• 7 months ago
Gillie Da King | Million Dollaz Worth of Game
00:00:00 Million dollars worth of game. We love all our supporters out there for rocking with us for so many years
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00:00:22 Million dollars worth of game. We got the one the only the legendary the historical the world's famous
00:00:29 the uh
00:00:31 Whatever, you know all that stuff
00:00:33 The legend how you gonna run out of shit to say
00:00:39 Yeah, you know when you just can't get bigger than that though
00:00:41 My name up you trying to give them all the stuff and do you ran?
00:00:44 I just ran out of stuff to give them or you do all that then they be whack
00:00:47 Yeah, that happens to good intros and terrible outros
00:00:50 Be trash, huh? Yeah, you've seen it happen man people fall out interviews. I interviews is something different
00:00:56 You gotta actually be yourself. You gotta actually know that the curtains is that most of the time? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you're right
00:01:02 That is real my eyes in the back
00:01:04 It's something man. You've been in the game for a long time, man
00:01:06 Real long time man. So I was uh 19
00:01:09 19 how's the journey? How's the journey been?
00:01:13 It's comfortable man. It's always it's always worked for me the I find um, you know, I find comfort in the chaos
00:01:20 Once you can do that
00:01:21 Then you're gonna you'll win if you can't find comfort in in the chaos and you I've seen people come and go
00:01:26 I can't even remember some of the names of the greats in my mind at that time like
00:01:30 This dude is that guy and then you don't see him no more, you know
00:01:33 And you're like what happened and it has a lot to do with that that mirror, you know what i'm saying?
00:01:37 It has a lot to do with that. It seemed like you know
00:01:40 Comedians is like like they really out there now right now, you know recently. I love it
00:01:44 I love it man. We came up and it was crazy and it was like
00:01:49 Uh, um from the interview, we ain't gotta get into dropping names from the interview
00:01:53 The the interview man and um, I had my talks about it and I really don't talk that I used to talk tmz all the time
00:01:59 I believe and they said at one point me and too short was the most talked to we lead a club all the time
00:02:03 we talked tmz, but I try not to as much because of the uh,
00:02:07 It feels like some a lot of it be bait and a lot of it be no not not just tmz
00:02:11 But any interviews in most cases they you're being baited, but I don't believe that was happening that day
00:02:17 I think it was the barbecue the barbershop the whatever you know what i'm saying?
00:02:20 So had he's had that person say my name even in the light
00:02:24 He said some great things about him before but i'm sure man in the comedic essence
00:02:27 We always talk shit about each other if you can't handle that then what why are we playing man?
00:02:31 the light was shined on comedy and
00:02:34 although some of the personal stuff was said was
00:02:37 On my how I had those things was unnecessary
00:02:42 But I don't know the history we don't know the history of anyone and how their perception of what happened
00:02:47 Is is you know, what's the real perception?
00:02:51 You talk to let's think about it. We're talking about stories like that that that first of all
00:02:55 I love any stories whether they be real or not. That's how we became who we are
00:02:59 The drug game the stories what you heard about what was real what was fake
00:03:04 Yeah, what what what grabbed you the comedy is the same way stories you hear about red fox like did he really do that?
00:03:09 He kicked eight bitches out the limo. It could have been one but you'd like that big fish. Did he really kick eight now?
00:03:13 I have no idea
00:03:16 But the stories
00:03:18 And then you're gonna tell it again if we if we really talk about stories
00:03:21 Which is I hate to get into everything going on people getting in trouble and everything and i'm talking about old crimes or whatever
00:03:26 Dude, you could talk to it right after something happened
00:03:29 On the news and that you will embellish or don't remember what happened. Yeah shit just happened behind him dude at home. He had the gun he
00:03:38 You did you get he shot at me too?
00:03:40 He shot at me and that bitch almost got shot and that almost got shot
00:03:44 It is right after so how are we gonna take stories that are 10 years old and actually take them to heart?
00:03:49 and I don't want to get into the
00:03:51 All all stories, but his story was you know i'm saying it light it lit the fuse for just
00:03:57 Comedy we more than just comedians. It means something to me about this bit. It means something about this joke. No one's perfect
00:04:05 Your favorite's favorite is that you like and now as a comic if i'm good I could defend whatever that imagery is immediate
00:04:12 That was been presented
00:04:14 But it's some people that you know, like just comedically and not being on a bad side
00:04:18 Did you know who nice you know nice with the hands in the street, right?
00:04:21 And then it's the you don't say it's at the court. Then it's a street ball because you're like, all right, cool. So
00:04:25 I don't I I was happy that just comedy alone other other than the people and people were hurt or felt. Um
00:04:33 Because all these people that that would discuss have helped me. Mm-hmm have helped me man. I'm talking about
00:04:40 Kevin b just kevin being I always talk about kevin hart was my roommate
00:04:45 But the fact he came the reason he came because I needed help too
00:04:49 I just wasn't ever gonna say it and he was like yo d this is this let's rent this i'm being for this
00:04:54 No more time i'm about to i'm out of here from he told me that then
00:04:58 so when I hear something like someone who I I love like cat williams is the pretty much i'm gonna say his name now because
00:05:04 He's I want to he is like mike tyson to us for comedy
00:05:07 Because no matter what happens you want him to win
00:05:10 Ain't that crazy like even no matter what you like when if mike said he's fighting tomorrow regardless of everything you've heard and said
00:05:17 It you want to watch it
00:05:21 and
00:05:22 to further that
00:05:23 Analogy if that's the proper words and I ain't do good in school, but i'm doing all right now, you know i'm saying
00:05:28 Even now
00:05:31 Holyfield that was a big that was a big deal. That was removal of
00:05:35 all grace
00:05:37 And he sat down with him
00:05:39 Mike's
00:05:42 Sat down with holyfield that could not show you how comedy we're much milder than that
00:05:46 You know what i'm saying?
00:05:47 And mike tried to bite that ear like a chicken
00:05:49 Dude, he still got some of his like literally some of his dna like it's circling like he's sitting next to him
00:05:54 He's sitting next to him
00:05:58 basically related
00:06:00 You know what i'm saying and they can still work so I know comedy
00:06:03 Could be that and it definitely sent the ticket sales up for everybody the people that didn't need sales
00:06:08 um, which whatever got on the internet with me talking to uh, the goat and all that
00:06:13 It he did was it was unneeded for him at the time because I live in both
00:06:17 um worlds of it and that's what I was trying to convey
00:06:21 I have been the biggest bigger movies i've been in the from the 21 jump streets to who made the potatoes out
00:06:28 I had fun in both. Oh, yeah, who made the potatoes out?
00:06:30 Y'all I love it. I love that movie man
00:06:36 Wanted to do part two to this day. No matter what I still saw kind of way one, but
00:06:43 I'm saying i've been on both sides. So I see the comedians who eat crazy and i've made crazy money doing this
00:06:49 But i've also had some tough times where I had to be helped so i've lived in both worlds
00:06:53 So when I seen it happen right at the split
00:06:56 I was able to decipher whether it was good for comedy or not and no one could tell me different regardless of what your status is
00:07:03 brought upon by
00:07:05 Yourself how hard you've worked where hollywood saw you whatever got you where you are to be the
00:07:11 That person nothing you could do to deter me from from what my thought process was because I live in it
00:07:17 When it's talking about being in a club
00:07:20 Sometimes when they rap in i'll be like you wasn't there bro
00:07:24 For real, i'll still be out. I i'm the only comedian that beat dean
00:07:28 I don't know nobody unless they got eight other comics with them or they didn't go on the seller
00:07:32 I'd be out bro. Like so i've seen and I mean that because monday raise my monday night show comedians be needing 50
00:07:40 And i've seen somebody get
00:07:42 30 million dollar deals and i've seen this person hurt like i'm funny in him and that person I can't judge that but what I can
00:07:48 do is see
00:07:50 Who's benefiting from whatever this moment is because I don't live in minutes. I live in moments in that moment for comedy
00:07:55 People start researching us
00:07:58 That did wait and nobody and people still we're gonna it's gonna blow over and it was a band day people
00:08:05 Not paying attention to that either. We're so worried about
00:08:08 What comedian got mad just got mad at that which I and a lot of times it's none of our business not meaning like
00:08:14 It's the world business when they talk about i'm talking comedians
00:08:17 My uncle auntie talking
00:08:20 Do I think certain if you hear my auntie is money and my uncle is dl. Yeah
00:08:25 Cool, I understand what you're saying. My auntie is monique who fed me
00:08:30 Always funny and dl same and i'm supposed to get them
00:08:34 i'm sitting back like you you're laughing though, you're
00:08:37 But you better not say what you thought was funny. Mm-hmm
00:08:40 That's state business right and it brought a light on whatever it is and after this because it's all out regardless of what was happening
00:08:46 And maybe to the most part for everyone
00:08:48 They'll heal
00:08:51 we fought
00:08:52 We see who got hurt in what instances and now we can make some harlem nights again
00:08:57 Now we can make greatness again
00:09:00 And everybody's like oh they working together
00:09:02 Imagine some of the people you think got beef if they actually put out one song for real
00:09:06 But we can't because we like oh we got to keep it separate because we don't even have us got to keep it separate
00:09:10 So that's just my take on the whole conversation, but can't nobody tell me what I felt and what I thought
00:09:16 What my perception was when i'm sitting in it i'm sitting right here watching the shit
00:09:22 I'm like, oh that you just sold out that you just sold out people gonna ask these questions
00:09:26 And for a week, we weren't worried about everybody
00:09:31 and how they
00:09:33 Everybody the cocaine dropped in the water. Everybody had a boat
00:09:37 the cocaine dropped the the cartel didn't show up and all of us were sitting with a boat like
00:09:42 That's what it was the comedy crack crack everybody's like like what do we do
00:09:50 We out of here. Right? You've never seen you've never seen a cocaine movie ever in your life where they left the coke
00:09:56 name one
00:09:58 Name one movie where they accidentally found some coke and left it name a writer somewhere
00:10:02 Who thought the coke was in the water?
00:10:04 We leave him with it
00:10:06 Not even that's that if you ever see a movie and there's a shootout
00:10:08 You see the coke and he walks out the room. You'd be like he better go back in for the money
00:10:12 If there's ever a murder
00:10:15 If it's a it was a drug deal in the room in a movie and you see my air by dab
00:10:19 One person get up he grabbed a coke and ran out. You're like he better go back for the money
00:10:22 Like that's what it is. That's what it was. It was that moment that
00:10:24 it was an abundance of of
00:10:27 Mixed
00:10:29 Mixed emotions with with who should have said what shouldn't have said what what did she do wrong? Step back?
00:10:34 Talk ask questions like like you both do
00:10:37 And then what about this if you don't you're not about there's no nothing about comedy
00:10:41 then you're gonna ask questions and then you're gonna
00:10:44 The more you give me the more you know what i'm saying and we drank it all the way there was a yak
00:10:49 It was had to be yak in the cups
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00:12:42 So yeah, man, that's my i'm sorry if I took long talking about it, but that's how I felt about it. I felt like
00:12:48 no one was
00:12:50 No one's life was interrupted
00:12:52 People benefited and my eight and whoever didn't eat was already eating
00:12:58 It's already full
00:13:01 So you and kevin hart was roommates back in the day before he got on
00:13:05 Kev kind of was old man. Like we all we
00:13:09 This was funny too
00:13:11 Like even knowing stuff like knowing what a tv deal was and we all had development deals
00:13:16 myself
00:13:18 Cory hokum, I believe had one of these are big deals back in the day. This is we're talking about six-figure deals
00:13:22 Just to sit down in hollywood
00:13:24 Kev worked for that. We all went to the festivals and
00:13:28 We got money to relocate
00:13:31 I already had some other money for some other stuff
00:13:33 I was I I was out and about already when I landed in hollywood
00:13:37 I took I won the lab riots, which they gave me a volkswagen. This is funny today
00:13:41 I tell the story just for people to think clearly now, but I was out and about
00:13:45 Clearly now, but they gave me a volkswagen then gave me the money to pay it off this comedy central deal
00:13:51 Volkswagen dealerships right next to the lexus dealership. I said take this put it on that
00:13:56 Don't do that kids
00:13:59 Don't do that kids because when the money ran out for me don't do that. I was hiding that car
00:14:03 They give you something in hollywood to take the debt what they gave you don't because they wanted that they put it next to that
00:14:10 And they knew a nigga was coming there. They knew I would look and see the lexuses
00:14:14 They knew it. You know what i'm saying? Anyway
00:14:16 so we all had
00:14:18 We all had these
00:14:20 We all had deals
00:14:21 so I think it was a a good way to save money because when he did it when he when he moved in I needed it
00:14:26 like I had a I have a house in chicago, which I bought immediately as soon as I
00:14:30 Got on some money
00:14:33 and
00:14:34 Kids and I wasn't working as much and I didn't know how to to do comedy club stuff that all was kept
00:14:40 Like because I was so much I came from I I pretty much owned everything. I had my comedy club my promotions
00:14:46 I taught my boys how to promote you ever talk to any of these dudes who throw these shows
00:14:49 They'll tell you in chicago. I do my own show still once a year out there my own
00:14:53 No, I am my own live nation. I am my own ag which why it's always so difficult for me to make deals because I know
00:14:58 all the numbers
00:15:00 Because it's show business like this comedy shit came natural. What's the real business of it?
00:15:04 You know, it's in a pimpery is dead
00:15:06 But during the process if you don't learn these things
00:15:09 You learn as you go and then it's too late. You're part of the machine. So what I had to
00:15:13 The knowledge is I ran the comedy club
00:15:16 Own the comedy club on my name
00:15:19 And I was like, this is how I want to I want to still
00:15:22 maintain this part of the business have
00:15:25 Sort of bigger picture of if you go about it this way and you take these you build these blocks
00:15:31 I've always seen it like that like
00:15:33 And I was like no man's dope game. Oh, yeah
00:15:36 you know i'm saying and that's
00:15:39 One of the things that makes him brilliant
00:15:41 One reason you can never hate on that. So in that essence, that's what led to him being like, yo, let's split this
00:15:46 Do this real quick because when I make my next move i'm do that it was all calculated
00:15:49 Now now
00:15:53 Kev basically gave you the game on another level, but you couldn't see it you saying
00:15:57 Yeah, the business side of it. I was but I was also angry man. The world was angry
00:16:01 I know now I mean I had a lot to do you can't blame anybody for what you retain
00:16:08 But i'll say like my relationship with my mom was just really crazy
00:16:12 and um
00:16:15 when you're searching for
00:16:17 Uh when you're already comfortable like comedy, I was always comfortable. Is this what I do?
00:16:20 And what comedy is comedy and then love
00:16:23 What did I love more what and those they gave me the same the same rush comedy and making love and being with because I was
00:16:32 Like oh i'm i'm upset and this is the the world I need to live in in order to to
00:16:37 to even put up with my
00:16:38 What was going on at the time and how what I was trying to face and trying to but I don't like to talk because i'm
00:16:44 Not a soft guy and not because not like i'm weak. I'm not gonna be upset i'm saying
00:16:48 I'm here. So to talk about would only be like
00:16:52 adding extra extra anchors to this boat that don't exist no more that i've been lifting up, but
00:16:58 I do do it to be inspirational to let people know like
00:17:01 Your parents lives aren't aren't all your life
00:17:06 And
00:17:07 As black people we teach our kids all the time. We a lot of places you owe me and you really don't
00:17:12 My daughters don't owe me anything
00:17:15 For them being here, you know what I mean?
00:17:17 And we feel when we have to and people don't notice that's what's going on with us when we piss too
00:17:21 that's why we go to the comedy shows want to see a talk about some crazy shit because like
00:17:25 I'm sitting at home. My mom's doing this my dad, you know, talk though. She mad at me about this
00:17:29 About that this and that and we we live with it
00:17:35 At the same time
00:17:36 I talk so much. You gotta have the the balance of knowing your who your mom was when she did have you young woman
00:17:43 Your dad was a player type motherfucker, whatever that happened with that. You do remind her him no matter what goes wrong you are
00:17:50 For her. So all that was happening and I think I was battling with it like
00:17:55 It was always it was it was never like f*** hollywood
00:17:59 But I was like, I definitely didn't feel like I needed it at one point all my moves I made on my own
00:18:03 almost to this day I could think of
00:18:05 a few people that helped i've been in
00:18:07 but there's no one who's like I could dedicate like
00:18:10 this person other than me being in a room but like i'm supposed to be here down to the the
00:18:14 The f***ing um all-star comedy jam like the whole shack thing like shack had put me on shows before myself shack
00:18:20 I think arias we shack with shack always did yearly comedy shows first magic johnson
00:18:24 I think had the weekend and shag did the weekend but
00:18:26 I got an email from jeff clannigan. It was like yo come to the all-star. It was an invite
00:18:33 I was like what the all-star comedy and I wrote back ain't no all-star comedy. Let's derail on it
00:18:38 He's like yo cool out you want to do it? I'm like hell. Yeah, I'm gonna do it
00:18:41 Jeff clannigan, jeff clannigan. He used to shoot movies and stuff right movies tv shows great producer. Yeah
00:18:47 I think he did some. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah back when they
00:18:51 Goings those people always putting that. Yeah. No dog miracle maker. I think him
00:18:55 I think he still works for harvey, but I don't want to say it and I know but he him and kevin
00:18:59 Partners on a lot of stuff. He's a smart guy
00:19:02 um
00:19:03 But that's how I got on. I'm just using that as an example. That's how that you know
00:19:06 Barbershop tim story came to see me at the improv asked me to come audition actors
00:19:11 So I was sitting on his side and auditioning eve and sherry shepherd came in and read where I remember mike ely came in and read
00:19:19 And then they let me read for mike's part, but I suck
00:19:22 um
00:19:24 um
00:19:25 and then um
00:19:26 he was like, oh you want to be in it and then
00:19:28 fucking ray ray the fucking
00:19:31 And my name in the movie was hustle guy
00:19:33 I went to cedric in the movie during the movie and I said
00:19:36 I need this to help my comedy call me ray because my name is d ray
00:19:40 I said call me ray so people can equate ray ray to d ray for my first movie. That's all always how I thought
00:19:46 Anyway, I was like, let me put my my stamp and shit like that. So most of I got I hustled for it
00:19:51 so i'm not saying that um
00:19:53 the proper way and the protocol and the what is it the i'm just really unorthodox when it come to
00:19:58 maneuvering through everything
00:20:01 You know what i'm saying life love like I just don't I never want to be in a box
00:20:04 No one to be uncomfortable with something because then I don't think I would accept it properly
00:20:09 Did you was it ever the time, you know when you come from the hood, right?
00:20:13 We we in the hood people in the hood is big on always when somebody blessing hit
00:20:18 They always believe that that pose had been a blessing or they believe how do you get that blessing and i'm better than him?
00:20:24 Has that ever hit a moment in your career?
00:20:27 Were you seeing people getting deals or get a big movie or get something that you sitting back like, oh i'm i'm funnier than this
00:20:32 I'm funny than that. Was that ever hit you every day?
00:20:36 I think i'm funnier than everybody because I prove it daily being funnier than everybody, you know what i'm saying?
00:20:40 Yeah, and it's it's not it's not even that and people gonna be like, oh whatever
00:20:44 I treat it like basketball like sports like boxing like whatever whatever you want to do to prove it that you are
00:20:48 You got to prove it
00:20:49 But you won't let me go on stage before you because you know what I do and if there's any bit of me
00:20:54 In like this if any bit of my style my anything my arrogance my is if you've taken any of that I won already
00:21:01 I'm, not doing a versus against me
00:21:04 That's like me going against the people that I learned from I would I could never do a versus against cory holcomb
00:21:10 I watched him. I could never do a verse against damon williams. However
00:21:15 Many more minutes. I think I got more than them now
00:21:18 You know what i'm saying? I could never them dudes is like literally like mike epps. I could never
00:21:24 It's impossible, bro
00:21:25 like and but I want people to feel the same way about me like yo, you can't go against d-ray because come on bro, like
00:21:30 Like what I did you you and it's hard to give me credit hard like I got some d-rays
00:21:33 I'm like, oh man, he's so
00:21:36 Asshole, so it is he so it's hard to be like, you know, I mean, it's like that cousin outside like
00:21:40 I taught you out of box when i'm outside
00:21:43 You can't let me go on with you because they like he might fight in here
00:21:45 So I always felt like that for a while
00:21:48 But once you recognize that part of yourself on your own and nobody forcing on you or telling you that
00:21:52 That's what I think made me
00:21:54 To myself how I started viewing myself differently and watching out for my own
00:21:58 type of flaws, but as far as like the whole
00:22:01 I'm supposed to be here. There's nobody on earth
00:22:04 There's nobody you're lying to yourself
00:22:06 If you don't believe that and stop looking at jealousy as such a negative word
00:22:11 It's because the way you say it you jealous if somebody else said to you make sure but if you're jealous
00:22:14 You're not jealous and motivated then you're just sitting in the place
00:22:18 But if you're jealous and motivated like I'm jealous because I should work hard enough to be in this place
00:22:23 We I I am this funny. What am I doing wrong to not be there if I am this great?
00:22:29 They wouldn't they want you there anyway?
00:22:32 I had a girl leaving before and i'll never forget certain statements people said she was leaving and we were riding to the airport
00:22:38 and I was like she was moving from
00:22:40 Moving back home from trying it out with me and I was like, yo, you don't want to I like I know you want to stay
00:22:46 here
00:22:47 I said, I know you want to stay here. We're going to the airport and she said
00:22:50 Don't you think I would have made up an excuse?
00:22:52 If I really want to stay here, don't you think I would have found a reason?
00:22:56 I need my hair did one more time. I really want to stay here
00:23:00 So it's it's that mentality. It's like do I
00:23:03 I I must like it here. You know what i'm saying?
00:23:06 I don't really want to stay here like like either you either if you don't like it you you move on and I
00:23:10 Don't want to stay there no more
00:23:13 I'm tired. I don't want to I have no I have no more excuses like there's no excuse for
00:23:17 I've been a beautiful nigga since birth. I have hands on i'm a hood i'm
00:23:21 Whatever the fuck that swag shit supposed to be and sometimes that puts you in bad positions because you're overconfident
00:23:27 but if you if you weren't in comedy in this one man often sport that we play along that we
00:23:34 Fucking pass the ball to when we get a chance to but for the most part we up down it by ourself
00:23:39 You're not confident then who's gonna cheer you on?
00:23:41 Because y'all won't and most of the time when I was being cocky
00:23:45 sorry, but most time when I was being I was trying to keep myself up because
00:23:48 If I tell myself I tell everybody in this room i'm funny i'm about to rock it
00:23:53 I better do it now and I did it every time i've never said that and then didn't do it, right?
00:23:58 I've been fake, you know fake humble like I don't know how i'm doing tonight after watching this bomb
00:24:02 I'll be like i'm about to tear this bitch down just to
00:24:04 Know the bitches like
00:24:06 Whatever but for the most part
00:24:09 Nah, man, never but you would once again, you would not be human if you can't say just go back to it
00:24:15 I am good. I should be in that place. That's what sports wouldn't be sports if you didn't think you should be in that
00:24:20 What am I doing wrong to not be in that position and there's enough
00:24:23 There's enough room for everybody to but i'm gonna say right
00:24:27 You know
00:24:31 For you to grow up in the conditions that you grew up in, you know, it ain't no secret
00:24:34 Your mom was on drugs. You always put it out there. You know what i'm saying?
00:24:39 To grow up in a position like that and still had a confidence to believe that i'm that
00:24:46 You the real mvp
00:24:49 You feel what i'm saying?
00:24:51 because
00:24:52 The easiest thing would have been to tap out
00:24:54 Man, my back against the wall. God don't love me. I don't nobody love me. My mom on drugs
00:25:00 I might can't get the the clues that everybody else but the easy thing would have been to tap out
00:25:05 F**k it. I'm gonna go ahead be a crash dummy. Ah run up in some way go to jail get killed. Yeah, man. She
00:25:10 I think
00:25:12 This is gonna sound wild man. Well, my mom was probably one of the most confident drug addicts
00:25:18 She's never my mom like she never was like it's a man i'm getting to it now, but you know, um
00:25:27 So I think a lot of that strength bro
00:25:30 Like I just was mad at her for not being stronger than that because I remember the discussion
00:25:34 I don't know if I ever said this on tv nowhere before but I remember her trying to sneak ask me about crack
00:25:39 I already knew that stuff existed. I mean she was like they got this little drug and I remember I remember that
00:25:44 That person was like and I said don't do that shit
00:25:46 I remember that i've been being in the kitchen and saying it like it was quick but it wasn't I didn't curse
00:25:50 I was like no mom like because i'm familiar i'm out and about i'm like she's talking about like sounded
00:25:54 crazy and then
00:25:56 Whatever months later whenever I uh end up seeing it
00:26:01 But she still was like she still got done and there's a such thing as a functioning addict because I I did it with my life
00:26:07 I did it with the loves of my life. I did it with gambling in my life
00:26:10 I did it with gambling about self many nights. You know what i'm saying?
00:26:14 and um
00:26:17 A lot of times we are like I said earlier i'm comfortable in the chaos
00:26:19 But a lot of us are addicted to the chaos and I think that um
00:26:22 Although that was existent. She still had this like you were I was more scared literally still of her like
00:26:29 Than any of the gang shit at the time. I was still worried
00:26:31 she if she locked the door it's crazy like
00:26:34 i'm gonna lock this motherfucking door
00:26:37 I shoot through like all that kind of shit, but she also
00:26:40 No one was like I didn't hear it hear it until I got a little older about the whole like
00:26:46 all the things that was happening because I think I was just kind of
00:26:49 You know what i'm saying like just moving i'm like i'm not going even
00:26:53 You know, I said talk to my my aunt who I love auntie didi
00:26:58 and
00:26:59 One day she just discussed people to me and I wish I'd listened to her then like I can hear it so clear now
00:27:04 it's just like
00:27:05 She's still a person and as a person
00:27:08 You make all these decisions
00:27:10 and you you you you self-sabotage and that's what drugs that that part of it is like wanting to not even be
00:27:18 Here but be here. So I never worried about my mama
00:27:21 Never worried about my mama tapping completely out or taking herself out because once she's too nosy
00:27:27 To die like that. She just she's not the kind of person that wants to kill herself because she's like
00:27:32 Your auntie might get a new you she more worried about me buying
00:27:35 new car
00:27:38 She feel like if she died she'd be like what you're about to do for these bitches
00:27:42 That's a real black
00:27:46 No, she's too nosy to die so I hate I even said that I hope that I don't
00:27:54 get offended or my aunties don't get offended but they know what i'm talking about because that's what we're dealing with lately like it ain't like
00:27:59 I can't go. He gonna buy an idiot car. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
00:28:06 That's crazy
00:28:10 They all raised that boy, oh, I was the only one made that mother daddy wasn't shit but I do all of
00:28:20 My sister would call me son one day my boy was like
00:28:23 But yeah, man, so she wasn't there so I think I think I don't want to um
00:28:39 take away from act like I did everything myself as far as the the confidence part to come out because my
00:28:44 My sister my brothers and my family like oh my sister taught me like the fly shit
00:28:49 She was on me like beef alive pumpkin. No, no, my sister. Ursula pumpkin taught pumpkin taught me not to trust
00:28:55 This is my youngest sister too as far as like trust you got a lot of my fucking laundry
00:28:58 My mama had put it because my she dealt with a lot of my moms because she was younger
00:29:02 She dealt with all of them. So she's out there out there. So
00:29:05 she knew like
00:29:07 Back against the wall with who these is who the new drug dealing is. I'm
00:29:11 You know i'm saying i'm certified i'm in i'm like I ain't worried about nothing like that
00:29:15 she's like, oh, he's a little shooting everybody like so she was the first person in that but all my sisters my brother like they
00:29:20 was like
00:29:20 Building me into this machine dog and I just was able to collect information
00:29:24 and I don't know if that like that's I don't know if people out there in your family could do that, but
00:29:27 I was able and since I can collect information. I was putting the position to power
00:29:32 I felt like it's my responsibility in most cases to help as much as I could like on that level
00:29:37 You know what i'm saying? I'm not i'm not a dumb dude
00:29:38 i'm not gonna be like you call me anytime call boots anytime when we get it done now, but it's it's the
00:29:44 Who needs it more to prioritize and moves up the role of mom dad sister brother people try to put that name over?
00:29:51 The priorities of what people need in their life and ain't how I go
00:29:53 Your brother doing. All right, you all right, man. I don't want to have to worry about you
00:29:56 The actor told me a long time ago. I was like you you never hit me back dog about these i'm trying to learn
00:30:02 about
00:30:04 uh this this it was part of the role he's telling me make three something about acting and how I make I
00:30:09 Adlib a lot as you can tell i'm talking now
00:30:11 I adlib a lot sometimes like sometimes you overdo it but learn how i'm trying to reach him about it like dog before we shoot
00:30:16 again, tell me like yo
00:30:17 You like me dog when I get to me
00:30:19 I'm gonna talk to you. I got so much stuff going on ahead of us
00:30:24 That I thought I had my brother doing this my sister doing that down when I get to us
00:30:28 So that's what I I put that in my life too. Like who needs this shit right now?
00:30:32 Like that becomes your brother that becomes your cousin your mom's role. Your mom is good
00:30:36 She in the she in the how auntie auntie to Luke steps up now. She need a couch. She need then that's how
00:30:41 You keep that balance. Nobody crosses that line
00:30:43 You keep it right here where you got to move people back and forth within our life because all we do is say yes
00:30:48 So as y'all got this shit
00:30:50 Y'all phone was crazy
00:30:52 Uncomfortable cousins like and you the bad part is like I ain't talk to him
00:30:55 But this little bit might help them help them ask for something else
00:30:57 Yep, that's all you did you put that in the car now you could drive to you put them in the house
00:31:02 And I ain't live next door put that i'm telling you
00:31:04 You even
00:31:07 Helper bags or something
00:31:10 Look, look wallow pointed at you. That was the best game
00:31:13 It ain't never enough I did my wallow in the middle of the snow the other day
00:31:20 It's pretty nice to try to try to tag you but I don't want to be too
00:31:22 Too thirsty man posted man. We did uh, I was running it up man. It was cold as hell out there
00:31:27 I was doing it no matter how cold it get. Oh my god. I was freezing out there
00:31:31 I was like he'd be doing these for real too. Yeah, and guess what that was the last one
00:31:34 He'd be doing that shit for real. It snowed a lot the next day and I refuse to go be re-inspired
00:31:39 I ain't even gonna get inspired by my video. I looked at my own video
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00:33:19 now now
00:33:21 you know you
00:33:23 You know, it was a it was a thing a while back
00:33:26 When the young com, you know comedians was coming up on social media not seeing you
00:33:32 But it was like a lot of people was trying to discredit them
00:33:35 And then now you see i'm just doing anything
00:33:37 And it's you know, and and and I see that
00:33:40 I didn't see you on tour with them doing your thing embracing them showing them love
00:33:44 Did you did you did you ever feel anything personally or did you was you hearing the whispers of people
00:33:51 Trying to discredit them. Oh, man, if you don't do a comedy club, you're not a real comedian
00:33:56 That shit on the internet don't mean nothing like, you know, it was it was a big thing and it was like, oh these motherfuckers
00:34:00 They funny this conversation is so
00:34:04 Long and and in depth. It's almost impossible to get it up to to make it in short
00:34:11 Oh, man, responding short initially in watching it. I don't like cheat comedy. I don't do cheat comedy
00:34:17 What is cheat comedy?
00:34:18 She comedy is um, if you've seen comic view and then you'll do a skit to that
00:34:22 That comedian's joke now the new world has never seen that comedian's joke
00:34:26 And here you come to skit and now you make all this money and you don't even shout the guy out
00:34:31 You don't give him no love. You see that happen
00:34:33 Yes, I see that we see I see my my joke is memes all the time when I was
00:34:37 A man, we used to do this thing at riddle's comedy club in chicago
00:34:40 We did this game called snaps with all the comedians talk about each other in the end
00:34:43 So at the end cory hogan was to kill people
00:34:45 He had these jokes that was like kind of like the way rappers rap now he'd do this thing
00:34:49 He'd be like your mom. I see your mama sucking the snowman's dick that bitch a snowblower
00:34:53 And the thought process and I was like, can I battle this with his own style?
00:34:56 And everybody's like damon. I know you can't you can't battle with the same style
00:35:00 So I made a joke and to this day that joke is in the it's in like
00:35:03 This joke was written by d rey davis. Your mama got one eye one leg. They call it. Aha. You've heard it
00:35:08 You've heard it's a kid's book
00:35:11 But nobody accredits me to it. It's in books everywhere
00:35:13 It's everywhere no one but if you find somebody like who wrote it and somebody tried to contest it
00:35:17 Find a nigga that did then because you can't because i'm sitting there telling you
00:35:19 With cory hokum and cory looked at me that night and said I can't believe that bullshit worked. That's his exact words
00:35:25 And when I was telling the story years later, I said we were on stage and I did this joke and cory
00:35:30 Just 10 years later. He goes ah joke. So that's how I know, you know i'm saying it resonates within me
00:35:34 But I get no credit for that joke. That's why I love music
00:35:38 I love that I sat with jay-z and my brother and all my brother's sample said was
00:35:44 Allow me to reintroduce myself. My name is hope and jay-z wanted 99 one split
00:35:49 And I liked how that sounded it sounded crazy in the room luda shock everybody like the hell going on
00:35:55 But to me he wanted all of what he felt that was worth
00:36:00 And comics don't get that
00:36:03 Whether joke been retold told before so I felt like at that time it was happening. It was a lot of re
00:36:09 Uh people acting out comedians jokes and so then I started looking more into it. I never thought about that
00:36:15 I started looking more to and start seeing the guys who were just funny and them the guys I respect them
00:36:19 the original guys the dc young flies
00:36:22 um
00:36:23 It'd be simone who grew into it. Just hilarious beast
00:36:26 beast right writer she
00:36:29 listens
00:36:30 The people that that know that's willing to play the game because someone's like switching sports like we'd laugh at people switching sports
00:36:35 I talked to gilly probably years ago
00:36:39 When eric sermon was sending me 50 beats when yay was rapping to me when i'm in miami because john manop had helped me
00:36:45 My my situations, you know, I was just trying to help me then
00:36:49 this boy rapping and i'm like, you know, and and if I tried it, which is
00:36:53 I really get into it now, but the fact how things come full circle is pretty dope. You know what i'm saying? Absolutely and um
00:37:00 Uh, sorry, I got a little excited for a second got excited with vultures, but I got a little excited
00:37:07 He was in his mc bag vultures
00:37:09 um
00:37:11 But I think that I wasn't giving them the opportunities I asked for and um
00:37:15 And that you learn we grow with everything we do. Um in chicago growing up you'd be like, oh that dude's he's
00:37:22 He's gay. He's this and that and you'd be because your brother's nearby then you get around somebody like I don't give a shit about you
00:37:29 Liking me or not. I don't like you either. I like you like that and you'd be like, oh shit you learn we learned right?
00:37:36 Come on, man outside every day women walking down the street from what we're seeing and i'm not gonna say we're not gonna blame shit
00:37:42 On music with someone what we're used to hearing
00:37:44 Hey, bitch. Hey get older. Hey, these women don't play that shit
00:37:49 Why
00:37:53 I've learned something
00:37:55 Now I can act different. That's why I believe in people. I believe in the reform system
00:37:59 That's why I believe in that something that just can't change, but you know what it is
00:38:04 So I feel like it's the same thing with the the new comics the the guys who really want to get into and the people that
00:38:09 Do the research king batch?
00:38:11 Did the research?
00:38:13 Can't be mad I can't be mad. It's the whole I had to walk 20 miles to school in order to learn
00:38:20 That shit I get it because I worked in the basements man at the comedy clubs. I did hair on top
00:38:25 I did I did uh, I did in a salon. I did uh, comedy on a crate in a hair salon. I stood on a crate man
00:38:33 five dollars bro
00:38:35 Dry it's going on
00:38:38 Telling jokes and shit. So when i'm trying yeah, man, I did I did one show the dude I drove all the way to haydai, missouri
00:38:44 six hours
00:38:46 For 200 dollars, though
00:38:47 These are the things comedians like you ain't do that
00:38:49 So I get that part of it's like and then and they had to stop dancing to bring me on stage
00:38:53 It was what no stage. It's like everybody stop. We got a uh, uh comedian. That's how he brought me up
00:39:00 Literally walking past and eating wings and shit. So you feel like oh you ain't go through that
00:39:04 But shit the women that get what they get now because they smart had to go through the how monday days
00:39:10 Yeah, and you gotta understand
00:39:14 You know what i'm saying? I don't want to hear about I get I get it though. It's the same
00:39:18 Jordan was dunking in knees lebron
00:39:21 Gets his ankle massage every day like you suppose I wish joy
00:39:27 I wish I did have these these thoughts, you know i'm saying once again, kevin hart get on twitter dray get on twitter
00:39:32 Twitter
00:39:34 He was gone. Damn. It was gone on that mother
00:39:36 I want my information out there like that. That's how the feds catching the twitter shit. That's how you know first off
00:39:42 Twitter you got no packaging nothing not looking at this sitting in court right now. I can't believe this shit
00:39:48 He's going live from jail now
00:39:52 Yeah
00:39:54 Yeah, but i'm not mad i'm not mad at them man i'm not I feel like uh if something's
00:40:02 Um, don't be so gone that you can't be corrected though. Don't be so that's in any aspect
00:40:06 I started people come let me know this sounds like that
00:40:09 This sounds like that person because I can't be mad at them and I was out here
00:40:12 on my mic caps on my cordial come on my
00:40:15 You know i'm saying damien williams on my whatever you know i'm saying I was I was that was and if they
00:40:20 That's how they felt probably I came in but let's not forget the songs. What is it?
00:40:23 Video kill the radio star. Mm-hmm
00:40:27 Was that it was that is that the record something like video kill
00:40:31 No, it was video kill the radio star and that's and it's just all you gotta do is keep backing it down. It was a classic
00:40:37 For who who sing that I forget. Uh, some white lady
00:40:41 Video kill the radio star this episode of me and i was worth the game is brought to you by zit recruiter
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00:42:23 I can't just let it go but I keep as far as analogies go is uh, letting letting new stuff happen
00:42:29 Even though you don't like it happening
00:42:31 my granddaddy, um
00:42:33 Roosevelt theodore davis
00:42:35 Um, he that's a real grandfather
00:42:39 He had cassettes I mean cassettes we had beta then he had vhs and that was big to him to have that already
00:42:44 So he sit there and watch and one day I came over there with a cd
00:42:48 CD player in the city. I said, I mean a dvd player in the dvd
00:42:51 My granddad said what's that? I said, it's your same movie. It's on this and he said oh
00:42:56 That thing looks sharp. That thing look like it's like that thing. It looked like it'll break
00:43:00 That thing i'm like granddaddy i'm telling you like I don't want to speak into mic
00:43:04 He's like, oh, I don't want to watch it. Sorry about that. I know better too
00:43:08 So my grandfather's sitting I bring him this dvd player and a dvd and he's sitting he's like, I don't know
00:43:11 What did I say? He got the little dvds like I don't I don't want to watch this. I don't I don't
00:43:15 It's gonna scratch. It's gonna whatever he's finding reasons not to i'm trying to convince him
00:43:19 It's like a record player whatever I can say to make him look at it finally put it in he watched it
00:43:23 He likes it, but he's finding reasons not to like it still like it's the same movie, but it's this
00:43:28 One day I bought him over there
00:43:30 a dvd with five movies on one dvd player
00:43:33 Fucked him up
00:43:35 That's what they did like first. I was like, oh, I don't know about the internet guys
00:43:40 Then they start dropping out the sky and doing magic shit on there and i'm like how the fuck did he?
00:43:46 How the fuck did he change clothes with him? Then you start being like oh then will smith said you know what?
00:43:51 I'm gonna get in this shit and that's when he's like, all right. Okay, we gotta
00:43:55 Will smith come on
00:43:58 No, this is this is perfect example. Y'all both bars up bars up
00:44:01 Podcast
00:44:06 Successful can rap when you feel like it
00:44:08 But me I always was a part of all the social social media. Yeah, you're back from my space
00:44:14 You know what? I mean? I was always was on there. Yeah, you're like look duval
00:44:18 Little duval got whatever's new he got it that he moved like an old man
00:44:22 Like he moved this if you talk to him, it's it's like a no like but he got everything new the goggles
00:44:28 The boat he had that thing whatever the thing be on the water you'd be floating in there
00:44:34 That kid got everything man, yeah, I fuck with duval. Yes, we do now now right now
00:44:39 Who you really feeling that came up through the internet the younger cats
00:44:45 Who you feeling the ones i'm on tour with um dc, of course proved itself
00:44:51 mojo
00:44:54 Mojo mojo's funny. He is a nut mojo's funny, man
00:44:58 If you that's it the people naming them I could eat but I don't want them somebody might name somebody you don't think
00:45:04 Oh shit, I don't don't say that name but um for the most part I think
00:45:08 I haven't got a chance to see some of the people that people saying like some of the people I haven't seen
00:45:13 Desi without a doubt desi's funny today, but desi I I felt like they were always I felt like they were in comedy
00:45:20 and they were like
00:45:22 Let me do something else too, right like like, uh
00:45:25 country wane like I think all those guys were like
00:45:28 Sitting in like, you know already into the comedy game and a lot of these guys shout out to them. They introduce new business models
00:45:35 easily new ways to get this paper, you know, and it's like
00:45:39 You got to salute them because they added stuff to even the legends could do
00:45:42 They get some more money and revenue streams that wasn't even there outside of just going into a club
00:45:47 they show you how to make money on instagram and twitter and this and
00:45:51 Twitch and they show you all types of ways, you know, yeah, and I'm sorry
00:45:58 I truly believe that the
00:46:00 the best model for anything whether it's comedians the rappers
00:46:04 no matter basketball players the
00:46:07 I always think the best formula is for the older guys to take the approach of that
00:46:13 I don't want to compete with you. I want to eat with you
00:46:16 you know what I mean because
00:46:18 10 times out of 10 the young is be looking up to the old heads
00:46:24 Yeah, and they be respecting the old heads. It'd be the old heads that be fighting the bond up between them and the young
00:46:32 Because the young has have no reason to hate on the old heads y'all came before a time that was before me
00:46:38 I'm not competing against you. If anything I got an issue with my peers
00:46:43 The because I compete against i'm not competing against you. Oh gee, I respect you. I love you
00:46:49 But then the ogs don't show the same love and respect down and that's what make the young like man
00:46:55 Fuck them old niggas, man
00:46:56 I but when you are og and you take the approach it no enough you I love what you got going on with this shit
00:47:02 You remind me of myself you
00:47:05 I don't want to compete with you. I want to eat with you. They always gonna be like let's go og. I fuck with you because
00:47:11 You yeah
00:47:13 But you gotta you also have to see because letting everybody be an open arms to everybody and and you do we do have
00:47:18 This wall up you do have this this uh
00:47:20 Let's put it. Let's put it like this the gatekeepers as they say and i've been loving how this has been feeling man
00:47:27 It's all about the gatekeepers
00:47:30 We are all we are all gatekeepers of our of our own comfort
00:47:35 We do it all the time
00:47:38 So if somebody on a bigger scale do it to you feel uncomfortable
00:47:40 But you do it all the time. This is our gate. My my monday raise night is my night my show and I want to be
00:47:47 comfortable there
00:47:49 Kevin hart does
00:47:50 Million movies and the reason he puts the people in the movies
00:47:52 He wants to work with during that time because whatever situation he had with them prior to that and this dude was one of my
00:47:56 Best me and kevin ain't no movie together, but I know
00:47:58 How I made people feel
00:48:00 At that moment. I can't expect you just open your door. That is your gate to keep that is your your place of comfort
00:48:06 That's your bed
00:48:08 That's and when you are comfortable to let somebody into your yard before you let them into your home
00:48:12 That's what everything is. So just because somebody has this that we all sit we all sit and rest in that that's one
00:48:18 So i'm not knocking them them saying hey i'm gonna take my time before I just let this person come into this world
00:48:26 We've worked and created because sometimes people come in and pull the wrong jang out
00:48:29 And it's a clear way to win and they you're like, oh man, I wasn't expecting that. You know what i'm saying?
00:48:34 but as far as the like
00:48:37 Opening the door and in teaching I believe in that I believe you think somebody could learn and be better you'd be like
00:48:42 Oh, bro. I saw what you did. You rocking that shit
00:48:44 Don't forget about that or hey, man. I seen you said you ain't know who wu-tang was
00:48:49 bro
00:48:50 Can you please do me a favor?
00:48:52 It's just we're not you we're so aggressive for what we have to fight for
00:48:55 We don't know the next generation don't have to fight as hard. So we we're coming like we're already like yo, yo
00:48:59 He did my equipment and your boy come through the door. Yo, I just heard your beat on what shorty got done done
00:49:05 What?
00:49:06 Nobody called me. I ain't know what's your beat. I heard when I was little I was four. What?
00:49:11 Your brother didn't tell you no, i'm talking to my brother dad
00:49:15 Oh shit. Well, it's my beat. They'll tell you people get at me
00:49:19 All right, they get at you tell you people get at me. I didn't get at me. Hey. Oh, hey. Hey, hello. Hey little mama
00:49:24 Oh, hey, what's up? Oh, what's up?
00:49:26 Hey
00:49:29 You told me yesterday
00:49:31 I got hot. Mm-hmm
00:49:34 You know i'm saying it's that so i'm saying I know I just told a lot but at the end of the day
00:49:38 It's it's difficult
00:49:40 When it comes if you're not getting information correctly
00:49:42 We already been fucked over by a lot of the people that control a lot of our shit
00:49:45 That's that's just the truth hard to get our own shit
00:49:49 Fighting for our shit. That's clearly my voice clearly my shit because I didn't know what I was signing at the time
00:49:55 It's already that
00:49:57 So now you gotta fight
00:49:58 so you're only liaison to get
00:50:00 At that person to be upset with them is to be like just talk to them like you because you can't talk to the boss
00:50:04 Man, so it's like let me talk to you. You know what i'm saying? So it may come off like that
00:50:07 As far as creativity goes you're absolutely right people come through the door some shit. I know my fucking heard some mother
00:50:13 Some but a lot of the young dudes do call you old without doing research first
00:50:19 like literally I if I say one thing about a comedian his dude was clearly just
00:50:24 his mother says him he was doing my skit as a
00:50:28 As a as a jim one of my jokes as a skit. I said, hey, bro, you gotta get at me man. Holla at me, man
00:50:32 I ain't know i'm saying like regardless of how you do it dm one time something
00:50:36 It's my whole that's my mom. Just let the young people know
00:50:40 No, because you're not teaching them that i'm trying to tell you something something
00:50:44 You don't know about something you don't know about you're supposed to teach them and that's something else
00:50:47 We don't fucking do as black people. My daughters are funny. They're gonna be funny
00:50:50 They don't have to don't have to be their job, but they didn't they need to know it
00:50:52 White people always pass their jobs down. You know what you do
00:50:56 Yeah, I see what you want to do and that's great. But you're gonna be a welder first, too
00:51:00 You're gonna change this oil. You're gonna know how to fix this house. We don't do that
00:51:04 Oh, look at look at look at his leg. He can dance. He gonna dance that
00:51:08 You know what i'm saying?
00:51:09 No your whole life you didn't put carburetors in you could do it with your blind but you want him
00:51:13 Lit he gonna dance. No, he gonna do this carburetor and he gonna dance same time
00:51:17 It's just so you can have that because I we need to pass down that knowledge to and I think a lot of that
00:51:21 Is not
00:51:22 given to the youth
00:51:24 When we when we're telling them why we're mad
00:51:26 Why are you like, you know, we see we've seen recently like
00:51:30 old rapper young rapper and it's like
00:51:33 I'm not gonna listen to you, especially when you got
00:51:36 It got to be how are you delivering information?
00:51:39 So that's all but you're right as far as opening the door letting letting young people in letting them
00:51:44 But you got to teach why it's happening. Otherwise
00:51:47 The comedy the comedy game itself does so you got it
00:51:52 There's there's that book you have to definitely say the the points the three steps of comedy the three like the beats and how you know
00:51:57 Writing and it's your joke and your material and being creative and what can sound similar to someone
00:52:02 So that's important too, but I understand you said the gatekeepers they gatekeeping of you know, what their own piece
00:52:08 But at the end of the day man
00:52:12 if
00:52:15 I'm i'm somebody that come from the ghetto, right? Okay
00:52:21 Just i'm not speaking on kevin hart but just say kevin hart for example
00:52:25 He came from erie avenue from me from the ghetto somebody like that, you know what I mean?
00:52:30 And then you get to be
00:52:32 You know
00:52:33 Big you get to be huge you get to be this person
00:52:36 you know
00:52:38 for me if
00:52:40 I see somebody that's up and coming
00:52:43 All I gotta do is think they funny
00:52:49 It's I don't give a fuck I want to get to what we're trying not to get into is what makes people
00:52:53 uh
00:52:55 We're talking about early about good jealousy. I know what you mean though because I do I like I said earlier we discuss in improv
00:53:00 Sometimes I don't even know if they're gonna be funny. I can see potential in people
00:53:04 I work a room where people come work and they just get into hollywood
00:53:07 I often have led people on who they wouldn't even see because when I first got to the improv
00:53:11 They wouldn't let me go on stage. They're trying to pay the promoter some chicago dudes now and I told him i'm
00:53:17 You have no idea who you're not letting go on stage when I first went and hosted it
00:53:22 I was supposed to host one time. I got 10 000 flowers made and put them everywhere
00:53:25 I ain't gonna get rid of me now. They could have like burned the flowers. It's like he's serious about being here
00:53:30 Right. So open the doors I get i'm saying as far as people calling somebody a gatekeeper
00:53:35 From your position you also know how to wrangle and handle
00:53:39 People coming at you who act like you you see him when he go talk to them people
00:53:43 You're not worried when he go. He's a line amongst lions. You you're lying amongst lions
00:53:47 So our gate the the people we do allow and i'm saying they still are comfort though still like yo homie like that
00:53:54 But the mother that make you i'm talking about the nigga that came with the nigga that's sitting in the back. You can't
00:53:58 Of course, it's gonna be up to it's gonna be up to me
00:54:01 if I want to help that person or not because
00:54:04 Some of us we help and y'all know, you know this man, you know, you know
00:54:08 And i'm being potential like just talented. I mean could make it out could be all right
00:54:11 It could be a manager somewhere could be show them away, right?
00:54:14 but man, you've opened you sometimes you open that gate and
00:54:18 Without you ain't there carding
00:54:21 You've moved so far in the house. It ain't even you opening the gate no more
00:54:26 But so but see for me sometimes you open the gate, right?
00:54:29 Okay, that person might don't work. That's a part of life
00:54:33 So that mean because you you try to give a person an opportunity and it didn't work
00:54:38 Now you go further and further and further away from giving my opportunity that don't make no sense to me
00:54:44 Well, let me because if i'm just saying if god put me in a position, right? Yeah to be able to put some
00:54:50 On yeah
00:54:53 That's the position I gotta play I gotta put my
00:54:56 That's just how I think
00:54:59 I have no choice in my life but to do that because of me being a host everybody i'm around if you talk to any
00:55:04 Comedian every time you interview who talked to me. They're gonna say well how to talk to d-ray. I don't give nothing but
00:55:09 Nothing but advice nothing but trying to understand them, right?
00:55:13 This I but that's our superpower and we're able to some people can't handle them people
00:55:18 so them people mad at the wrong people people are choosing people are like groceries, man, you're trying to stick a a
00:55:23 A freezer in the month and fresh produce
00:55:27 That dude don't that dude ain't gonna hear your conversation, right? Some people need translators
00:55:32 I got a I got a homie that we all know that's a brilliant genius music and everything but
00:55:36 Sometimes we need a translator because some of the things that get said
00:55:40 Be probably what he meant but and it's said in a different way changing a few words around it
00:55:45 It makes sense and those some of them big gatekeepers can't hear you
00:55:48 So we in our position is next to be like yo, because I dog we were talking about it
00:55:52 Dog, we were talking about it who I am and all i've done and all i've been in and all i've helped
00:55:57 If I was to be upset about it, you know what I mean, man
00:56:01 But I refuse to believe somebody's not somebody's able to stop me
00:56:04 from
00:56:06 One guy i've always had a gate
00:56:08 Even when I had the rest of the fence, right?
00:56:10 To myself I always have my own motherfucking like but I understand and the people that's able to accept you to john singleton's of the world
00:56:18 When john was like d-ray, I know how he get I know how he is. I still want him on set
00:56:22 no matter if anybody else feel
00:56:25 Like he might he might
00:56:27 Come on
00:56:28 What what?
00:56:30 lena waithe
00:56:32 It was a conversation. It was nothing. She was like, yeah, I know you old young looking. She was able to
00:56:36 Some comedians I say something about and they get upset
00:56:39 but then you got the names of the world who will call me and be like like
00:56:43 Um, you finally lost weight your fat, you know what i'm saying?
00:56:46 And i'm like he can handle me, you know what i'm saying?
00:56:49 We can sit here and handle each other sometimes it's just about that
00:56:51 But I know what you mean you can handle in your case. I'm up can't so they like they rather not
00:56:55 Because i'm all about opportunity
00:56:58 So if I let you in the gate and you fuck up, all right get him out the gate
00:57:01 But that's not going that's not going to have me like oh
00:57:05 I ain't letting nobody else in the gate because I get yeah
00:57:08 Yeah, they don't have a shot and he was a dickhead. No, he was a kid. I thought he was ready. He wasn't ready
00:57:15 Okay, come on now i'ma give you a shot. Okay, come like you gotta but you know
00:57:18 We don't we also also have the thing you're talking about man. We also have a it's not in an abundance
00:57:24 That many of us have graduated to greatness to even put ourself in a position to help everybody
00:57:27 So that's one the people that you are helping because them other people do it all the time you watch one of them movies
00:57:32 They got caps. Excuse me. They got cameo after cameo
00:57:35 a movie star a superstar
00:57:38 Other guy would be in a ben stiller movie dog just for a day. When do we when you see us doing that?
00:57:45 Absolutely, maybe somebody because i'm gonna tell you who I am whether somebody
00:57:48 Call me or not real talk. I booked you
00:57:52 I booked all these niggas man that we getting into we be in a real conversation. I've booked everybody. I paid everybody
00:57:58 I booked everybody comedians have never as funny as I the world want to say I am let's say I don't even think it's me
00:58:03 No, I rarely get phone calls with people saying d-ray
00:58:06 I'm put you on the show and every time I accidentally be like because you're already good. I booked all these I paid everybody
00:58:12 Thousand dollars I paid
00:58:14 Asked michael blackson clear that and definitely made over a million dollars off me and if he tried to lie
00:58:18 I'm gonna find him don't play like but he's my friend because I booked my friends
00:58:22 They they allow and the brisk he's taking this
00:58:24 I ain't going through the white boy. I ain't going through them people d-ray davis
00:58:28 It's gonna try it and risk it and i'll be in the back sweating sometime
00:58:32 But count that money down from tsu when I was 20 years old throwing my own shows
00:58:36 I so that gate we talking about like my boy. I've man i've many times so I don't have that
00:58:43 Fuck you mentality, but it is my gate and I know i've been like I let this in and shot me one time
00:58:50 This is a set of land land man. This is drive on my business gate now
00:58:54 i'm not letting
00:58:56 That type I could read you right?
00:58:59 These motherfuckers sell drugs for real. They phone been going off the whole time. They sell nothing but
00:59:04 The promoter from your show trying to tell me that he got our passes and everything
00:59:14 Oh, okay. All right
00:59:19 Let me ask you two major questions number one, did you ever get a visitor?
00:59:23 During your time in hollywood, did somebody ever come visit you and have a conversation with you?
00:59:30 The tax man, I asked desi this, you know, because a lot of people don't
00:59:41 No, no
00:59:45 This year to die, hey check this out check it out. This is if this is all the success I got
00:59:51 Hey, listen, all right now I quit now I got another call to success
00:59:56 Can I ask you another question? Yes, please. No
00:59:59 is
01:00:01 It's how you said it
01:00:03 Is the illuminati, uh scapegoat for black failure
01:00:09 Holy shit
01:00:13 I could break that down. I'm not breaking down, but I can see you understand the question
01:00:16 I'm actually saying people say the reason I can't that we just talked about gatekey the reason I can't get here is because i'm
01:00:20 Illuminati's time the reason I can't get there because the illuminati's time eat that and the reason you made it because
01:00:24 They help you. They just got a visitor. This gave me the ill because you got a visitor. I'm just ill bro
01:00:29 Not the illuminati. I'm just ill. That's it. That's how I got it. I don't even know what that
01:00:33 I don't know. I do what that is and one more question
01:00:35 but but I do want to know because it sounds
01:00:43 And it should be written into a movie for him for real
01:00:45 Oh shit, man, whatever this is last question. No, I want to know this is not to embarrass myself as far as financially
01:00:53 Yeah, what what the bitches like?
01:00:56 I'm just ask you that because
01:00:59 And I want to see this what they ask what they like because whatever that whatever that is
01:01:03 That's what it is. I got it. They came to the bitch like business
01:01:06 Because i'm gonna say this
01:01:10 You and gill and let me let me just get this whole question
01:01:13 When you young you and gill growing up hot and I just want to know
01:01:17 Because I know what it was for gill growing up
01:01:20 in the ghetto
01:01:23 A light-skinned nigga that smoke listen that smoke 125
01:01:28 pounds of weed
01:01:30 Which is bad weed because you're buying it for 125 pounds on the east coast
01:01:34 125 a pound. Yes
01:01:38 What year is this
01:01:40 Was it rough because I know him growing up as a light-skinned nigga was rough. Was it rough for you in chicago?
01:01:45 Moving if I if ever there was a time when I would have imagined myself that I may have may or not moved anything
01:01:52 No, i'm not saying moved anything. I'm just talking about some you growing up you smoking bullshit
01:01:56 We I don't like I ain't smoking till three years ago. All right. Well cool. All right
01:02:00 Well, that's i'm what he was smoking at now
01:02:02 Was it bad for you growing up? I actually was dark-skinned. I bought this later
01:02:07 You got a visitor then I bought the skin
01:02:09 No, I got a call from somebody. He's like, yo, he's like yo this charlamagne we go but we about to go light. Oh
01:02:14 And then we just both I just got the green eye package
01:02:19 Oh, see see, but you did you get a that might that's a visitor package
01:02:23 Because when you get a visitor you get anything you want. He said this charlamagne we about to go
01:02:27 Now now now
01:02:32 I mean on the way in here
01:02:33 There's like you're going to see there's a is it wallow in there say yeah
01:02:36 It is like tell him tell him that we're gonna keep it up as long as he keep it up
01:02:39 I said keep what up. They said that he actually I think he actually went to jail and I said what?
01:02:42 I said y'all keep it up. He's like man. He's paying us off daily man. I'm sick of this shit
01:02:47 He said it was all a knack that he never seen
01:02:50 I'm gonna see this. Oh, is he opening the water now? Just touching random shit
01:02:54 Touching random shit. I'm gonna tell you like this homie. Uh, how many times you got your heart broke?
01:02:59 a million why
01:03:02 He's a light-skinned what you mean? I guess you got me on that man. Why?
01:03:05 Oh, i'm you think I can't win this watch this
01:03:08 Well, I got my heart broke because I was I just gave too much love and I was never loved the way
01:03:13 You know always the balance was always different. You know i'm saying what i'm willing to give to a woman and
01:03:18 Take care of her some women ain't ready for that to be taken care of forever to be comfortable forever
01:03:23 That's the internet shit, you know what i'm saying?
01:03:25 And and as long as I keep doing that and let my you know
01:03:27 I'm willing to give my heart I ain't got nothing left. That's why I'm running
01:03:31 Because I just want to be accepted for who I am as a man and let women be as empowered as they need to be
01:03:36 That's what i'm here for bro
01:03:38 Just the women queen black queens, bro
01:03:40 And did it get
01:03:44 That's the corny instagram
01:03:49 Did this be on so that's what I learned so you gotta learn from you. Yeah, that's it
01:03:52 He did the small eyes
01:03:55 That's a light skin
01:03:58 You got anything else you ask me man, you gotta hit the stage got a visitor before he ain't get no visitor
01:04:03 um
01:04:05 I don't need I ain't even have an address for a long time
01:04:07 And i'm trying not to belittle my career because i've been ridiculously successful all i'm telling everybody out there to do is take care of
01:04:16 Take care of the other side of things
01:04:18 Pay your bills pay your shit on time
01:04:21 I live I would never trade my life for the world because I was doing shit
01:04:25 I was out and about when I if I had 10 000 I spent nine that night
01:04:29 Just to get to that d rate because people weren't doing it comedians at all
01:04:33 But i'm gonna tell you it's another way bro
01:04:34 And if y'all getting it on the internet or however y'all getting it do not only only do not do it. It's important and
01:04:41 if I would have
01:04:44 If I would have gotten opportunities
01:04:46 um at that at certain times
01:04:49 to uh
01:04:51 Which I have i've had opportunity to go back and do crazy shit like street shit and shit like that
01:04:55 I think that I would have made different decisions. Like i'm really happy that I didn't that I didn't you know i'm saying
01:05:01 On my last 20 go below that and try to flip that when i'm having conversations
01:05:06 Then you look up be like oh shit. They got the nigger from juice
01:05:10 You know what i'm saying
01:05:14 You know what i'm saying? And you're like oh shit that was about to be me like so i'm glad that and
01:05:21 Just in just in the midst of it man
01:05:22 What i'm just i'm trying to say without i'm not trying to I know i'm in a comfortable position
01:05:26 I'm, i do good doing bread, but I had some bad times man and it and it's not
01:05:29 It's not what people think it is all the time, man
01:05:33 They had a brand new band thought about like 160 000. No gas money
01:05:38 I look good. The only had got to go to club once though. Like if I circle this bitch, it's a wrap
01:05:43 How close was you to living on skid row?
01:05:45 in my mind never because i'm calm, but when you when people tell me like
01:05:50 Talking to people now I was never gonna be in my mind
01:05:52 Come on, man too fly to be homeless. I go get a gym membership and just be working out all the time 24 hour
01:05:57 Fingers on that before. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah think about all the time, but as far as like
01:06:01 Think about that all the time man
01:06:05 No, that's what you just said think about that I do I do
01:06:09 I think about all the time like how close you could get to like but I have I mean one time. Um,
01:06:14 Some young ladies were hungry and normally i'm used to spending money
01:06:18 And he's like, let's do some sushi and I said y'all got some sushi money. Like that's a bar. I sound like a mom
01:06:23 That's crazy. I was so broke
01:06:25 Y'all got sushi money
01:06:27 And I knew they looked at me like oh, it's bad
01:06:29 You couldn't get that moment back either. It felt it. Yeah, it was real though
01:06:34 Yeah, I thought it's been some times where I threw some money in strip club and I was counting my money as I threw it
01:06:39 I was like
01:06:46 That's crazy
01:06:48 No lie to the visionary
01:06:51 And I was like
01:06:54 If I was there that night you need no corners I do I do I have I have
01:06:59 In a roll of corners
01:07:02 I have motivational moments in the strip club where I talk to him and we saw that
01:07:07 I don't don't know. I gotta pay you after that. Yeah
01:07:10 I don't know. I ain't throwing no money
01:07:13 Listen, man. Oh one more before we leave if you had to do a tour with five
01:07:18 Comedians you taking on tour what you did alive right now
01:07:22 What man that pressure's crazy. So what the ones is on tour with me right now? Mike Epps dc young fly
01:07:28 So eddie can't go
01:07:30 Red fox can't go
01:07:31 Chico bean he's not around and he don't want to go right now. He tired
01:07:35 If he was alive right now, how old you making that?
01:07:37 I'm just saying that they prom
01:07:40 I wouldn't
01:07:41 Burny, I wouldn't be alive. Can't let you do it. Can't let you do keep moving my timeline around
01:07:46 But man brandy all day though, yes bring the coach eddie
01:07:52 Eddie all day too eddie right now probably
01:07:55 Eddie going towards over here. He's probably going I work with eddie. Eddie's hilarious
01:08:00 Eddie's fucking funny martin
01:08:03 Been on tour martin martin's brilliant and he talks he shows you what the game is
01:08:08 He tells you every day about what what you need to do other than outside of comedy and stay focused
01:08:12 That's that's martin
01:08:15 Can gill do a stand-up you're right? I could do it. What's wrong with you?
01:08:19 He do stand up every just see shit like that
01:08:23 Put that on netflix, I just stood up it's more funny than me again
01:08:29 That ain't even close man. You want what we call in comedy though? Yeah
01:08:34 You talking to you talking to strippers in the strip club looking like like this that's hilarious
01:08:39 The preacher hands in the strip club great. No, we was going over some good words
01:08:44 He did all that dags and bitches was important see y'all ain't y'all need to be doing this y'all could do better
01:08:50 Eli size panties you wear baby
01:08:53 He motivated bitch all we are
01:08:58 Baptism
01:09:01 It was man, I don't know what happened. You lost it in there
01:09:04 You're surrounded man. It was a magical and he and he take a bitch home and scream get everything
01:09:10 He what?
01:09:13 He take a bitch home and scream get everything get everything I walk back to the hotel
01:09:18 Listen I just heard
01:09:23 Yeah, right
01:09:29 So i'm like what the fuck is he doing in it he say yes
01:09:33 But I thought it was an hour in this room
01:09:52 I said, oh
01:09:54 I said damn
01:10:04 Did I see the next I said dog? I walk away to rub you scream and get anything
01:10:07 He gonna say man the bitch clinked me out, man
01:10:09 Hey, you like she ate me out man. I said she
01:10:12 She left she left the room in his shoes
01:10:15 He said the bitch ate him out she ate me out
01:10:21 This man like she cleaned me out cuz got anything he loved him good old
01:10:26 Listen right after that we changed his name to rim brown
01:10:32 Good love the rumors
01:10:49 He always don't stop trying to put hbo's on me you love a heinie blowout, yeah
01:10:53 He lied on me he love a good hbo
01:10:58 Heard the water right right after that
01:11:07 It's just like that, right
01:11:18 [BLANK_AUDIO]
