Season 2 | show | 2024| S2 | Official Trailer | dHNzX3dNRnpzLTRqRmhr
00:00 All available units reports of raccoons and bowling alley truck 12 two minutes out
00:05 Word of caution the raccoons appear to be inebriated
00:10 All these guys 21 oh
00:14 Boy psychic who can't find their own pet will alert the authorities. Sorry wait. That's actually us, but don't worry
00:21 We will find your monkey
00:23 Why are there pool noodles on the go?
00:26 What do we got order a lot of cats I'm gonna cats. I don't know man like 400
00:30 What ladies want to watch?
00:33 Who got skunked I got sprayed oh
00:37 I can't I I can't see oh
00:41 Boy, it's a furry party. Can I help you? I certainly hope not did you guys late for the mass singer Ken Jeong sucks?
00:53 This is crazy, I have goosebumps one way alley one way
00:56 You gotta be kidding me
01:00 I will get revenge for this oh
01:03 So much wider than I'm gonna be focus on the scar. It was a long winter in Seattle
01:10 Patel you should probably get a rabies shot. I'm still good for a few months. Is that how you want to play?
01:18 The return of animal control Wednesday March 6 these guys are still pretty drunk, so they're gonna probably want to stop for tacos
01:24 on Fox
01:27 You
01:29 You
01:31 (upbeat music)
01:34 you