I couldn't feel my legs
00:30:05 Legs?
00:30:07 I couldn't feel my legs
00:30:09 Who felt the egg?
00:30:11 Where?
00:30:19 I don't know where they are
00:30:21 Come on
00:30:23 I found the eggs
00:30:27 I found the eggs
00:30:29 I have 3 eggs, get them ready
00:30:31 3 each, put them on the plate if you want
00:30:33 Tudor, get them ready
00:30:35 I don't know where they are
00:30:37 Where? Ah, here
00:30:39 Where are they?
00:30:41 I panicked because I lost my bearings
00:30:43 I didn't know where they were
00:30:45 I can't
00:30:47 I don't know where they are
00:30:49 I don't know where they are
00:30:51 I had a flash with Tudor
00:30:53 I saw his desperate face when he put his hand
00:30:55 He was like "I don't know what"
00:30:57 "Here you are!"
00:30:59 And he pulled me like this
00:31:01 And I understood exactly where they were
00:31:03 Done
00:31:05 I didn't understand where they were either
00:31:07 It's not good
00:31:09 The one who holds the bowl will break the egg
00:31:11 Who holds the bowl?
00:31:13 Good job, Ana, you did a good job
00:31:15 Please
00:31:17 I was hoping it would be on top of the bowl
00:31:19 But it's not
00:31:21 Let's say thank you that no one put us to the test
00:31:23 Let's choose the egg white and the egg yolk
00:31:25 Come on
00:31:27 Ana didn't deserve it, you have to break 3 more
00:31:29 Here, on top of the bowl, Ana
00:31:31 Come on
00:31:33 The egg white is still cooking
00:31:37 You take the egg white, Ana
00:31:39 Tudor will follow you like in real life
00:31:41 I couldn't find the egg
00:31:45 I didn't know where it was
00:31:47 I was very confused
00:31:49 The egg white is still here
00:31:51 I think I wasted a lot of time there
00:31:53 Good job
00:31:57 Come on
00:31:59 I don't know where it is
00:32:01 Oh, God
00:32:07 Here, it's done
00:32:09 Good job
00:32:19 Hold the bowl
00:32:21 Ana, help him
00:32:23 He's all tangled up
00:32:27 I don't know how to do it
00:32:29 You have to push it up
00:32:31 Let it be
00:32:33 Good job
00:32:35 I want an egg, too
00:32:41 Are you still looking for it?
00:32:43 Man
00:32:45 Wait a minute
00:32:47 He's looking for the egg, Tudor
00:32:53 He's looking for the egg
00:32:55 He's looking for the egg
00:32:57 He's looking for the egg
00:32:59 I found it
00:33:01 I found it
00:33:03 I couldn't find anything
00:33:05 I was putting it in the air
00:33:07 I could only smell sugar, lemon
00:33:09 I didn't know what was in there
00:33:11 I couldn't see
00:33:13 Wait a minute
00:33:15 Easy, easy
00:33:17 One second
00:33:19 Easy, don't get out
00:33:21 Where are you?
00:33:23 Where are you?
00:33:25 Come here
00:33:27 Good job
00:33:29 Good job
00:33:31 Come on
00:33:33 500 grams of sugar
00:33:35 I found it
00:33:37 A phenomenal amount of sugar
00:33:39 Why are you exaggerating, Dani?
00:33:41 This contest couldn't be done
00:33:43 It couldn't be done before the revolution
00:33:45 We have it here
00:33:47 500 grams of sugar
00:33:49 Open the sugar
00:33:51 Wait
00:33:53 Hold the bowl
00:33:55 Put it down
00:33:57 Stop
00:33:59 In all my madness
00:34:01 With all the panic
00:34:03 With everything I felt
00:34:05 I found sugar
00:34:07 It's there, at the red line
00:34:09 It's sticking to the countertop
00:34:11 It's sticking to the countertop
00:34:15 Put it in
00:34:17 Which tray?
00:34:19 I'm so sorry for the poor eggs
00:34:21 What do we have?
00:34:23 We forgot the lemon slices
00:34:25 Where the hell are the lemons?
00:34:27 Another disadvantage we had
00:34:45 Short hands
00:34:47 We have short hands
00:34:49 We have to tell them that we don't know short hands
00:34:51 I found the lemon
00:34:55 Hold the bowl
00:34:57 Hold the bowl
00:34:59 Put it in the middle
00:35:01 Put it in the middle
00:35:03 Yes, yes, come on
00:35:05 Nice, good
00:35:07 We needed milk
00:35:09 Put the lemon back, take the milk out
00:35:11 The milk
00:35:13 There was a risk of disqualification
00:35:15 We don't like it when it's a bit cloudy
00:35:17 Where's the milk?
00:35:21 We have to be really cloudy to see the fall
00:35:23 Maybe
00:35:25 I have the milk here
00:35:27 Don't close the door
00:35:29 I found the milk
00:35:31 I lost my milk
00:35:33 See how you open it
00:35:37 Wait a bit
00:35:39 See how you turn it
00:35:43 Up, please, up
00:35:45 Up
00:35:47 Up, up, up
00:35:49 Stop, it's coming
00:35:51 That's it
00:35:53 Come on, kids
00:35:59 No
00:36:01 He jumped where he wanted, only where I didn't want
00:36:03 Put the lemon
00:36:05 Three
00:36:11 You caught it
00:36:13 I caught the egg
00:36:15 What are you talking about?
00:36:17 Emi, you don't get points if you do everything right
00:36:19 The door is open
00:36:21 Easy
00:36:23 The hole is bigger, put 10 more
00:36:27 Put 10 more
00:36:29 You hold it
00:36:31 I can't hold it
00:36:33 When I do things
00:36:37 that I don't control and I'm afraid of
00:36:39 I enter a phase
00:36:41 where I don't understand anything
00:36:43 What are you doing?
00:36:45 The lemons
00:36:47 See how you turn it
00:36:59 Milk, up, please
00:37:01 Up
00:37:03 Up
00:37:05 Stop, it's coming
00:37:07 Up
00:37:09 I didn't straighten it
00:37:13 I found the lemon
00:37:15 Wait, I found the lemon too
00:37:17 Someone holds the bowl
00:37:19 Someone twists it and then the other way
00:37:21 Hold the bowl
00:37:23 Come on, twist it
00:37:25 You're good, you're ready
00:37:27 I can't anymore
00:37:29 It's coming, it's coming
00:37:31 Hold the bowl, just touch it
00:37:33 Touch it and that's it
00:37:35 Let's not swear at the lemon
00:37:37 It's not wrong
00:37:39 It was really bad
00:37:41 I wouldn't have expected it
00:37:43 It's half a lemon
00:37:45 I didn't even realize I'm a doobie
00:37:47 You could've just crushed it
00:37:49 Done
00:37:51 What else do we have?
00:37:53 2 and a half lemons, 6
00:37:55 Mix all the ingredients in the bowl
00:37:57 We need the whisk
00:37:59 Is it yours?
00:38:01 I hold the bowl
00:38:03 1, 2, 3
00:38:05 I don't think there was any ingredient
00:38:07 that wouldn't have caused us any trouble
00:38:09 Yes
00:38:11 All of them
00:38:13 18, 19, 20
00:38:21 The whisk!
00:38:25 Where's the whisk?
00:38:27 It's here
00:38:29 It was the whisk
00:38:31 I had an egg on my hand
00:38:33 and when I touched it
00:38:35 it got stuck in my finger
00:38:37 I think I'm still crying
00:38:39 3 whisks
00:38:41 1, 2, 3
00:38:43 1, 2, 3
00:38:45 It came out
00:38:51 but it's a mediocre cake
00:38:53 from my point of view
00:38:55 Mediocre?
00:38:57 What was that? A cake?
00:38:59 Torture cake
00:39:01 You should've changed the name
00:39:03 The test
00:39:05 Torture cake
00:39:07 The first time wasn't fast
00:39:09 You said it moves fast
00:39:11 Look at them, how fast they are
00:39:13 I can't feel my feet
00:39:15 You beat your colleagues with 8 seconds
00:39:17 and you passed the first one
00:39:19 I realized it wasn't any different
00:39:21 I don't vomit
00:39:23 I don't have a bad height
00:39:25 At least
00:39:27 I'm starting to like it
00:39:29 I can't feel my feet
00:39:35 Car, stop!
00:39:39 Do you feel your blood coming back?
00:39:41 I liked it
00:39:43 I can be a lily when you want
00:39:45 No, I can't
00:39:47 I want to stay with my head down
00:39:53 I'm going to go
00:39:55 Let's sit here
00:39:57 Here, sit here
00:39:59 Sit, sit
00:40:03 Now I feel the touch
00:40:05 in my feet
00:40:07 It's normal
00:40:09 My hand is very soft
00:40:11 It was very good
00:40:13 You were very, very good
00:40:15 It was a team
00:40:17 It was a team
00:40:19 Now I feel some tingling
00:40:21 It's ok, it's nothing
00:40:23 Do you want to give me a massage?
00:40:25 It's not a situation, it's really necessary
00:40:27 We'll be the first
00:40:39 We'll manage
00:40:41 Yes
00:40:43 Are you ready?
00:40:45 Let's go!
00:40:47 We can go up
00:40:49 We make a lot of cakes at home
00:40:51 Yes, we really make a lot of cakes
00:40:53 So we are trained
00:40:55 Come on, Car, let's go up
00:40:57 Come on, kids!
00:41:13 Roxana and Catalin, their challenge
00:41:15 with the bottom up
00:41:17 starts now!
00:41:19 Let's put the flour
00:41:21 Yes
00:41:23 Not like Dani
00:41:25 as you said
00:41:27 He doesn't put the flour first
00:41:29 I say this and you have to take it into account
00:41:31 but he puts the egg whites first
00:41:33 If his mother wants it this way
00:41:35 who am I to say anything?
00:41:37 Here is the flour
00:41:41 Look how beautiful
00:41:43 Don't forget the top layer
00:41:45 when you put it
00:41:47 I secured it
00:41:49 and you put it
00:41:51 Up!
00:41:53 Not on the lemon!
00:41:55 Up!
00:41:57 I think you put a little flour in your mouth
00:42:01 I think I had some on my face
00:42:03 Yes, there was something on there
00:42:05 How many eggs do you need?
00:42:11 Not many eggs
00:42:13 6 eggs is not much
00:42:15 Roxana is blaming me
00:42:17 for putting 12 eggs
00:42:19 Oh my God!
00:42:21 Because the cake is expensive
00:42:23 Yes, I say it's expensive
00:42:25 but the cake is good to make with many eggs
00:42:27 Eggs are on the list
00:42:29 Come on, kids!
00:42:31 Pick up the bowl!
00:42:33 You can pick it up!
00:42:35 One!
00:42:37 I'll give it to you
00:42:39 Wait!
00:42:41 It jumped where I wanted it
00:42:43 I didn't see it
00:42:45 I'll put it
00:42:47 Wait!
00:42:49 We don't have many eggs
00:42:51 Good!
00:42:53 Two!
00:42:55 And three!
00:42:57 You got it!
00:42:59 I got the egg
00:43:01 What are you talking about?
00:43:03 You can pick it up
00:43:05 It's holding the chain
00:43:07 One!
00:43:09 Almost!
00:43:11 And one more!
00:43:13 Where is it?
00:43:15 Here!
00:43:17 We need one more egg
00:43:19 Be careful!
00:43:21 Catalin, you can lose these eggs too
00:43:23 Easy!
00:43:25 You put it in your mouth
00:43:27 Really?
00:43:29 Easy!
00:43:31 Let's see the result!
00:43:33 I was supposed to lose it
00:43:35 You made me nervous
00:43:37 You were supposed to lose it
00:43:39 You were nervous
00:43:41 500 grams of sugar!
00:43:43 Who has the sugar?
00:43:45 500 grams!
00:43:47 Be careful with the measurements
00:43:49 I have the sugar
00:43:51 Let's open it
00:43:53 She opens it and pours it
00:43:55 I move and I get closer
00:43:57 This is the family scheme
00:43:59 It touches the top layer
00:44:01 It touches the top layer
00:44:03 I'll put it closer
00:44:05 Lower
00:44:07 It's too high
00:44:09 Good job!
00:44:11 Milk!
00:44:13 Give me the milk
00:44:15 What are you doing?
00:44:17 You washed your sins
00:44:19 I was so nervous
00:44:21 I couldn't do it
00:44:23 You came and took it
00:44:25 It's touching the top layer
00:44:27 The chefs of the top layer
00:44:29 You got it!
00:44:35 What's next?
00:44:37 I wanted to drink it
00:44:39 I couldn't
00:44:41 You have to hold it
00:44:43 I'll do it
00:44:45 Shake it
00:44:47 Ready
00:44:51 Shake it well
00:44:53 I'm so nervous
00:44:57 What's next?
00:44:59 The teal
00:45:01 3 seconds
00:45:03 4 seconds
00:45:05 5, 6, 7
00:45:07 You saw what I did
00:45:09 I mixed it with the teal
00:45:11 I touched the top layer
00:45:13 It touched the top layer
00:45:15 19, 20
00:45:17 What's next?
00:45:19 3 sips
00:45:21 3 circles
00:45:23 You were there
00:45:25 I was so nervous
00:45:27 I was so nervous
00:45:29 I touched it
00:45:31 1, 2, 3
00:45:33 Yes!
00:45:35 We love you!
00:45:37 I didn't feel the pressure
00:45:41 I felt the pressure when I started cooking
00:45:43 At the beginning
00:45:45 I felt the pressure
00:45:47 You don't know how many times I cried
00:45:49 in the kitchen
00:45:51 3 minutes and 19 seconds
00:45:53 I'm so nervous
00:45:57 He wants to kiss it
00:45:59 He's so nervous
00:46:01 I love you!
00:46:05 It's so beautiful
00:46:07 You're a great cook
00:46:09 You have a big advantage
00:46:11 We're the chefs
00:46:13 at the bakeries
00:46:15 The chefs at the bakeries
00:46:17 Let me see, I worked
00:46:19 Ready
00:46:21 Ready
00:46:23 Did you touch that top layer?
00:46:25 Yes, I did
00:46:27 Lino and Delia are ready
00:46:29 If you feel comfortable
00:46:31 we can lift you up
00:46:33 We don't have any emotions
00:46:35 We don't
00:46:37 I have
00:46:39 I don't have
00:46:41 I just have the impatience to start
00:46:43 to do well and to cook
00:46:45 Come on, come on
00:46:47 Pull this
00:46:49 It's clear
00:46:51 Oh my god
00:46:53 It's good to be patient
00:46:55 I'm nervous
00:46:57 When you're with your head down
00:46:59 you don't realize what's up, what's down
00:47:01 what's left, what's right
00:47:03 We start in 3
00:47:05 2
00:47:07 1
00:47:09 What do we have?
00:47:11 I have flour here
00:47:13 Put your finger to make a hole
00:47:15 We cook at home
00:47:21 I'm sleeping, she's singing
00:47:23 We have another approach here
00:47:25 I cook what I want
00:47:27 and I cook often
00:47:29 If I make something
00:47:31 that she likes
00:47:33 I make it every day
00:47:35 for a few weeks
00:47:37 after that I change the menu
00:47:39 Come on
00:47:41 Make a bigger hole
00:47:43 Put your finger up
00:47:45 Put your finger up
00:47:47 Like this
00:47:49 Come on
00:47:51 Like this
00:47:53 Come on
00:47:55 It's a bit bigger now
00:47:57 It's easier
00:48:01 when you make a sandwich
00:48:03 I always draw a heart
00:48:05 I add a detail
00:48:07 Come on
00:48:11 It's good
00:48:13 Well done
00:48:15 Come on
00:48:17 Bravo, bravo
00:48:19 Ok, done
00:48:21 The first few seconds were very difficult
00:48:23 It's very hard to coordinate
00:48:25 but after you get it
00:48:27 you get it
00:48:29 Ok
00:48:31 Bravo, bravo
00:48:33 The eggs are very tricky
00:48:35 The recipe is called
00:48:37 Flour, egg, sugar, milk, lemon
00:48:39 I learned it by heart
00:48:41 Hold the bowl closer
00:48:47 It fell
00:48:49 It fell, right?
00:48:53 Theoretically, it was your turn
00:48:55 I didn't touch it
00:48:57 I just opened the bag
00:48:59 and it fell
00:49:01 We have a new trick
00:49:03 You have to hold the bowl
00:49:05 while she puts the eggs
00:49:07 You have minus one egg
00:49:09 Two eggs
00:49:11 No, you don't have to
00:49:13 It's on the half edge
00:49:15 One
00:49:17 Come on, two
00:49:19 Two
00:49:23 You need one more
00:49:25 I want to have one
00:49:27 I didn't look at the bowl
00:49:29 I was afraid it would fall
00:49:31 I was afraid I would look at the bowl
00:49:33 You both have to have a spare egg
00:49:35 Yes, yes
00:49:37 Did you find it?
00:49:39 Yes
00:49:41 Stop
00:49:43 You have to hold it with your hand
00:49:45 It's easier
00:49:47 Two
00:49:49 One, six, eight
00:49:51 Sugar
00:49:53 It was good
00:49:55 Come on
00:49:57 One is holding the measuring cup
00:49:59 Hey, hey
00:50:01 One is holding the measuring cup
00:50:03 It's going to the red line
00:50:07 We have it
00:50:11 This is what it means for me
00:50:13 to work in a team
00:50:15 Because only one of us could do something
00:50:17 and hold the bowl
00:50:19 But working in a team
00:50:21 was not ok
00:50:23 You have nine sugars, milk
00:50:25 I have milk
00:50:27 Me too
00:50:29 Come on
00:50:31 The measuring cup down
00:50:33 Down
00:50:35 Good
00:50:37 Five hundred
00:50:39 I need more
00:50:41 It doesn't matter
00:50:43 I don't need more
00:50:45 Come on
00:50:47 Put it down
00:50:49 It's going to the right place
00:50:51 Done
00:50:53 Come on
00:50:55 It's hard to hold it
00:50:59 For me
00:51:01 I barely held it
00:51:03 Roxana and Cătălin have the time
00:51:05 3.19
00:51:07 Done
00:51:09 Turn it
00:51:11 20
00:51:15 It's almost there
00:51:17 I took out both of the measuring cups
00:51:19 I had a lemon on it
00:51:21 I had a lemon in it
00:51:23 I had to take it out
00:51:25 I didn't see that he had one
00:51:27 Oh my God
00:51:29 What did I do?
00:51:31 Five, six
00:51:33 When I was looking down
00:51:35 I was looking like this
00:51:37 I was like "No, what did he put down?"
00:51:39 13, 14, 15
00:51:41 Done
00:51:43 Stop
00:51:47 What do we have to do?
00:51:49 Where is the measuring cup?
00:51:51 3
00:51:53 1, 2, 3
00:51:55 1, 2, 3
00:51:57 Done
00:51:59 Good job
00:52:03 Good job
00:52:05 You are practically saved
00:52:07 I want to remind the people at home
00:52:11 That one day I heard a "Hiii"
00:52:13 It wasn't Delia
00:52:15 We did it
00:52:17 They moved so well
00:52:19 Very good
00:52:21 They moved very well
00:52:23 You know what? I could have done it faster
00:52:25 I thought something was wrong
00:52:27 It was funny
00:52:29 Bravo Fei
00:52:31 Bravo
00:52:33 I love you
00:52:53 I love you too
00:52:55 Today no one is safe
00:52:57 Because the money doesn't matter
00:52:59 Because everyone
00:53:01 Has to be in the first place
00:53:03 That's the idea
00:53:05 In the last place
00:53:07 I said in the first place
00:53:09 You said it very well
00:53:11 No one has to be in the first place
00:53:13 Because we want to be
00:53:15 We were looking among our competitors
00:53:17 And I don't know if the battle is for 2000 euros
00:53:19 To not get to the elimination
00:53:21 In the evening
00:53:23 Or to break the record
00:53:25 What do you think?
00:53:27 We are the sportsmen
00:53:29 And we want records
00:53:31 Our advantage is that we are together
00:53:33 What's the advantage of having love?
00:53:35 You can do it
00:53:37 You can do it
00:53:39 We can have love
00:53:41 I encourage you
00:53:43 During the test
00:53:45 Bravo love, without realizing it
00:53:47 That's another advantage
00:53:49 I don't give this another advantage
00:53:51 But love, the advantage of choosing
00:53:55 Because we are good, we don't give up
00:53:57 Until we have been
00:53:59 I will feel like at the Olympics
00:54:01 If you are ready
00:54:03 Yes
00:54:05 I don't know if we have
00:54:07 Two or three things in the house
00:54:09 And we are hungry
00:54:11 I find a combination between them
00:54:13 To cook something
00:54:15 If I have something else I crave
00:54:17 And I say love, I crave this
00:54:19 Besides the 95% of the food
00:54:21 That I order
00:54:23 I say love, I'm going to cook
00:54:25 And it comes out
00:54:27 Take it easy, don't hurt yourself
00:54:31 Don't hit yourself with the object
00:54:35 Like this
00:54:37 Let me kick myself
00:54:47 Come on!
00:54:51 Come on, Emi!
00:54:53 What is this?
00:54:57 You said she's at the table
00:54:59 When I do things
00:55:03 That I don't have under control
00:55:05 And that I'm afraid of
00:55:07 I enter a phase where I don't understand anything
00:55:09 Mădă and Emi
00:55:11 Your test starts in
00:55:13 3, 2, 1
00:55:15 It fell
00:55:17 What fell?
00:55:19 Leave it
00:55:21 The flour is mine
00:55:23 It fell
00:55:25 It fell
00:55:27 It fell
00:55:29 We are doing it again
00:55:31 Wait, it's ok
00:55:33 Who does what, decide
00:55:35 Easy, easy
00:55:37 Let's go upstairs
00:55:39 Give me this
00:55:41 You know how it is when a woman wants to be independent
00:55:43 And she can't do anything
00:55:45 The fool comes
00:55:47 Wait, honey, wait
00:55:49 I'm too far away
00:55:51 I know you're far away
00:55:53 I know
00:55:55 Someone has to hold the bowl
00:55:57 I mean the bowl
00:55:59 Easy, easy
00:56:01 Upstairs, upstairs
00:56:05 Upstairs
00:56:07 It's on the counter
00:56:09 It's on the GoPro
00:56:11 You have a box
00:56:15 I have an egg
00:56:17 You're a fool
00:56:19 I'm going to get a scratch
00:56:21 Honey, easy
00:56:23 Emi, you don't get points
00:56:25 If you always get it wrong
00:56:27 Easy, honey
00:56:29 Easy
00:56:31 Come on, honey
00:56:33 You hold the bowl
00:56:35 I can't hold it
00:56:37 Wait, honey
00:56:39 Wait, honey
00:56:41 I can't
00:56:43 Come on, honey
00:56:45 Come on, honey
00:56:47 One, three quarters
00:56:49 Three, one
00:56:51 Emi
00:56:53 How do I do it?
00:56:55 In life and in a relationship
00:56:57 You have to share the burden
00:56:59 Exactly
00:57:01 As long as the partner accepts you
00:57:03 That you can't do certain things
00:57:05 You have to compensate with something else
00:57:07 You can be a fool
00:57:09 I don't take you, I take you
00:57:11 What can I do?
00:57:13 You're the first level
00:57:15 You don't even work at the clock
00:57:17 You don't stay at home
00:57:19 Hold the bowl
00:57:21 Honey, here
00:57:23 I know, honey, wait
00:57:25 Give me your hand
00:57:27 I was trying to hold anything
00:57:29 But being a woman
00:57:31 I couldn't hold my hands
00:57:33 And I could get hurt
00:57:35 This is a little bit
00:57:37 And this was a disadvantage
00:57:39 You have to hold your hand up
00:57:41 And hold it down
00:57:43 You can't reach the hands
00:57:45 Hold your hand on the bowl
00:57:47 One
00:57:49 Very good, Emi
00:57:51 Honey, I'm taking you to Ila
00:57:53 It's stuck
00:57:55 Wait, I have more
00:57:57 You put it on the first one
00:57:59 Hold it
00:58:01 Well done!
00:58:03 Calm down, honey
00:58:05 What does the recipe say?
00:58:07 Did you make 3 eggs?
00:58:09 Yes, what does it say?
00:58:11 And now, milk
00:58:13 No, sugar
00:58:15 Sugar, sugar
00:58:17 Who knows what sugar is?
00:58:19 It's mine, right?
00:58:21 Oh, honey
00:58:23 I'm a real old man
00:58:25 I react like this
00:58:27 When I'm stressed
00:58:29 On the counter, right?
00:58:31 On the counter, honey
00:58:33 Hot, right?
00:58:35 Come on, on the counter
00:58:37 We have it
00:58:39 Come on, come on, turn it, bravo
00:58:41 It's all yours
00:58:43 Wait, honey, I can't stay
00:58:45 I'm going to catch you in the bowl
00:58:47 If you have more there, I'll leave it after
00:58:49 I found it
00:58:51 And me, come on, with the napkin
00:58:53 The milk is for sure, right?
00:58:55 Come on, you can do it
00:58:57 I'm going to catch you in the bowl
00:58:59 It was a waterfall
00:59:01 You didn't fall, because I was very smart
00:59:03 That's right, honey, bravo
00:59:05 Bravo, honey, you're right
00:59:07 Bravo
00:59:09 The napkin is yours
00:59:11 What do you have?
00:59:13 It's mine, take it
00:59:15 You threw the napkin, I ate it
00:59:17 It's not a napkin, ok, come on
00:59:19 You know what? If I don't cook, the woman knows better
00:59:21 Because she makes me pancakes, I don't
00:59:23 I'll tell her
00:59:25 How can I say no to a lemon?
00:59:27 When I put a lemon over the bowl, she tells me to make pancakes at home
00:59:29 Do you have anything else?
00:59:31 Leave it there, the lemon
00:59:33 She doesn't put lemons in pancakes
00:59:35 Exactly
00:59:37 And the fact that she doesn't put lemons, she went straight to beat the composition
00:59:39 It's not very logical
00:59:41 In my head
00:59:43 You ate the lemon and your heart
00:59:45 I found it
00:59:47 Hey, hey, easy, easy, because it's from that
00:59:49 I found the anchor in the napkin
00:59:51 And I realized, the napkin is my salvation
00:59:53 With this napkin I go down
00:59:55 I die with this napkin
00:59:57 The bowl, the bowl
00:59:59 Give me the bowl, give me
01:00:01 Give me love, can you?
01:00:03 Come on, love
01:00:05 Give me love, give me
01:00:07 Give me love with the napkin
01:00:09 Press me, press me
01:00:11 You know how to squeeze lemons at home?
01:00:13 My head
01:00:15 She tells me what it is, she presses it and squeezes
01:00:17 Give me love
01:00:19 Come on
01:00:21 It's a good method, it takes time, but it's good
01:00:23 Come on, love
01:00:25 Bravo, love, bravo, it's coming
01:00:27 God, you see, you liked it?
01:00:29 The best part of all
01:00:31 She really gives me the napkin, poor
01:00:33 Hold this, come on
01:00:35 Hold this, come on, come on, love, come on
01:00:37 Bravo, come on, it's almost over
01:00:39 That's it, Emi, seriously
01:00:41 It's not bad, yes?
01:00:43 Yes, it can't
01:00:45 Torcio, press, bravo
01:00:47 I gave everything, I gave her all the juice
01:00:49 Seriously
01:00:51 Who knows, maybe she'll give me a penalty
01:00:53 Good, what's next?
01:00:55 It's starting
01:00:57 Come on, give it to him, can you?
01:00:59 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 seconds
01:01:09 10
01:01:11 Emi was doing
01:01:13 The reflex came from you, man
01:01:15 My fear was that from my balance
01:01:17 I could get rid of what holds me
01:01:19 And to carry the pain with me
01:01:21 I was with my eyes closed
01:01:23 I was counting with Vanga
01:01:25 To get through the 20 seconds faster
01:01:27 Horror
01:01:29 15, 16, 17, 18
01:01:31 Did you get the ball?
01:01:33 No, I didn't get the ball
01:01:35 Give it, give the ball, come on
01:01:37 What's next?
01:01:39 I missed the solution
01:01:41 I blocked you
01:01:43 Love, come back to see what you're doing
01:01:45 3 kisses, please
01:01:47 1, 2, 3
01:01:49 Yes, and you think
01:01:51 That all that fluff was on my face
01:01:53 I was already in shock
01:01:55 Yes, but it's good because it was fragrant
01:01:57 It smelled nice
01:01:59 So when he kissed, just like that, you know?
01:02:01 Directly in the eyes
01:02:03 1, 2, 3
01:02:05 Kiss
01:02:07 Love
01:02:11 Give way, no, no
01:02:13 Don't give way
01:02:15 Hey, watch your head
01:02:17 Leave it to me, please
01:02:19 1, 1
01:02:21 Come on, take my ***
01:02:23 It was chaos at Noi's
01:02:25 That's how it is at my kitchen, chaos
01:02:27 Thank you, Dani, you saved my life
01:02:29 It's simple, you see?
01:02:31 Noi, huh?
01:02:33 Poor girl
01:02:35 Why didn't you tell me you didn't feel well?
01:02:37 It's nothing, I love you, come on
01:02:39 I love you too
01:02:41 That's all I could do today
01:02:43 But it's good
01:02:45 God, take the ungrateful
01:02:47 It's good, right?
01:02:49 Yes, we are very happy with what we managed to do
01:02:51 Even if it was a normal kitchen
01:02:53 But it's good
01:02:55 Yes, it's positioned correctly
01:02:57 I mean, it's ok, but it's edible
01:02:59 We're good, Titi
01:03:01 That's it, we're back
01:03:03 We're back
01:03:05 Bravo
01:03:07 Good job
01:03:09 Emi, you said you were born
01:03:11 I wanted to throw up
01:03:13 I wanted to throw up
01:03:15 I threw up
01:03:17 I was in panic
01:03:19 And in pressure
01:03:21 And then
01:03:23 When I relaxed
01:03:25 My stomach turned
01:03:27 But I didn't throw up
01:03:29 But I felt it
01:03:31 I got a little bit of vomit
01:03:33 But I didn't use it
01:03:35 *music*
01:03:47 What's this?
01:03:49 That's how I feel when I'm in a relationship with a test
01:03:51 Yes? Yes
01:03:53 Let's see how Radu and Oana will do
01:03:57 Yeeeah
01:03:59 Wow, wow, wow
01:04:01 At least we'll have a win
01:04:03 We're lucky to feel like stupid
01:04:05 It's the last bank
01:04:07 It's the last bank
01:04:09 Your test starts in 3, 2, 1
01:04:11 *music*
01:04:15 That's it
01:04:17 *music*
01:04:19 I found flour
01:04:21 Ok
01:04:23 I saw that everyone was wasting time opening
01:04:25 I feel very good
01:04:27 I have metals all over my mouth
01:04:29 I'm a bionic man
01:04:31 Someone has to hold the ball
01:04:33 *gagging*
01:04:35 What am I doing?
01:04:37 I'm doing tooth smoothing
01:04:39 Let's do this
01:04:41 How did you know?
01:04:43 I have these invincible implants
01:04:45 Bravo
01:04:47 *gagging*
01:04:49 Ok, done
01:04:51 Stop, throw it
01:04:53 Eggs
01:04:55 I remind you that you have a few eggs left
01:04:57 But it's good to get to the reserve
01:04:59 Otherwise you're wasting time
01:05:01 Oana, hold the ball
01:05:03 Hold the ball
01:05:05 Bravo
01:05:07 *gagging*
01:05:09 *gagging*
01:05:11 It helped us a lot
01:05:13 Because we were the first to enter
01:05:15 And we managed to study what the other teams did
01:05:17 And to improve
01:05:19 I have two eggs
01:05:21 Bravo
01:05:23 Throw the egg, please
01:05:25 Give me the egg
01:05:27 *gagging*
01:05:29 Three, bravo
01:05:31 I'll hold it
01:05:33 Three, one
01:05:35 Hold it in the same position
01:05:37 I felt the same way
01:05:39 Probably in my life
01:05:41 I'm as disoriented
01:05:43 As I am with my head down
01:05:45 I didn't feel any discomfort
01:05:47 When I was with my head down
01:05:49 Where's the ball?
01:05:51 Here
01:05:53 *laughing*
01:05:55 Come on, come on
01:05:57 Let's find the ball
01:05:59 Two
01:06:01 Bravo
01:06:03 Three
01:06:05 Sugar
01:06:07 Once I wanted to make boiled eggs
01:06:09 And I put them in the oven
01:06:11 You told us
01:06:13 Oh my god
01:06:15 I put them in the oven
01:06:17 And I went to take a shower
01:06:19 I totally forgot about those eggs
01:06:21 And at some point I smelled
01:06:23 A burnt chicken
01:06:25 A burnt chicken
01:06:27 But a horrible smell
01:06:29 And I felt very pregnant
01:06:31 And I went to the kitchen
01:06:33 And the fire was on
01:06:35 There was no water left
01:06:37 The pot was black
01:06:39 And the eggs were exploding
01:06:41 In the tray
01:06:43 Bravo, you're good at cooking
01:06:51 I don't understand anything
01:06:53 Sugar? Who has the sugar?
01:06:55 Me!
01:06:57 Masurici, Masurici
01:06:59 Wait, I'm walking
01:07:01 Ok, I'm holding it
01:07:03 I'm holding it here
01:07:05 I'll tell you the recipe
01:07:07 I already know the recipe
01:07:09 On the counter
01:07:11 Ready
01:07:13 What's next?
01:07:15 Lemon?
01:07:17 Milk, milk, milk
01:07:19 Who's going to give it?
01:07:21 Masurici, give it to him
01:07:23 Who's going to give it?
01:07:25 I even opened the lid
01:07:27 From the milk
01:07:29 I opened the lid from the milk
01:07:31 I'm in heaven
01:07:33 Bravo
01:07:37 Good
01:07:39 Come on, come on
01:07:41 Good
01:07:43 Masurici, the lemon
01:07:45 Hold it
01:07:47 I can't reach it
01:07:49 And I was doing this
01:07:51 This was my only worry
01:07:55 Hold it
01:07:57 One
01:07:59 We have the lemon
01:08:01 You give it to him
01:08:03 I can't reach it
01:08:05 Come on, come on
01:08:09 Hold it
01:08:11 That's how you do it
01:08:13 Hold it
01:08:15 I felt like a cat's cuddly toy
01:08:17 Seriously, it was something very animalistic
01:08:19 I know it was hard
01:08:21 I don't know, it was a despair
01:08:23 If we don't win, we'll be eliminated
01:08:25 I can't disappoint her
01:08:27 We have it, we need it
01:08:29 Hold it
01:08:31 One, two, three
01:08:33 Four, five
01:08:35 Five seconds
01:08:37 Six
01:08:39 I can't hear
01:08:41 It's baby face show
01:08:43 Twelve
01:08:45 Hello
01:08:47 Fourteen
01:08:49 Fifteen, sixteen
01:08:51 Seventeen, eighteen
01:08:53 Nineteen, twenty
01:08:55 I'm going to hit you
01:08:57 Come on, come on
01:08:59 Come on
01:09:01 Three, three
01:09:03 One, two, three
01:09:05 One, two, three
01:09:07 Bravo
01:09:09 Bravo, I love you
01:09:11 I can't believe it
01:09:13 I love you
01:09:15 I love you
01:09:17 We should cook more often
01:09:19 Radu is so mischievous, I love you
01:09:21 He only hears if I do something right
01:09:23 We have a new record
01:09:25 How many?
01:09:27 51
01:09:29 Come on
01:09:31 Come on
01:09:33 And
01:09:35 The most beautiful soundtrack so far
01:09:37 Yes, it's true
01:09:39 This is the first instinct
01:09:41 To signal through
01:09:43 What?
01:09:47 Through the homotopy
01:09:49 I don't know
01:09:51 The communication man
01:09:53 But you understood
01:09:55 Yes, of course, I noticed you
01:09:57 I can't reach it
01:09:59 You're a baby
01:10:01 Bravo, bravo, bravo
01:10:03 It was the most stressful challenge
01:10:07 Of the six I've done
01:10:09 Because you were fighting
01:10:11 For even milliseconds
01:10:13 Not like Lino
01:10:15 Lino did a
01:10:17 But they did
01:10:19 I couldn't reach anything
01:10:21 I was able to say
01:10:23 That I pulled her teeth
01:10:25 Ouch
01:10:27 You didn't feel it then
01:10:29 I was hurting, now I feel it
01:10:31 And this is the outfit
01:10:33 From Au Mami, which I wore there
01:10:35 I'll make a cut here
01:10:37 I'll tattoo it later
01:10:39 With me
01:10:41 Yes
01:10:43 How much flour do you want?
01:10:45 We have flour from Belchug, thank you
01:10:47 I'm waiting for you in the kitchen
01:10:49 I don't even want the salary
01:10:51 For you, whatever
01:10:53 I knew it had to end quickly
01:10:55 We have no other chance
01:10:57 To be the first
01:10:59 Is the most important thing
01:11:03 If you're the first, you're eliminated
01:11:05 If you're the last, you're eliminated
01:11:07 And I have to do it
01:11:09 You have to win
01:11:11 It's so bad that you get to make friends
01:11:13 With people
01:11:15 From here, and to understand each other
01:11:17 And you're laughing and talking
01:11:19 And now I have to
01:11:21 Wish that he doesn't win
01:11:23 Someone else has to lose here
01:11:25 I repeat, someone else has to lose
01:11:29 Someone else has to lose here
01:11:31 Someone has to lose here
01:11:33 He has to lose, Cristi has to lose
01:11:35 Or someone else
01:11:37 You're so desperate
01:11:39 You want to draw, but leave me alone
01:11:41 Leave me alone
01:11:43 Ah, so that...
01:11:45 Ok, I understand what you're saying
01:11:47 Oana and Radu
01:11:49 Had a great time
01:11:51 Which can take them to the first place
01:11:53 To the couple
01:11:55 If Cristi
01:11:57 Has the worst time today
01:11:59 She can go to the last place
01:12:01 To the couple and to the wallet
01:12:03 Which means that
01:12:05 We'll take them to the wallet
01:12:07 To the last place
01:12:09 Are you both ok? Yes
01:12:11 We can start to lift you up
01:12:13 Of course
01:12:15 We have to pull like crazy
01:12:17 And take out the best
01:12:19 To get out of the risk zone
01:12:21 Ok, attention
01:12:23 We start in 3, 2, 1
01:12:27 Come on
01:12:29 That's sugar, that's sugar
01:12:31 Take the flour
01:12:33 Yes, thanks
01:12:35 Do you want to go to the bowl?
01:12:37 You only sit on the bowl, I only sit on the bag
01:12:39 I do the work, who's saying I'm the host at home?
01:12:41 Like a bear
01:12:43 The bowl has a chain, you can lift it as much as you want
01:12:45 Up, Cristi, up
01:12:49 Go up, up
01:12:51 Up, up
01:12:53 Up, up
01:12:55 It's hard to coordinate things upside down
01:12:57 The law of gravity is with the cooking
01:12:59 Yes
01:13:01 I think Newton didn't cook upside down
01:13:03 Just because he wanted to see
01:13:05 How much the apple fell in his head
01:13:07 If he could make a strudel out of it
01:13:09 Lift it, lift it
01:13:15 To pour 1 kg of flour
01:13:17 All of it, all of it
01:13:19 Perfect, next, what's next, Gabriela?
01:13:21 Eggs
01:13:23 Eggs
01:13:25 Be careful with the eggs, you only have a few reserves
01:13:27 Don't lose them
01:13:29 Bravo, she thought well
01:13:31 Cristi took the reserves
01:13:33 It's very weird to have someone
01:13:35 Turn everything upside down
01:13:37 If you had cooked until now
01:13:39 It would have been a piece of cake
01:13:41 We put the flour, and we did it with eggs
01:13:43 You hold it, I break it, ok?
01:13:47 Yes
01:13:49 Hand on the bowl
01:13:51 I hold it on the hand
01:13:53 I think I had a small jam in my hand
01:13:55 My people were at half of the test
01:13:57 At the second 50
01:13:59 Calm down
01:14:01 One, two
01:14:03 If you want, you can do it
01:14:05 That's what I had in mind
01:14:07 But stupid
01:14:09 If I was with the bowls, you had to be with the bowls
01:14:11 I was doing the eggs upside down
01:14:13 Yes, but it's very hard
01:14:15 You don't have much control
01:14:17 Because then you still break it
01:14:19 You don't want to break the eggs
01:14:21 I hold it?
01:14:23 Be careful
01:14:25 One
01:14:27 Take it from here
01:14:29 Two
01:14:31 Throw it from above
01:14:33 Good
01:14:35 What's next?
01:14:37 Sugar
01:14:39 Gabriela
01:14:41 The measuring cup has to be in your hand
01:14:43 No, easy
01:14:45 Cristi, be careful
01:14:47 He's learning gravity for the first time
01:14:49 And his feet are shining
01:14:51 Up, up
01:14:53 Like this?
01:14:55 Yes
01:14:57 It's coming, bravo
01:14:59 Is it yours?
01:15:01 Yes, it's mine
01:15:03 We only have two chances
01:15:05 Put it on the counter
01:15:07 Cristi uses the counter, bravo
01:15:09 Gabriela, the measuring cup
01:15:11 And Cristi
01:15:13 Here, here
01:15:15 When I got caught by that thing
01:15:17 At the end of the counter
01:15:19 When I was turning the wheel, the whole body turned
01:15:21 And it made a force that made me fall
01:15:23 I think that's it, but who thinks of forces
01:15:25 You don't have time to think
01:15:27 And force couples
01:15:29 Don't worry, you're fine
01:15:31 You're fine, Cristi?
01:15:33 Go, go, go
01:15:35 I want to go up, I don't want to make a mistake
01:15:37 Stop, it's good, we're almost there
01:15:39 What do you call it?
01:15:41 Lemon
01:15:43 Come on
01:15:45 They're beating us
01:15:49 We're going to elimination
01:15:51 And we're going to elimination until Antipu
01:15:53 Come on, come on
01:15:55 At least touch the ball
01:15:57 And Cristi, just touch the ball
01:15:59 We can't turn around, the kids
01:16:01 We can't
01:16:03 I could turn around very well
01:16:05 Around me, please
01:16:07 Come on, Bobby
01:16:11 Come on, Cervu
01:16:13 Come on, come on
01:16:15 Push the button, Gabriela
01:16:17 What?
01:16:23 You're complete idiots
01:16:25 I'm complete idiots
01:16:31 It's easy, right?
01:16:33 That's it
01:16:35 Stop with these scary stories
01:16:39 Come on, come on
01:16:41 Stop with these scary stories
01:16:49 Come on, come on
01:16:51 Ball
01:16:53 I gave myself eggs, flour, milk, flour
01:16:59 The cake is in my mouth right now
01:17:01 I have to mix it, it's good to bake it
01:17:03 I'm complete idiots
01:17:05 I'm complete idiots
01:17:07 I'm complete idiots
01:17:09 I'm complete idiots
01:17:11 I'm complete idiots
01:17:13 I'm complete idiots
01:17:15 I'm complete idiots
01:17:17 I'm complete idiots
01:17:19 I'm complete idiots
01:17:21 Come on, Bobby
01:17:25 Come on, Cervu
01:17:27 Come on, come on
01:17:29 Push the button, Gabriela
01:17:31 You don't have that balance when you're on the ground
01:17:35 You don't have that balance that can help you
01:17:37 You don't have that balance that can help you
01:17:39 If you're a man like me, for example
01:17:41 I'm a man who gets up and does things
01:17:43 And then I do the opposite
01:17:45 Yes, it's weird
01:17:47 I'm a woman with my feet on the ground
01:17:49 No, with my head on the ground
01:17:51 Or the other way around
01:17:53 Good, change!
01:17:55 Touch the ball
01:17:57 Push, Cristi
01:17:59 You can't break it
01:18:01 Slowly
01:18:03 Good
01:18:05 I crushed that lemon with a knife
01:18:07 Like it was my devil's enemy
01:18:09 So when I touched it, I thought
01:18:11 I thought I was going to break that little lemon
01:18:13 Or whatever it's called
01:18:15 You broke it
01:18:17 We're almost there, go further
01:18:19 It's getting dark
01:18:21 I'm going to take care of you
01:18:23 At some point I was like a cat, it was the opposite
01:18:25 I was holding the top of the counter from the other side
01:18:27 It's like a leash
01:18:29 Yes, you were a contortionist
01:18:31 One second, come on
01:18:33 Don't you notice
01:18:35 It has to be yours, no, it's mine
01:18:37 Put it in
01:18:39 One, two, three
01:18:41 Four, five
01:18:43 Done
01:18:47 Good job
01:18:49 Seventeen
01:18:51 Eighteen, nineteen
01:18:53 Twenty
01:18:55 I don't know where I am
01:18:57 Three leaves
01:18:59 I don't know where I am
01:19:01 Keeping your calm, no matter what
01:19:03 Helps you a lot, especially when you're playing
01:19:05 That's a lesson, keep your calm until the last second
01:19:07 Here, from me
01:19:09 Here, there, take it
01:19:11 Take it, take it
01:19:13 One, two, three
01:19:15 One, two, three
01:19:17 Winner
01:19:19 Good job
01:19:21 You're eliminated
01:19:23 I was so nervous
01:19:25 I lost my time, I was lost
01:19:27 I didn't know where I was
01:19:29 You did a good job
01:19:31 The most pirouettes from the contest, Cristia Cop
01:19:33 Good job, Cristia
01:19:35 Good job, Cristia
01:19:37 Good job, Cristia
01:19:39 Good job, Cristia
01:19:41 Good job, Cristia
01:19:43 Good job, Cristia
01:19:45 Good job, Bobsom
01:19:47 Good job
01:19:49 You hit yourself
01:19:51 It was super good
01:19:53 Very good
01:19:55 Here's a rumble
01:19:57 How was it, Freddy?
01:19:59 Beast
01:20:01 With your mouth
01:20:03 Here's a rumble
01:20:05 Honey, please don't lose your teeth
01:20:17 I'll do exactly this
01:20:19 I'll do this with my teeth
01:20:21 Or flour and...
01:20:23 Exactly
01:20:25 The one who has an OCD
01:20:29 I told her to be careful
01:20:31 Don't start with those, clean after you break the egg
01:20:33 Chaos, the form will be cleaned
01:20:35 Flour in the tray, sugar in the tray
01:20:37 Milk in the tray, teeth in the tray
01:20:39 With what you want, the fastest
01:20:41 Let's see how Sorin does
01:20:43 Tired or relieved
01:20:45 By Diana
01:20:47 By Sorin
01:20:49 By Diana
01:20:51 By Sorin
01:20:53 By Sorin
01:20:55 By Sorin
01:20:57 By Sorin
01:20:59 By Sorin
01:21:01 By Sorin
01:21:03 Sorin is the hardest
01:21:05 Probably among us
01:21:07 When they lift you
01:21:09 Somehow in your mind everything is very clear
01:21:11 That's the tray, that's the left, that's the right
01:21:13 You make all sorts of strategies
01:21:15 You bring it to the foot, you do everything upside down
01:21:17 So you're...
01:21:19 We start in 3, 2, 1
01:21:25 Go
01:21:27 Come on, man
01:21:29 Flour
01:21:31 Come on
01:21:33 The bowl
01:21:35 Come on, well, the tray
01:21:37 The tray, the tray
01:21:39 He got to the tray
01:21:41 The tray, the tray, please
01:21:43 Good idea
01:21:45 Up, up, Sorin, up, up
01:21:47 In the tray, love, to the feet, to the feet
01:21:49 I forget everything
01:21:51 So when you're up there, when you lift, I forget everything
01:21:53 No, honey, we all forgot
01:21:55 It was a very disappointing moment
01:21:57 And I knew flour, eggs, sugar, milk
01:21:59 The moment I got up, I said flour
01:22:01 And pause
01:22:03 Flour
01:22:05 Blank, say opa
01:22:07 Come on, honey, man, in the tray
01:22:09 You don't have time to calibrate yourself
01:22:11 Calibrate, recalibrate
01:22:13 You have to do it
01:22:15 Well, the height is good
01:22:17 1 kg of flour, ready
01:22:19 Egg, bravo
01:22:21 But not on the face, Sorin
01:22:23 What's next?
01:22:25 Egg
01:22:27 What?
01:22:31 I don't think so
01:22:33 And the elephant of the laundry
01:22:35 He heard, he was screaming, he was opening, he didn't know what to do
01:22:37 I didn't know what the sertal was
01:22:39 Hold the bowl
01:22:41 Hold the bowl
01:22:43 The first egg didn't go in
01:22:49 No, so actually, the first one, I don't realize where the counter is, where you are
01:22:51 You're totally broken
01:22:53 Come on, honey, please, focus
01:22:55 Ready
01:22:57 Come on
01:22:59 Come on, honey
01:23:01 Come on, two
01:23:03 You didn't waste time
01:23:05 Just don't miss it, please
01:23:07 Three good
01:23:09 Look how simple it is
01:23:11 It didn't go in, give me the egg
01:23:13 That's it, it's good, Solita
01:23:15 One, give me the egg
01:23:17 Two, take from me, give me the egg
01:23:19 From me
01:23:21 Come on, honey
01:23:23 Give me, I'm getting close, please
01:23:25 Three, come on
01:23:27 I didn't ask myself what happened, I didn't know, so I didn't see anything
01:23:29 I was just on the touch screen, I was seeing the bowls
01:23:31 And I was seeing the tray
01:23:33 The counter
01:23:35 I mean, it's
01:23:37 You don't know, you're totally disoriented
01:23:39 Sugar, it's your turn
01:23:41 I haven't seen such calm people since yesterday
01:23:43 From the car
01:23:45 In the tray, please
01:23:47 Five hundred, right?
01:23:51 Ready
01:23:53 One more time, one more time
01:23:55 It's good that you didn't throw it
01:23:57 I poured the sugar
01:23:59 I think, I don't know, that's how I thought it was
01:24:01 I don't realize, I put it in the house
01:24:03 I put it in the house, I put it in the house
01:24:05 It's not about the dishes
01:24:07 It's about my measurement
01:24:09 Hey, hey, hey
01:24:11 It's working, it's working
01:24:13 Milk, it's yours
01:24:15 It's not good, it's not good
01:24:17 Slowly, slowly
01:24:19 Be calm, don't get agitated
01:24:21 Because I heard the commotion
01:24:23 I thought it was agitating there
01:24:25 I didn't understand what was happening
01:24:27 Come on, honey, milk
01:24:29 Slowly, slowly
01:24:31 It's working, it's working
01:24:33 So, it's actually agitating
01:24:39 Like in slow motion
01:24:41 Like
01:24:43 And I saw a jet of milk
01:24:47 That was coming out of my face
01:24:49 And I was holding it there
01:24:53 And I thought it was near me
01:24:55 I think it was coming from behind and in my head
01:24:57 I don't remember
01:24:59 I think it was coming from behind
01:25:01 And I was trying to catch the jet of milk
01:25:03 Look for the lemon
01:25:17 You've lost a lot of time
01:25:21 I'll leave you like this
01:25:23 You have to hold the bowl until the lemon comes out
01:25:25 Yes, yes, yes
01:25:27 Pull it, pull it
01:25:29 Help me
01:25:31 Pull it
01:25:33 I was struggling so much
01:25:35 I think I even got a little bit of it
01:25:37 Because I was getting there
01:25:39 I couldn't even balance
01:25:41 So, until you focus
01:25:43 Until you realize which is up, which is down, which is left, which is right
01:25:45 You spend some time
01:25:47 I had a problem with this
01:25:49 Not with up, not with down, but with this thing
01:25:51 With getting to the kitchen
01:25:53 Pull it, pull it
01:25:55 I thought it was unreal
01:25:57 That I can do this and I can't do this
01:25:59 Pull it, pull it
01:26:05 A hand on the bowl, Sorin
01:26:07 A hand on the bowl and a hand on the wife
01:26:09 That's how it was
01:26:11 I was holding it, I was holding the bowl
01:26:15 I was holding it, if I gave way I was turning
01:26:17 I can't, brother
01:26:19 Hold on to something
01:26:21 Let her get it
01:26:23 Let her get it
01:26:25 I can't reach it
01:26:27 It was hurting me from holding my head like this
01:26:29 I don't know how it ends
01:26:31 This apple of Adam
01:26:33 Which apple of Adam, mother of God
01:26:35 I don't know, I'm a woman, I have something here
01:26:37 I have something that gets stuck if I keep my head down
01:26:39 What movies are you putting me in?
01:26:41 If I give way, I'm spinning, you see?
01:26:43 Come on, confirm
01:26:45 Confirm, you're cute
01:26:49 We're mixing
01:26:51 You're so far away, I don't know where you're running
01:26:53 I got this, I got this, I got this
01:26:55 I gave myself an egg, I gave myself flour
01:26:59 I didn't see it
01:27:01 I have milk, I have flour
01:27:03 I didn't see it
01:27:05 How many did you have?
01:27:07 I hope I can make it
01:27:09 What's next?
01:27:11 And where the hell am I going?
01:27:13 Search, search
01:27:15 Here, I found it
01:27:17 Take the hat, dear
01:27:19 I took the cake, it's mine
01:27:21 1, 2, 3
01:27:23 It's all on 2, Diana
01:27:25 Oh my God
01:27:27 Use your hand
01:27:31 1, 2, 3, go
01:27:33 Bravo
01:27:35 Bravo
01:27:37 I wouldn't
01:27:39 I wouldn't advise
01:27:41 Dani's mother to eat that cake, honestly
01:27:43 It's really the best cake
01:27:45 I mean, I gave you
01:27:47 I think we're doing pretty well
01:27:53 But there's a moment of semi-panic
01:27:55 You'll see on the video, I've told you all the steps
01:27:57 I didn't get confused
01:27:59 I probably didn't hear you, I knew it
01:28:01 I remember, I say from that moment, fraction of a second
01:28:03 We were talking to each other, you don't remember
01:28:05 You're in some complete madness
01:28:07 We were talking to each other, what do you tell us?
01:28:09 Yes
01:28:11 We were talking to each other
01:28:13 You're in some complete madness
01:28:15 I have milk in my nose
01:28:17 Did you put your moustache in your mouth?
01:28:19 I didn't put my moustache in my mouth
01:28:21 And I missed the shot
01:28:23 I put my hand in, but I didn't move
01:28:25 So I didn't see anything
01:28:27 I was spinning, I couldn't stay still
01:28:29 We probably have a level of technicality
01:28:31 Come on, dear, let's go
01:28:33 I'm not talking about technicality
01:28:35 You need a manual of instruction
01:28:37 I mean, to see
01:28:39 What manual of instruction did you pick up
01:28:41 I'm fed up with these crazy stories
01:28:43 It depends on each person
01:28:45 How they resist with their head down
01:28:47 And how well they can orientate
01:28:49 Some can orientate better
01:28:51 Others can orientate worse
01:28:53 I'm fed up with this technicality
01:28:55 To take out three ingredients from a...
01:28:57 It's about orientation
01:28:59 Yes, to take out three ingredients
01:29:01 And what order do you throw them in?
01:29:03 I'm fed up with these stories
01:29:05 What technicality
01:29:07 Let's see how you did
01:29:09 Let's see how you did
01:29:31 I have no secret, you were here
01:29:33 It's the first test
01:29:35 The ones you were spectators
01:29:37 They are not all like this
01:29:39 But they will probably be
01:29:41 Until the end of these tests
01:29:43 I can see who hates
01:29:45 And who loves
01:29:47 Or supports
01:29:49 Because you are obviously
01:29:51 Friends
01:29:53 The best time today, and hard to beat
01:29:55 I admit
01:29:57 2 minutes 51
01:30:01 Radu and Oana
01:30:03 Radu and Oana
01:30:05 What did I do?
01:30:17 You won
01:30:19 These images will be used
01:30:23 In a commercial
01:30:25 For stomatology
01:30:27 Because Radu broke almost everything he could
01:30:29 I tried
01:30:31 To get to the dentist
01:30:33 I couldn't feel anything
01:30:35 I couldn't feel anything
01:30:37 Believe me, it's a big deal
01:30:39 There are all kinds of technologies
01:30:41 We are in 2023, grannies
01:30:43 We were buying bionic arms
01:30:45 Just to finish the test
01:30:47 Basically, you support Oana with your teeth
01:30:49 Stop, stop the explanations
01:30:51 Because probably the other wives
01:30:53 Will say, "See, how he can support me with his teeth?"
01:30:55 But now, Radu is a muscle
01:30:59 Oana and Radu
01:31:01 Had a quarter of a laugh
01:31:03 You realize
01:31:05 They were very motivated
01:31:07 I love you
01:31:09 Look how
01:31:13 Oana and Radu
01:31:15 Were penultimate
01:31:17 And with
01:31:19 A snap of the fingers
01:31:21 And the 2000 euro bonus
01:31:23 I get to the golden place
01:31:25 Golden!
01:31:27 Being the second time
01:31:31 This happens
01:31:33 I think you got it
01:31:35 If you are the last one
01:31:37 You can jump very fast
01:31:39 So every test is important
01:31:41 And every investment is important
01:31:43 In the second place
01:31:47 Roxana and Cătălin
01:31:51 3 minutes and 19 seconds
01:31:53 Bravo!
01:31:55 Bravo!
01:32:03 The calmest ones
01:32:05 Calm, beautiful
01:32:07 I wasn't expecting anything else
01:32:09 We are both in the kitchen
01:32:11 It's like we are in Cismari
01:32:13 In the third place
01:32:15 Sorin and Diana
01:32:19 The most curious
01:32:21 Sorin drank the most milk
01:32:23 Only Sorin and Cleopatra
01:32:25 Were still drinking milk
01:32:27 That's it
01:32:29 Diana should be proud
01:32:31 20 minutes
01:32:33 Don't hate me
01:32:35 But it's cool
01:32:37 I would like to get a better time
01:32:49 What do you want now?
01:32:51 I would like to get a better time
01:32:53 I don't get it wrong
01:32:55 I am very grateful
01:32:57 We are still with the blanks
01:32:59 On the fourth place
01:33:01 Cristi and Gabriela
01:33:03 Bravo!
01:33:05 I was announced in the house
01:33:09 Cristi Jacob
01:33:11 Him, really?
01:33:13 With his wife
01:33:15 In the next Mission Impossible
01:33:17 You got it wrong
01:33:19 You will play with Tom Cruise
01:33:21 3 minutes and 20 seconds
01:33:25 I was nominated for many awards
01:33:27 I didn't win any
01:33:29 But maybe I will win this one
01:33:31 That's it
01:33:39 And that's it
01:33:41 If you eat a bottle with 3 zeros, it's not good
01:33:43 I am so lucky
01:33:45 I am so lucky
01:33:47 It was hard to reach the record
01:33:49 It was hard
01:33:51 It was a miracle
01:33:53 Bravo to them
01:33:55 We were very happy for them
01:33:57 On the fifth place
01:33:59 Lino and Delia
01:34:03 3 minutes and 28 seconds
01:34:05 Delia Maruntzica
01:34:13 She had some problems
01:34:15 She has short limbs
01:34:17 My wife puts her heels on the ground
01:34:19 My mother-in-law
01:34:23 She puts her heels on the ground
01:34:25 If I want to intervene, I have to sit on a chair
01:34:27 I understand
01:34:29 On the sixth place
01:34:31 Emi and Madalina
01:34:33 4 minutes and 29 seconds
01:34:37 But I didn't think you were in a hurry
01:34:39 It's ok
01:34:41 Madalina
01:34:43 4 minutes and 30 seconds
01:34:45 We wanted to reach 4 minutes and 30 seconds
01:34:47 4 minutes and 20 seconds
01:34:49 Emi, Emi, Emi
01:34:51 You know what?
01:34:53 You have to hurry
01:34:55 to get a big head, to spit the pain
01:34:57 Passito, passito
01:34:59 It was suspicious
01:35:01 Probably the biggest discomfort among the guys
01:35:03 If you felt like me
01:35:05 And another fear came
01:35:07 It's good
01:35:09 If you're a little bit scared
01:35:11 It's not a big deal
01:35:13 We managed to win the challenge
01:35:15 Don't praise me anymore
01:35:17 Because Rudele is still asking
01:35:19 He was funny
01:35:23 But only in a bad mood
01:35:25 Bravo
01:35:27 You're in our team
01:35:29 It's like I'm at a wedding
01:35:31 And I have to keep a speech
01:35:33 It's over
01:35:35 Don't lose, you're a bitch
01:35:37 You're a bitch, you fall from the stairs
01:35:39 You electrocute yourself without a reason
01:35:41 You fall in the kitchen
01:35:43 You keep it there
01:35:45 Boss
01:35:47 On the 7th place
01:35:49 You know, obviously, that this challenge
01:35:59 Must be won for 2000 euros bonus
01:36:01 But it must not be lost
01:36:03 Because
01:36:05 No matter how much money you have in your pocket
01:36:07 The lost challenge automatically means
01:36:09 The challenge to eliminate tomorrow
01:36:11 Why don't you applaud?
01:36:19 Thank you
01:36:21 I keep thinking and thinking
01:36:27 And thinking
01:36:29 And I can't decide anything
01:36:33 We give the best one away
01:36:35 And we keep the weakest one
01:36:37 On the 7th place
01:36:49 Tudor and Ana Maria
01:36:59 5 minutes 47 seconds
01:37:01 Tudor, let's remember when we announced
01:37:11 That whoever wants to start this challenge
01:37:13 Was already on their feet
01:37:15 Ana Maria
01:37:17 I wasn't ready
01:37:19 But after I saw her I said
01:37:21 I have to do it, if I stay here
01:37:23 I'll be disqualified
01:37:25 I'm disqualified too
01:37:27 Ana Maria will be recognized for this
01:37:29 Eat your mouth
01:37:31 I heard that too
01:37:35 Whatever you do, Tudor
01:37:37 I know I'm ugly
01:37:39 Eat your mouth and look up
01:37:41 The brain said
01:37:43 Tung, born in Baicului
01:37:45 I know in swearing
01:37:47 You're clean
01:37:49 She doesn't even say it at home
01:37:51 She just does this
01:37:53 I know what she said
01:37:55 She doesn't even say it at home
01:37:57 She says it at home a lot
01:37:59 I told you
01:38:01 It wasn't good that she was with her friend
01:38:03 She's on the vlog, kiss her
01:38:05 Ok, let's not talk about
01:38:07 Who comes from where
01:38:09 You're at a disadvantage
01:38:11 Stay there, calm down
01:38:13 Not in the time of the Dacians
01:38:15 It was called Brukla
01:38:17 What the hell were you in Bucharest in the time of the Dacians?
01:38:19 Bath and scrub
01:38:21 This challenge must be won
01:38:23 But it must not be lost
01:38:25 Because
01:38:27 No matter how much money you have in your pocket
01:38:29 The lost challenge automatically means
01:38:31 The challenge to eliminate tomorrow
01:38:33 Last place, but not many seconds
01:38:37 From Tudor and Ana
01:38:39 Natantici
01:38:41 5 minutes
01:38:43 55
01:38:45 Why don't you applaud?
01:38:51 Yes
01:38:53 Well done
01:38:55 I was afraid
01:38:57 I thought I lost time
01:38:59 I didn't even learn
01:39:01 That was us
01:39:03 We were looking at the ingredients
01:39:05 And I was like
01:39:07 400 grams of flour
01:39:09 Yes
01:39:11 And now give yourself
01:39:13 The virtual scopelaria
01:39:15 Because you didn't hesitate
01:39:17 Not like the others
01:39:19 When I asked who would like
01:39:21 To start this challenge
01:39:23 And from my point of view
01:39:25 You really deserve the cake
01:39:29 We will cook together
01:39:31 And more than that
01:39:33 You can thank me now
01:39:35 Because because of me we are not in this elimination
01:39:37 I'm serious
01:39:41 I'm serious
01:39:43 I tell you honestly
01:39:45 We would have been proposed to elimination
01:39:47 If we didn't expect
01:39:49 To see at least
01:39:51 That someone will try before us
01:39:53 I'm telling you honestly
01:39:55 The scopelaria for Cristi and Gabriela
01:39:57 Who managed to win today
01:39:59 With a lot of pressure
01:40:01 But I will take out the scopelaria for you
01:40:03 Because you spent the most money
01:40:05 This week
01:40:07 And this brought you to this point
01:40:09 I didn't think it through
01:40:11 I was completely stupid
01:40:13 Completely stupid
01:40:15 But
01:40:17 This is how I am
01:40:19 I can't overdo it
01:40:21 I put a lot of money in it
01:40:23 I don't know why
01:40:25 Yesterday means that you are also
01:40:27 Eliminated
01:40:29 Let's share the money
01:40:31 And see how each of us is doing
01:40:33 I guess each of you knows how much money
01:40:35 You have after these days
01:40:37 But maybe you don't know where you are
01:40:39 Facing competition
01:40:41 Rivalry
01:40:43 Well
01:40:45 We will have to
01:40:47 Pull the trigger again
01:40:49 And focus for tomorrow
01:40:51 Because
01:40:53 The two teams
01:40:55 That will face me here
01:40:57 Are proposed to elimination
01:40:59 Now God wants it
01:41:01 But
01:41:03 If we are lucky
01:41:05 To stay and go further
01:41:07 I'm happy
01:41:09 If not
01:41:11 We will be friends
01:41:13 In this beautiful light
01:41:15 Where you shine
01:41:17 I will tell you
01:41:19 That tomorrow is a delicate day
01:41:21 God, I'm laughing
01:41:35 You recognized
01:41:37 The dear viewers
01:41:39 The death march of Chopin
01:41:41 Respect the viewers
01:41:43 I respect you, because you respect me
01:41:45 But maybe you are wrong
01:41:47 Thank you very much, my dears
01:41:49 It's very clear, the work for tomorrow
01:41:51 I kiss you, have a quiet night
01:41:53 I will have it
01:41:55 Because tomorrow no one gets dirty
01:41:57 No one gets hurt
01:41:59 Nothing hurts anyone
01:42:01 Except the most soulful
01:42:03 Have a quiet night
01:42:05 Bravo
01:42:07 Bravo
01:42:09 Oh my God
01:42:21 You have to pack your bags
01:42:23 I have never been in this situation
01:42:25 I have never been in all the situations
01:42:27 I have been in
01:42:29 Yes, exactly
01:42:31 I have fallen in a very dubious situation
01:42:33 I have fallen with our friends
01:42:35 We are sorry
01:42:37 It's a very sad situation
01:42:39 So, the strategy is
01:42:41 We try to imitate everyone
01:42:43 Kiss me, kiss me
01:42:47 Yes
01:42:51 We will not change anything
01:42:53 Because until the end
01:42:55 We are the same
01:42:57 I think the world is already positioned
01:42:59 Somehow
01:43:01 And we believe in it
01:43:03 I think you will like someone
01:43:05 You like someone, but you don't have to make an effort
01:43:07 I don't think you have to change anything
01:43:09 But I ran up
01:43:11 I don't know how much, I don't know what I did
01:43:13 It was a long day
01:43:15 Long, long
01:43:17 We are in this position
01:43:19 We are friends and we will remain friends
01:43:21 We can't
01:43:23 This is a game
01:43:25 It's a game and we take it hard
01:43:27 We make illusions so we don't have to be
01:43:29 Exactly, and I don't want to be the kind of person
01:43:31 I don't want to be like me
01:43:33 I don't want to attract anyone
01:43:35 I don't want to convince anyone
01:43:37 It's not my style
01:43:39 We are not the kind of people
01:43:41 Who say
01:43:43 Come on
01:43:45 We are Gabriela and Cristi
01:43:47 We kiss you, we love you
01:43:49 And you decide
01:43:51 But we are finished
01:43:53 I can't believe it
01:43:55 I don't know if everyone is like that
01:43:57 Everyone is like that
01:43:59 I was very bad today
01:44:01 And I just came back
01:44:03 And I don't want to think about other things
01:44:05 It's hard for me after today
01:44:07 Because I have to talk to you tomorrow
01:44:09 Guys
01:44:11 This vote will be interesting
01:44:13 Again, a place at the end
01:44:15 I don't care
01:44:17 I think the competition was the hardest
01:44:19 Yes, it is
01:44:21 What are you talking about? We choose between you and Natantici
01:44:23 Who sacrificed
01:44:25 Who were right on the sacrifice
01:44:27 And again
01:44:29 Cristi and Gabriela
01:44:31 Who are so cool
01:44:33 Why? Why are you sorry?
01:44:35 I'm sorry because I wasn't the one
01:44:37 With the thousand euro
01:44:39 But the chicks were great
01:44:41 They were not normal
01:44:43 Yes, yes
01:44:45 Come on, Mica, let it go
01:44:47 Come on, my luggage
01:44:49 To be honest, Cristi and Gabriela
01:44:51 I think they are a very well-managed couple
01:44:53 And I think I'm an example
01:44:55 And they are very cool
01:44:57 I mean, it's really a pure love
01:44:59 And they are very brave
01:45:01 Yes, they are very cool
01:45:03 But it's hard
01:45:05 Very hard
01:45:07 They are a little more expressive
01:45:09 They show more than us
01:45:11 The others
01:45:13 Yes
01:45:15 They are like this
01:45:17 In the evening, with the chick
01:45:19 Yes, super
01:45:21 Cristi is very happy when she sees her happy
01:45:23 And Gabriela
01:45:25 Is very happy
01:45:27 But it's very cool that after so long
01:45:29 They have the same feelings
01:45:31 Or maybe more intense
01:45:33 And they show
01:45:35 It seems to me that it's soul versus mind
01:45:37 At these eliminations
01:45:39 It's soul versus mind
01:45:41 And I finish
01:45:43 And this time
01:45:45 It's bad
01:45:47 I talked to him about family
01:45:49 About father, about father-in-law
01:45:51 And with Nat Anticu, who understood me
01:45:53 It was a bomb
01:45:55 We were very attached
01:45:57 To Cristi and Gabriela
01:45:59 And Nat Anticu and Lizi
01:46:01 Who are a ball of fun
01:46:03 And that's how they are
01:46:05 They seemed upset
01:46:07 That I'm going to the next round
01:46:09 I think it's a very good decision
01:46:11 It's hard to be happy
01:46:13 About what you did today
01:46:15 You know, you get to this point
01:46:17 Ok, we made it
01:46:19 And you manage to be happy in front of people
01:46:21 Who are watching
01:46:23 Because I remember how it was
01:46:25 When others were happy and I wasn't
01:46:27 The last one
01:46:29 It's the biggest rollercoaster
01:46:31 Emotional that I've been through
01:46:33 Yes, exactly
01:46:35 Do you want to go to bed?
01:46:37 I'm still up
01:46:39 That's it, I'm going to sleep
01:46:43 Good night
01:46:45 The next day
01:46:47 Today is a day of my soul
01:47:05 The only day
01:47:07 Of the 4 days
01:47:09 When you don't practice
01:47:11 You don't practice, you don't work
01:47:13 You don't have
01:47:15 The emotions
01:47:17 Of a day
01:47:19 But it kills you
01:47:21 But today is not
01:47:23 An extreme day, it's a bad day
01:47:25 Because
01:47:27 If a week ago
01:47:29 We had for the first time
01:47:31 To choose between
01:47:33 Two couples
01:47:35 Who we didn't know very well
01:47:37 And to decide
01:47:39 Was extremely hard
01:47:41 And this is even harder
01:47:43 Because you've spent more time with those people
01:47:45 It's the day I don't have my stomach
01:47:47 I'm not made for this
01:47:49 I really don't feel like it
01:47:51 I don't know how much I want to leave
01:47:53 So I don't have to go through this day
01:47:55 I know
01:47:57 Because it's something bad
01:47:59 Especially for us
01:48:01 Who have to choose between two teams
01:48:03 Who have supported us a lot
01:48:05 Yes
01:48:07 And I feel like a Judas
01:48:09 I feel like a Judas
01:48:11 I feel extremely good
01:48:13 With both couples
01:48:15 We are on the same page
01:48:17 We are on the same page
01:48:19 And it's very hard
01:48:21 They are people
01:48:23 Who we love very much
01:48:25 Because we didn't know
01:48:27 Mada very well
01:48:29 We have a connection
01:48:31 And a fantastic relationship
01:48:33 Even though we are cousins
01:48:35 This doesn't mean that I will vote for her
01:48:37 Because we are cousins
01:48:39 Emi doesn't have the right to vote
01:48:41 Because in this situation
01:48:43 It's very dangerous
01:48:45 And of course
01:48:47 It's hard
01:48:49 We are all here
01:48:51 I don't want to leave Sorin
01:48:53 Because we voted for him
01:48:55 But this is a gift
01:48:57 A gift from me to you
01:48:59 It's with Masha
01:49:01 I don't want to vote for him
01:49:03 And Radu, because he is single
01:49:05 But there are some parameters
01:49:07 That I don't like
01:49:09 You know what?
01:49:11 I don't want to think about it anymore
01:49:13 Because it's the best
01:49:15 I want to go to the ball
01:49:17 Effort
01:49:27 Spam
01:49:29 Things that I never experienced
01:49:31 Do you think you deserve to stay?
01:49:33 Do I deserve to stay?
01:49:37 Yes, I think so
01:49:39 Really?
01:49:41 Do you think that this is the last time you will be here?
01:49:43 Yes
01:49:45 I'm starting to feel a bit nostalgic
01:49:47 If I think about it
01:49:49 But no
01:49:51 I wouldn't want to be here
01:49:53 But on the other hand
01:49:55 I'm sure that Cristi and Gabriel would like to stay
01:49:57 At least
01:49:59 You know, you don't have this stress anymore
01:50:01 About who we vote for, who we propose to
01:50:03 And at least
01:50:05 We are chill about it
01:50:07 Yes
01:50:09 Don't you want to
01:50:11 Go eat and then go to sleep?
01:50:13 No, I don't want to
01:50:15 I want to go eat and then go to sleep
01:50:17 Sleep?
01:50:19 I woke up very tired
01:50:21 And I said that I want to enjoy
01:50:23 Today
01:50:25 Today
01:50:27 Let's cut some tomatoes
01:50:43 So this morning I woke up singing opera
01:50:49 What are you doing?
01:50:51 What did you do?
01:50:53 I'm waiting for the tea
01:50:55 I'm waiting for the tea
01:50:57 I want a tea
01:50:59 With this sweet thing
01:51:01 I want a tea with this sweet thing
01:51:03 I want to eat
01:51:05 Like a pig
01:51:07 Like a pig
01:51:09 I don't care anymore
01:51:11 I'm afraid that she will go home
01:51:13 And she won't catch it anymore
01:51:15 I don't expect anything
01:51:17 For what is going to happen
01:51:19 And as a preparation for the evening
01:51:21 I don't want to impress
01:51:23 And to
01:51:25 I'm just telling you that it's very hard for me
01:51:27 Because I'm with Cristi
01:51:29 And with Gabi
01:51:31 Who are very dear to us
01:51:33 And this thing will break me
01:51:35 If, I don't know
01:51:37 I don't play it wrong
01:51:39 When someone is very dear to me
01:51:41 You can really feel it
01:51:43 I think these problems are not for me
01:51:45 Yesterday, how I was
01:51:47 When I felt bad
01:51:49 I went home
01:51:51 Now, if you ask me, I don't want to
01:51:53 The idea is that the fact that you offered yourself first
01:51:55 Gave you a big disadvantage
01:51:57 And you reached
01:51:59 Practically
01:52:01 The approval
01:52:03 The vote
01:52:05 Yes, I'm convinced that
01:52:07 If I didn't offer myself
01:52:09 And I was probably selling to the others
01:52:11 I had a much better time
01:52:13 If I could go back in time
01:52:15 I'm convinced that I wouldn't raise my hand to offer myself first
01:52:17 No, they wouldn't raise their hand
01:52:19 They raised their hand and you too, but no one else
01:52:21 We threw ourselves to the test
01:52:23 Without knowing what to expect
01:52:25 And here we are in this situation
01:52:27 At yesterday's test
01:52:29 Cristi and Gabi were very close
01:52:31 When I saw Cristi trembling there
01:52:33 I was only thinking about my dad
01:52:35 If he was there, I would go and stop him
01:52:37 I don't know
01:52:43 Yes, it's
01:52:45 Good
01:52:47 I think that
01:52:49 None of them
01:52:51 Was bothering with anything
01:52:53 Or doing anything wrong
01:52:55 We give them the better ones
01:52:57 And we keep the weaker ones
01:52:59 So that they don't get us in trouble
01:53:01 In the future
01:53:03 We want to say it on the spot
01:53:05 We don't want to say it in advance
01:53:07 Come on, I think some longos will come out
01:53:11 Those longos, boom, boom, everything
01:53:13 If you can't, tell me
01:53:15 I'm playing here
01:53:17 Tell me if you can't
01:53:19 Do you want me to help you?
01:53:21 What do you think I do every night?
01:53:23 Do you want me to help you?
01:53:25 What do you do every night?
01:53:27 Massage
01:53:29 I do the massage
01:53:31 How do you do it?
01:53:33 I also give you some oil
01:53:35 There's no oil here, nothing
01:53:37 We'll put it between
01:53:39 Antic and Liza
01:53:41 And
01:53:43 Cristi and Gabriela
01:53:45 Nata and Antici, because they were the first ones
01:53:47 They were a disadvantage
01:53:49 A big disadvantage
01:53:51 Yes, think about
01:53:53 How brave Cristi was to bet on Gabriela
01:53:55 Rationing
01:53:57 We should have based it
01:54:01 When
01:54:03 Here
01:54:05 We were voting
01:54:07 Listen, guys
01:54:09 How much did you get upset
01:54:11 If you didn't vote to stay?
01:54:13 I never got upset with you
01:54:15 But Liza?
01:54:17 Liza wouldn't get upset
01:54:19 But how could I get upset with you?
01:54:21 You know what's stupid?
01:54:23 I said I'd do it for you
01:54:25 Fuck you
01:54:27 Volcanoes
01:54:29 Hamsters
01:54:31 I'd do it in the church
01:54:33 I think they'll also want to show
01:54:37 That it's not a criteria
01:54:39 That they're our cousins
01:54:41 And I understand
01:54:43 And I know how close I am to Cristi
01:54:45 And Gabriela
01:54:47 And how well I understand
01:54:49 And
01:54:51 I can't make this criteria
01:54:53 That they're our cousins
01:54:55 And I don't care
01:54:57 And when it's worse, that's how it'll be
01:54:59 I keep thinking
01:55:01 And I keep thinking
01:55:03 And I keep thinking
01:55:05 And I don't decide anything
01:55:07 And
01:55:09 What do you mean?
01:55:11 Do you have someone in mind?
01:55:13 Clearly?
01:55:15 Natantic and Lizi
01:55:17 I think
01:55:19 They're a bigger threat
01:55:21 Than
01:55:23 Cristi and Gabriela
01:55:25 Ok
01:55:27 I'd vote with Cristi to stay
01:55:29 Because he's very close to my heart
01:55:31 And he's very dear to me
01:55:33 And Gabriela
01:55:35 I don't see Cristi out
01:55:37 That's the thing
01:55:39 It's so hard
01:55:41 For me, tonight
01:55:43 It'll be
01:55:45 A battle between
01:55:47 My heart and my brain
01:55:49 You shouldn't have bet so much
01:55:51 I shouldn't have
01:55:53 Leave me alone
01:55:55 And now what?
01:55:57 Nothing
01:55:59 I can't be
01:56:01 I don't understand
01:56:03 250, if you do the same
01:56:05 And I'm with 300
01:56:07 Don't think about what others do
01:56:09 For you, it's like
01:56:11 Why did you bet 1400?
01:56:13 Because you're always with 400
01:56:15 You're always with 0
01:56:17 I don't know why
01:56:19 I trust Olin
01:56:21 1000
01:56:23 Wow
01:56:25 400 times 0
01:56:29 You're wrong
01:56:31 You should have bet all
01:56:33 And we promised before
01:56:35 We're not mathematicians
01:56:37 And calculators
01:56:39 We don't think about sums, that's why we invest
01:56:41 Because we're the most stupid
01:56:43 At this point
01:56:45 Let's talk about the right one
01:56:47 So, you invested
01:56:49 550
01:56:51 550
01:56:53 Oh, good
01:56:55 When you have the courage
01:56:57 To throw yourself
01:56:59 This courage has two sides
01:57:01 It can lead you to success
01:57:03 Or it can take you out
01:57:05 This happened to Cristi and Gabriela
01:57:07 And also in our case
01:57:25 Good evening, my dears
01:57:27 Good evening
01:57:29 We didn't say good evening
01:57:31 That's what I wanted to say
01:57:35 It's the most bitter night of the week
01:57:37 Especially for me as a presenter
01:57:39 I don't know how it is for you
01:57:41 We're having fun, we have the girls' test
01:57:45 The boys' test, we laugh more
01:57:47 We don't get mad, we don't fight
01:57:49 Then comes the couple's test
01:57:51 We're nervous, then we're happy
01:57:53 We break records, and then comes this night
01:57:55 That I honestly hate
01:57:57 How did you spend this week?
01:57:59 Did you learn things?
01:58:01 Did you get angry?
01:58:03 It was a very cool week
01:58:05 Some interesting games
01:58:07 That I would never have thought about
01:58:09 And I discovered that we can coordinate
01:58:11 Very well, regardless of whether I see it or not
01:58:13 Or regardless of what the weather is
01:58:15 What did you learn?
01:58:17 That if you listen to women
01:58:19 You get far
01:58:21 If you listen to women, you get to the final
01:58:23 Do you know how much we have left?
01:58:25 But you listen
01:58:27 I got you out of these days
01:58:29 I got you out
01:58:31 But Tantici
01:58:33 We didn't learn anything
01:58:35 No, he didn't ask you anything
01:58:37 He was at school
01:58:39 He was just present, you were just saying yes
01:58:41 We're sorry, we could have done more
01:58:43 We are, at least once
01:58:45 I wanted to say that we don't have a clue about time
01:58:47 We learned that time counts
01:58:49 And time counts
01:58:51 Yes
01:58:53 I don't have much to say
01:58:55 Because in two stages of power couple
01:58:57 I didn't do anything
01:58:59 In what concerns me
01:59:01 Or the part of
01:59:03 The boys' game
01:59:05 And then you're the strongest
01:59:07 I love you to death
01:59:09 You're the strongest of love
01:59:11 It would be better to stay with Petrosian
01:59:13 But the dream of the others
01:59:15 The woman raises you
01:59:17 The woman raises you
01:59:19 The woman raises you
01:59:21 What I want to say is that
01:59:25 What I want to say is that
01:59:27 You can keep him
01:59:29 I thought he was going to cry
01:59:31 I think he's going to cry
01:59:33 Yes, yes, I'm trying to
01:59:35 I can already see myself on the plane ladder
01:59:37 But
01:59:39 Flying to Romania
01:59:41 That's all from us
01:59:43 If you have anything else to say
01:59:45 And Liza had a cool speech
01:59:47 No, no, no, she has
01:59:49 I saw Liza in the promo from Antena 1
01:59:51 A few cool words about men
01:59:53 The woman raises you, but the woman raises you
01:59:55 And life is like a ladder
01:59:57 Of course it was
02:00:01 An uninspired joke
02:00:03 What I said
02:00:05 But I really believe that
02:00:07 Regardless of the couple that will win
02:00:09 The power couple
02:00:11 I don't think a man will come
02:00:13 And say "Yes, thanks to me"
02:00:15 No, because it's also that saying
02:00:17 Behind every strong man
02:00:19 There's a stronger woman
02:00:21 One thing is for sure
02:00:23 Two of you, four
02:00:25 Will stay with us for another week
02:00:27 Let's see which one
02:00:29 Let's start with the vote
02:00:31 This is the worst
02:00:33 Situation
02:00:35 You like each other
02:00:41 I'm a man, she's a doll
02:00:43 I can put my feelings on the wall
02:00:45 And be cold
02:00:47 So this is the title of the show
02:01:01 It will be on the screen all the time
02:01:03 I'm going to raise a finger
02:01:05 Like this
02:01:07 What's up?
02:01:09 What's up?
02:01:11 Lino and Delia
02:01:13 Let her vote, you've talked enough
02:01:15 Yes, indeed
02:01:17 How was this week?
02:01:19 Did you hear?
02:01:21 The man asked you something
02:01:23 The man?
02:01:25 For me, the couple challenge
02:01:27 Was a highlight
02:01:29 Because we worked as a team
02:01:31 Every second
02:01:33 He's with me at every challenge
02:01:35 And he shows me
02:01:37 That we're a beautiful couple
02:01:39 No
02:01:41 Seriously
02:01:43 This show proved to me
02:01:45 That we're a united couple
02:01:47 We worked as a team
02:01:49 What are you trying to say?
02:01:51 Where's your woman?
02:01:53 She's with you
02:01:55 I don't want to judge anyone
02:01:57 But there were moments
02:01:59 At other couples
02:02:01 Where the woman was more attractive
02:02:03 Or the man was more attractive
02:02:05 I was always talking about this
02:02:07 This is what a couple is about
02:02:09 We thank you, the ones who have been together for 10 years
02:02:11 And we're happy
02:02:13 We're happy
02:02:15 I just wanted to say
02:02:17 That it's good to let Delia talk
02:02:19 Because she left Lino
02:02:21 And she made you the shovel
02:02:23 So let's stay
02:02:25 More together
02:02:27 You lead
02:02:29 Because it's good
02:02:31 Good
02:02:33 I was always talking about Delia
02:02:35 I didn't make this joke
02:02:39 And I...
02:02:41 Do you know how many sarmales your sister ate?
02:02:43 Do you know how many things are connected?
02:02:45 It's good that you don't eat
02:02:47 Because I dream at night
02:02:49 Without sarmales
02:02:51 Ok, coming back
02:02:53 The week, if you don't want to say anything
02:02:57 Let's go
02:02:59 My highlight
02:03:01 The kitchen with the background up
02:03:03 We entered with a good vibe
02:03:05 At the rehearsal
02:03:07 And we had...
02:03:09 We were very confident
02:03:11 And we moved very fast
02:03:13 You really had fun
02:03:15 Yes, we really had fun
02:03:17 And this cycle was cool
02:03:19 Because we went through a rollercoaster
02:03:21 Emotionally
02:03:23 We argued a lot
02:03:25 After the truck rehearsal
02:03:27 Because we didn't understand
02:03:29 Why we argued
02:03:31 We were like two kids
02:03:33 And I don't know
02:03:35 It was cool to see
02:03:37 That we don't have much time together
02:03:39 That even if there are bigger problems
02:03:41 We can collaborate
02:03:43 And we can understand each other
02:03:45 And we can come from one end to another
02:03:47 And we can break through
02:03:49 And even if I don't lead
02:03:51 We can do other things together
02:03:53 Yes, that's it
02:03:55 I'm very proud of her
02:03:57 I'm very proud of me
02:03:59 And I'm very proud of us as a couple
02:04:01 And now for a more experienced couple
02:04:03 Does anything hurt after yesterday's rehearsal?
02:04:05 I realized that
02:04:09 It could mean some muscles
02:04:11 And he realized that
02:04:13 Seriously
02:04:15 Now you see
02:04:17 After 43 years what abdominal pain means
02:04:19 And it's not from the balls
02:04:21 It's not from anything else
02:04:23 It's good
02:04:25 I took some aspirin
02:04:27 And he didn't feel any pain
02:04:29 Good job
02:04:33 Good job
02:04:35 It's better if I say
02:04:37 I don't talk like this anymore
02:04:39 I know, I know, I'm also a bit shy
02:04:41 And you've been together for a long time
02:04:43 Let's go
02:04:45 Cristi, Gabriela, you took things in your chest
02:04:49 I didn't think I could hate a fruit
02:04:51 A citrus
02:04:53 That's the only thing I remember
02:04:55 Cristi, let's go
02:04:57 Slowly
02:04:59 I can't turn
02:05:01 Slowly
02:05:03 Good job
02:05:05 You spent a lot of time there
02:05:07 Gabriela did not get very well
02:05:09 But you also had a problem with the lemon
02:05:11 I didn't have a lemon, I turned like in the swans
02:05:13 God forgive me
02:05:15 But I don't know anymore
02:05:17 I didn't expect to not get to
02:05:19 I don't know
02:05:21 Some of them
02:05:23 I was nervous
02:05:25 Of course
02:05:27 I had to conclude
02:05:29 I had to be a little more conscious
02:05:31 I had to do some calculations
02:05:33 It's not usual to do calculations in advance
02:05:35 I mean
02:05:37 If it's "yes, yes"
02:05:39 That's it
02:05:41 I had a... I don't know what was in my head
02:05:43 I didn't know
02:05:45 But I said "if it's a bulb, it's a bulb"
02:05:47 Actors don't have a lot of conservation instincts
02:05:49 And they don't have this instinct
02:05:51 To be very calculated
02:05:53 That's why we are not very calculated
02:05:55 And we are not very energetic
02:05:57 We are not healthy
02:05:59 We throw ourselves without a place
02:06:01 Let's see how we are with the money
02:06:03 My dears
02:06:05 Of course
02:06:07 Some of you are more relaxed
02:06:09 Others are more troubled in this phase
02:06:11 Obviously the least money
02:06:13 That's why we're here on the couch
02:06:15 Gabriela and Cristi
02:06:17 They have 250 euros
02:06:19 After which
02:06:21 They have a distance of 1 euro
02:06:23 Delia, Lino, Deana and Sorin
02:06:25 Eliza and Cosmin are embarrassed
02:06:27 By my colleagues
02:06:29 Because they are losers
02:06:31 From the couple's test
02:06:33 And they are eliminated
02:06:35 But they had something put aside
02:06:37 They were not bad
02:06:39 Madalina, Emi, Roxana, Cătălin, Ana Maria and Tudor
02:06:41 Oana Radu
02:06:43 The richest people of this week
02:06:45 The winner of the competition
02:06:47 So I'm receptive to everything you do
02:06:49 The money really matters to you
02:06:51 Because they will move
02:06:53 To your personal safe
02:06:55 Give me the money
02:06:57 Well, to everyone the money moves
02:06:59 To the personal safe
02:07:01 Which is mine
02:07:03 This bank, Malteza
02:07:05 And they will be used
02:07:07 In favor, not against you
02:07:09 At the end of the competition
02:07:11 If you get to take the big pot
02:07:13 I thought I would come here
02:07:15 And I wouldn't be able to do it
02:07:17 And that we would stay in the cycle
02:07:19 For a maximum of 2 years
02:07:21 And guess what, we are in the third round
02:07:23 We are in the third round
02:07:25 And I'm like
02:07:27 What?
02:07:29 What do I do with my life?
02:07:31 Before we vote
02:07:33 I offer you a few seconds
02:07:35 If you want them, of course
02:07:37 For a kind of
02:07:39 Stay good, if you want
02:07:41 If you want
02:07:43 Cristi Gabriela
02:07:45 You can start
02:07:47 No matter what happens
02:07:49 Their and my eyes
02:07:51 Are the same
02:07:53 Nothing changes
02:07:55 I love you all
02:07:57 It's very beautiful
02:07:59 That you can meet
02:08:01 Some people and discover them
02:08:03 It's very
02:08:05 Beautiful and spectacular
02:08:07 The different way you perceive them
02:08:09 The first time you see them
02:08:11 And the way things evolve
02:08:13 And change
02:08:15 And you feel more and more attached
02:08:17 And you see them in sadness
02:08:19 And you see them in
02:08:21 In impatience
02:08:23 In many ways
02:08:25 That are not comfortable
02:08:27 And then they are as they are
02:08:29 And without
02:08:31 Wanting to discover you
02:08:33 And even for this joy
02:08:35 That you meet some people
02:08:37 It's possible to make a flower out of a cactus
02:08:39 It's possible to do it once a year
02:08:41 But you have the possibility to see it now
02:08:43 We thank you for this
02:08:45 They have some souls
02:08:51 How to say
02:08:53 All the people here, well, they are all soulful
02:08:55 But they have some huge souls
02:08:57 For me Cristi is a figure
02:08:59 Very paternal
02:09:01 To put it this way
02:09:03 I felt her as a part of the family
02:09:05 We had a lot of things in common
02:09:07 I don't know, I talked to him
02:09:09 It seems to me that I am the future
02:09:11 That's how I feel
02:09:13 And I feel that he sees in me
02:09:15 A younger me
02:09:17 Cosmin, Lizzy
02:09:19 I enjoy people
02:09:21 I am dependent on people
02:09:23 I don't want to become a tearful person
02:09:25 I am a guy that people know
02:09:27 "Mom, let's laugh, let's laugh"
02:09:29 You know I cry very often
02:09:31 And in movies
02:09:33 I put music and I cry
02:09:35 I take my wife in my arms and I cry
02:09:37 But most of the time
02:09:39 I cry of joy
02:09:41 And it's a joy to meet you
02:09:43 And if I cry now, it's a joy
02:09:45 And I thank you
02:09:47 And my wife
02:09:49 That made a better version of me
02:09:51 I will let her close her eyes now
02:09:53 Don't say "Pull up your man"
02:09:55 Because he will come down
02:09:57 I had the pleasure to see
02:09:59 In each beautiful part
02:10:01 Of each of you
02:10:03 But I was attached to each of you
02:10:05 But what hurts me the most
02:10:07 At the moment
02:10:09 Is that the people I came with
02:10:11 And I was attached to
02:10:13 Are with us at the moment
02:10:15 And whatever it is
02:10:17 I don't want to pity
02:10:19 Such talented people
02:10:21 Such hard workers
02:10:23 Who did some extraordinary things
02:10:25 I don't want to pity for us
02:10:27 Because even though I want to stay in the game
02:10:29 I love you and I thank you
02:10:31 Because we were together
02:10:33 And we lived these beautiful moments
02:10:35 And there will be no anger
02:10:37 Regardless of the vote you give us
02:10:39 These are the worst situations
02:10:41 To like each other
02:10:43 This is something
02:10:45 It's hard to understand
02:10:47 From home, from the couch
02:10:49 One thing is for sure
02:10:51 Two of you, four
02:10:53 Will stay
02:10:55 In the game
02:10:57 And you four
02:10:59 Will stay with us for a week
02:11:01 Let's see which one
02:11:03 And we will start with the vote
02:11:05 With Diana and Sorin
02:11:07 You were here
02:11:09 Yes, I was here
02:11:11 I can't wait
02:11:13 I can't wait
02:11:15 I was waiting for your vote
02:11:17 I was packing my bag
02:11:19 Both couples saved you
02:11:21 Or they helped you
02:11:23 To save you
02:11:25 That's why I tried
02:11:27 Not to think about this
02:11:29 And to do it
02:11:31 To think about it sportively
02:11:33 To be an impartial referee
02:11:35 The biggest disadvantage
02:11:37 Was yesterday's test
02:11:39 Where I was in a hurry
02:11:41 I was small
02:11:43 We had to choose who to vote for
02:11:45 They were in the sheep's pasture
02:11:47 And that's why
02:11:49 Our vote goes to them
02:11:51 Good
02:11:53 We saved you
02:11:55 I would never have
02:11:57 Put myself in the position of being the first
02:11:59 Based only on the rules
02:12:01 That was the first test
02:12:03 Where I had to
02:12:05 See what the test
02:12:07 Supposed to be
02:12:09 You deserve it
02:12:11 For the first time someone said
02:12:13 It's time to start
02:12:15 A test at sight
02:12:17 Because a secret test
02:12:19 Wouldn't matter much
02:12:21 Good, sportive vote
02:12:23 Sorin and Diana for the old date
02:12:25 Oana and Radu
02:12:27 Oana is the ace in the hole
02:12:33 In the elimination
02:12:35 I can put my feelings on mute
02:12:37 And be cold
02:12:39 We will choose to stay in the contest
02:12:41 The old date and Eliza
02:12:43 I think
02:12:45 It's bad
02:12:47 You know that you are more than dear to us
02:12:49 It's ok
02:12:51 I try to get rid of my emotions
02:12:53 It was unfair
02:12:55 That yesterday
02:12:57 They chose to be the first
02:12:59 And that didn't help them much
02:13:01 Instead, we
02:13:03 Looking at them
02:13:05 We got caught by some
02:13:07 Joke and that made them
02:13:09 Waste their time
02:13:11 I'm very attached to you
02:13:13 If you allow me
02:13:15 When we get home
02:13:17 We will kiss you
02:13:19 G?
02:13:23 Shut up
02:13:25 He said Radu is proud
02:13:33 He cries a lot
02:13:35 I saw Cristian
02:13:37 Like a friend
02:13:39 I've never had
02:13:41 And
02:13:43 I've never had a young girl like Oana
02:13:45 We found each other
02:13:47 In some things
02:13:49 And I can say that
02:13:51 With some people you get to
02:13:53 Connect a little more
02:13:55 Than you expect
02:13:57 And I associate with
02:13:59 Old people or whatever
02:14:01 And it's hard
02:14:03 Two votes for the old date
02:14:05 I remind you that we vote for the rescue
02:14:07 Not the elimination
02:14:09 Obviously
02:14:11 You, Oana Maria
02:14:13 It's hard
02:14:15 Very hard
02:14:17 But
02:14:19 Very hard
02:14:21 But because it has to be done
02:14:23 We have to do it
02:14:25 Four very cool people
02:14:27 And we all know that
02:14:29 We got caught
02:14:31 On the old date
02:14:33 We've known for a long time
02:14:35 Uliza
02:14:37 We met now
02:14:39 Who looks like
02:14:41 Oana
02:14:43 We like her as much
02:14:45 We met two people
02:14:47 Who look like
02:14:49 Oana
02:14:51 These 10 days
02:14:53 We saw
02:14:55 A thing
02:14:57 We've seen very rarely
02:14:59 In the last years
02:15:01 In someone's eyes
02:15:03 A love of people
02:15:05 Rarely met
02:15:07 Rarely met
02:15:09 Rarely met
02:15:11 You've lost your mind
02:15:13 With all this
02:15:17 The only criterion
02:15:19 That I would use
02:15:23 Tonight
02:15:25 Would be strictly
02:15:27 The sportive one
02:15:29 And then
02:15:31 Our vote
02:15:33 Goes to the old date
02:15:35 But with all
02:15:37 The love for you
02:15:39 Can I say something?
02:15:41 Please?
02:15:43 Very briefly
02:15:45 You're an example for us
02:15:49 You're an example
02:15:51 And I'm sure you'll be for everyone at home
02:15:53 I've never seen
02:15:55 In my life
02:15:57 So much love
02:15:59 For a couple
02:16:01 Congratulations
02:16:03 Calm down, ok?
02:16:05 I don't cry easily
02:16:07 But if I see other people crying
02:16:09 I get emotional
02:16:11 You're empathetic
02:16:13 But it's nice to discover that
02:16:15 You're not alone on this planet
02:16:17 There are still people
02:16:19 And people still use their souls
02:16:21 It's nice to discover that
02:16:23 You're not alone on this planet
02:16:25 There are still people
02:16:27 And people still use their souls
02:16:29 The fact that
02:16:31 Some people
02:16:33 Have such a strong feeling for us
02:16:35 That matters more than anything
02:16:37 Linodelia
02:16:51 Our vote will go
02:16:53 To Renata Antici
02:16:55 Because we're sorry too
02:16:57 You're wonderful people
02:16:59 But
02:17:01 Based on the couple's vote
02:17:03 We thought
02:17:05 That they had a huge disadvantage
02:17:07 Because they were the first ones
02:17:09 Because
02:17:11 It was easy for them
02:17:13 To do the other tests
02:17:15 It was easier
02:17:17 Because we learned
02:17:19 Something from the couple
02:17:21 Before us
02:17:23 Four votes out of six
02:17:25 It's not a victory
02:17:27 I didn't want it
02:17:29 To happen
02:17:31 For us
02:17:33 Because of us
02:17:35 I think
02:17:37 If it wasn't for this criteria
02:17:39 It would have been very hard
02:17:41 For the colleagues
02:17:43 To make a delimitation
02:17:45 Because
02:17:47 I don't want to
02:17:49 To be angry
02:17:51 But we liked
02:17:53 Both of them
02:17:55 If it would matter
02:17:57 You have to vote for me
02:17:59 We'll vote for Cosmic and Eliza
02:18:01 It was fair
02:18:03 They're wonderful people
02:18:05 I'm very proud of Gabriela
02:18:07 And me
02:18:09 Of Cristi
02:18:11 But the connection with them
02:18:13 Is much deeper
02:18:15 And not only because we're cousins
02:18:17 It doesn't mean that
02:18:19 If it would be always elimination
02:18:21 I would save them
02:18:23 Because it's a game and we have to be fair
02:18:25 I think that
02:18:27 The money was higher
02:18:29 And the fact that they were first
02:18:31 At the test
02:18:33 Had a disadvantage
02:18:35 And I still wanted to be there
02:18:37 I have one more vote
02:18:39 Roxana, Catalina
02:18:41 I chose Natantici
02:18:43 Because
02:18:45 From a sports point of view
02:18:47 They raised their hand with courage
02:18:49 At a cooking test
02:18:51 They're real chefs
02:18:53 We all
02:18:55 We all thought the same
02:18:57 It was unfair to Natantici
02:18:59 My dears
02:19:01 Consider yourselves not eliminated
02:19:03 Only according to the rules
02:19:05 You were not eliminated
02:19:07 And then Bamesi
02:19:11 That's it
02:19:13 That's it
02:19:15 My dears, we start
02:19:17 A new week tomorrow
02:19:19 With another 2000 euros
02:19:21 From the safe
02:19:23 From us
02:19:25 In your prisons
02:19:27 Please, make your investments
02:19:29 With your heads
02:19:31 So that
02:19:33 You're not eliminated
02:19:35 But you save enough money
02:19:37 For the final
02:19:39 There, we'll sit down
02:19:41 Like after your wedding
02:19:43 And we'll count
02:19:45 Money with money
02:19:47 Thank you for a quiet night
02:19:49 And you
02:19:51 Thank you very much
02:20:01 Bravo
02:20:03 I love you
02:20:05 You see people in a pure state
02:20:07 With their souls
02:20:11 Broken in two
02:20:13 Because they were broken in two
02:20:15 On one side, on the other
02:20:17 The vote didn't matter
02:20:19 Or the numbers
02:20:21 These are stupid things
02:20:23 But the fact that
02:20:25 Some people
02:20:27 Were so strict with us
02:20:29 This matters more than anything
02:20:31 I mean, it's not a loss
02:20:33 It's a win
02:20:35 It's a loss in appearance
02:20:37 Of a test
02:20:39 But a huge win
02:20:41 Humanly speaking
02:20:43 And I think this matters more
02:20:45 Than any award in the world
02:20:47 The greatest award I've ever received
02:20:49 As an actor
02:20:51 Was the look of people
02:20:53 I don't thank
02:20:55 The people, I thank God
02:20:57 Mothers or I don't know who
02:20:59 You're so wonderful
02:21:01 You're so bad
02:21:03 You're so bad
02:21:05 You're so bad
02:21:07 But I don't know what to do
02:21:09 That's it, that's it
02:21:11 Bravo
02:21:13 Bravo
02:21:15 Love
02:21:21 I'm so glad I'm kissing your mother
02:21:23 I mean, I'm not
02:21:25 I'm not a power couple
02:21:27 If you ask me
02:21:29 Cristi and Gabriela are examples
02:21:31 Of morality, of dignity
02:21:33 Of struggle, of power
02:21:35 And of love
02:21:37 And love, yes
02:21:39 I haven't seen people
02:21:41 More powerful, more
02:21:43 Strong, more powerful
02:21:45 So, something...
02:21:47 No, that's it, everyone is destroyed
02:21:49 Brother, take my hand
02:21:53 Brother, take my hand
02:21:57 We're going to the land
02:22:01 Of which we came
02:22:05 I would like Cristi and Gabriela to eat
02:22:15 Before he leaves
02:22:17 Because the lamb is so good
02:22:19 No, but...
02:22:21 After we talked for three days about it
02:22:23 I'm so sad
02:22:25 I tried to be a little more...
02:22:27 At the table
02:22:29 To not cry
02:22:31 But today, I can't
02:22:33 You've struggled so much
02:22:35 You can't
02:22:37 I can't leave
02:22:39 We have to drink something
02:22:41 A spritz together
02:22:43 And eat lamb
02:22:45 And eat lamb
02:22:47 I'll take you as my wife, dad
02:23:03 A little bit like this
02:23:05 Yum, yum, yum
02:23:07 You're beautiful
02:23:09 You're a mystery
02:23:11 God, I'm so sorry
02:23:13 I'll help you
02:23:15 You choose
02:23:17 I'm equilateral
02:23:19 I'll take the smaller one
02:23:21 Let's go to the lamb
02:23:23 It looks so good
02:23:25 A lot of cheese
02:23:27 From the source
02:23:29 Super cool
02:23:35 You put so much cheese
02:23:37 For a wine
02:23:39 And for real
02:23:41 Like for champions
02:23:43 When we'll be 50
02:23:45 And something like that
02:23:47 I want to be like them
02:23:49 They want to do it
02:23:51 They love it
02:23:53 I want you to sing like this
02:23:55 I was crying when I saw them
02:23:57 Before
02:23:59 I was crying when I saw them
02:24:01 Holding hands
02:24:03 I was crying when I saw them
02:24:05 Happily
02:24:07 I didn't know that
02:24:09 I was crying when I saw them
02:24:11 Happily
02:24:13 I told them
02:24:15 I have no regrets
02:24:17 The only regret is that we don't play anymore
02:24:19 That we don't
02:24:21 Yes, that's the only thing
02:24:23 It's like that egg
02:24:25 With surprises
02:24:27 We have only a quarter of an egg
02:24:29 And we don't want to see them
02:24:31 That's the only thing
02:24:33 Bye, bye
02:24:35 God help you, take care
02:24:37 Bravo
02:24:39 Jacob, team power
02:24:41 Leave me alone
02:24:43 I have a wife, I can't
02:24:45 Bravo
02:24:47 I love you 200 times more
02:24:53 Really?
02:24:57 Yes
02:24:59 I know
02:25:01 I saw you in some situations
02:25:03 And you reacted
02:25:05 I saw you in some situations
02:25:07 I saw you in... I forgot you a little
02:25:09 I forgot you a little
02:25:11 And I remembered how I love you
02:25:13 Why I love you
02:25:15 Come on, faster
02:25:29 Come on, come on
02:25:31 A new week of electricity
02:25:33 At Power Cup
02:25:35 I did a twerk
02:25:37 Tell her to explain what she's doing
02:25:39 She has two keys
02:25:41 I would like to use this
02:25:43 Does it work?
02:25:45 No
02:25:47 7 couples, another 2000 euros
02:25:49 How do you put the wheel? I think you put the wheel in reverse
02:25:51 And a new round of tests
02:25:55 What do I do all the time?
02:25:57 Between what time do I go to sleep with my kids?
02:26:01 How do you call your mom?
02:26:03 How do you call your mom?
02:26:05 Oh my God
02:26:07 I'm getting angry now
02:26:09 Funny
02:26:11 Why am I afraid of you in general?
02:26:13 Can I say I'm poor?
02:26:17 Poor, poor, poor
02:26:19 Complicated
02:26:21 I'm dying, I'm dying
02:26:23 How am I?
02:26:25 Imagine you feel the ground
02:26:29 Can fill the bag in a day
02:26:31 Can't you hear me?
02:26:33 But you can empty it as fast as you can
02:26:35 It depends only on them
02:26:37 I can't believe how stupid I am
02:26:41 Will they be able to not be discouraged?
02:26:43 Kiss me, you have to kiss me
02:26:49 Kiss me, you have to kiss me
02:26:51 Kiss me, you have to kiss me
02:26:53 No
02:26:55 Will they make a good team with the partner?
02:26:57 I'm in love
02:26:59 I am, I am
02:27:01 No, listen
02:27:03 You're a rich man, you're a rich man
02:27:05 Will they show that they are a good couple?
02:27:07 No, no
02:27:09 No matter how high they have to get to get there?
02:27:11 That was the moment when I panicked
02:27:15 Honey, honey, please
02:27:17 Honey, we're going home if she doesn't do this test
02:27:19 [MUSIC PLAYING]