No Condemnation for Those Who Are in Christ Pt 2 - Creflo Dollar

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00:00:00 - We thank you for this and other opportunity to minister to these,
00:00:04 your precious sheep. Thank you, Lord, that revelation
00:00:07 knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic
00:00:12 force. And Father, I pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and think
00:00:17 through my mind. None of me and all of you, it's in Jesus' name we pray.
00:00:25 And everybody said, "Amen." You may be seated. And if you have your Bibles,
00:00:32 go with me to the book of Psalms 34, verse 22 in the NLT.
00:00:39 Well, last week, we started a series entitled, "No Condemnation for Those
00:00:44 in Christ," and we want to finish that today. And I have to tell you,
00:00:49 the study time this week and what I have to say to you today,
00:00:53 I have never been under such a violent physical attack in my voice to get this
00:01:02 message. And I'm laughing because I know you're trying to stop it,
00:01:06 but hell or high waters won't stop me from going into preaching this.
00:01:09 This is something that when I saw it, my whole life lit up.
00:01:19 And I said, "Oh, my goodness." I asked God one question,
00:01:26 "Show me what condemnation looks like in everyday living."
00:01:33 You know, it's so easy for us to hear terms and we turn them into religious
00:01:36 terms, but what does that look like when I wake up and I start moving around upon
00:01:42 this earth? What does it look like when I encounter relationships in my marriage
00:01:49 what does it look like even where your reputation is concerned?
00:01:54 So, this is the most important message I've ever preached before in my life,
00:01:59 but I'm going to tell you one thing, it'll change your life.
00:02:03 Are you ready for this? Verse 22 says, "But the Lord will redeem those who serve
00:02:13 him. No one who takes refuge in him will be condemned."
00:02:24 No one that takes refuge in him will be condemned.
00:02:37 Now, look at John chapter 3, verse 17 through 18.
00:02:41 "No one who takes refuge in him will be condemned."
00:02:51 Verse 17 and 18, "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world."
00:02:59 So, Jesus was not sent here to judge and disapprove and condemn the world,
00:03:08 but that the world through him might be saved.
00:03:12 Not--they're not going to get saved through condemnation.
00:03:15 They're going to get saved through Jesus.
00:03:19 Verse 18, "He that believeth on him is not condemned."
00:03:27 The authenticity of your belief on him is going to be equal to your decision to
00:03:34 depend on him.
00:03:37 It's not just a mental assent, "Oh, I believe in him," but it says,
00:03:41 "I believe in him. Watch my life.
00:03:43 I depend on him."
00:03:46 "He that believeth on him," or depends on him, "is not condemned.
00:03:52 But he that believes not, who depends not on him,
00:03:57 is condemned already," because we're going to find out what that means.
00:04:02 Why is it there you're condemned already for not believing?
00:04:06 Because he has not believed in the name of the Son of the only begotten Son,
00:04:11 the only begotten Son of God.
00:04:13 You're already condemned because you're not believing in the only one who can make
00:04:18 sure you're not condemned.
00:04:21 And then finally, in Romans chapter 8, verse 1, Romans 8, verse 1,
00:04:28 "There is therefore."
00:04:30 Now, this is interesting because Paul is saying this right after he had a chapter
00:04:37 full of confessions about all the issue he got in his life.
00:04:43 And the challenge it was to try to stop doing the stuff that he knew he wasn't
00:04:47 supposed to be doing and how hard it was for him to be doing the stuff that he
00:04:51 knew he should be doing.
00:04:52 And he was like, "Oh, wretched man that I am.
00:04:57 Who can deliver me from this bondage of sin?"
00:05:00 And he comes here in verse 1 and he says, "There is therefore now no
00:05:06 condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, period."
00:05:14 There is no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, period.
00:05:19 Some translations show you that "who walk not after the flesh and the Spirit" is
00:05:22 in italicized.
00:05:23 That part did not appear in the original Greek.
00:05:27 Here's what it read in the original Greek.
00:05:28 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus,
00:05:34 period."
00:05:35 You still don't bring anything to the table.
00:05:37 You got in Jesus, you believed in him, you depend on him,
00:05:40 and there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, period.
00:05:47 Now, what I want to do, even if it takes me the rest of this
00:05:52 service, I don't think we get condemnation.
00:05:58 Look at him.
00:06:01 This is hilarious.
00:06:06 I take my glasses out and they break.
00:06:10 This is God, man.
00:06:11 I don't need them.
00:06:13 I don't think we understand.
00:06:23 That's what you do every time the devil shows up in your life.
00:06:29 You laugh.
00:06:33 And by the way, those are brand new glasses.
00:06:40 I don't think we understand condemnation.
00:06:44 It's become one of those words that you just kind of use,
00:06:50 but you don't really dig in deep.
00:06:52 In fact, for the most of you, I'd come and ask,
00:06:58 "Are you in condemnation?"
00:06:59 You would probably say, "No, I'm not in condemnation."
00:07:05 Let me give you a familiar definition of this,
00:07:08 and then we'll go from there.
00:07:10 Condemnation is an expression of strong disapproval.
00:07:20 Have you ever had disapproval?
00:07:27 It's an expression of disapproval.
00:07:32 It is to pronounce unfit, guilty, vulnerable.
00:07:44 Judgment and punishment are attached to condemnation.
00:07:53 Condemnation is a feeling that you don't measure up.
00:08:00 Condemnation is a feeling that you're not enough.
00:08:10 You're not enough.
00:08:14 And when things happen in your life,
00:08:17 the thing that comes up is maybe you're not enough.
00:08:25 When things don't work out the way that you thought it should
00:08:28 work out, it comes up, "Well, maybe you were not enough."
00:08:34 Inferiority and condemnation, they go hand in hand.
00:08:38 Maybe you're not enough.
00:08:41 And Romans chapter 8 and 1 says there's no condemnation in
00:08:45 Christ Jesus, but I'm going to tell you right now,
00:08:47 there's condemnation everywhere else.
00:08:55 So, what does it look like?
00:09:03 Condemnation is you waiting on the verdict.
00:09:18 "I'm waiting on the verdict."
00:09:23 Was that enough?
00:09:26 Condemnation, "I'm waiting to see if I was good enough.
00:09:34 I'm waiting to see if I matter."
00:09:41 We want a verdict that our life is meaningful.
00:09:47 We seek that verdict.
00:09:49 We seek that verdict from our workplace.
00:09:53 We seek that verdict from our relationships.
00:09:56 We seek that verdict even from our reputation.
00:10:00 Either I feel like I was good enough or I wasn't good enough.
00:10:05 And then we make our work and our relationship and our
00:10:09 reputation, we make those things our judge,
00:10:13 and we're waiting to see the verdict.
00:10:21 The world will always eventually give you this same verdict,
00:10:29 "Not good enough."
00:10:33 And so, we live in fear knowing that the verdict of
00:10:38 condemnation is coming.
00:10:42 We live in this fear knowing that somebody,
00:10:46 some relationship, husband, wife,
00:10:48 somebody at the job, something about my relationship,
00:10:51 and you'll find yourself, if you're not careful,
00:10:54 sitting back being okay because you settled,
00:10:58 "I don't mean much, so here's the verdict.
00:11:02 I'm not good enough."
00:11:06 And what people don't understand is what that does in a person's
00:11:09 life who only fears the verdict of not being good enough.
00:11:15 "Well, I just might as well go and act a fool," or,
00:11:18 "I might as well just go and act crazy.
00:11:20 I might as well just go and get high.
00:11:22 I might as well just go and cheat.
00:11:24 I might as well," because you can't--you have no--you don't
00:11:27 stop sinning when the verdict is not good enough.
00:11:35 I don't--it must have been God.
00:11:37 I was minding my own business, getting ready to wrap up.
00:11:40 You know how sometimes when you're having a conversation,
00:11:43 I don't know if this happened to you,
00:11:45 you have a conversation around somebody and your phone is on,
00:11:47 and then that thing pops up?
00:11:49 Somebody said, "That happens to you?"
00:11:51 I said, "It don't ever happen to me."
00:11:53 Yeah, it happens to me, and I'm rehearsing this out loud,
00:11:56 and this article, I found an article out of the New York
00:12:00 magazine, which was so sad, but I read it,
00:12:04 and it describes people today as feeling guilty
00:12:10 and inadequate at every turn.
00:12:15 They compare themselves relentlessly to others.
00:12:21 They are turned inside out day after day by special--
00:12:25 by social media, and one person, according to this article,
00:12:29 said, "I think my primary emotion in my life is guilt."
00:12:38 So, if you ever wanted to wonder what's going on in the world
00:12:41 and why people are acting like they act,
00:12:43 because they are afraid of the verdict.
00:12:49 We feel naked and ashamed.
00:12:53 People are filled with anxiety and doubt and guilt,
00:12:59 and we're working harder and harder to convince everybody,
00:13:04 including ourselves, that we have it all together,
00:13:10 and especially Christian people.
00:13:11 We work real hard to try to prove to even other Christian
00:13:14 people, "We got it all together, and the truth is, is you don't."
00:13:22 I'm going to show you the little trick he's been playing on us.
00:13:24 The truth is, is you don't have it all together,
00:13:28 and that's where our solution can start.
00:13:31 Our solution starts with the truth of knowing you don't have
00:13:34 it all together, and the problem comes is when you have to really
00:13:38 deceive yourself into thinking you have it all together.
00:13:41 How can we expect to be delivered off the foundation
00:13:45 of a lie that we're doing it to ourselves?
00:13:51 [applause]
00:13:55 We don't need condemnation to come from the world,
00:13:57 ladies and gentlemen.
00:13:58 You know why?
00:13:59 Because we're already condemning ourselves.
00:14:01 Anything that we look to other than God will return the verdict
00:14:19 not good enough.
00:14:23 So, what we've done is we've created different idols trying
00:14:29 to get the verdict we want, and an idol is something
00:14:36 that takes God's place.
00:14:40 And we're looking for some idol.
00:14:42 We're looking somewhere.
00:14:44 Let me get this.
00:14:45 This is laying.
00:14:46 Let me put it in my pocket.
00:14:48 Keep popping out everywhere.
00:14:50 We're looking somewhere for somebody, some idol somewhere
00:14:55 to say, "We are enough."
00:14:59 And I'm promising you no matter where you look outside of Jesus,
00:15:05 it's going to be the same verdict, not enough.
00:15:10 You're hoping that somehow as you start doing something that
00:15:13 somebody's going to say, "You're enough," but you're going to
00:15:16 meet somebody somewhere, it's going to be the same.
00:15:20 It's not enough.
00:15:22 But then Jesus does something so amazing.
00:15:27 I want you to listen to me so carefully.
00:15:31 He freely justifies us, which means he declares us as being
00:15:36 right even though we're wrong.
00:15:38 And I know some of you have struggled with this issue of
00:15:41 you're the righteousness of God when you ain't doing right.
00:15:45 I know some of you have struggled with the issue of
00:15:47 you've been made holy when you know you ain't holy.
00:15:52 Let me give you an illustration.
00:15:55 Let's say you were in my college class and you took the final
00:16:03 exam.
00:16:06 Now, before the exam, you were passing with a pretty good grade.
00:16:12 But when you took the exam, you failed.
00:16:18 You did not do a good job on that final exam.
00:16:22 Now, I can't tell you, "Oh, you did a great job on the final
00:16:27 exam," because you didn't.
00:16:32 But what I can do is say, "You know, I'm not going to count
00:16:37 that final grade against you."
00:16:41 So, you're still going to be able to pass as if you didn't
00:16:44 take the exam.
00:16:47 Now, I didn't try to manipulate or fix up the fact that you
00:16:51 still did a bad job on the exam.
00:16:55 I just decided not to count it against you.
00:17:01 And that's what God's grace does for us.
00:17:05 He doesn't applaud you for sinning.
00:17:08 He still don't like to sin.
00:17:10 He still don't like how you acted.
00:17:12 He still don't like how you talking to folks.
00:17:14 He still don't like how you answering those midnight calls,
00:17:18 you know.
00:17:19 He still don't like all of that stuff.
00:17:21 But he decided not to count it against you.
00:17:24 He will not hold it against you.
00:17:27 He's not focusing on what you did and how bad the test was.
00:17:31 You're only focusing on, "That doesn't count against me."
00:17:39 Verdict, you good enough.
00:17:44 Not because of what you have done,
00:17:46 but because you decided to believe my son, Jesus Christ,
00:17:51 and the verdict is good enough.
00:17:53 That is the only place you're going to get that verdict.
00:17:57 You're not going to get it from the world.
00:17:59 You may not get it from your relationship.
00:18:01 You might not even get it from your marriage,
00:18:04 but there is a guarantee that you will get this verdict from
00:18:08 the Lord Jesus Christ, no condemnation.
00:18:13 Let me read something else I saw in this article,
00:18:21 which was--I knew I should have underlined it.
00:18:34 Here it is.
00:18:36 I was kind of shocked when I saw this.
00:18:38 Obviously, this person knows about grace.
00:18:41 "Nevertheless, our lives are never paragons of beauty and
00:18:45 holiness.
00:18:47 I lose my temper with my kids, my parents, my spouse.
00:18:53 We all struggle in the same way.
00:18:55 We gossip.
00:18:56 We judge others who don't have it together.
00:18:59 We're insensitive.
00:19:01 We dismiss people we disagree with.
00:19:04 We lust.
00:19:05 We covet.
00:19:06 We envy.
00:19:07 Anxiety, doubt, and temptation rules us.
00:19:11 Our lives are not beautiful.
00:19:13 Our failures produce panic as we fear what they mean--what that
00:19:17 means.
00:19:19 Might we not be forgiven?
00:19:21 Are we still in deep insecurity?
00:19:24 And doubt arises.
00:19:26 Might we be condemned?
00:19:29 But if you've put your faith in Jesus but still feel condemned,
00:19:36 then you're still placing the condemnation somewhere,
00:19:40 perhaps in your own goodness, your own reputation,
00:19:44 or how much you are doing for God.
00:19:48 You're still looking to try to earn the verdict you desire.
00:19:56 And what he asks you for is, "Believe in me and the verdict,
00:20:02 no condemnation."
00:20:06 [applause]
00:20:12 But the temptation that we still wrestle with is,
00:20:18 "I hear you, believe in Jesus and no condemnation.
00:20:22 I don't want to do that.
00:20:23 I want the verdict from the world.
00:20:26 I want the verdict from my peers.
00:20:28 I want the verdict from the people I respect.
00:20:31 I want the verdict.
00:20:33 I want somebody to give me an award to tell me I'm all right.
00:20:37 I want somebody to honor me to tell me that I'm good enough."
00:20:42 And you know the strange thing about it is that one night I was
00:20:46 on my way leaving a meeting, a friend of mine,
00:20:49 his precious, precious son, he had just had the night of that
00:20:52 anybody would want.
00:20:54 He won awards, you understand?
00:20:56 Great awards, and those awards are supposed to mean
00:20:59 you're good enough.
00:21:02 And with those awards, he said, "It was the saddest day of my
00:21:05 life that I had all these awards and I had nobody there that I
00:21:09 knew loved me to celebrate it with me.
00:21:11 And if you don't hurry up and get here,
00:21:13 I'm going to blow my brains out."
00:21:15 You see, I don't care if you do get something from the world
00:21:18 where they're kind of saying that you're enough.
00:21:23 If you keep telling yourself you're not enough,
00:21:26 even with the awards, the verdict of not guilty can only
00:21:34 come through your belief in Jesus Christ.
00:21:37 If you understand that, say amen.
00:21:40 Now, let's search this now.
00:21:45 Christ, according to these three Scriptures we just read,
00:21:51 is the only solution for condemnation.
00:21:54 That's it.
00:21:57 That's it.
00:21:58 And people that don't know that will experience the feeling of
00:22:02 not enough and condemnation for the rest of their life.
00:22:04 But for you who are hearing this today,
00:22:06 you hear this and hear it clearly.
00:22:08 Christ is the only solution for the issue of condemnation.
00:22:18 Now, self-righteousness can become the root to
00:22:21 self-condemnation because self-righteousness still is
00:22:25 trying to deal with it through your own performance
00:22:29 and your own self.
00:22:35 Condemnation, how powerful is it?
00:22:40 Condemnation is what gives birth to fear.
00:22:47 You're talking about the root to fear?
00:22:49 The root to fear?
00:22:50 You're afraid that what God said won't come to pass.
00:22:53 You're afraid you might lose this.
00:22:55 You're afraid.
00:22:56 Fear, fear.
00:22:57 People walk in fear.
00:22:59 People fear things.
00:23:01 They fear that things are just not going to happen,
00:23:06 and we wonder where does that fear come from?
00:23:09 It comes from condemnation.
00:23:11 Condemnation produces fear.
00:23:14 And when you're operating in the fear of this and the fear of
00:23:17 that and the fear of all these other kind of things,
00:23:21 then that fear is going to move you into stress.
00:23:30 Condemnation produces fear.
00:23:33 Fear produces stress, and stress will bring on the
00:23:38 manifestations of the curse.
00:23:42 Watch carefully now.
00:23:44 It's condemnation.
00:23:45 That's why I'm talking about this.
00:23:46 Condemnation.
00:23:47 You're walking in fear.
00:23:50 Job said, "The things I fear the most has come upon me."
00:23:54 Your fear starts with condemnation.
00:23:57 Condemnation opens the door for fear.
00:24:03 What are you fearing?
00:24:04 What's the thing you fear every day?
00:24:08 Why do you fear that your marriage is not going to make it?
00:24:10 Why do you fear that you're not going to be able to pay your bills?
00:24:12 Why do you fear that your children are going to come out a certain way?
00:24:15 What's the fear you have?
00:24:16 That fear is coming from condemnation.
00:24:20 Condemnation is the root to every fear you'll ever experience in life.
00:24:26 Condemnation equals fear, and fear, fear will bring about the stress.
00:24:34 Did you know stress, when you are diseased, you will open the door for disease?
00:24:43 Well, that's happening.
00:24:45 When condemnation produces fear and fear produces stress,
00:24:48 stress opens the door for the manifestations of the curse.
00:24:55 Why is cancer and stuff so strong?
00:24:57 Because we won't deal with condemnation somehow.
00:25:00 I don't know how the devil did it.
00:25:02 He blinded us to the fact of we're still seeking for the verdict of, "I'm enough."
00:25:10 And you're still seeking that verdict from places that will never give the
00:25:15 verdict of no condemnation.
00:25:18 The only place, the only place you will ever get that verdict from,
00:25:22 I've said it a hundred times, is in Christ.
00:25:26 And if you're not in Christ, condemnation will start this progression.
00:25:34 You look at your own life.
00:25:35 If you're not in Christ and if you don't believe you're enough in Christ,
00:25:39 then you are most likely dealing with some kind of fear.
00:25:44 And if you are dealing with fear, if you're fearful every day of your life,
00:25:49 there's stress that accompanies that fear.
00:25:52 Are you kidding me?
00:25:55 The fear that somebody's going to find out that you're not like you present
00:25:59 yourself to be.
00:26:01 The fear that they're going to find out that the real you is really a fake you
00:26:06 because you were introducing people to the you that you were showing them
00:26:12 through the covers that you covered up the real you.
00:26:17 And a fake you.
00:26:19 We don't even know the real you.
00:26:20 We only know the you with the covers on you.
00:26:26 And so while everybody's buying it, you're stressed out.
00:26:32 You're stressed out because you know the real you.
00:26:37 But you're working real hard to keep the cover on.
00:26:40 And the cover is slowly coming off because the fear is coming upon you
00:26:48 and the thing you fear the most comes upon you and the stress opens up
00:26:52 to the manifestations of the curse, sickness,
00:26:57 brokenness, worries, all of the manifestations.
00:27:02 And it shows up on your body.
00:27:04 It shows up on your face.
00:27:07 It shows up on your attitude.
00:27:10 The manifestations of the curse coming from stress,
00:27:13 stress coming from fear, fear coming from condemnation.
00:27:16 Can you see why the devil don't want me to talk to y'all about this?
00:27:22 Because I'm talking to you.
00:27:24 I ain't got time to be wasting my time preaching no popcorn sermons just to
00:27:28 get you to shout.
00:27:29 Jesus is coming back and I've got to stand before him and give an account of
00:27:33 how I pastored and watched over your souls and I don't have time for all that
00:27:37 other stuff no more.
00:27:39 And you know why I can do this?
00:27:41 Because I am in Christ and he has declared, "Bam, you enough, Creflo Dollar."
00:27:51 And I want you to go home today believing in Christ and when you walk in your
00:27:56 house, I want you to walk in your house knowing you are enough.
00:28:02 [applause]
00:28:12 What else does this feel like?
00:28:14 People who feel like they are not enough, people who feel condemned,
00:28:19 they'll say things like this.
00:28:22 "I need to improve so I'll pray more."
00:28:26 So now I'm going to use it on Christian folks, how Christian folks do this.
00:28:30 Because see, we love to hide behind Scripture and say,
00:28:32 "Well, I don't have condemnation."
00:28:34 And listen to it.
00:28:35 You will say, "I need to improve so I'm going to pray more."
00:28:40 Huh.
00:28:42 What did you just say?
00:28:43 "I'm not enough.
00:28:44 I haven't received that I'm enough so I'm going to pray more."
00:28:50 If I just try harder, the breakthrough will come.
00:28:56 What you saying?
00:28:57 "I don't feel like I'm enough for the breakthrough because it ain't came yet."
00:29:04 If I only get more faith, my miracle will manifest.
00:29:12 You still feel like you're not enough.
00:29:14 You're still trying to bring something to the table and hope that by what I
00:29:19 you bring to the table, it will equip you to be enough for all of these things.
00:29:29 My problem is that if I only do this, what I need to do is that.
00:29:41 And have you noticed the condemned person in the church is focused entirely on himself?
00:29:54 Focused entirely on him.
00:30:00 All Jesus is trying to say is, "Believe in me, and with me you will be enough."
00:30:18 You know, I see this in John chapter 19, verses 5 through 10, if you'll go there.
00:30:24 How can I be supernaturally transformed?
00:30:29 Well, Jesus gave us a gift of no condemnation.
00:30:38 You remember what he said to that woman in the book of John?
00:30:44 In fact, let's go there, John 8, 10, and 11.
00:30:48 The gift of no condemnation.
00:30:50 It's a gift that Jesus gave us, a gift of no condemnation.
00:30:53 Why did he give us a gift of no condemnation?
00:30:56 He knew something here.
00:30:58 I want you to listen to me because I'm headed towards a gigantic truth,
00:31:04 a truth that maybe you've been working hard not to hear,
00:31:07 but I want you to hear it, and in hearing it, you're going to be free.
00:31:13 So, here's this woman caught in the very act of adultery.
00:31:21 And they pulled her out of the act of adultery because they wanted to catch Jesus.
00:31:27 And he said, "Jesus, Moses said a woman who commits adultery,
00:31:32 or if any commit adultery--" The man must have ran real fast.
00:31:37 "If any commit adultery--" The first streaker must have been right out of this
00:31:45 situation right here.
00:31:50 "--that they should be stoned to death."
00:31:53 This was supposed to be the day she died.
00:31:58 But before you read on, empathy begs to question,
00:32:04 what was on her to cause her to be in this act of adultery?
00:32:10 What happened?
00:32:12 Was her heart broken?
00:32:14 Was she mistreated?
00:32:16 Did something happen to her?
00:32:18 I don't know specifically what happened, but I do know she was in condemnation.
00:32:24 'Cause when you don't feel like you're enough,
00:32:27 you don't mind people treating you any kind of way.
00:32:34 If you are a woman and you are dating a man that treats you like a dog,
00:32:42 somewhere you receive that I ain't nothing in the way.
00:32:49 Might as well.
00:32:51 At least I have somebody I can hold.
00:32:57 You know how women do on--let me stop.
00:33:02 I dare not say how women do, but also how men do, how people do.
00:33:09 On the holiday, they just want to be with somebody.
00:33:13 Ain't got nothing to do with love.
00:33:15 I just don't want to be by myself on the holiday.
00:33:19 So, what you doing this Christmas?
00:33:21 Oh, my sugar daddy--I mean, Mr. Jones, he taking me to the Bahamas.
00:33:30 Might as well.
00:33:33 I don't feel like I'm enough to get somebody that really loves me.
00:33:38 'Cause when I thought they really loved me, they broke my heart.
00:33:43 And then I did it again, and they broke my heart.
00:33:46 And I did it again, and they broke my heart.
00:33:49 And my daddy molested me and broke my heart.
00:33:52 See, before you start judging and condemning people,
00:33:55 ask God to give you empathy because you don't know what happened to get them--
00:34:01 you don't know what happened to get that lady into bed.
00:34:04 Why was she in the bed?
00:34:08 Don't feel like I'm enough.
00:34:10 Ain't never felt like I'm enough.
00:34:14 And the devil will always have somebody around you to whisper that to you.
00:34:21 You ain't enough.
00:34:23 You ain't nothing.
00:34:26 You just a little ho sleeping around with everybody.
00:34:29 How much money is it going to take this time?
00:34:34 So before we want to be real quick to say they should have stoned her to death,
00:34:42 Jesus took the attention off this woman's condemnation day
00:34:53 and put it back on the guys that wanted to stone her
00:34:56 and say, "Y'all don't believe y'all enough either."
00:35:01 And the old men dropped their stones, and they left
00:35:04 because they knew how much sins they had,
00:35:06 and they knew they wasn't enough.
00:35:08 They knew they'd been struggling.
00:35:09 They knew they got their faults.
00:35:10 Maybe it wasn't in adultery, but it was in a whole lot of other stuff.
00:35:14 They left because they too were under condemnation.
00:35:19 And the young boys left because they were under condemnation.
00:35:22 Even though they hadn't had as much sin as the old man,
00:35:25 they still didn't get the verdict that they wanted.
00:35:32 And Jesus looked at the woman in verse 10,
00:35:35 and when he had lifted up himself, he saw none but the woman.
00:35:42 He said unto her, "Woman, where are those thine accusers?
00:35:48 Hath no man condemned thee?"
00:35:57 And she said, "No man, Lord."
00:36:02 And Jesus said unto her, "This is so powerful.
00:36:07 I'm going to give you the verdict you've wanted to hear
00:36:12 all your life.
00:36:17 Neither do I condemn thee.
00:36:22 Go and sin no more."
00:36:29 He said to this woman, "You now are enough because of me."
00:36:40 Now that you know you're enough,
00:36:44 you now have what's necessary to defeat this sin.
00:36:51 'Cause if she didn't have what was necessary to defeat the sin,
00:36:54 then Jesus is a liar and a false prophet.
00:36:56 He says, "Go and sin no more because there is nothing else
00:37:01 that's going to hold you to the sin.
00:37:04 There is now no more condemnation.
00:37:10 I give you a gift of no condemnation."
00:37:17 And world changes?
00:37:19 I remind me that you have received a gift from Jesus
00:37:24 the day you got born again.
00:37:26 All you got to do is receive it now.
00:37:28 No condemnation, amen?
00:37:31 You ain't got to go home and cuss nobody out
00:37:33 because there is no condemnation.
00:37:36 You ain't got to keep doing the stupid stuff you're doing.
00:37:38 Why?
00:37:39 Because there is no condemnation.
00:37:41 I just got to get all of us to realize that if Jesus ain't condemning,
00:37:46 you ain't condemning, praise God.
00:37:48 No judgment from you.
00:37:49 I'm not--no judgment from me.
00:37:51 I'm not judging you.
00:37:53 All I'm saying is if Jesus can give you the verdict of no condemnation,
00:37:58 who do I think I am to tell you that you're not enough?
00:38:02 In Jesus, you are enough.
00:38:04 In Jesus, you're more than enough.
00:38:06 In Jesus, there is no condemnation.
00:38:09 Now, you got to receive that.
00:38:13 And most of our issue as Christian people is we hear stuff that we don't receive.
00:38:19 I can say to you, "I got a gift for you,"
00:38:22 but the gift is still at home because you never showed up to receive it.
00:38:30 And I need you to receive this gift today.
00:38:33 I need you not to go home without this gift in your hands.
00:38:41 And so we see the power that can happen when there is no transformation.
00:38:45 We see it in the life of this woman who was caught in the act of adultery.
00:38:48 But then let's look at John chapter 19, verses 5 and 10.
00:38:53 John chapter 19, verses 5 through 10.
00:38:58 Jesus shows us how people's lives can be supernaturally transformed
00:39:04 if we would not condemn them.
00:39:10 Somebody called, "I need some help."
00:39:13 Well, first of all, before I help you, I need to know what you've been doing.
00:39:19 Dude, either you're going to help them or you're not.
00:39:23 But don't take them through a trial.
00:39:26 All you need to do before you help somebody is,
00:39:29 "Lord, what you want me to do?"
00:39:40 Verse 5, "Then came Jesus forth wearing the crown of thorns."
00:39:51 Go to verse 6.
00:39:57 That ain't what I want.
00:39:59 Go to verse 7.
00:40:04 Uh-uh.
00:40:06 That ain't what I want.
00:40:11 Let's see.
00:40:16 John chapter 4.
00:40:22 Let's see if that's it.
00:40:24 And if not, I'll just tell you a story.
00:40:30 Go to verse 6.
00:40:34 I'm looking for the story about Zacchaeus.
00:40:39 Find it in the back.
00:40:40 I almost got mixed up.
00:40:42 Go to verse 7.
00:40:43 Let me see.
00:40:44 Okay, while they're looking for the Zacchaeus stories,
00:40:47 here's what happened.
00:40:48 They were right in the middle of a situation,
00:40:51 and Jesus was passing by, and Zacchaeus was a short man,
00:40:55 and he was in the tree hiding so he could get a look at Jesus.
00:40:59 And when he saw Jesus, he was just amazed.
00:41:06 He was a tax collector, and he was working
00:41:10 for the Roman government, which made him even more hated.
00:41:16 And so, Jesus calls Zacchaeus down and said, "Come here.
00:41:26 I need to go to your house."
00:41:29 Now, that's enough information for y'all to find it.
00:41:33 Now you got cell phone.
00:41:34 Luke 19, 5 through 10.
00:41:38 Okay, we've been doing a series on John,
00:41:41 so everything I look at is John, John, John, John.
00:41:44 All right, so, "And when Jesus came," verse 5,
00:41:47 "to the place, he looked up, and he saw him,
00:41:50 and he said unto him, 'Zacchaeus, make haste
00:41:55 and come down, for today I must abide at thy house.'
00:42:01 And he made haste, and he came down,
00:42:04 and he received him joyfully.
00:42:08 And when they saw it," now watch folks, watch folks now,
00:42:11 watch folks, watch, watch folks, watch the church folks,
00:42:14 watch church folks.
00:42:16 "And when they saw it, they all murmured," started complaining,
00:42:19 "saying that he was going to meet the guest,
00:42:22 to be the guest with a man that's a sinner."
00:42:28 A man that's a sinner.
00:42:30 I saw Kriplo and Taffer the other day.
00:42:32 They were at the mall with a man I know ain't no good.
00:42:41 And then I saw them in a restaurant.
00:42:43 They were sitting down eating with him, and the Bible says,
00:42:45 "Eat not with the unclean."
00:42:53 And you know what?
00:42:54 It's messing up with some folks because some Christians are a
00:42:57 little concerned about being seen with somebody outside the
00:43:02 church because they might say that they're doing something
00:43:05 wrong with them.
00:43:13 Say that again.
00:43:14 Say, "Watch out now.
00:43:15 Watch out now."
00:43:20 We got to stop doing that.
00:43:23 All you're doing is you're condemning people that you don't
00:43:28 even know if they still like what you heard.
00:43:33 They might not be like that no more.
00:43:36 Or if they like that, rejoice that God got them with somebody
00:43:41 that's born again and filled with the Holy Ghost and getting
00:43:45 ready to change their life.
00:43:49 Stop condemning.
00:43:52 Your condemnation blocks transformation.
00:43:55 So, that's how they felt.
00:44:03 Look at Jesus.
00:44:04 I know I prayed five times a day.
00:44:08 Why he ain't talking about he had need to come to my house?
00:44:11 Why he got to come to that tax collector?
00:44:14 And then you start telling a story about all the things wrong
00:44:18 with him, like Jesus didn't know.
00:44:20 The next time you run into somebody that's condemning
00:44:30 somebody else, take a lesson from Jesus.
00:44:34 Turn the table back on them.
00:44:38 They sent us this, they that.
00:44:40 "Oh, are you saying you're perfect?"
00:44:42 "Well, I ain't perfect or nothing, but still I don't--"
00:44:45 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:44:47 Are you perfect?
00:44:48 "No, I ain't perfect enough, but I don't do that."
00:44:52 Oh, so now you're talking about you got the little sin and they
00:44:55 got the big sin?
00:44:57 "No, no, that ain't what I'm saying.
00:44:58 You know what I'm saying."
00:44:59 No, I'm asking you.
00:45:00 I already know--I know what you're doing.
00:45:02 You're passing judgment on something you're guilty of
00:45:05 yourself, and you're trying to make yourself look better than
00:45:07 them, and that's called self-righteousness,
00:45:11 which will lead to condemnation, which will lead to fear,
00:45:15 which will lead to stress, which will lead to the
00:45:20 manifestation of the curse, all because you decided to be
00:45:24 self-righteous.
00:45:25 You think that your self-righteousness is a result
00:45:28 of you and not a result of Jesus,
00:45:30 and now you think that you being enough is a result of you?
00:45:35 It's not a result of you.
00:45:37 The Bible says your heart is what condemns you.
00:45:39 It's not a result of you.
00:45:40 You're still dealing with issues with yourself 'cause you still
00:45:42 gotta deal with all the crap you know you did.
00:45:50 And church definitely shouldn't be the place where we feel weird
00:45:53 coming out.
00:45:54 I feel funny going to that church 'cause people looking at me with
00:45:56 a condemned eye.
00:45:57 Ought not be like that.
00:45:59 You ought to look at people like, "Oh, I'm so glad you're here."
00:46:02 'Cause what you're saying is my front porch need to be swept
00:46:05 every now and then just like you.
00:46:10 That's all you're saying.
00:46:14 Oh, they're going to quibble again trying to make it seem like
00:46:17 it's all right to sin.
00:46:18 And these people, they need to hear sin.
00:46:20 They need to hear sin.
00:46:21 Excuse me, we done heard sin enough.
00:46:23 That's why we're so conscious of sin.
00:46:24 We've not heard righteousness.
00:46:26 We have not heard about no condemnation.
00:46:28 We have not heard about what Jesus has done with his precious
00:46:30 blood.
00:46:31 We have not heard about that.
00:46:33 We need to hear about that, praise God.
00:46:38 Well, we need to die to sin.
00:46:39 We need to die to sin.
00:46:40 You already dead, you stink so much right now.
00:46:42 What you mean you're dead?
00:46:58 Zacchaeus stood and--now, look what happened.
00:47:01 Go back to the end of verse 7.
00:47:03 I don't want you to miss what happened here now.
00:47:06 Let me read into verse 8.
00:47:07 Just go to Luke 19, 7, and let's read.
00:47:10 He says, "And when they saw it, they all murmured,
00:47:12 saying that he was gone to be the guest with a man that is a
00:47:15 sinner.
00:47:16 And Zacchaeus stood and said unto the Lord, 'Behold, Lord,
00:47:22 the half of my goods I give to the poor,
00:47:24 and if I have taken anything from any man by false accusation,
00:47:29 I restore him fourfold.'"
00:47:33 All right, now go back, now read this in the NLT.
00:47:37 Now, notice Jesus ain't asked this man nothing.
00:47:44 He didn't ask him to do nothing.
00:47:45 By pure fact that Jesus chose to be a guest at his house,
00:47:51 he already know his stuff.
00:47:56 But when compassion shows up in the middle of your mess,
00:48:04 you'll start being transformed.
00:48:06 People are changed when compassion shows up,
00:48:08 not when judgment shows up.
00:48:11 People are changed when compassion shows up,
00:48:14 not when condemnation shows up.
00:48:16 We think by condemning people, they're going to be transformed.
00:48:20 Nobody's ever been transformed by you condemning them.
00:48:23 Ain't nobody going to be transformed by me getting in the
00:48:25 pulpit and talking about how dirty you are.
00:48:27 You're all dirty, none of you.
00:48:28 Go to hell by 12 o'clock, I guarantee it's almost 12.
00:48:30 You go to hell, I guarantee you, God going to get you all.
00:48:32 All y'all going to hell.
00:48:37 Ain't nobody ever been transformed.
00:48:38 They've just been transformed out of your church somewhere else,
00:48:41 but ain't nobody been transformed because condemnation is not
00:48:46 responsible for transforming people's lives.
00:48:49 Compassion is, empathy is.
00:48:56 But the people were displeased.
00:49:00 He has gone to be a guest of a notorious sinner.
00:49:05 They grumbled, which means they kept talking.
00:49:11 Meanwhile, Zacchaeus stood before the Lord and said,
00:49:14 "I will give half my wealth to the poor.
00:49:18 Lord, and if I have cheated people on their taxes,
00:49:22 I will give them back four times as much as I cheated them."
00:49:26 In verse 9, "And Jesus responded, 'Okay, salvation has
00:49:35 come to this home today, for this man has shown himself to be
00:49:39 a true son of Abraham.'"
00:49:44 This didn't happen because Jesus showed up and said,
00:49:47 "Now, Zacchaeus, Zac, you know you ain't right.
00:49:50 You know you ain't no good.
00:49:55 And I know you've been stealing from folks,
00:49:57 and I know you're old folks.
00:49:58 You know you ain't no good.
00:50:00 Don't you, Zac?"
00:50:01 "Yeah, Lord, I know I ain't no good."
00:50:04 He didn't do that, did he?
00:50:08 He came in with no condemnation.
00:50:13 And this man's life, without anything in the table except
00:50:21 Jesus and compassion, he was transformed.
00:50:28 And he went from being a notorious sinner to a servant
00:50:35 of Jesus Christ that gave and bought to his house the gift
00:50:41 of no condemnation.
00:50:44 When there is no condemnation, people change.
00:50:48 Your children are not gonna change because you think you're
00:50:50 so smart to play the dumb reverse psychology.
00:50:53 You ain't even doing it right.
00:50:58 They're not gonna change.
00:51:00 Now, you know you need to quit smoking that weed.
00:51:02 They already know that.
00:51:06 Well, and then you're gonna get up, you know, 'cause I feel
00:51:10 like I'm being taken advantage of, and I'm finna do something
00:51:12 to you 'cause they already know that.
00:51:15 Back up a little bit.
00:51:16 Let's back up some.
00:51:18 Let's look at compassion.
00:51:20 Let's see what might've happened in their life that might've
00:51:23 kinda led 'em that way.
00:51:26 Let's treat 'em like they the best saved people around,
00:51:34 and watch the transformation take place.
00:51:38 I tell you what, the other day when my kids--when they won
00:51:43 those Grammys, when we went back to the room, I ain't never heard
00:51:47 so much good preaching before in my life.
00:51:50 I sat back there like, "God dang, that's good."
00:51:53 They was prophesying and preaching and praising the Lord.
00:51:56 I said, "Look at Jesus."
00:52:04 'Cause pastor's kids get it worse.
00:52:07 They get the pressure of the condemning congregation,
00:52:14 telling them they ought to do that and telling them they ought
00:52:16 to do that, and going online, talking about, "You ought not
00:52:18 to be dressed like that."
00:52:19 That ain't none of your business how they dress like that.
00:52:22 They can wear whatever they wanna wear and show whatever
00:52:24 they wanna show.
00:52:25 You don't know what--you don't know nothing to be making
00:52:27 a comment.
00:52:28 Like I said, your pores need to be swept just like my pores
00:52:31 need to be swept.
00:52:32 Sweep off your own front pores.
00:52:34 I'm not talking about what you ought to be doing.
00:52:37 Leave them alone.
00:52:38 Leave them my kids.
00:52:39 Leave them alone.
00:52:41 Those are my children.
00:52:43 You handle your children the way you handle your children,
00:52:46 and I handle my children the way I handle my children,
00:52:48 and I'm gonna handle my children like they the best Christians
00:52:52 in World Changes Church International,
00:52:54 and compassion will continue to transform.
00:53:01 Say that, pastor.
00:53:03 I did.
00:53:16 When compassion and no condemnation is absent,
00:53:24 supernatural transformation can take place.
00:53:31 That don't make sense for you to do stuff like that
00:53:33 and judge other people when you know you had your season
00:53:36 where you were getting your testimonies together.
00:53:40 You weren't always like you are right now,
00:53:43 Miss Sweet Little Sally, Good God Almighty.
00:53:53 Let God do what he do.
00:53:58 If anything, instead of playing reverse psychology,
00:54:02 just learn how to be an example that can be watched,
00:54:06 noticed, heard, listened to, and admired.
00:54:21 Okay, so here is this truth I'm fixing to lay on you right now.
00:54:25 You're ready for this, and I'm gonna be through,
00:54:27 and then after I dismiss you, you can decide if you ever
00:54:30 wanna come here again.
00:54:34 'Cause from this point until breath leaves my body,
00:54:40 I will not compromise the gospel of grace,
00:54:44 not for anybody's approval or anybody's verdict.
00:54:49 I already have the verdict I've been waiting on.
00:54:54 No condemnation.
00:55:00 Okay, you ready for this?
00:55:06 So, how do I get victory over condemnation?
00:55:15 Many people have these thoughts. Watch this.
00:55:19 I'm not nice enough.
00:55:22 I'm not enough for my friends.
00:55:25 I'm not enough for my wife. I'm not enough for my husband.
00:55:30 I should be doing more.
00:55:33 I'm not daddy enough. I'm not mom enough.
00:55:40 I'm too much of all the wrong things.
00:55:43 I'm not enough of the right things.
00:55:47 I'm not a good enough Christian for God to use.
00:55:54 I can't step out in the anointing that God has given me
00:55:58 because everyone will see my failures and weaknesses,
00:56:02 and I'm just full of shame.
00:56:09 And the truth is I truly am not good enough.
00:56:21 The truth is we are not good enough.
00:56:29 So, agree that you're not good enough.
00:56:34 I see all that preaching you did for you to tell us we--to agree with it.
00:56:39 Agree that you're not good enough and then add two words to the end of it.
00:56:45 "But God."
00:56:51 I was spiritually dead in my sins, but God has made me spiritually alive.
00:56:56 Somebody say, "But God."
00:56:59 I am called to keep God's royal law of love, which I fail to fulfill at times,
00:57:07 but God has given me the Holy Spirit to help me.
00:57:11 I now have all the help I need and will call upon that help when I need it.
00:57:16 Somebody shout, "But God."
00:57:18 I'm not good enough, but God in me makes me not just good enough,
00:57:24 but he justifies and makes me righteous before him
00:57:28 because of Christ.
00:57:29 I will never face God's condemnation.
00:57:33 Somebody shout, "But God."
00:57:35 I cannot live the Christian life by self-effort, but Christ gladly lives in me.
00:57:41 I live by the faith of Jesus Christ and not by my self-effort.
00:57:45 Do it again, "But God."
00:57:47 There are things I will not be good at, but God has created and called me
00:57:52 to joyfully serve him in specific ways in my life.
00:58:01 I rest in the works of Jesus Christ, and I believe in him,
00:58:05 and that presents to me no condemnation.
00:58:09 So, the truth of the matter is, no, I'm not enough.
00:58:13 I will never be enough.
00:58:15 I admit it right now, I am not enough, but Jesus is,
00:58:19 and I've got to have Jesus, and in him I am more than enough.
00:58:24 In him I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
00:58:27 In him I can be the head and never again the tail.
00:58:31 In him I can trample over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy.
00:58:36 In him I can be a great dad.
00:58:38 In him I can be a great mom.
00:58:40 In him I can be an amazing Christian.
00:58:43 In him I can lay hands on the sick and the sick recovers.
00:58:47 In him I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
00:59:06 So, okay, devil, I'm not enough, but God is more than enough.
00:59:18 He's all I need, praise God.
00:59:22 Hallelujah.
00:59:24 And in him is the gift of no condemnation.
00:59:35 And I receive it.
00:59:45 I'm more than enough.
00:59:51 Now, say, "I'm more than enough."
00:59:57 Say, "I'm more than enough."
01:00:02 Say, "I'm more than enough."
01:00:08 Say, "I'm more than enough."
01:00:12 [speaking in tongues]
01:00:14 Say, "I'm more than enough."
01:00:20 Say, "I'm more than enough."
01:00:26 Say, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me."
01:00:33 There is therefore no condemnation in Christ Jesus.
01:00:46 I'm enough.
01:00:53 I'm enough.
01:00:57 Now, what does this look like every day in your life going
01:01:00 forward?
01:01:01 You need to put this in your mouth.
01:01:05 Every time the sense of not enough comes in,
01:01:09 say, "I'm in Christ.
01:01:11 I'm enough.
01:01:16 I'm dad enough.
01:01:18 I'm mom enough.
01:01:20 I'm friend enough.
01:01:22 I'm pastor enough."
01:01:24 Never again, never again will I walk out of this church saying,
01:01:28 "I'm not enough.
01:01:30 I'm enough.
01:01:31 For right now, I'm enough."
01:01:33 Until I leave and somebody else come in, "I'm enough,
01:01:36 praise God.
01:01:37 Right now, I'm enough."
01:01:44 You enough.
01:01:49 Now, you gotta shake that thing off now.
01:01:52 That thing has had claws in you all this time.
01:01:55 You gotta shake it off.
01:01:56 "I am enough.
01:01:58 I'm in Christ Jesus.
01:01:59 I am enough.
01:02:00 I am enough.
01:02:01 I'm not looking for the verdicts.
01:02:07 I'm enough."
01:02:11 Hallelujah.
01:02:14 Every head bowed, every eye closed.
01:02:18 Lord, wow, we received that.
01:02:26 And now, as sons of God, we can now operate in this
01:02:38 supernatural because we have settled this inferiority issue.
01:02:45 We now have the verdict we've been seeking.
01:02:53 We're enough for every man or woman or boy or girl that has
01:03:03 never believed that they were enough.
01:03:08 We feel this in their souls, that there is no condemnation
01:03:16 anymore and that they are enough.
01:03:22 And let us go and sin no more.
01:03:28 Let us go and receive healing from the manifestation of the
01:03:33 curse.
01:03:35 Let us go with no more stress in the cares of the world.
01:03:42 Let us live fearlessly with no fear or torment of fear,
01:03:51 for there is no more condemnation in Jesus.
01:03:58 Thank You.
01:04:01 Lord, do something so glorious with this church,
01:04:07 with this people.
01:04:09 They keep showing up regardless of the weather.
01:04:12 Lord, do something.
01:04:16 Prove Your Word.
01:04:17 Prove this Word today in their lives.
01:04:21 And help us, Lord, as we prepare to give,
01:04:27 that we give out of a heart of gratitude,
01:04:32 not demand or pressure.
01:04:37 But now that we realize how awesome You are,
01:04:44 how amazing You are, let us be generous to You in our giving as
01:04:55 You have been generous to us when You gave us Jesus,
01:05:00 Your Son, full of grace and truth.
01:05:06 Let the anointing of the Holy Spirit just get on everybody in
01:05:12 here right now, that they may wonder,
01:05:15 "What is this?
01:05:16 What's going on with me right now?"
01:05:19 Let that anointing like water begin to rise higher and higher
01:05:24 and higher and higher, that we may feel and sense Your presence
01:05:31 and Your glory in this place.
01:05:39 Something so supernatural begin to happen with all of us.
01:05:44 In the very simple places in our lives, let us see Your glory.
01:05:52 And let there be such an amazing metamorphosis that takes place
01:05:58 with us, in us, through us.
01:06:01 We praise You, Lord.
01:06:05 And even in this place as we're gathered,
01:06:08 this unusual presence that's stirring in this atmosphere
01:06:13 right now, this glorious presence stirring in this
01:06:21 atmosphere now, transforming us, changing us,
01:06:33 and making a difference in our lives and those that are around
01:06:38 us, we praise You, Lord.
01:06:45 Jesus' name.
01:06:49 Oh, I feel the Holy Ghost.
01:06:52 Those of you with any sickness or disease,
01:07:03 any manifestation of a curse on your body,
01:07:06 if you would stand and as you lift your hands,
01:07:09 receive healing.
01:07:14 Receive it right now.
01:07:19 You're worthy of it, so go ahead and receive it.
01:07:24 Just simply whisper, "Lord, I receive my wellness.
01:07:28 I receive my healing right now."
01:07:33 Let the fire of God be upon you right now.
01:07:41 Oh, rebbe shekel alaba.
01:07:45 Let the fire of God.
01:07:48 Consuming fire, sweet perfume.
01:07:56 His awesome presence fills this room.
01:08:05 Consuming fire, sweet perfume.
01:08:15 His awesome presence fills this room.
01:08:24 Consuming fire.
01:08:25 Consuming fire, sweet perfume.
01:08:34 His awesome presence fills this room.
01:08:45 This is holy ground.
01:08:50 This is holy ground.
01:09:02 Mm-hmm.
01:09:06 This is holy ground.
01:09:15 So come and bow down.
01:09:26 Receive your healing right now.
01:09:28 Receive it.
01:09:29 Receive it right now.
01:09:31 Let that anointing get all on your body right now.
01:09:35 [speaking in tongues]
01:09:40 Let that anointing get all on you right now.
01:09:45 Let that anointing get on you right now.
01:09:50 [speaking in tongues]
01:09:55 [speaking in tongues]
01:09:59 [speaking in tongues]
01:10:07 I command your body to be well right now.
01:10:11 Every diagnosis to change right now.
01:10:15 Everything in your blood to change right now.
01:10:19 I declare the blessing of God over your body.
01:10:22 I declare you be made well right now,
01:10:25 supernaturally by the power of the Holy Spirit right now.
01:10:29 [speaking in tongues]
01:10:33 Thank you, Lord.
01:10:34 [speaking in tongues]
01:10:38 Right now, Lord, right now, Lord, right now.
01:10:40 Show yourself strong.
01:10:42 [speaking in tongues]
01:10:43 Show yourself strong, oh God.
01:10:46 Show yourself strong right now.
01:10:48 Give some kind of sign that it's being done right now.
01:10:51 Let them sense something.
01:10:52 Let them see something's not the same.
01:10:54 Something's changed right now.
01:10:56 Something's going on right now.
01:10:58 In the name of Jesus, burn that disease out.
01:11:01 [speaking in tongues]
01:11:03 Burn that cancer out.
01:11:04 Melt that tumor right now.
01:11:06 [speaking in tongues]
01:11:08 Restore those kidneys right now in the name of the Lord Jesus.
01:11:12 Heal that pancreas right now.
01:11:14 [speaking in tongues]
01:11:17 Cancer, you go.
01:11:18 You take your--all that shit,
01:11:20 you take your hands off the people of God right now.
01:11:25 Thank you, Lord.
01:11:30 Receive it, receive it, receive it.
01:11:33 Receive it, receive it, receive it.
01:11:37 Receive it, physical deformity.
01:11:40 [speaking in tongues]
01:11:42 Just so others can see physical deformities.
01:11:45 [speaking in tongues]
01:11:49 Thank you, Lord.
01:11:53 [speaking in tongues]
01:12:00 Thank you, Jesus.
01:12:03 [exhaling]
01:12:17 Now, now, be healed in Jesus' name.
01:12:34 Come on, will you thank God for what he's already done?
01:12:40 Will you thank him for what he's already done?
01:12:46 Hallelujah.
01:12:52 Could you be seated to prepare your offerings?
01:12:55 Now, this is how offering goes.
01:12:59 As generous as he is to us, let's be generous to him.
01:13:10 No gimmicks, no games.
01:13:14 I bring unto the Lord glory due to his name.
01:13:20 I bring an offering, and I worship him
01:13:25 in the beauty of his holiness.
01:13:30 And I give out of a cheerful heart,
01:13:36 not out of necessity, not out of fear,
01:13:41 but a cheerful heart.
01:13:44 If you need an offering envelope, raise your hands.
01:13:48 I know we're changing offerings a little bit.
01:13:52 You know, I'm not sharing three or four Scriptures
01:13:54 because you got to learn how to give out of your heart.
01:13:57 Everything in this New Testament comes out of your heart,
01:14:01 out of your heart.
01:14:05 How we live every day out of our hearts,
01:14:10 how we believe every day, how you wake up tomorrow
01:14:13 and say, "I've got the verdict I need.
01:14:15 No more condemnation, Lord.
01:14:17 No more fear, no more stress,
01:14:20 no more workings of the curse in my life.
01:14:26 All is well."
01:14:31 My goodness.
01:14:34 I pray that the presence of God you sense in this place,
01:14:37 you go home with him.
01:14:42 That as you drive your car,
01:14:45 you just want to just bathe in his presence
01:14:48 so you can get out of the car wet
01:14:50 and drip on somebody in the house.
01:14:56 Oh, and if this is our last day on the planet
01:14:59 and Jesus decides to come tomorrow,
01:15:02 oh, praise the Lord.
01:15:08 Somebody said, "Not yet. I ain't ready.
01:15:10 I ain't married yet."
01:15:11 You better--me, I am too.
01:15:13 You better hurry up.
01:15:14 I'm not going to be waiting around
01:15:15 till you do what you need to do.
01:15:16 You better ask the Lord to help you.
01:15:19 I'm ready today, right now, three minutes, ready to go, boy.
01:15:25 Let me tell you something.
01:15:26 Do you think heaven is going to be
01:15:28 less of an experience than earth?
01:15:32 Whatever you experience here
01:15:33 or think is going to be awesome here,
01:15:35 when you get to heaven, wait on what?
01:15:39 Get to heaven?
01:15:40 Are you serious?
01:15:43 So, I am looking up every day and praying for his return.
01:15:49 But until he comes,
01:15:50 we're going to get this message of grace down
01:15:53 until it's oozing out of our spirits.
01:16:00 That you'll notice that every time you come in here,
01:16:03 we're talking about Jesus the shadow caster.
01:16:07 Somebody had to cast a shadow in the old covenant.
01:16:11 It was Jesus, and everything points to him.
01:16:16 Hold your offerings up, Father.
01:16:17 We thank you for the privilege of being able to give
01:16:19 out of a cheerful heart,
01:16:21 the privilege of being able to give out of love,
01:16:25 out of inspiration,
01:16:27 and thanksgiving for all that you've done for us.
01:16:30 We bless you in Jesus' name, amen.
01:16:34 Let's just go ahead and receive this offering.
01:16:36 And while I'm at it, I pray that a harvest will come your way
01:16:43 that will surprise you in front of other people.
01:16:49 Hallelujah, glory be to God.
01:16:54 Something good is going to happen to you this week.
01:16:57 Praise God.
01:17:02 David said, "I had to believe that I would see the goodness
01:17:06 of the Lord in the land of the living."
01:17:08 So, believe that you will see the goodness of the Lord
01:17:11 this week.
01:17:12 I believe I'm going to see the goodness of the Lord this week.
01:17:18 And I pray it'll blow your mind that you have to run
01:17:24 to the bathroom 'cause you're about to fall out.
01:17:27 You're in a boardroom, in a meeting in the boardroom,
01:17:30 dressed up all nice.
01:17:31 You got to get up out of there 'cause the Holy Ghost
01:17:33 done stood up.
01:17:34 Oh, no, no he didn't.
01:17:40 Well, expect it.
01:17:44 You're sons and daughters of God.
01:17:46 Expect it.
01:17:51 We're going to work on our receiving.
01:17:55 We're going to work on our daily receiving from God,
01:17:59 consistently in a receiving mode.
01:18:02 So, no matter how much time goes by, it's never if but when.
01:18:08 And you're asking God, "What is it I need to know?
01:18:12 What is it I need to adjust?
01:18:15 Where do I need to go?"
01:18:16 Because this life is about yielding.
01:18:19 It's about yielding, learning how to yield,
01:18:22 learning how to yield.
01:18:24 Praise God.
01:18:25 If you're here today and you're not born again and you want to
01:18:28 make Jesus the Lord of your life, right before we dismiss and
01:18:31 have our final blessing, if you're not saved, I tell you,
01:18:35 I'd get saved so quick today, glory to God, but I'm not you.
01:18:39 But I invite you to come down to this altar.
01:18:42 If you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life and you want
01:18:45 to be a born-again Christian today, come.
01:18:48 If you're here and you want to recommit yourself to God
01:18:52 somewhere along the relationship got interrupted and you want to
01:18:56 get it going again and rededicate your life to the Lord,
01:19:00 you can come.
01:19:01 Thirdly, if you've never received the baptism in the Holy Spirit
01:19:04 with the evidence of speaking in tongues, you can come.
01:19:08 And then, last but not least, if God's calling you to join this
01:19:11 church today, World Changers Church International,
01:19:15 you can come.
01:19:16 I've given to you four things, an opportunity to get born again,
01:19:19 rededicate your life, receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit,
01:19:22 join the church.
01:19:23 Those of you who are watching online and you would like to
01:19:26 become an e-church member, we thank God for our
01:19:29 e-church members.
01:19:30 You can go to and click "Join" at the top of
01:19:35 the page, in Jesus' name.
01:19:37 All right, we good?
01:19:38 Everybody good?
01:19:39 Going once.
01:19:40 Everybody good?
01:19:41 Going twice.
01:19:42 Everybody good?
01:19:43 Going three times.
01:19:45 All right?
01:19:46 [congregation applauding]
01:19:47 I figure if you ain't down here, you got what you need.
01:19:50 All right?
01:19:57 I'm on.
01:19:58 [congregation applauding]
01:20:08 [congregation applauding]
01:20:18 [congregation applauding]
01:20:28 [congregation applauding]
01:20:38 [congregation applauding]
01:20:48 [congregation applauding]
01:20:58 [congregation applauding]
01:21:08 [congregation applauding]
01:21:18 [congregation applauding]
01:21:28 [congregation applauding]
01:21:38 [congregation applauding]
01:21:48 [congregation applauding]
01:21:58 [congregation applauding]
01:22:08 [congregation applauding]
01:22:18 [congregation applauding]
01:22:28 [congregation applauding]
01:22:38 [congregation applauding]
01:22:48 [congregation applauding]
01:22:58 [congregation applauding]
01:23:08 [congregation applauding]
01:23:18 I pray, Lord Jesus Christ, be upon you more and more,
01:23:22 grace upon grace upon grace, and that grace will abound
01:23:27 and increase upon you.
01:23:30 I declare that the angels of God will carry out God's command
01:23:34 and watch over you lest you dash your foot against the stone.
01:23:38 I pray that the favor of God will go ahead of you and open
01:23:43 doors before you even arrive.
01:23:46 I pray that you will have a great increase and promotion
01:23:49 in your life, that what God has been preparing you for
01:23:53 for years and years, you're now going to go from the last
01:23:57 to the first.
01:23:59 And now unto him who is able to keep you from falling
01:24:02 and to present you faultless before the Almighty God,
01:24:05 be glory, majesty, dominion, and power both now and forever.
01:24:13 And everybody said amen.
01:24:15 Amen.
01:24:16 Amen.
01:24:17 Amen.
01:24:18 Amen.
01:24:19 Amen.
01:24:20 Amen.
01:24:21 Amen.
01:24:22 Amen.
01:24:23 Amen.
01:24:24 What you got?
01:24:25 Listen, first of all, church was so, so good.
01:24:27 We just appreciate you guys being here.
01:24:29 What did I get out of church?
01:24:32 First of all, I was holding back tears of service.
01:24:35 Let's start there, okay?
01:24:36 But there is one thing that Holy Spirit had put on the inside
01:24:39 of me that I would like to share to y'all.
01:24:41 When Pastor Dolla was talking about how condemnation gives birth to fear
01:24:45 and then fear gives birth to stress, and then stress gives birth
01:24:49 to every other curse, Holy Spirit showed me that that's a generational
01:24:53 stronghold, and it happens over and over and over and over.
01:24:57 Come on.
01:24:58 So you have to stop it, and the only way you have to stop it
01:25:00 or you can't stop it is knowing that through God, I am enough.
01:25:04 That's it.
01:25:05 Man, what did you get out of church today?
01:25:07 Really quick, I want you guys to put what you got in service today
01:25:10 because some people may have hopped on late, so they didn't get
01:25:13 the beginning of service.
01:25:14 They may have to rewatch it, so what you share may actually bless someone else.
01:25:18 So for me, I was sitting there when he said--how did he say it?
01:25:23 Help me, Holy Spirit.
01:25:24 He said, "Sinning doesn't stop when the verdict is not enough or condemnation."
01:25:29 And it just opened my eyes because when you are sinning, you're sinning,
01:25:32 and then you want to get back right with God, and then that produces
01:25:35 self-effort, and you're never going to do enough, pray enough, be enough
01:25:39 to get back in his grace because it's through his grace that we are.
01:25:43 So it really just opened my eyes.
01:25:45 And then also when he was talking about the world, the world is going to be the world.
01:25:49 We've got to stop talking about the world and the world, the world,
01:25:52 the world is going to be the world.
01:25:53 Jesus died for the world.
01:25:54 Let's move forward and get our eyes back on him.
01:25:56 Yeah, that's what I got.
01:25:58 Focus on Jesus.
01:26:00 So right now we're going to shift our focus to one of our favorite parts of service,
01:26:04 which is giving.
01:26:06 We want you to be able to put your seed in the ground.
01:26:09 And I'm not even going to give no long scripture today because what pastor said
01:26:12 was enough.
01:26:13 There is no condemnation for you to give.
01:26:15 God loves a cheerful giver.
01:26:17 So whatever you feel in your heart to give, we want to extend the opportunity
01:26:20 for you to get your seed in the ground now.
01:26:23 So how can they give, baby?
01:26:24 Okay, so you all already know it is four ways to give, to put your seed,
01:26:28 get your seed in the ground.
01:26:29 You can text, send a text, send world changers and leave a space,
01:26:33 and add your amount and text it to 74483.
01:26:37 You can call us at 866-477-7683.
01:26:42 You can send it by mail at 2500 Burdick Road, College Park, Georgia, 30349.
01:26:49 Or you can give online at or
01:26:56 Get your seed in the ground.
01:27:00 Okay, so what's going on?
01:27:02 So really quick, I just want to recap.
01:27:03 Yesterday was a phenomenal time.
01:27:06 Shout out to the radical women of World Changers Church International
01:27:09 that showed up yesterday.
01:27:11 When I tell you my heart is so full, I know you miss them, girl,
01:27:14 but I'm telling you, you missed the good one, okay?
01:27:16 So you make sure to register for the next one.
01:27:18 But just to give you a little snippet, we did makeovers.
01:27:21 Come on, makeovers.
01:27:22 Makeovers.
01:27:23 Come on.
01:27:24 Come on from the inside out.
01:27:25 I love that.
01:27:26 We also had mini massages.
01:27:28 And talking about self-care and how you listen to your body,
01:27:30 listen to the signals in your body.
01:27:32 There was also Fallon, Ursula, and I want to say Nakia, who --
01:27:37 I love that.
01:27:38 -- who gave great practical tips if you're dealing with --
01:27:40 you know, you have a child with disabilities, mental disabilities,
01:27:43 or you're a caregiver to your parents, or, you know,
01:27:46 just taking care of your body.
01:27:47 When I say I'm so grateful for our church and women of God who believe
01:27:51 and pour into you so that you can, you know, pour out from the overflow.
01:27:54 So shout out to the Women's Fellowship.
01:27:56 And if you missed this one, be in the building next time.
01:27:58 I'm going to be there.
01:27:59 Yeah, be in the building.
01:28:00 I'm going to be there.
01:28:01 [laughter]
01:28:02 So y'all already know, we are less than a month away from Bloom.
01:28:09 Bloom, baby, Bloom.
01:28:11 Ladies, are you guys registered for the Bloom Conference happening
01:28:15 March the 14th and the 15th?
01:28:18 You do not want to miss it.
01:28:20 Make sure you guys register so you can join us with our very own
01:28:23 Pastor Taffi Dollar, Laura Pinkett, Chris Lynn McNair, Dr. Anita Phillips,
01:28:28 Samara Joy, Pastor Dollar, Tatra Bed, Egypt Shirai,
01:28:33 and so many more for two power-packed days all about confidently reaching
01:28:39 heights of your potential.
01:28:41 Ladies, y'all already know, it is time to what?
01:28:44 Bloom, baby, Bloom.
01:28:46 Text "radical" to 51555 or visit to register.
01:28:52 Also, we want to call out all volunteers.
01:28:55 If you have a calling of volunteer on your life, we would like for you guys
01:29:01 to join the Radical Volunteer Team.
01:29:04 If you are interested, text "I can help" to 51555 today.
01:29:10 What else is going on, Denisa?
01:29:12 So New York, my New York people, put something in the chat for me,
01:29:15 whether it's the Empire State Building.
01:29:17 I don't even know.
01:29:18 I'm at Georgia Peak, so I don't know what y'all put.
01:29:20 Put something in the chat to represent New York because the change
01:29:23 experience is coming to the East Coast.
01:29:26 Y'all showed out in L.A.
01:29:28 Now you get to show out in New York.
01:29:30 So it's going to be Friday, April 26th.
01:29:32 Somebody put that in the chat, Friday, April 26th.
01:29:34 It's going to be two sessions with Pastor Dollar.
01:29:37 I love that there's a morning session at 10 a.m.
01:29:39 There's an evening session at 7 p.m.
01:29:42 Grab your friends.
01:29:44 I know y'all got trains.
01:29:45 Hop on the trains.
01:29:46 Come from borough, whatever borough you in.
01:29:48 Make your way there.
01:29:49 And we want to prepare for you.
01:29:50 So please text "change 2024" to 51555 to reserve your seat today.
01:29:56 >> Yes.
01:29:57 >> Today.
01:29:58 >> Today.
01:29:59 >> What else we got, Grace?
01:30:00 >> Next, I'm going to be super excited because we have the Grace
01:30:04 Life Conference happening also this year.
01:30:07 Get ready to reignite and reunite at the Grace Life 2024 reunion.
01:30:13 Tickets are officially available.
01:30:15 World changing.
01:30:16 So get your seat by texting "gracelife" to 51555 or visit
01:30:23 We are so excited to see you all July the 11th through the 13th.
01:30:29 Man, I heard the headline was crazy.
01:30:32 >> Listen, I'm so excited.
01:30:33 I'm so excited, y'all.
01:30:34 I took off my days in December for July.
01:30:36 >> Okay.
01:30:37 >> So go ahead and take your days off.
01:30:39 Grab your family.
01:30:40 Come.
01:30:41 It was so much fun last year.
01:30:42 >> Yes.
01:30:43 >> I'm so excited for this year.
01:30:44 >> Yes.
01:30:45 >> We know we give you all tons of announcements, but we want you to stay locked in.
01:30:48 >> Yes.
01:30:49 >> What we want you to do is head over to so you can recap anything that you may have missed from the announcements today.
01:30:55 You can stay plugged in.
01:30:56 If you like some people that missed fellowship this time, you know that's how you get the notifications and you stay tapped in for what's coming up in the future.
01:31:03 >> Yes.
01:31:04 >> So, yes, stay engaged, and you can visit
01:31:07 What do we got, Grace?
01:31:08 >> We love you.
01:31:09 We said it over and over, but we mean it.
01:31:11 E-church, even though you're at your homes, you're on your jobs or wherever, we love you.
01:31:17 We are appreciative of you guys showing up each and every week.
01:31:21 We do not take it for granted.
01:31:23 >> And, yeah, we love you.
01:31:24 What else you want to say?
01:31:25 >> Nothing.
01:31:26 Just like she said, we love you.
01:31:27 Pastor Dolla, Pastor Taffy love you, and make it a great week.
01:31:32 >> Yes.
01:31:33 >> God bless you.
01:31:34 >> Yes.
01:31:35 >> Bye.
01:31:36 >> A room filled with brilliant minds.
01:31:41 Women gather to share and learn.
01:31:45 Seeds of knowledge ready to bloom.
01:31:49 Ideas blossoming as we discern.
01:31:53 Experts, students, leaders alike.
01:31:57 Each with their own light to shine.
01:32:00 [ Music ]
01:32:07 >> I break the bands of trauma in the name of Jesus that's trying to snuff out your garden.
01:32:14 >> There is something you felt on the inside of you that built strength within you to give you the courage to go out and do what he has signed you to do.
01:32:23 >> Could you consider cooperating with the plan since he has done what he has done?
01:32:32 >> I'm more than a conqueror.
01:32:34 Greater is he that's on the inside of me than he that's in the world.
01:32:38 When you begin to co-multi, then be not in solitude.
01:32:42 By his stripes I am healed.
01:32:46 >> But you have to make up your mind.
01:32:48 I am ready.
01:32:49 I'm not scared.
01:32:50 You will not have my marriage.
01:32:53 You will not have my body.
01:32:55 For we are not under the law, ladies.
01:32:57 We are under grace.
01:33:00 >> Are you ready to bloom?
01:33:03 [ Music ]
01:33:16 [ Music ]
01:33:26 [ Music ]
01:33:36 [ Music ]
01:33:46 [ Music ]
01:33:56 [ Music ]
01:34:06 [ Music ]
