• 8 months ago
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00:00 Good evening Bernard, good evening Bruce.
00:02 Punches from here on up are good.
00:05 Punches from here on up are good.
00:08 You both know the rules, obey my commands and protect yourself at all times.
00:11 Touch gloves now, come out fighting and get the belt.
00:13 Joe Tessitore, Tim Bradley with you ringside.
00:16 Alright, here's the deal with Shushu.
00:18 We've watched all the stages of development, but Tim,
00:21 I felt like when we called his fight back in December,
00:25 he took a big step forward when he fought Jason Sanchez,
00:28 a veteran who's been in against everybody.
00:30 Nobody stopped Sanchez, he stopped him.
00:32 Look, the better the competition, the better Shushu fights.
00:35 And that's true about a lot of these prospects.
00:39 They fought at a top level in the amateurs,
00:42 they're used to tough, gritty competition,
00:44 and when they fight against fighters that get their blood boiling,
00:48 it brings the best out of them.
00:49 Alright, so you say it's about the level of competition.
00:52 Then where is Bernard Torres, who he's opposite tonight?
00:56 He's a tough guy, he really is.
00:58 Lots of experience, amateur experience as well.
01:01 He's a southpaw, explosive puncher.
01:03 Look at that backhand, he likes to explode with that shot as well.
01:07 But this is a really good test for Shushu tonight.
01:12 Shushu just range fighting with that jab.
01:19 Calm and controlled early on against Torres,
01:22 who tries to get to the inside.
01:25 Shushu walking tall right there.
01:27 That clip was in the Philly shell.
01:29 Went to the body with the right hand.
01:31 But what I look for, look at the control.
01:35 How calm Shushu is.
01:38 At mid-range, outside, and in the pocket.
01:40 Great fundamentals.
01:41 Start everything off the jab, good balance.
01:44 Nice little level change, try to stab-jab right there from him.
01:49 But Torres, again, throws surprising shots.
01:53 Combination puncher.
01:54 Believes in his chin.
01:56 He don't mind letting his hands go and mixing it up.
01:59 Torres getting to the inside with a three-punch combination against Carrington.
02:13 And the reason why those shots land, Shushu just standing still.
02:17 Standing still, covering up with the high guard.
02:21 And Torres just getting off a three-piece combination right there.
02:24 Just taking what Shushu is giving him.
02:26 See, the battle with the southpaw is always dangerous.
02:38 The southpaw is used to the orthodox angles.
02:40 They're used to seeing that right hand come.
02:43 If Shushu starts to be predictable,
02:46 Torres, he will find ways to exploit his weaknesses.
02:51 Right now, he's just taking advantage of Shushu's inactivity.
02:57 Anytime Shushu doesn't let his hands go, Torres will.
03:01 For a smaller man, obvious to see.
03:04 Four inches shorter, but a six-inch reach advantage for Carrington.
03:08 It's going to be interesting to see what develops in the featherweight division this year.
03:23 We're going to have two world title fights on March 2nd.
03:25 If things could really open up, could this be the year where Shushu Carrington,
03:30 there's a check, catches him with the right hand to close out the first round.
03:35 We will see how he progresses.
03:37 Jones, in with your ringside.
03:38 World championship fight tonight, WBC junior lightweight, Abraham Nova, Oshaki Foster.
03:44 You really like where Foster is.
03:46 I really do love where Foster is.
03:48 However, I have to tell you guys this.
03:51 A little birdie said that he had an extensive weigh-in.
03:54 What the problem is, is that can cause fatigue at the end of the fight,
04:00 or the latter half of the fight.
04:02 It's something to look for.
04:04 Something to look for in this fight.
04:05 Well, Mark Kregel, nothing's ever come easy for Foster.
04:08 Seven years ago, around the time of Hurricane Harvey,
04:12 he was sloshing around in a Texas jail, looking at decades in state prison.
04:18 Now he's here coming off an astounding 12th round KO,
04:22 defending his title at Madison Square Garden,
04:25 and determined to make up for the years he lost fellas to me.
04:30 That's a dangerous fighter right there.
04:32 He is just being flanked by his grandmother when he was 12 years old.
04:36 His mother died of cancer.
04:38 I'll mention the fact that the struggles he had in the midst of his career turned his life around.
04:43 He was serving time in prison in 2017.
04:45 You fast forward six years, and he becomes a world champion,
04:50 and now the second defense of his world title.
04:52 That is the main event coming up later tonight, Nova against Foster,
04:56 WBC junior lightweight world championship, round number two, Shushu Carrington.
05:01 Against Bernard Torres, and in that first round, Shushu had a 12-4 connect advantage.
05:07 Tess, I'm not a fan of the Philly shell versus the southpaw.
05:12 It gives the southpaw a free lane to be able to use his jab over the top.
05:17 I'm seeing Torres having some success, but he's coming behind his jab,
05:21 freezing up Shushu, and landing, you see the jab right there in the middle?
05:25 He's able to land those shots because that lead hand is down.
05:29 Watch that left hand of Carrington.
05:32 There he probes to the body with it, but in that shell defense,
05:36 you see it going right across that waistband.
05:38 There's a right hand that's able to sneak under the left elbow for a body shot for Shushu.
05:43 Shushu has the height advantage, the reach advantage.
05:50 He's doing his very best at the moment to use it to his advantage.
05:55 Having that reach advantage, it allows you to operate further out from away from your opponent,
06:00 giving you the advantage.
06:02 Some fighters, they don't use their advantages.
06:06 Shushu, he enjoys fighting from the outside to mid-range.
06:10 That's a good example of being calm in the pocket right there.
06:13 There's a lead right hand from Carrington.
06:16 And again, he's landing the right punch against the southpaw, which is the right hand.
06:20 You want to look for the right hand in the left hook.
06:23 And it's all about placing that lead foot on the outside of your opponent's lead foot to line that up.
06:47 Good jab.
06:49 Snaps back the head of Torres as he came off the hip with that jab.
06:54 But look at him place that right hand to the body a few times early on.
06:58 Shushu places his foot on the inside to land that jab.
07:02 Gives him a different punching angle to be able to land that shot.
07:06 Short right hand on the inside.
07:08 Torres came in, crossed that threshold, back to the jab for Shushu.
07:11 And then a sweeping left hook.
07:13 Look for it again that time.
07:15 [crowd noise]
07:25 Shushu Carrington against the well-traveled Bernard Torres, the 18-win veteran.
07:30 As we come to the end of round number two, the start of this evening.
07:35 That'll be capped by the WBC 130-pound title fight.
07:38 [bell rings]
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07:50 Carl?
07:52 What are you doing here?
07:57 You're picking up for a friend, right?
07:59 I'm sorry, PB&J.
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08:38 [music]
08:41 [bell rings]
08:43 Round number three, one of the best prospects in all the sport.
08:46 Trying to graduate to contender status as Shu Shu Carrington.
08:50 Going up against Bernard Torres.
08:52 Mentioned that he's well-traveled.
08:53 This guy has fought in Spain, has fought in Norway.
08:56 This is his second fight in the United States.
08:58 He's a native of the Philippines.
09:00 His mother moved to Norway from the Philippines for the chance of more opportunities for her children.
09:09 His father was a police officer.
09:11 Passed away when Bernard was 10 years old.
09:14 Eventually Bernard and his siblings went to Norway from the Philippines.
09:18 He was already involved in boxing in the Philippines.
09:21 And then he had to find a gym there in Norway.
09:24 Goes on to be a seven-time Norwegian national champion.
09:27 Again, I told you, Tess, like I said, well-traveled and he has experience.
09:34 Amateur experience, pedigree.
09:36 And it's showing. Shu Shu's not having his way in there.
09:39 So Torres is putting him in uncomfortable positions like that.
09:43 Again, taking advantage of Shu Shu's mistakes by just going in that high shell or that Philly shell.
09:49 Leaving an opening for that left hand or the right hand, the lead hand of Torres.
09:55 And then the combinations are following after.
10:00 This is into the corner of Shu Shu Carrington.
10:04 Kei Kuroma who's looking for more combinations out of Shu Shu.
10:07 See, when you just--you have that lead hand down, it's really hard to use it.
10:13 I mean, you can't--it's hard to turn it into a hook.
10:16 Your opponent can see it. He does it there.
10:18 Well, it's got to come up before it goes--
10:20 Exactly.
10:22 There's that lead right hand from Carrington.
10:25 And then follows up his work.
10:27 Now posting for a moment.
10:29 We're going to create that range.
10:35 See, shorter fighters have to have great anticipation and timing with oncoming punches
10:42 against taller opposition like Shu Shu.
10:44 You've got to have quicker feet to get in and out.
10:46 That's why you're seeing the success every now and then.
10:48 You see combinations thrown.
10:50 Nice little split the guard from Torres right there.
10:52 And took that angle out to the right to land the body punch.
10:56 Because you've got to be able to get in and out of range.
10:58 Now Shu Shu staying right on top of him.
11:00 Yes.
11:02 Shu Shu's starting to get in a little rhythm now.
11:05 Starting to understand the patterns of Torres.
11:08 The sequences test.
11:14 Three-punch combination from Torres.
11:17 Shu Shu stays right in the pocket, throws that right hand.
11:38 Jab to the body here.
11:39 Closing moments of round number three.
11:41 Picks up the pace.
11:42 Good hand speed from Carrington.
11:43 End of three.
11:45 Good defense right there from Torres.
11:49 Little Caesar slices and sticks with half bacon cheese sticks.
11:52 Half pepperoni pizza is the world's greatest combination.
11:56 Carl?
12:00 What are you doing here?
12:03 You're picking up for a friend, right?
12:05 I'm sorry, PB and J.
12:08 Here, try some for yourself.
12:11 How dare you.
12:12 Order online to try slices and sticks with bacon or jalapeno for $7.99.
12:16 Pizza, pizza.
12:20 Detour?
12:21 Yeah.
12:28 School isn't going to be easy.
12:30 I know.
12:34 What?
12:35 I think you're going to do great, Dad.
12:44 Kia, movement that inspires.
12:51 I got three rounds to none.
12:54 Shu Shu Carrington, one of the reasons that Kay Karoma jumped at this fight,
12:59 even though on paper it's a step up, is they had some sparring from a guy named DJ Zamora, 12-0,
13:05 south for 130 pounder.
13:07 He's athletic.
13:08 He has a high IQ.
13:09 Kay told me after four-minute rounds with him for nine weeks, I knew he was ready for this kid.
13:14 He better be, right?
13:15 And Torres is a guy -- you talk about the experience, Mark.
13:18 He's had three fights scheduled for ten rounds, and they all went the distance.
13:22 Nice.
13:23 See how many rounds and how much work Shu Shu gets here.
13:26 Nice setup.
13:27 Nice little parry from Torres and then just sneaking the left hand behind it.
13:37 Now what Shu Shu's trying to do, he's trying to put pressure, more pressure, more mental pressure on Torres.
13:43 He's trying to force mistakes.
13:45 Shu Shu's a counterpuncher.
13:47 He needs you to open up most of the time to be able to land his shots.
13:51 Right now he's looking to open up Torres just with the pressure.
14:02 Doing a good job of staying with his feet and then giving an angle.
14:05 Just missing with that right hand.
14:06 The body has landed 17 body punches at this point.
14:09 Punching between the punches.
14:12 Look at Torres using timing, using timing right now on Shu Shu.
14:16 Shu Shu's letting one punch come at a time,
14:18 and Torres, nice little counter right there from Shu Shu.
14:21 Picking it up that Torres is actually trying to counter his counter, and he countered him.
14:26 Good left hook, and now the right hand connects upstairs.
14:30 Good offensive output here in the middle of round number four from Shu Shu Carrington.
14:35 Left hand comes back in return from Torres.
14:38 Torres steps forward with a two-punch combination.
14:48 You can see blood dripping from the nose of Bernard Torres.
14:52 Shu Shu turning southpaw, trying to give a different look.
14:57 Torres didn't take the bait.
14:59 Back orthodox for Carrington.
15:03 And a cupping that with a left hook, and you can see the warning from Charlie Fitch
15:08 to get that hand from behind the neck.
15:14 See, we're going to see a different level tonight from Shu Shu.
15:16 When things ain't going your way, when things seem a little bit off,
15:20 we're going to see how he delivers.
15:22 Good head shot that time on the inside.
15:27 This has been a strong round from Shu Shu Carrington.
15:32 One, two.
15:33 Good shot.
15:34 Right hand landed.
15:42 Overcoat, and a big knockdown score.
15:46 My oh my, Shu Shu.
15:48 Hometown hero.
15:50 Knockout score.
15:52 Devastating power from Shu Shu.
15:56 Brooklyn Bourne, and does it at home.
16:05 What a statement.
16:18 One second left in round four.
16:21 One second remaining, and dynamite from Carrington.
16:26 He just delivered, Tess.
16:28 He just delivered.
16:43 Another Brooklyn guy likes that.
16:48 Shannon Briggs on his feet.
16:53 And those gloves that have 8 and 21 on them.
16:57 Eight as in, he says, I'll be the eighth champion to come from the Brownsville section of Brooklyn.
17:02 Listen to this knockout.
17:04 Again, put that pressure on Shu Shu.
17:06 Marching forward, got the high guard up.
17:09 Just waiting, anticipating.
17:10 Let's the right hand go.
17:12 Boom.
17:14 Looped the right hand.
17:15 Didn't throw it straight that time.
17:16 Just taking advantage of Torres being in a terrible position.
17:19 You see him squared up right here.
17:21 Trying to fire back.
17:22 Never saw that punch coming.
17:27 Here it is again.
17:28 Different angle.
17:30 Shu Shu putting that high guard up.
17:31 Nice little pull right hand.
17:33 But he was able to step back.
17:37 Listen to this.
17:42 That rear hook.
17:47 That's good stuff.
17:48 Man, do you see that right leg of Torres?
17:51 Instant impact.
17:53 And he just buckles to the canvas.
17:56 So now, as we told you, back on December 9th, you want to go on the next rung of the ladder.
18:02 Jason Sanchez, who had been in against Oscar Valdez, Christopher Diaz.
18:07 Nobody had ever gotten rid of Jason Sanchez.
18:09 Got rid of him in two.
18:10 And then Bernard Torres, as you said, experienced guy.
18:13 Well-traveled guy.
18:14 18-1.
18:15 Gets rid of him in four.
18:17 You can see the growth, the development, the stages, the progress as he looks to graduate from top prospect to legit featherweight contender.
18:29 Let's go to the ring and make it official.
18:32 Ladies and gentlemen, here inside the theater at Madison Square Garden,
18:36 this bout comes to a conclusion at 2 minutes, 59 seconds of round number four.
18:44 For your winner by knockout, and now the NABF/WBO Intercontinental and IBF Intercontinental featherweight champion,
18:55 it happened right here in Shoe York City,
18:59 your winner, Bruce "Shoe Shoe" Carrington.
19:06 [bell ringing]
19:08 [music]
19:10 Danny Jacobs.
19:12 The list is long of Brownsville, Brooklyn.
