• last year
What are your thoughts on plans to extend the retirement age to 71?
00:00 Just tell me what your thoughts are on the potential of the retirement age being raised to 71.
00:04 I think it shouldn't be that late. It's very high, I don't think people are dying at that age.
00:10 When I think of 71 I think that's quite old and that's when people start getting ailments and stuff.
00:16 And do you think there's a risk that people just sort of
00:22 work until they drop in the end?
00:24 Yeah, they won't get a chance to retire and do what they want.
00:27 Just tell me what your thoughts are on the potential of the government raising the retirement age then.
00:34 Sadly I think that they're definitely going to raise it but I think they're just being cruel
00:38 because they're not considering that. When I started working at 16 the retirement age was 64.
00:44 It's now going up to 71 potentially and we already don't have the workforce or the health force to be
00:49 able to maintain working past 65 anyway so it's illogical for them to do it. It's a mummy grab
00:55 and it's not fair on actual citizens.
