Assange supporters 'not optimistic' ahead of final appeal against US extradition

  • 6 months ago
Supporters of Julian Assange, including his wife Stella and the editor in chief of Wikileaks, Kristinn Hrafnsson, hold a press conference ahead of his final appeal against extradition from the UK to the United States. The US wants to put the Australian publisher on trial for divulging American military secrets about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. A two day hearing is set to begin at the High Court in London on February 20.
00:00 In terms of optimism, I've learned not to be optimistic.
00:04 It's gone this far. The courts have turned a blind eye to each and every of the violations,
00:13 beginning with the absurdity of the case in the first place.
00:17 This bogus extradition request from the United States,
00:21 that if it had come from any other country, would never even have reached the courts.
00:25 The UK executive would have thrown it out.
00:29 This will set a precedent if Julian is extradited,
00:32 that will have a darkening serious implication for press freedom all around the world.
00:39 It cannot be underestimated the effect it will have,
00:44 that if an Australian citizen publishing in Europe can face prison time in the United States.
00:51 That means that no journalist anywhere, including you in this room today,
00:57 today are safe from...
00:59 from.
