Moment Tory party chair squirms over party’s misleading attack on Khan

  • 7 months ago
Moment Tory party chair squirms over misleading attack on Sadiq KhanSource: Times Radio


00:00 Which I think is antisemitism in the Labour Party.
00:02 Well hang on a second, there's a second issue.
00:04 I'm interested in talking about the main issue, right?
00:06 Which is a main issue which is actually affecting people's...
00:08 Hang on a second, how can you say that misinformation published by the Conservative Party is not an important issue to address?
00:15 I can tell you now, it's not misinformation to talk about antisemitism in the Labour Party.
00:19 I know, that's not what I've said.
00:21 I've said that you've published misinformation on Sadiq Khan's comments.
00:24 Let's be very clear.
00:25 I am being clear.
00:26 It's happened over the last few months. Back in October last year at a meeting of senior Labour people in Lancashire
00:33 where it was clearly attended by prospective parliamentary candidates, the head of the Labour group, Labour council group leaders,
00:40 it was clear that antisemitic tropes were being talked about widely and openly at that meeting.
00:44 We've covered this in great detail on this issue.
00:46 And nobody within Labour, I don't think this has been talked about extensively actually,
00:50 nobody in Labour since October last year, nobody in Labour raised that issue.
00:55 It's almost six months on from that.
00:58 I've asked you about the editing of a video that you've published.
01:01 It is misinformation that portrays something inaccurate to people online.
01:06 You've not addressed that.
01:08 What it highlights is an issue of antisemitism at the heart of the Labour Party.
01:11 And it's not been edited, it was clipped.
01:14 That's exactly the same thing.
01:16 And I think the note's actually quite different.
01:19 I work in audio production, Mr Holden.
01:22 Well, I think we both know the difference between editing something to misconstrue it or clipping something.
01:27 And I think the issue we're trying to highlight, and I think which is really important to British people,
01:31 is that the Labour Party hasn't changed, whether it comes to antisemitism within it,
01:37 under Keir Starmer, as much as you like to say it has,
01:40 it hasn't changed when it comes to the idea that they've got plans for huge increases in public spending
01:45 but no idea of how to pay for them.
01:47 And I think those are important issues that the British public want to see highlighted
01:50 and it's important that we highlight them,
01:52 especially when for the best part of six months
01:55 nobody in the Labour Party was willing to challenge blatant antisemitism
01:58 being talked about openly at Labour Party meetings.
