Anne Frank: The Girl Who Lived Forever

  • 8 months ago
Anne Frank was just 13 years old when she started writing in her diary. For the next 2 years, Anne documented everything from her first kiss to the persecution she and her family faced while in hiding. Her story is one of love, faith, and hope for a better world.


00:05 Growing up, Anne Frank excelled in school.
00:08 A gifted writer, she wrote short stories in secret.
00:12 Her teachers described her as outspoken, funny, intelligent,
00:16 and mature for her age.
00:18 May 1940, Nazis invade the Netherlands
00:21 and begin persecuting Jews.
00:24 June 1942, Anne receives a notebook for her 13th birthday.
00:29 July 1942, fearing for their lives,
00:33 the Franks abandon their home and move into a secret room.
00:36 The small secret room was behind a bookcase
00:50 in her father's factory.
00:51 Under penalty of death, friends secretly
00:54 smuggled food and supplies to help the family.
01:01 To pass the time, Anne wrote down her deepest thoughts
01:03 in her diary.
01:05 Some days, her entries reflected her deep despair and longing
01:08 for the outside world.
01:10 Other days, they detailed the suffering
01:12 Jews faced under Nazi rule.
01:15 The small act of writing helped maintain her spirits
01:18 and would one day inspire the world.
01:20 Soon, the Franks were joined by the von Pell's family
01:23 and their shy teenage son, Peter.
01:26 Anne started to fall in love with Peter,
01:28 but fearing her father's disapproval,
01:30 she could only write about her feelings in her diary.
01:33 Peter would be Anne's first and last kiss.
01:37 August 1944, a security guard investigates a burglary
01:41 at the factory and notices a strange bookcase.
01:44 Betrayed, the Franks were arrested by the secret police,
01:47 thrown onto a train, and forcibly
01:50 deported to Auschwitz, the biggest and most notorious
01:53 concentration camp.
01:55 Children younger than 15 were sent directly
01:58 to the gas chambers.
02:00 But Anne was spared, having only just turned 15.
02:03 Still, she had her head shaved and was tattooed
02:06 with an identification number.
02:08 She was forced to haul rocks and dig earth.
02:10 Anne did her best to stay strong and helpful,
02:13 caring for the weak and entertaining the sick,
02:15 but broke down crying as she watched young children being
02:18 led to the gas chambers.
02:20 Housed in overcrowded barracks with poor sanitary conditions,
02:24 disease was rampant.
02:26 Anne's sister fell from her bunk and in her weakened state,
02:29 died.
02:30 Anne died soon after.
02:32 The exact date is not known.
02:34 January 1945, Auschwitz is liberated by Soviet troops.
02:40 Anne's father Otto survived his time in the concentration
02:43 camp.
02:43 He returned home only to discover that his entire family
02:46 had perished at the camp.
02:48 Devastated, he wondered whether he had the courage
02:51 to live without them.
02:52 It was then that a friend handed him a small book.
02:55 The friend had taken care of the Franks
02:57 while they were in hiding and had saved Anne's diary.
03:00 Otto gathered all his strength before opening his daughter's
03:03 diary.
03:03 Moved by Anne's words and her hope for a better world,
03:14 Otto compiled her entries into a book.
03:16 The diary was translated into more than 65 languages
03:20 and is considered to be one of the most widely read books
03:23 in the world.
03:24 Time magazine selected Anne as one
03:26 of their 100 most important people of the century.
03:29 Anne's story is a reminder to always believe in faith, hope,
03:33 and love, even in the face of hate.
03:51 (gentle music)
