Future-proofing health systems for climate and pandemics risks

  • 8 months ago

Our planet, once a healthy ecosystem, now suffers the brunt of climate changes. Exposing us to bigger health risks.
However, the question is, Have we truly learned from the pandemic's harsh lessons?
As the earth rewrites the rules of health, it's time we rewrite our healthcare systems
How do we assess the impact of climate change?
How do we benchmark the pandemic preparedness?
What should be the next steps for governments, health activities and climate stakeholders?
Are there any synergies that we can explore?
How do we make a start?
This is where our premium report on, Future-proofing health systems for climate and pandemics risks, can make a difference.
Understand in details the impacts of climate change on human health, backed by data from premium sources, such as World health organization, National Centers for Environnmental Information, International organization on Disease Control and Prevention, premium consulting firms such as McKinsey and KPMG and many references from 25+ sources.
