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Thomas takes on various disguises in these fun toy train adventure stories with lots of different Thomas Trains.


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00:00 What a quiet day!
00:02 Hello!
00:03 Woah! Thomas, where did you come from?
00:06 Hello!
00:21 Wow! There's so many Thomas clones!
00:28 Ladies and gentlemen, introducing my latest invention, the train cloning machine!
00:35 Erm, why am I the only one here, Professor?
00:38 Because I need to keep it a secret, so trains like Thomas don't find it.
00:43 Ah, fair enough.
00:45 I need you to go through the machine to see if it works.
00:49 Ok, Professor, here I go!
00:52 Ow!
00:53 Ow!
00:54 You know, you could have made it wider so I didn't bump into the side of it.
01:06 Quiet, Thomas! Did it work?
01:09 It did work!
01:14 Oh wow! Are you my clone?
01:17 Yes, I am.
01:19 Yes, haha! Brilliant!
01:21 Thomas, you can use the clone to help you with your work.
01:24 Oh, but you must keep this a secret, understand?
01:28 Yes, I understand.
01:30 So the clone helped Thomas with his jobs.
01:33 The clone pulled cargo trucks for him.
01:36 And helped him pull really heavy trucks too.
01:43 Uh oh, engines are coming!
01:49 Clone, hide!
01:51 Hello, Thomas!
01:56 Wow, those are some heavy looking trucks you're pulling there!
01:59 Yeah, I'm stronger than I look.
02:02 Who's that behind you, Thomas?
02:04 Oh, that's just a cheeky monkey that's been following me around.
02:08 Right...
02:11 Well, I must be off.
02:13 Yeah, got some important jobs to do.
02:16 Phew, that was close. They didn't suspect a thing.
02:20 Come on, let's continue pulling these heavy trucks.
02:23 Wow, clone! Together, we've done so much work!
02:33 Yeah, we're a great team!
02:36 Thomas, I want a word with you.
02:39 Uh oh, Sir Topham Hatt, hide!
02:43 There you are!
02:45 Thomas, I've noticed how much work you've done recently and I'm very impressed.
02:50 As a reward, I'd like you to pull the express today.
02:55 Really, Sir? Oh, thank you!
02:58 You've earned it, Thomas.
03:00 This is great news! I can't wait to pull the express!
03:05 Actually, it'll only need one of us to pull the express, so you can have the day off. Bye!
03:12 What? But it's because of me that Sir Topham Hatt is letting him pull the express!
03:17 I know, I'll teach Thomas a lesson.
03:20 Never mess with a clone!
03:23 Alright, Thomases, let's have some fun!
03:41 There we go. Billy, be careful with this cargo, it's very fragile.
03:46 I'll be careful.
03:48 Oh, here comes Thomas.
03:53 What? Thomas, what are you doing?
03:59 Sorry, Your Majesty, but I think your cargo's broken.
04:05 Yes, and it's all Thomas's fault.
04:08 Oh, Thomas, over here!
04:11 Hi, please could you take me to the beach? Thanks!
04:15 Okay, we're here.
04:21 Oh boy! Woah!
04:24 This isn't the beach!
04:29 Well, Sir Fondling the Brave, I do like the track you added to the castle.
04:35 Means we can go right through now.
04:38 Yes, it's excellent, isn't it?
04:40 Who did that?
04:50 Thomas, but why?
04:56 Meanwhile, the real Thomas was enjoying pulling the express.
05:00 So, Thomas, how's the clone working out?
05:04 It's great, we did so much work together.
05:07 Oh, that is fantastic news.
05:10 Hello, you two.
05:13 Ah, hello, clone.
05:15 Wait, Professor, look! This clone has old wheels.
05:18 The clone I worked with had new wheels.
05:21 Uh-oh, please don't tell me they cloned themselves.
05:25 Boo!
05:33 Oh no, we need to get rid of them.
05:36 Yes, and I know how we can do it.
05:39 Yes, tell me your plan.
05:41 I'm not going to tell you, clone.
05:44 Oh, fine.
05:46 Right, all we have to do is lead them back through the cloning machine.
05:51 Okay, so we need them to follow me.
05:54 Ooh, hey clones, who wants to pull the express?
05:58 Follow me if you do.
06:01 I want to pull the express.
06:03 Me too.
06:05 Follow me.
06:07 Yay!
06:11 Express!
06:13 Yeah!
06:15 Wait for us.
06:17 And all the clones disappeared.
06:24 Yes, you did it, Thomas.
06:27 Yep, looks like everything's back to normal.
06:31 Thomas, we want a word with you.
06:34 Uh-oh, this will take some explaining.
06:38 Whee!
06:42 Woo-hoo!
06:44 That was fun, Thomas.
06:46 Did you know I could go that fast?
06:48 No, you really surprised us.
06:51 Ooh, let's ask the next train we see for a race.
06:54 Oh yeah, that's a brilliant idea.
06:57 We could, but I have an even better idea.
07:01 Oh?
07:03 Ta-da! I'll go through this clone machine.
07:07 Then you can each ride on your own, Thomas, and I'll race against myself.
07:12 Oh wow, that sounds awesome.
07:15 Let's do this, Thomas. We'll program it so it only clones you once.
07:19 There.
07:21 Here I go.
07:24 [Train sounds]
07:27 Did it work?
07:29 Let's see.
07:31 Yes, we have a Thomas clone.
07:35 Eh?
07:38 Uh-oh, they keep coming out.
07:41 It won't stop.
07:43 What do we do? I think it's broken.
07:45 Well, do something.
07:48 Hello, I'm Thomas.
07:51 I'm Thomas too.
07:53 Uh-oh. Oh, uh, hi-ya!
07:56 [Train sounds]
07:58 I think you broke it.
08:01 Yeah, but it stopped the Thomas clones, didn't it?
08:04 So how many Thomas's do we have?
08:06 Ooh, uh, quite a lot.
08:09 Really? Oh yeah.
08:12 Uh-oh, if anyone sees them, we'll be in trouble.
08:16 Let's just hope they don't go anywhere.
08:18 I want to go on an adventure.
08:21 Oh no, that Thomas has wandered off.
08:23 Uh-oh, we need to find him.
08:26 I'm back.
08:27 Oh, that was quick.
08:29 Whoa, what happened to you?
08:31 Excuse me, Thomas, what's the time?
08:34 Ah, it's Tom Moss. Run!
08:37 Eh? Explorer Funding thought that Thomas was Tom Moss.
08:42 That's it. If we dress all of the clones up in costumes,
08:46 people might not realise that they're all Thomas clones.
08:49 Ah yeah, that's a great idea.
08:52 So they dressed all of the clones in costumes.
08:56 Oh-ho, looking good.
09:00 It's definitely harder to tell that they're all Thomas clones now.
09:04 Yeah, and it would still be easier for us to do something about them
09:07 if they all stayed here though.
09:09 Okay, I'll pull Annie and Clarabel.
09:12 Uh-oh, another Thomas has wandered off.
09:15 Merry Christmas!
09:17 [HONK HONK]
09:18 Bwahahahaha!
09:20 Oh no, they're all wandering off.
09:23 Let's celebrate!
09:24 I'm Batman!
09:25 Make way for the King!
09:27 I'll protect you, Your Majesty.
09:29 Uh-oh, the only Thomas left is the one that's broken down.
09:34 We need to get them all back.
09:35 Fundings, one of you needs to stay here to repair the clone machine,
09:39 while the other one needs to help me catch all the Thomases.
09:42 Yes, Thomas!
09:45 Party!
09:47 Come here!
09:49 Come back, Thomas!
09:54 Bwahahahaha!
09:56 Don't prank anyone, Thomas Tom Moss!
10:00 Make way for the King!
10:02 Stop, Thomas!
10:05 But Fundling, I need to protect the King.
10:08 Come on, Roman Thomas, I need protecting.
10:11 Oh, uh, King Thomas, you're needed at the clone machine for, uh, royal duties.
10:18 Oh, alright then. Come along, Roman Thomas.
10:21 Yes, Your Majesty.
10:23 Merry Christmas!
10:25 What?
10:26 Merry Christmas!
10:28 Christmas? It's not Christmas.
10:30 Or is it?
10:31 Oh, I can put up a Christmas tree.
10:34 Queen Fundling will be pleased.
10:36 There you are, stop confusing people.
10:40 I'm Batman.
10:42 No, you're not.
10:44 OK, let's pick up some passengers.
10:47 Thomas, look at the state of you.
10:50 We can't pick up passengers with you looking like that.
10:54 Yes, I found another one.
10:56 Two Thomases? What's going on?
11:00 No time to explain. I'll tell you both later.
11:03 Hehehehe!
11:07 Hmm, I wonder where the glow-in-the-dark Thomas has gone.
11:12 Aha! Found you! Go back to the clone machine.
11:16 Now, fine.
11:18 Well, it wasn't easy, but we've caught all of the Thomases.
11:26 And there. I think I fixed the clone machine.
11:30 Now we just need to send them all back through the clone machine.
11:33 OK, Thomases, into the clone machine, please.
11:37 I can't move.
11:53 I'll help you out.
11:55 There.
12:02 Phew, they're all gone.
12:05 Yeah, that was a close one.
12:07 I guess we'll have to be much more careful with this clone machine in the future.
12:13 I won!
12:22 Let's have another go.
12:30 Yes, I won!
12:32 Yeah, you win.
12:34 They've done no work all day.
12:37 I'm glad I'm not working with them.
12:40 Ah, Thomas!
12:42 We have a party later today and we have a lot to do.
12:46 I need you to work with Splatter and Dodge to get everything ready.
12:51 Yeah, I can help out.
12:53 Good luck, Thomas. I think you're going to need it.
12:58 (HONK HONK)
13:00 Ah, where's Splatter and Dodge?
13:06 Ha ha, got you!
13:12 Yeah, but I'll get you next time.
13:15 Ah, we'll never get everything done in time.
13:18 Why couldn't they be more like me?
13:21 Hey, Thomas!
13:25 Why don't you use Professor Funling's cloning machine?
13:28 That's a brilliant idea. Thanks.
13:32 Hi, Professor Funling. Please can I use your cloning machine?
13:39 Of course, but this time the clones will disappear if they're out too long.
13:44 I don't want the same problem as last time.
13:47 Awesome. Thanks.
13:51 Let's hope this works.
13:54 (HONK HONK)
14:01 Right, Thomases, let's get to work.
14:09 (HONK HONK)
14:16 (HONK HONK)
14:18 (HONK HONK)
14:24 (HONK HONK)
14:28 (HONK HONK)
14:31 Well done, Thomas! You did all of your jobs with Splatter and Dodge.
14:40 Would you be able to do some more jobs?
14:43 Of course, we can do them.
14:45 You mean with Splatter and Dodge, right?
14:48 Er, yeah, definitely.
14:51 Okay, Thomases, let's do some more jobs.
15:00 (HONK HONK)
15:04 (HONK HONK)
15:13 (HONK HONK)
15:15 (HONK HONK)
15:19 Who left a flower truck here?
15:39 Why have we stopped? Hello?
15:44 What's that?
15:52 Oh, I'm covered in chocolate.
15:58 It's nice to relax now the clones are doing all the work.
16:03 We don't have to do anything.
16:07 Thomas, all the clones have disappeared and have caused problems everywhere.
16:12 Oh no, I can't complete all their jobs on time.
16:16 Don't worry, Thomas. We will complete their jobs.
16:20 (HONK HONK)
16:26 Sorry, Diesel, I left the flower there.
16:35 Well, don't do it again.
16:38 I'll move the truck now.
16:41 Sorry, Percy, I let go of the chocolate truck.
16:46 That's okay. Let's move this chocolate truck.
16:50 (HONK HONK)
16:52 Sorry for keeping you waiting, everyone, but we'll be moving now.
16:56 Oh good, I thought we were going to be here forever.
17:00 (HONK HONK)
17:04 Thanks for helping me today. You really saved the day.
17:08 That's okay, Thomas. We were just doing our jobs.
17:13 Donald and Douglas, I hope you're ready for a hard day's work.
17:18 Because I need you to deliver some fish, distribute the coal, shunt some trucks,
17:23 call this coach, bring me my lunch, eat some lunch yourselves,
17:26 deliver this cargo, take these fundings to the beach,
17:28 and take this fuel truck to the dieselworks.
17:31 Okay. That's a lot of jobs to do, sir.
17:35 Well, there are two of you.
17:38 I don't want to do that many jobs today.
17:41 Me neither. But don't worry, I have a plan. Follow me.
17:46 (HONK HONK)
17:47 We'll use this clone machine.
17:50 Ah yes, nice.
17:52 (HONK HONK)
17:56 Did it work?
17:58 (BEEP BEEP)
18:00 (HONK HONK)
18:02 Yes, I think it did. Look, there's another Donald and Douglas over there.
18:08 (HONK HONK)
18:09 Hmm, they look slightly different.
18:13 But oh well, they'll be doing our jobs for us.
18:16 We can have the whole day off.
18:19 (HONK HONK)
18:20 (LAUGHING)
18:25 Come here, Donald and Douglas.
18:27 Uh oh, they could be a problem.
18:30 (LAUGHING)
18:36 Uh oh.
18:37 (HONK HONK)
18:41 Oh, ha ha, maybe not.
18:44 (HONK HONK)
18:45 (HONK HONK)
18:48 Pfft, silly Tom Moss. I'll show you how to prank them.
18:53 Attaching this jet engine to a train without them realising is always funny.
19:00 Now then, how do you switch it on?
19:03 Um, where's the switch?
19:07 I know where the switch is.
19:09 (LAUGHING)
19:13 What's that noise?
19:17 Uh oh.
19:22 (LAUGHING)
19:23 Looks like our clones are just as clever as us.
19:27 Yeah, they'll have no problem doing our jobs today.
19:31 (HONK HONK)
19:32 (HONK HONK)
19:33 Where are they going?
19:37 Isn't that the tunnel that leads to Opposite Land?
19:40 We can't let them go in there. Come on.
19:43 (HONK HONK)
19:44 Donald Clone, Douglas Clone, stop!
19:49 (HONK HONK)
19:50 (HONK HONK)
19:51 (HONK HONK)
19:52 (HONK HONK)
19:55 Whoa. Hmm, this place doesn't look very opposite.
20:03 We have to be careful though. Everything is the opposite of what we expect.
20:08 Hello you two. Would you like some of my new candy?
20:13 No thanks. It's probably a strange flavour.
20:16 Wait! It's Opposite Land, so Candy might actually make some tasty candy here.
20:22 What is the flavour, Candy?
20:24 This is chocolate and caramel flavour.
20:27 Oh wow, that sounds delicious.
20:30 Yeah, but we don't have time for that. We've lost our clones. Have you seen them?
20:35 Um, no, sorry. But here comes Thomas. Maybe he's seen them.
20:41 (HONK HONK)
20:42 Hello you two. You alright?
20:45 No, we lost our clones. Have you seen them?
20:48 Yes, I think I did see them earlier. But first, let me just...
20:53 Ha ha ha, gotcha!
20:56 Hey Thomas, why'd you do that?
20:59 He trapped your tender in a cage.
21:02 Ha ha ha, got your tender too. Ha ha, it's mine now.
21:08 Ow, Thomas! Stop misbehaving!
21:12 Yeah, silly train.
21:14 Here's your tender back, darling.
21:17 Thanks, Diesel Tin. But why did you help me?
21:21 Because that's what friends do. They don't call me Delightful Diesel for nothing.
21:26 Why did you ask Thomas for help? He's the least helpful engine on Sodor.
21:32 Oh yes, I forgot. We're in Opposite Land. Please could you two help me free my tender too?
21:39 Er, I think some friends of yours are heading this way to do just that.
21:44 Ha ha ha, got you!
21:47 We knew you'd follow us into Opposite Land. And we were right. You did get yourselves into trouble. Ha ha ha!
21:55 Oh, our own clones pranked us! Please could you free my tender?
22:00 Sure, stand back.
22:03 There. Thanks, clones. But how can we trust them to do our jobs if they just pranked us?
22:11 We can't. I guess we'll just have to do our own jobs the proper way.
22:19 So Donald and Douglas left Opposite Land and got rid of their clones to do all of their jobs the proper way.
22:27 It was a lot of hard work, but by working as a team, it didn't take them long to complete them all.
22:34 (train horn)
