• last year
COLD MEAT Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: David Petersen, journeying through the treacherous Colorado Rockies, becomes an unexpected hero when he rescues a young waitress from her abusive ex-husband. His journey takes a perilous turn as he navigates through a menacing snowstorm, leading to a harrowing crash into a ravine, stranded in the storm's ferocious grip. But the biting cold pales in comparison to the terror unleashed by a lurking predator. With survival hanging by a thread, the question arises: who is the hunter and who is the prey?
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:08 When I was a child, my mother told me that humans are capable of the best and the worst.
00:14 I am not done talking!
00:16 She was wrong. Some are only capable of the worst.
00:22 The natives have a legend about those people.
00:27 [MUSIC]
00:34 They say that in time of famine, an evil spirit comes out of the woods.
00:40 [MUSIC]
00:49 It appears first in the dreams.
00:52 [MUSIC]
00:55 They're damned.
00:57 [MUSIC]
01:00 It's already too late for them.
01:02 [MUSIC]