• 7 months ago
US Actor Josh Brolin praises Dune Director, Denis Villeneuve, as 'one of the best directors'.

He was speaking at the film's London premiere, describing it as 'the biggest since Harry Potter'. Report by Kirbya. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at
00:00 What's it like being the world premiere of Dune 2? You're back. This is absolutely incredible.
00:04 Yeah, I mean this is unbelievable. I had no idea that they were going to put- I heard
00:07 this was the biggest premiere since Harry Potter. Woo woo woo woo woo! It's a good one
00:12 to support, man.
00:13 Tell us about your lovely character, Gunny. When was the last time- I mean, what's happened
00:17 since we last saw him? How's he changed?
00:20 He feels like he's lost his family. He's broken hearted. He's angry. He's grumpy. He's trying
00:26 to manifest it through a fictional instrument called the ballisette, and then he's reunited
00:31 and joy and light comes back into his eyes. Bam! Take two now.
00:35 Let's talk about the amazing cast that surrounds you. How great was that?
00:40 It was honestly great. There was one scene that we have where Timothy's character and
00:45 Austin are fighting, so you see Chris walking, you see Charlotte rambling, Austin, Rebecca,
00:52 Javier, me, you know, the whole- It's just- It's a nice thing. You know, Denis gets some
00:58 good people. It's nice to be around.
00:59 Let's talk about Denis. Why is he so perfect for this franchise?
01:03 Well, it's a book that he read when he was 14. He was obsessed with it, and you see this
01:06 trajectory of him getting better and better as a filmmaker, and you know, it's just- He's
01:11 reached a point where he's one of the best directors out there. I think him and Nolan
01:14 could deal with something like this, but Denis, it doesn't seem like he has a ceiling, you
01:19 know?
01:20 What's your message for the world? Why should we see this film?
01:22 The what?
01:23 What's your message for the world? Why should they see it in a cinema?
01:25 I think it's surrounding me right now. Every reason to see it exists around me. I mean,
01:29 it's a really good film. I don't know how you say anything other than it's a brilliant
01:34 film. Everybody who's seen it loves it. Be one of those.
