• last year
Sabden Village Folk are presenting their version of Cinderella in pantomime


00:00 It's that time of year again, oh yes it is, when the stage is set for the Sabden Village
00:06 Folk Pantomime. A full four years since the Talented Bunch last brought you Alibaba, the
00:12 mystical kingdom of Sabdonia will this year bring you the magical tale of Cinderella.
00:17 St Mary's Hall, Sabden will host the panto from Wednesday, February 28th to Saturday,
00:22 March 2nd with performances at 7.15pm and the Saturday matinee at 2pm. Tickets can be
00:29 bought by calling Margaret Pysons on 07715 666 866 or by calling into Ellamere Hair and
00:38 Beauty.
00:39 [Music]
