We Will Love Again FULL Part 1

  • 7 months ago
We Will Love Again FULL Part 1
00:00 (chimes)
00:02 - Hey, Elena, I've been trying to call you.
00:06 Is everything okay?
00:07 - Noah, I'm busy.
00:08 I need to get to work.
00:10 - Hey, you've been acting weird.
00:11 Did I do something wrong?
00:13 Elena, baby, come on.
00:16 How about after you're done with work,
00:17 let's go get some ice cream, okay?
00:19 We can get your favorite, it's chocolate.
00:20 - Noah, I think that we should break up.
00:23 - That's not funny.
00:26 Seriously, when you're done with work, we'll go talk--
00:28 - Go get ice cream?
00:28 What are we, 12?
00:30 Real men, they get their women handbags and jewelry.
00:34 I really thought about it,
00:35 and I just can't imagine spending
00:38 the rest of my life with you.
00:40 I look at the size of this diamond on the ring,
00:42 it's only like, what, half a carat?
00:45 You want to marry me, but what do you have?
00:47 You have nothing.
00:48 You have no house, no car.
00:50 - Elena, what has gotten into you?
00:58 I've known you for six years.
01:00 You and I both know that you don't care about any of that.
01:02 I'm working hard, but I just need some time, Elena.
01:05 It's gonna be all right.
01:06 - Hey, Elena, you ready?
01:08 - My ride is here.
01:10 - Elena, let's--
01:11 - No, stop wasting my time.
01:12 I'm only young once.
01:14 Why should I wait around for somebody like you
01:16 when there's somebody like Peter that already has it all?
01:18 This, I never want to wear cheap shit like this ever again.
01:22 (upbeat music)
01:28 (car door slams)
01:31 - So you wanna do this?
01:33 - Let's do it.
01:33 I'm sorry, Noah.
01:46 I'm doing this for you.
01:47 (gentle music)
01:57 - Hey, Mama.
01:58 I know you could hear me.
02:00 I'm so happy I wanted to share the good news with you.
02:03 Noah proposed and we're getting married.
02:05 - You're my everything, Elena.
02:09 Mom.
02:15 - Would you be a sweetheart and go and pick me up
02:18 a cup of coffee downstairs?
02:20 - Of course.
02:21 I'll see you in a second.
02:22 - Thank you.
02:25 - How's your mom, Elena?
02:27 - I haven't given up hope.
02:29 - When I heard that Noah had proposed to you,
02:32 I felt more hopelessness than I have ever experienced
02:35 in my whole life.
02:36 - What are you talking about?
02:39 Mrs. Preston?
02:40 - Noah's been accepted to Oxford on a Fulbright program.
02:43 This is his last chance.
02:45 - He never told me.
02:48 - You know something else that he didn't tell you?
02:50 Four years ago, he turned down Harvard to be here with you.
02:53 He's giving up everything.
02:56 To stay in this God-forsaken town
02:58 and take care of this God-forsaken mother of yours.
03:03 - I love him, Mrs. Preston.
03:05 - If you really loved him,
03:06 you would stop dragging him down with you.
03:09 Leave him, Elena.
03:14 Your mother is your own burden.
03:16 Don't put that on my son.
03:17 - Why are you doing this to me, Elena?
03:23 (dramatic music)
03:26 - Oh my God. - I'm gonna die.
03:28 He's so hot. - He really, oh my God.
03:30 - Those people. - Oh, they really do.
03:33 - He knows it.
03:34 - Oh, he knows what he is doing.
03:36 - Yeah.
03:37 - That interviewer looks into it.
03:38 - Mr. Preston, congratulations.
03:40 - Your company, Triple AI, has just become publicly traded
03:43 and valued to be over $50 billion.
03:46 How does it feel to achieve this success at only 27?
03:50 - I mean, I'd be lying if I didn't say
03:51 it feels pretty damn good.
03:53 - Can you share with us your secret to success?
03:56 If my sources are correct,
03:57 you're the epitome of the American dream, aren't you?
04:00 You come from small town America,
04:02 raised by a single mother,
04:03 and now you're a multi-billionaire.
04:05 - There's no secret to success.
04:07 It's just hard work and some good luck.
04:10 - Come on, you have to give me more than that.
04:13 What got you through your most difficult times?
04:15 - Well, I'll give you this.
04:18 My most trying times,
04:19 I do often think about the girl that I used to love.
04:22 (dramatic music)
04:25 My most trying times,
04:27 I do often think about the girl that I used to love.
04:30 - That's so sweet.
04:31 Did her love give you strength?
04:33 - No, it was the opposite, actually.
04:35 She dumped me and told me to stop wasting her time.
04:38 And then she rode off with some trust fund baby
04:39 and I've never seen her again.
04:41 - Well, if she's watching this now,
04:43 she must be regretting her decision.
04:46 Would you ever take her back?
04:47 - Well, I think the answer to that is pretty obvious.
04:49 But I do need to thank her.
04:51 She did teach me some very valuable life lessons.
04:54 Now I know the only person you can count on
04:55 in this world is yourself.
04:57 - That, ladies and gentlemen, are words of wisdom.
04:59 - Mr. Preston, let's talk about your goals for the future.
05:02 - I wonder who's the dumb bitch that left Noah Preston.
05:05 I would die from regret.
05:08 - He's so hot.
05:09 I'd be with him even if he had no money.
05:10 - No money at all.
05:12 - Wait, Elena, didn't you go to UMCP?
05:15 Same school as Noah Preston?
05:17 - Never met him in my life.
05:19 - Why would a loser like Elena
05:21 know someone like Noah Preston?
05:23 She probably only ever hung out with nerds.
05:25 - I can't concentrate on my work
05:28 when you two gossiping.
05:30 I'm leaving.
05:31 - Oh my God.
05:33 - Mr. Preston, thank you so much for the exclusive today.
05:37 - The pleasure was all mine.
05:38 - Mr. Preston, there's a nice little bar
05:40 just a couple blocks down.
05:42 Can I buy you a drink?
05:43 - Um, oh.
05:47 I have an important meeting coming up tomorrow actually.
05:50 But how about we just ring check
05:52 and I'll take you out later?
05:54 - Sure.
05:55 - Aaron, has Crazy Maple Studios got back
06:03 about our offer to meet?
06:04 - Yeah, of course, boss.
06:05 Their CEO is thrilled about it.
06:07 But--
06:09 - But what?
06:10 - I'm sorry, I'm just a little bit confused.
06:12 We're a tech company.
06:14 Crazy Maple Studios is an entertainment company.
06:16 Why are we investing in them?
06:18 - It's been five years, Elaine Campbell.
06:20 - I'm not looking to just invest in them, Aaron.
06:23 I'm looking to acquire Crazy Maple Studios.
06:27 Even if it means we have to break them into pieces.
06:30 (whooshing)
06:33 (typing)
