For Better or for Worse For Better or for Worse E001 My Dinner With Elly

  • il y a 7 mois
00:00 *Musique*
00:20 *Musique*
00:32 *Musique*
00:59 *Musique*
01:23 *Musique*
01:24 *Musique*
01:28 *Rires*
01:29 *Musique*
01:40 *Cloche*
01:40 *Bafouille*
01:41 *Musique*
01:46 *Musique*
02:10 *Musique*
02:13 *Musique*
02:15 "Don't miss us too much"
02:17 "Don't miss us too much"
02:19 "Yeah, don't miss us too much"
02:23 "I'll try not to"
02:25 "Alone at last"
02:29 "Don't even think about it"
02:42 "Don't even think about it"
02:45 "I'm not alone"
02:48 "Liz, what happened? What's wrong?"
02:50 "Nothing"
02:52 "Oh, nothing"
02:53 "My whole night is totally ruined, that's all"
02:56 "Know how you feel"
03:02 "They never showed. My best friend stood me up"
03:11 "Are you sure you were at the right place?"
03:14 "It was the place on Pine Street, I'm positive"
03:17 "Did you phone them? Maybe there was some kind of misunderstanding"
03:20 "Oh, just forget it"
03:22 "Mom, why are we peeling all this shrimp?"
03:39 "Stuffed salmon"
03:41 "You're putting shrimp inside salmon?"
03:43 "Yep, and peppers, portobello mushrooms, dill, basil and lots and lots of butter"
03:50 "Wow, who's coming to dinner?"
03:53 "Someone very special"
03:56 "You"
03:58 "Me?"
03:59 "If you want, just the two of us"
04:01 "We can have a girls' night out"
04:03 "But we're in"
04:05 "Depends how you look at it"
04:07 "You made this whole fancy meal just for yourself?"
04:09 "I don't get it"
04:10 "Once in a while I need to do something for me"
04:12 "Know what I mean?"
04:13 "I guess"
04:14 "Seems like a lot of trouble"
04:16 "I figure I'm worth it"
04:17 "Well, you don't want a crab around your seafood"
04:20 "No, but as a young woman and a friend, I'd welcome your company"
04:25 "Really?"
04:26 "Really"
04:27 "I'm not sure I'd be happy to have you around"
04:29 "I'm not sure I'd be happy to have you around"
04:31 "I'm not sure I'd be happy to have you around"
04:33 "I'm not sure I'd be happy to have you around"
04:35 "Really?"
04:36 "Really"
04:37 "Okay"
04:38 "So I figure it's a phase"
04:40 "And one day Anthony will like me better than he likes his car"
04:43 "Don't boys ever grow up?"
04:45 "Some"
04:46 "Who knows?"
04:48 "Maybe he'll graduate to trains"
04:51 "Oh great, then he'll want to wear a hat"
04:54 "And blow a whistle"
04:56 "I'll get it"
05:04 "Où étais-je? Où étais-tu?"
05:06 "Bien, j'ai attendu une demi-heure"
05:09 "Non, rien de important, j'allais juste manger avec ma mère, c'est tout"
05:13 "Où?"
05:14 "Oh, d'accord, ça me va, à plus"
05:17 "Ils étaient à l'autre club Soda, à Mathers Avenue"
05:20 "Je t'ai dit, il devait y avoir une raison"
05:22 "Ils attendent, alors je m'en vais, d'accord?"
05:25 "D'accord"
05:26 "Oups, je ne peux pas être vue en telle robe"
05:28 "Retour à Plan H"
05:33 "Soupir"
05:34 "Désolé les gars, vous n'êtes pas invités"
05:40 "Problème?"
05:41 "Pas de problème, je lui ai dit que je peux aller avec eux à tout moment"
05:45 "Mais c'est pas souvent, c'est juste nous deux"
05:48 "Nous deux"
05:51 "Nous deux"