The Perils of Penelope Pitstop The Perils of Penelope Pitstop E008 – The Diabolical Department Store Danger

  • il y a 7 mois


00:00 [musique]
00:29 [Voix-off] Penelope Pitstop, heiresse to a vast fortune, is in perpetual peril from her fortune-seeking guardian, Sylvester Sneakly,
00:36 who, unknown to her, is really the Hooded Plot.
00:39 [rires]
00:41 But foiling this mean's foul plot are Penelope's ever-present protectors, the Ant Hill Mob.
00:46 "I'll get you, Penelope Pitstop!"
00:49 [musique]
00:58 When we last left Penelope, she had arrived at the Pitstop department store to help introduce the latest Paris patient.
01:03 Unaware that the Hooded Claw had rigged a ruthless rocket to the elevator, Penelope Pitstop is being rocketed recklessly to her ruin.
01:11 "Oh dear, I had better put on the emergency brake."
01:15 "Whoops!"
01:17 "Sorry, Penelope, but the brake is broke."
01:20 "And guess who broke it?"
01:22 [rires]
01:25 "We gotta get to that department store quick. If I know the Hooded Claw, Penelope is in danger."
01:31 [snoring]
01:35 [snoring]
01:37 "Snoozy, wake up and step on it!"
01:40 [snoring]
01:42 "Anything you say, Clyde."
01:45 "Here you are, Clyde."
01:51 [snoring]
01:53 "Oh, brother, I mean step on the gas!"
01:57 [laughs]
01:59 "We'll never make it!"
02:01 "Oh yes we will! There's the door!"
02:05 [laughs]
02:06 [explosion]
02:07 [explosion]
02:09 "Look, Clyde, look! Penelope is gonna rocket through the roof, through the roof!"
02:14 "Duh, what'll we do now, Clyde?"
02:17 "Get this brick out of my mouth!"
02:20 [laughs]
02:22 "Now quick, Chugga-Bone, take the stairs and cut her off at the fifth floor!"
02:26 "They made it! But how will they stop the elevator?"
02:43 "What are you doing?"
02:44 "I'm pressing the elevator button."
02:47 "You button-brain! That won't work!"
02:51 "Hi, fella!"
02:52 "Well, what do you know? It worked!"
02:54 "Step to the rear, please."
02:57 [explosion]
02:58 "Next to me, everybody's going to recklessly rocket to the ruin!"
03:05 [laughs]
03:07 "We're all gonna crash!"
03:13 "Quick, Pockets, we need an inner tube and some swim fins!"
03:18 "Inner tube and swim fins coming up!"
03:21 "Are we going to the beach, Clyde?"
03:24 "No, you dum-dum. You're going to the roof and stretch this inner tube across the shaft!"
03:30 "I do hope he makes it."
03:40 "Tell us, anyone?"
03:47 "If I must, I must!"
03:49 "But it's for the good of all!"
03:53 "So what?"
03:55 "So race!"
04:01 "Blast!"
04:07 "Now Dum-Dum can hook the inner tube across the shaft and stop the elevator!"
04:13 [yelps]
04:15 "Ah!"
04:25 "It worked! And Penelope and the mob are safe!"
04:30 "Yike!"
04:34 "Blast!"
04:36 "But no matter. There's plenty of time to finish that pit stop before the store closes."
04:42 "Right, Bully Brothers?"
04:44 "Right, Claw!"
04:45 "Now that I'm rid of that terrible hooded claw, I can get back to the fashion show!"
04:54 "And we won't let you out of our sight, Penelope!"
04:57 "Coming through, coming through!"
04:59 "Oh, goody! Here come the new fall dresses!"
05:04 "Hey! What happened? Penelope's gone!"
05:11 "They don't call me the Hooded Dress Rack Raider for nothing!"
05:14 [laughs]
05:16 "Goodness! This is really what I call a hang-up!"
05:21 "I'm afraid there's more than a hang-up in store for you, Penelope!"
05:24 "If you'll notice, Pit Stop, we're in the toy department."
05:31 "And you will also notice you're tied to a ten-foot tall kiddie slide."
05:36 "I gather you don't intend to toy around with me, you fiend!"
05:40 [laughs]
05:44 "You get the picture?"
05:46 "Now, let me finish."
05:48 "At the top of the slide is a lawnmower, which is held by a string."
05:52 "The other end of the string is tied across the tracks of that tinny, tiny train set."
05:58 "When the toy train runs over the string, its sharp little wheels will cut it."
06:05 "Then, my dear, the lawnmower will roll down the slide and right over you!"
06:12 "You mean..."
06:14 "Right! You'll be mowed down flatter than a pancake, Pit Stop!"
06:19 "The anthill mob will surely save me!"
06:22 "I wouldn't count on it, kiddo."
06:24 "They'll be too busy rescuing those Penelope decoy dummies."
06:29 "Farewell, Pit Stop!"
06:31 [laughs]
06:33 "One thing, Hooded Claw!"
06:36 "What's that?"
06:37 "Be sure and return the lawnmower to the garden department when you're finished."
06:41 "Blast!"
06:43 "So as the tinny toy train races down the tiny toy tracks,"
06:48 "the anthill mob races through the store, looking for Penelope!"
06:52 [laughs]
06:54 "We'll never find her! Never, Clyde!"
06:57 [laughs]
06:59 "If you'll shut up with the laughing, we can split up and search the store."
07:02 "Now, get going, you guys!"
07:04 "Right, Clyde!"
07:06 "Penelope!"
07:12 "Penelope!"
07:16 "Uh... Meany, Meany, Miney, Moe. Uh, Moe!"
07:25 "I'll take this Penelope!"
07:27 [laughs]
07:29 "I got it!"
07:30 [laughs]
07:32 "I got her!"
07:33 [laughs]
07:34 "Oh, it looks like we both got it!"
07:38 [laughs]
07:40 "You dummies! All you found was a bunch of dummies!"
07:46 "But they're all Penelope's, Clyde!"
07:48 "Meanwhile, the real Penelope is still in real danger!"
07:52 "Don't you just love toy trains?"
07:56 [laughs]
07:58 "Speaking of trains, the good guys are finally on the right track!"
08:01 "There she is, Clyde! Tight to a slide!"
08:04 [laughs]
08:06 "And she's gonna be mowed to pieces by that lawnmower!"
08:09 [laughs]
08:10 "We gotta pull over that tinny toy train before it cuts that string!"
08:14 "Uh, I'll get a bowling ball, Clyde!"
08:17 "Here it is!"
08:21 "That's no bowling ball! That's a dumbbell, you dum-dum!"
08:25 "Oh, no wonder it's so heavy!"
08:30 "I knew you wouldn't let me down!"
08:32 "And they didn't let me down either!"
08:37 [laughs]
08:39 "It's lucky we landed on a brand new bed, Clyde!"
08:46 [laughs]
08:48 "So much for the brand new beds!"
08:51 "And so much for little old me!"
08:53 "Hurry up, you guys! We're running out of time!"
08:57 "Wrong! You're running into this!"
09:00 "On the double, Zippy!"
09:09 "Right, Clyde, right!"
09:10 [laughs]
09:11 "We're going the wrong way!"
09:13 [laughs]
09:15 "But the toy train isn't, and it's just about to cut the string!"
09:19 "Oh, dear!"
09:26 "Oh, dear is right! Our heroes are still going the wrong way!"
09:29 "But wait a minute! They've changed direction!"
09:31 "Faster, Zippy! Faster!"
09:33 "I'm saved!"
09:37 "She's saved, Zippy! Stop!"
09:39 "I can't! I'm going too fast!"
09:41 "Watch out for that window!"
09:42 "Lucky this little old crane was here!"
09:52 "But get a load of ooze at the controls!"
09:54 "Hoo hoo! Penelope!"
09:57 [laughs]
09:59 "It's you! I suppose you have another evil plan planned for me?"
10:04 "Evil plan? Bite your tongue!"
10:08 "But I do have a little surprise for you!"
10:11 "Like what?"
10:12 "Like swinging you into that powerful pile driver, Pitstop!"
10:21 "Is that puny pile driver plan supposed to scare me?"
10:25 "No, but it'll make you a few feet shorter!"
10:28 [laughs]
10:30 "Ta-ta!"
10:31 "Is Penelope to be maced by that footed macer smacer?"
10:36 "Quick, Chugga-Boom! Pulverize that pile driver!"
10:41 "Pulverize! Pulverize! Pulverize!"
10:48 [applaudissements]
10:50 "Hold it! Hold it!"
11:01 "I don't think this is gonna work!"
11:03 "Well, you guys had better work out something fast!"
11:05 "If we hit some stairs, we can grab Penelope!"
11:08 "I'll build some with this wood!"
11:10 [musique]
11:12 "Got enough nails, Dum-Dum?"
11:19 "Uh, nails? What's nails?"
11:21 [musique]
11:23 "Nails is what holds the stairs together, you Dum-Dum!"
11:29 "Meanwhile, up above, Penelope swings closer and closer to the pounding pile driver!"
11:35 "I am certainly gonna complain about the noise!"
11:39 [musique]
11:41 "Quick, Zippy! Grab that cement mixer and a sack of quick-drying cement!"
11:45 "Right, Clyde!"
11:46 "What are those guys up to now?"
11:49 "Okay, Chugga-Boom! Up to the top!"
11:53 [laughs]
11:54 "What's the plan, Clyde? What's the plan?"
11:59 "We're gonna seal up the pile driver with the quick-drying cement!"
12:03 "I hope that quick-drying plan works!"
12:08 "Just to make sure, I have a little old plan of my own!"
12:12 "If I can just reach one of those little old beach balls..."
12:16 "Here goes!"
12:18 "Cover me!"
12:22 "Now that's what I like, a quick sail!"
12:25 "Now to let the air out of the little old beach ball!"
12:28 "That's using the old beach ball, Penelope!"
12:32 "Safe!"
12:36 [musique]
12:38 "Look, Clyde! Penelope's safe!"
12:41 "No need for the cement now! Dump it, Dum-Dum!"
12:44 "Alright, Clyde!"
12:46 "Wrong way!"
12:47 "Don't worry, fellas! I'll catch you!"
13:04 "Some quick growl and water will put you back in shape in a jiffy!"
13:08 [laughs]
13:17 "Thanks, Penelope! You saved us!"
13:20 [laughs]
13:22 "So what?"
13:24 "Oh, my!"
13:33 "Clyde, it's the hooded plumber!"
13:35 "The hooded plumber is right!"
13:38 "That foul black-hearted villainous fiend has Penelope in his grasp again!"
13:44 "Why don't you go stick your nose in some other villain's business?"
13:48 "And now, my dear Penelope, you're going to do a little water skiing!"
13:55 "Right, boys?"
13:57 "Right, Claw!"
13:59 "You are losing your touch, Claw! Everybody knows you can't go water skiing without water!"
14:04 "Exactly! In fact, it's downright dangerous without water!"
14:09 "Alright, you bully brothers, start the motor!"
14:12 "Right, Claw!"
14:13 "Farewell forever, Pit Stop!"
14:18 [laughs]
14:22 "Poor Penelope's fate is tied to a runaway speedboat!"
14:25 "And she's headed for those posts!"
14:27 "Oh, dear!"
14:29 "That was a narrow miss for our Miss Penelope!"
14:36 "And speaking of misses, here come those seven misfits right behind her!"
14:41 "Don't worry, Penelope! We just about gotcha!"
14:45 "Here we come, Penelope!"
14:49 "No!"
14:51 [music]
14:57 "You soft-headed softy! What's the big idea of stopping?"
15:01 "This cute little cuddly teddy bear fell off the shelf!"
15:05 "I just couldn't run over it!"
15:07 [laughs]
15:09 "Oh, brother!"
15:11 "Oh, brother! Softy's soft heart saved the teddy bear, but not Penelope!"
15:16 "And now she's headed into the street, followed by the anthill mob!"
15:20 [music]
15:25 "It looks like a runaway boat is taking her into the Prune Pickers' picnic park!"
15:29 "In a minute, they'll be picking up Pit Stop pieces in the Prune Pickers' picnic park!"
15:35 [laughs]
15:37 "It looks like the hooded fiend has picked the right park!"
15:41 "Penelope is sure to end up a pitted Pit Stop!"
15:44 "Oh, mercy! I do hope I don't spoil this little old picnic park!"
15:50 "Maybe you won't, Penelope, but the anthill mob might!"
15:53 [laughs]
15:55 "Penelope's gonna barrel into that brick barbecue!"
15:58 [laughs]
16:00 "No she won't! 'Cause we're gonna run into ferrets!"
16:03 [music]
16:07 "Good going, fellas! Just in time!"
16:10 [music]
16:16 "I'm afraid this peril is not over for our hapless heroine yet!"
16:19 "Because Penelope is headed out of the park, back up the street, and straight for the department store!"
16:25 [music]
16:30 [laughs]
16:32 "We'll never reach her in time!"
16:34 "Hurry, fellas, hurry! She's headed right for the elevator!"
16:38 "The elevator! Why, that's where I started!"
16:41 "Yes! And that's where you'll be finished!"
16:46 [laughs]
16:51 "She's a goner!"
16:53 "Step on it, Zippy!"
16:55 "Don't worry, Clyde! I'll save her!"
16:58 [laughs]
17:00 [music]
17:03 "Good thinking, Softy! Make with the trombone!"
17:07 [music]
17:12 [music]
17:15 "Wow! What a save!"
17:18 [music]
17:19 "Isn't it wonderful? Thanks to you little old fellas, everything ended on a happy note!"
17:25 "And now I can get back to the fashion show!"
17:28 "Blast! Come on, bully brothers!"
17:32 "Right, Claw!"
17:34 "And where are you going, Hooded Claw?"
17:38 "It shouldn't be a total loss. I'm going to watch the fashion show."
17:42 "Then, I'm going back to the diabolical drawing board, you busybody."
17:47 "And I'm not even telling you what I've got planned for Penelope Pitstop the next time we meet!"
17:53 [laughs]
17:57 [music]
17:59 [music]
18:01 [laughs]
18:03 "Penelope!"
18:04 [music]
18:07 [laughs]
18:09 [music]
18:11 [music]
18:23 [laughs]
18:26 [music]
18:40 "I'll get you Penelope!"
