Court métrageTranscription
00:00 [Musique]
00:09 [Musique]
00:35 [Cris]
00:40 "Nothing in your education or experience can have prepared you for this film."
00:45 "Alejandro Jodorowsky's The Holy Mountain."
00:48 [Musique]
01:05 "The Holy Mountain" is a film completely outside the entire tradition of motion picture art.
01:10 [Musique]
01:23 It is outside the tradition of modern theater.
01:26 [Musique]
01:51 [Cris]
01:58 "The Holy Mountain" is a film outside the tradition of criticism and review.
02:04 [Musique]
02:33 Sous-titrage FR : VNero14