NBA All Star Break Biggest Storyline

  • 7 months ago
00:00 The NBA All-Star break is just on the horizon. A lot of people are looking
00:04 forward to the All-Star weekend between the games, the three-point contest, dunk
00:09 contest. It's gonna be great. What is your number one storyline heading into this break?
00:14 I think officiating is at the top. Interesting. And I love instant replay. I love it.
00:21 In tennis, we have no lines, people talk on the computer, there's no
00:25 arguing. I think baseball's gotten better, NFL's gotten better. Basketball
00:30 doesn't really know what we're doing yet. I mean, you have these, you know, they
00:34 frame by frame it at the end of games, it slows it down. Even, you know, the last
00:38 two minutes NBA game take an hour, now it takes an hour and a half. And I think
00:41 they get some of them right. But the other night, Jalen Brunson and the Knicks
00:46 got absolutely hosed with instant replay being used. Yep. That was bad.
00:52 So Jalen didn't want to talk about it afterwards because he didn't want to get fined.
00:56 Great call, next question. I mean, he's smart, but you know inside he was just fuming
01:00 because he did not, I forgot who shot the ball, but it was a three-pointer at the
01:05 end of the game. They called a foul and replay showed he didn't even touch it,
01:09 literally did not touch it. After the game, the referees and the director of
01:13 referees say, "We made a mistake, our bad." Well, that always doesn't determine the
01:18 game one call, that determined the game. Without that foul call, if the guy misses a
01:21 three, the Knicks win by two. The Knicks have protested, "Should the NBA, could they
01:27 change the outcome of a game?" If it's ever gonna happen, it's this one. Because that was
01:33 literally at the buzzer, it gave, I forget who they're playing, gave them two points to go to
01:38 overtime. I mean, if there's ever a chance to go, we'll use replay for a reason.
01:45 And it's gonna affect the outcome of this game, and I'm sorry the Knicks won
01:49 that game. I mean, our heads will be blown, that's what it's there for. Let's do it.
