Ms. Swan, Teach Me Love - Part 2

  • 6 months ago
Ms. Swan, Teach Me Love Part 2
00:00 [Music]
00:08 [Music]
00:34 Wait.
00:35 You know we can't.
00:39 [Music]
00:53 What happened with your mom?
00:55 It's a long story.
00:57 We have all night.
00:59 When I was eight, my dad had an affair.
01:05 He cheated on my mom with a younger woman.
01:09 He used to bring her to the house a lot, but my mom wasn't there.
01:15 I would see them together, but I guess I didn't really know what they were doing.
01:20 Maybe I did, but I was just, I was scared to tell my mom, so I didn't.
01:27 And then one day, my mom came home early from work, caught them in the act, and then everything fell apart.
01:40 My mom wanted him to repent, and he wanted a divorce.
01:46 For some reason, my mom blamed me.
01:49 I guess she thought that if I had told her about it earlier, then things would have turned out different.
01:56 Where is he now?
01:58 Your dad?
01:59 He died that year.
02:01 They got in this huge fight.
02:04 He went for a drive.
02:06 He didn't make it back.
02:08 I wish I'd known sooner.
02:10 I wish I'd protected you from the start.
02:14 How can I tell you about your mom, Timothy?
02:17 You can never know.
02:19 [Music]
02:48 Morning, Ms. Swan.
02:51 [Music]
03:01 Is that Timothy Wolfe?
03:03 He's not in uniform.
03:05 Yo, did you see that video?
03:07 Is him and Ms. Swan dating?
03:09 [Music]
03:14 Check this out.
03:16 [Music]
03:29 Where were you last night?
03:31 Your mom called like ten times.
03:33 Can I borrow your spare uniform?
03:35 Sure, but did you sneak out with the shorts?
03:38 What?
03:40 Class is starting.
03:43 Alright, let's talk about chapter seventeen.
03:48 [Knock on door]
03:50 Come in.
03:54 What's your lunch?
03:56 Just mine.
03:58 What about you?
04:00 [Music]
04:04 This is my lunch.
04:06 Timothy.
04:09 I swear, he slept at hers last night.
04:12 Charlotte Swan is a ho.
04:14 And I really just can't take it anymore.
04:16 [Phone rings]
04:18 Hello?
04:19 Hi, Principal Wolfe.
04:20 I have some information for you on Charlotte Swan.
04:23 Did you happen to study under a Robert Lowell?
04:25 A late literature professor at Yale?
04:28 Yes, why?
04:30 Well, it appears that Swan is Charlotte's mother's maiden name.
04:33 She changed it a few years ago.
04:35 Her birth name was Charlotte Lowell.
04:38 She's the daughter of Robert Lowell.
04:40 Other than that, everything about Ms. Swan seems normal.
04:43 I don't think you have anything to worry about.
04:46 Hello?
04:48 [Music]
04:55 Go.
04:56 Ouch!
04:57 [Music]
05:06 Get in!
05:07 Everyone will see you.
05:08 My mom is going to be here any second.
05:10 Get in!
05:11 [Music]
05:33 So you don't want me to come home?
05:34 Never again.
05:35 You're going home.
05:37 That's the student.
05:40 What a surprise.
05:42 What do you want?
05:45 Ooh.
05:47 And a great student.
05:50 Oh.
05:51 Charlotte, dear, you have outdone your father.
05:54 Leave him alone, Mom.
05:55 Well, I will.
05:56 As soon as I get my money, I'm going to leave this shitty town.
05:59 What money?
06:01 What money?
06:03 $150,000.
06:06 That's enough to cover all my debts in Fresenium.
06:09 She's lying.
06:10 It's not that much.
06:11 Oh, no, I'm not.
06:13 Not with this.
06:14 You give me the $150,000, and I'll disappear from your life for good.
06:19 Or the entire school sees you kissing in uniform.
06:26 You're leaving.
06:30 You're going home, Timothy.
06:32 I wrote down my bank information.
06:34 I even checked out.
06:37 Do what you want, Mom.
06:38 I'm done.
06:39 I'm not scared of you anymore.
06:42 And I'm changing my lock.
06:44 I guess she's losing her job.
06:50 Just like her father.
06:52 Just like her father.
06:55 Just like her father.
07:08 Yeah, is this Mercedes?
07:10 Yeah, my name's Timothy Wolf.
07:12 I got the G63 for my birthday.
07:14 Yeah, as your sales managers are around, I like to sell my car.
07:24 Morning, Miss Swan.
07:26 Where's your car?
07:27 It's in the shop.
07:29 Routine repairs.
07:31 You should have just gone to school with your mom.
07:34 Come on.
07:35 We're going to miss the bus.
07:41 Wait.
07:42 Both of you.
07:44 Don't worry, Charlotte.
07:46 I'm not here to get you in trouble.
07:49 I'm actually-- I'd like to invite you over for dinner this evening.
07:54 Yeah, right.
07:55 As if Miss Swan would want to come.
07:56 I'd love that.
07:59 I'll be there.
08:01 What?
08:03 Great.
08:05 I look forward to getting to know you better.
08:09 Charlotte.
08:17 Why did you say yes?
08:19 Wait, Charlotte.
08:21 You don't need to do this for me.
08:23 I don't care what she thinks or what she says.
08:26 I don't want you to care either.
08:30 Oh.
08:34 I am not doing this for you, Timothy.
08:36 I'm doing this for me.
08:38 What do you mean?
08:39 It's not important.
08:41 It's just a dinner.
08:42 It'll be fine.
08:43 Okay, but she's actually crazy.
08:45 I'm a teacher, Timothy.
08:47 Handling difficult parents is part of the job description.
08:51 Sorry, Timothy.
08:52 Let me use you this one time.
08:54 Just this once.
09:10 Can you pass the salt?
09:22 Charlotte.
09:24 You got a full master's scholarship to Yale.
09:27 That is impressive.
09:29 Thank you.
09:30 It's a great institution.
09:32 I know that was your alma mater.
09:35 Principal Wolf.
09:37 It is.
09:38 What a coincidence.
09:40 I wonder if we had any of the same professors.
09:43 I mean, I'm sure we did.
09:46 In fact, my father was a professor at Yale.
09:49 Literature.
09:50 You studied literature, right?
09:52 I didn't know your dad was a professor before you --
09:57 I didn't know your dad was a professor before you --
10:02 You told Timothy about your father.
10:05 Oh, well, not that he was a professor.
10:08 That he cheated and wanted to abandon his family for a younger woman.
10:15 Mm-hmm.
10:17 She actually knew that he had a family and a younger daughter,
10:21 but I guess she didn't care.
10:24 I see.
10:25 I mean --
10:26 I hear she was married herself, actually.
10:28 Still is.
10:30 I wonder, if my father hadn't died, would she be with him instead?
10:34 What a bitch.
10:35 Timothy, honey, can you go get us another bottle of cab, please?
10:41 You barely touched this one.
10:43 This one is soured.
10:45 I'm literally underage.
10:46 Please go.
10:55 So when did you find out?
11:01 Wait.
11:04 Amber, Charlotte's home.
11:07 And Helen's going to be back any time.
11:11 It's all part of the thrill.
11:14 Shh.
11:16 You knew.
11:18 You always knew.
11:20 Why did you apply to St. James?
11:22 What do you want with Timothy?
11:25 I don't know, Amber.
11:27 What do you think I want with him?
11:29 It's unbelievable.
11:31 You're just like your father,
11:33 pretending to be a good teacher
11:36 and going around seducing students and brainwashing them.
11:40 You seduced him.
11:43 Just like Timothy seduced me.
11:46 Oh, I see.
11:47 Forgive my mistake.
11:49 You are nothing like your father.
11:52 You're like your pathetic, delusional mother.
11:56 Tell me, how is she?
11:59 Did she finally lose her mind?
12:03 You know, I would choose your next words
12:05 very carefully if I were you.
12:08 I'm not the one with a son to lose here.
12:10 What are you talking about?
12:12 It doesn't matter if I seduced him or he seduced me.
12:15 The fact is, he's in love with me.
12:20 Truly.
12:22 Madly.
12:24 Deeply.
12:25 He would do anything that I tell him to do.
12:28 I jump, he jumps.
12:30 I will tell him.
12:31 I will tell him that you were using him this entire time.
12:35 Sure, tell him.
12:36 Tell him about how you cheated on his dad
12:39 and ruined my family.
12:41 You bitch!
12:43 Hmm.
12:45 Maybe I'll be one.
12:47 Maybe I will take Timothy from you just for the sake of it.
12:50 Maybe I will take Timothy from you
12:52 just like you took my father from me.
12:56 What the fuck?
13:06 What the fuck?
13:11 Wait, Charlotte.
13:19 Timothy!
13:20 Timothy, get back here!
13:22 Wait, Charlotte.
13:24 What did my mom say to you?
13:26 Hey, whatever it is, you can tell me, okay?
13:30 Don't push me away.
13:33 You are just like your father.
13:36 Pretending to be a good teacher,
13:38 going around seducing and brainwashing students.
13:42 You are just like your delusional,
13:45 pathetic mother.
13:48 You want me, don't you?
13:50 Of course I do.
13:53 I want you.
13:59 Now.
14:01 What? Charlotte.
14:02 Take me home.
14:03 Now.
14:05 Take me to bed.
14:09 [Music]
14:28 Wait.
14:30 Wait, Charlotte. What's wrong?
14:33 [Music]
14:41 Oh, okay.
14:42 That's fast.
14:44 Charlotte.
14:51 My Charlotte, what's wrong?
14:54 Just get out.
14:57 Get out!
14:59 I don't want to see you.
15:01 Why?
15:02 What did I do wrong?
15:04 I'm sorry, whatever it is, I can fix it.
15:07 You can't fix anything, Timothy.
15:09 You're just a kid.
15:11 You don't know anything.
15:13 Maybe you're right.
15:15 I really am just a kid.
15:16 It doesn't matter.
15:18 I'm just a kid.
15:20 I'm just a kid.
15:22 I'm just a kid.
15:24 I really am just a kid who doesn't know shit.
15:28 That's why I didn't know how to quit when I should have.
15:32 [Music]
15:55 Timothy?
15:58 I am so sorry.
16:00 I have to tell you something.
16:03 I am so sorry, son.
16:06 She knew St. James was my school,
16:09 and she applied just to get close to you.
16:12 Okay?
16:13 She thought she could use you against me,
16:17 brainwash you, to choose her over me.
16:20 And that is not going to happen.
16:21 We will not let that happen.
16:23 I don't believe you.
16:25 Timothy, she told me herself.
16:27 I don't believe you.
16:28 She didn't know.
16:30 She didn't know I was your son.
16:32 She did, but it didn't matter to her.
16:35 I don't believe you.
16:37 She wouldn't do this to me.
16:39 Son, you are lying to yourself.
16:42 Timothy!
16:44 Timothy!
16:49 Charlotte Swan.
16:54 Charlotte Swan, open the door.
16:57 I know you're in there.
16:58 Come out and talk to me.
17:00 [Music]
17:12 Don't do this to me, please.
17:14 [Music]
17:21 Please, Charlotte, I can't take this.
17:23 This is what's best for you, Timothy.
17:28 Even if it means you'll hate me.
17:31 Tell me it isn't true.
17:36 Everything my mom said.
17:38 You're getting close to me on purpose.
17:43 Everything we went through together.
17:47 It was all fake?
17:49 No, it wasn't.
17:51 Of course it wasn't.
17:54 Come out and tell me it's not true.
17:57 If you come out now, I'll believe you.
18:01 I'll believe anything you say.
18:06 I'm sorry, Timothy.
18:09 [Music]
18:21 Charlotte Swan is hereby terminated for inappropriate behavior.
18:26 [Laughter]
18:29 In fact, that dress she was wearing.
18:32 What's she gonna do in the school?
18:36 So, Charlotte Swan's gone.
18:38 Stop.
18:40 I'm just saying, I can't believe she tried to sleep with you.
18:43 I wanted to puke when Principal Wolfe sent out that news announcement.
18:46 Are you kidding?
18:47 Yeah.
18:48 It was unreal.
18:49 What on earth?
18:50 It was obvious from the start.
18:52 She was into Timothy.
18:53 She should be going to jail.
18:55 Firing her doesn't seem like enough.
18:56 He gets it.
18:57 I'm just saying.
18:58 Good morning, class.
19:01 I know you're probably wondering who I am.
19:05 I am Bob Calloway, your new AP literature teacher.
19:09 And I help to put the lit in literature.
19:12 [Laughter]
19:13 Hey, where are you going?
19:14 Timmy!
19:16 Charlotte Swan.
19:21 Charlotte?
19:31 Goodbye.
19:34 Timothy.
19:47 You didn't change your lock.
19:49 I don't have your money.
19:51 And I probably never will.
19:53 I was fired.
19:54 I don't have anything to threaten you with anymore.
19:57 Tell everyone you know.
19:59 Send pictures to them.
20:01 Tell them all about Dad.
20:02 I don't care.
20:03 I have nothing.
20:04 [Laughter]
20:06 What's your problem?
20:07 What's so funny?
20:08 You really don't know, do you?
20:10 You actually have no idea.
20:12 What don't I know?
20:14 I came to say goodbye, Charlotte.
20:18 I'm moving.
20:20 I'm starting new.
20:23 What about the debt?
20:24 He really didn't tell you.
20:26 Did he?
20:28 Your little boyfriend, Timothy.
20:30 He sold his car and wired me 165K.
20:41 Who knew such an ugly car would be worth so much?
20:44 He really did love you.
20:47 Do you know that?
20:49 God, you really fucked that up, didn't you?
20:53 Yeah.
20:54 I found out his name from the wire transfer with money.
20:58 Timothy Waltz.
20:59 Amber Wolf's son, isn't he?
21:02 Who knew?
21:04 I always thought of you as this big, ugly scar that reminded me of your father.
21:11 But as it turns out, you've done the one thing that I couldn't do.
21:18 You avenged me.
21:20 You ruined Timothy Waltz.
21:22 I really am very proud of you.
21:26 Have a good life.
21:29 What are you doing?
21:47 What are you doing here?
21:48 Why didn't you go home? Why didn't you call me?
21:49 It's almost midnight.
21:53 My best friends.
21:57 Did you bring my mom?
21:58 What?
21:59 What do you mean?
22:01 My mom sent you.
22:03 She's a fucking coward.
22:07 Just like Charlotte Swan.
22:12 Well, you don't have to worry about Charlotte Swan anymore.
22:15 She's long gone.
22:17 You're fucking right she's gone.
22:20 She left me.
22:23 With my fucking fake friends.
22:27 And my cheating ass mother.
22:30 We've been friends, have you ever seen?
22:32 Since we found out that my mom was the fucking principal.
22:38 I loved her.
22:44 She was the only person I've ever loved.
22:50 The only one who loved me.
22:53 Through me.
22:55 That's not true.
22:56 I also--
22:57 Also.
22:58 What?
22:59 I tell me your decade long crush has nothing to do with all the shit I did for you.
23:06 All the shit that my mom did for you.
23:11 She's moving, you know?
23:13 Miss Swan, I mean.
23:14 I heard she's leaving town tonight.
23:17 I just--
23:18 I'm sorry, okay?
23:19 For what it's worth.
23:21 I love you, dude.
23:23 For everything.
23:24 But also for who you are, so.
23:28 Go get your girl, man.
23:33 I know you think I'm just a kid.
23:35 I know nothing about love.
23:37 But I know this.
23:38 I became ready to take on the world with you.
23:43 I know you think I'm just a kid.
23:45 I know nothing about love.
23:47 But I know this.
23:48 I became ready to take on the world with you.
23:52 Morning, Miss Swan.
24:01 Timothy, you put me down!
24:03 Charlotte Swan, I'd do anything for you.
24:06 Is that not true?
24:08 Charlotte Swan, I'd do anything for you.
24:11 Is that not love?
24:13 Charlotte Swan, don't fucking go!
24:31 Stop, stop!
24:33 Wait!
24:34 I think that boy is calling you.
24:41 LAX, drive now.
24:44 Don't leave me, Charlotte.
24:48 I do not care who your mother is.
25:00 Timothy, was it?
25:02 I don't like to see you cry.
25:05 You're welcome.
25:09 Morning, Miss Swan.
25:14 You loved me.
25:18 Didn't you?
25:20 I did.
25:23 I do.
25:28 I do.
25:30 I'm so sorry, Daddy.
25:38 It doesn't matter.
25:40 I don't care.
25:42 I don't care who you are.
25:44 I don't care.
25:46 I just want you.
25:49 I love you.
25:52 I love you.
25:55 I love you.
25:57 I love you.
25:59 I love you.
26:02 I love you.
26:05 [Music]
26:07 [Music]
26:10 [Music]
26:13 [Music]
26:40 I love you, Charlotte Swan.
26:42 I love you, Timothy.
26:44 Looks better on you.
26:50 Hmm?
26:51 The uniform.
26:53 You look 18.
26:55 You know I can't stay here, right?
27:00 Sure.
27:01 We'll find you a nicer apartment.
27:04 You know that's not what I mean.
27:06 No, you can stay.
27:08 I'll talk to my mom.
27:10 You're not going to do that.
27:12 I already found a new job.
27:18 Instructor at a private university on the East Coast.
27:22 Pays less, but with my mom gone, I'll be fine.
27:29 Don't leave me again.
27:34 You can't leave me again.
27:38 I have to.
27:40 It's the only way for me to start over.
27:43 It's the only way for this to work.
27:46 I'll come find you.
27:48 I'll graduate with straight A's.
27:50 I'll apply to the East Coast.
27:52 We'll do long distance till then.
27:54 It's not a big deal.
27:56 You have a whole future ahead of you, Timothy.
28:02 You'll grow up and forget me.
28:06 [music]
28:08 You're going to be fine.
28:27 Keep in touch, okay?
28:29 Don't forget to eat.
28:30 Lock your door.
28:32 Please don't forget about me.
28:35 I'll call every day.
28:44 I'll come visit every break.
28:46 I know.
28:47 I know you won't forget.
28:49 And even if you do, it'll be okay.
28:53 Promise you won't forgive me.
29:01 I promise.
29:03 That will be all for today.
29:17 We'll have our midterm exam on Monday.
29:20 Thank you.
29:22 [music]
29:24 [baby crying]
29:26 [music]
29:32 Excuse me.
29:52 Is there a smoking area on campus?
29:55 I'm sorry.
29:58 I'm afraid this entire campus is smoke-free.
30:02 Well, that's too bad.
30:11 It's a good thing I quit smoking three years ago
30:13 when I met this super hot teacher.
30:16 [music]
30:18 You're working too hard.
30:33 Let me help.
30:35 You want to grade upper division papers as a sophomore?
30:39 Yeah, it's just Shakespeare, right?
30:42 I can do Shakespeare.
30:45 I am the genius who got into Princeton,
30:47 so I think I'll manage.
30:50 Wait a minute.
30:53 You have a Shakespeare paper due next week, don't you?
30:57 Hey!
30:59 Graduation is illegal!
31:01 Get back here!
31:02 Give them to me!
31:04 Bad dog.
31:11 [music]
31:13 What's this?
31:19 Feeling nostalgic?
31:21 Timothy--
31:34 I know.
31:36 I'm young.
31:38 Practically a kid.
31:40 I have my whole future ahead of me.
31:42 I know all that.
31:44 But you're a part of that future now.
31:47 You're the one who created it for me, Miss Swan.
31:50 Don't call me that.
31:52 Charlotte Swan,
31:57 the love of my life.
31:59 Will you marry me?
32:06 Yes.
32:08 Yes.
32:11 [music]
32:13 [music]
32:15 [music]
32:18 [music]
32:21 [music]
32:23 [music]
32:28 [music]
32:30 [music]
32:32 [music]
