Dossier II: The Secret Biggie FBI Files Podcast

  • 7 months ago
In Season One of The Dossier, FBI Agent Phil Carson told his story of the investigation into the LAPD and the cover-up of the murder of Hip-Hop superstar Biggie Smalls. Not only did Phil Carson explain who killed Biggie, he told in detail why the LAPD covered it up, and WHO was a part of that cover-up.
During the production of Season 01 of The Dossier, journalist and narrator Don Sikorski was given a cache of secret files by former LAPD Detective Sergio Robletto. These files are currently still under federal seal and have never seen the light of day until now.
Inside these secret files are the final answers and evidence on how and why the LAPD covered up the murder of Biggie, and who was a part of that cover-up and more importantly it lists the exact evidence that currently exists within the Robbery/ Homicide Division that not only implicates LAPD Officers David Mack and Rafael Perez, but paints a clear timeline of events of what transpired behind the scenes at the LAPD when the Wallace Family filed their civil lawsuit against the City of Los Angeles. For more information visit
00:00 Criminal Minded Media was the first podcast to bring you the secret Notorious B.I.G.
00:06 FBI files series.
00:08 Now they've launched a second podcast series of more secret FBI files into the murder of
00:13 Biggie.
00:14 Here to tell us about them is CMM senior producer Johnny the Greek.
00:18 I just like saying that because I can't say your last name, Johnny.
00:21 Anagnopoulos, but I like Johnny the Greek as well.
00:23 Because that's what you are.
00:24 Yes.
00:25 And it's so important here because when the first time around of these FBI files, it uncovered
00:31 quite a bit of not just the murder of Biggie, but what was going on with the L.A. police
00:36 department.
00:37 So let's refresh people's mind very quickly about the first set of FBI tapes on the Notorious
00:42 B.I.G.
00:43 murder.
00:44 Sounds good.
00:45 So season one of the dossier really revolved around our friend Don Sikorski, you and I
00:50 have both known for a long time.
00:52 He was able to convince a retired FBI agent by the name of Phil Carson to go on the record.
00:57 Phil was the lead investigator, not just into the murder of Biggie for the FBI, but Phil
01:03 was brought onto this case because of his background investigating LAPD corruption.
01:10 And these two things kind of tied together with regards to some of the suspects in the
01:14 Biggie Smalls murder.
01:15 So season one really was Phil Carson telling his story as well as a little background into
01:20 just some of the craziness that went on inside the LAPD in the 90s.
01:24 Some of these officers were robbing banks, working for the Sinaloa drug cartel, stealing
01:28 cocaine from LAPD's evidence locker.
01:30 It was literally like training day.
01:33 Yeah, and this is all in that first podcast.
01:36 But the thing that's very interesting is that at the end of this or in the middle of this,
01:40 Don says, "God, I'd love to talk to the man that actually got this all rolling," which
01:45 was an undercover police officer who got into a shootout with actually one of the LA police
01:50 officers who was on, of course, Shug Knight's payroll.
01:55 So again, how'd that come about with this all becoming?
01:57 So it's funny, because season one was such a success and the evidence we brought forward
02:04 is respected by those who want the truth out, we were actually contacted by him.
02:10 He reached out to us with an email.
02:13 The name of the retired detective is Frank Liga.
02:15 Frank Liga, little background, nine days after Biggie was murdered, Frank Liga stops at a
02:21 stoplight, looks to his left.
02:22 There's an African-American gentleman in an SUV.
02:26 Words are exchanged.
02:27 Next thing you know, these two men are shooting at each other.
02:30 Frank Liga shoots and kills the African-American gentleman.
02:34 Turns out that African-American gentleman was also an LAPD officer by the name of Kevin
02:38 Gaines.
02:39 When they run the license plates, it turns out that this SUV was registered to Death
02:45 Row Records and that whole labyrinth or Pandora's box is open.
02:49 So Detective Liga has not spoken to the media in over a quarter century since this all happened.
02:55 He spoke to PBS Frontline once and then went radio silent.
02:58 So he reached out to us to tell us that he'd listened to the podcast and what we were doing
03:02 was on the right side of the law, as he said.
03:06 And he said he was ready to go on the record with us.
03:08 So on top of the FBI documents, we were actually able to get retired Detective Liga to go on
03:14 the record about the Gaines shooting and kind of this cross section of dirty cops and Death
03:20 Row Records and everything else.
03:22 Even to the point I want to mention too that Don has uncovered so much that they produced
03:27 a movie, City of the Lights, with Johnny Depp and Forest Whitaker.
03:32 Great movie.
03:33 Which again, talks a little about it.
03:34 But Don's not done doing that.
03:35 We got to mention that he also is into a lot of different crime kind of podcasting.
03:41 Why is that such a big thing with people?
03:43 Podcasting?
03:44 True crime podcasting?
03:45 Yeah.
03:46 I think everybody kind of secretly wants to solve crimes.
03:50 I mean you can see it from when the game Clue Game came out 40, 50 years ago.
03:55 People are fascinated by others solving crimes and by their ability to kind of look at a
04:00 situation in a puzzle and try to put it together.
04:03 And it's amazing how popular the true crime genre has become.
04:08 And we're lucky enough to be a part of it.
04:10 But it really stems from the fact that Don, who's our leader for, since Criminal Minded
04:16 Media was founded four years ago.
04:17 But Don has been investigating this type of stuff since, I want to say 2003 or 2004.
04:23 And so like I said, we know Don.
04:26 And just sitting with him when he explains some of the stuff that he's working on, you're
04:30 like, wait, how'd you get to that?
04:31 How'd you get into that?
04:32 It's fascinating.
04:33 He's been to prison and talked with the people, the different mob.
04:35 It's so crazy.
04:36 And I know Rick Phillips, who's also part of the team too.
04:39 I mean it's incredible how you guys get all these.
04:41 But again, the podcast is out.
04:43 It's ready to go.
04:44 Where can people find it?
04:45 They can find it anywhere you listen to podcasts.
04:48 It's called The Dossier.
04:50 You can actually, it's showing on the screen right now, our show cover.
04:53 You can literally find it anywhere you want, from Apple to Spotify.
04:57 You can also follow us on Instagram at
05:01 And we've just created a Patreon page for some more exclusive content, things that you
05:08 can't find on our regular podcast.
05:11 So we're trying to expand a bit, give more information, and really just get the truth
05:15 out there regarding this murder.
05:16 Wow.
05:17 It's amazing.
05:18 So hey, I thank Johnny for coming in.
05:19 Appreciate it.
05:20 Johnny DeGreek, ladies and gentlemen, Don DeGreek.
05:21 And hey, listen, if you love crime talk and shows like this one, here on The CW7, a new
05:26 series called Crime Nation is premiering tomorrow at 7.
05:31 So make sure you tune in for that.
05:32 And again, it's just all these crime shows.
05:34 Just amazing.
05:35 So we got one coming right here to airs on CW7.
