10 Mistakes Everyone Made In Popular Video Games

  • 7 months ago
We all messed up against Emerald Weapon.


00:00 In the world of gaming, practice makes perfect. It may be frustrating to see the game over
00:04 screen repeatedly, but losing is part of the process of any title. To learn how to succeed
00:09 after all, you must first fall arse over fist. Unfortunately for us anyway, there is a community
00:16 in this, as there are some games where everyone fell into the same traps.
00:20 With that in mind, I'm Josh from WhatCulture.com and these are 10 Mistakes Everyone Made in
00:24 Popular Video Games.
00:26 Number 10 - Not Completing Side Quests Before the End - Fallout 3
00:30 Since Fallout 3 is packed with a vast open world, extra missions and intriguing bonuses,
00:35 there's plenty to come back to once you complete the story. At least, there is in
00:40 theory. See, in the climax, your character has to die no matter what, by wading into
00:45 an irradiated chamber to interact with a water purifier. Even worse for you, the player,
00:50 since you kicked the bucket in this ending, it's actually impossible to return to the
00:54 wasteland unless you restart the whole thing or load an earlier save, if you're lucky
00:59 enough to have one. So, if there was any place or person you wanted to check out after winning
01:04 the game, you were out of luck. And remember, this was way back before games warned you
01:08 that you were about to hit the point of no return, and as a result, fans had no idea
01:13 that they were about to jump into a mission that would end their experience. As you can
01:17 imagine, the outcry for this issue was so infamous that it forced the company to fix
01:22 it with the Broken Steel DLC. However, this instalment made some fans even more furious
01:28 since they had to pay to keep exploring the wasteland to avoid starting from scratch.
01:33 9. Turning on the Light - Disco Elysium In the world of Disco Elysium, you play as
01:38 a detective who's tasked with solving a murder. The twist is, the character you play
01:42 as is a drunken liability. As an RPG, with every room you enter and every person you
01:48 encounter, you'll be given a plethora of options on your next course of action. Even
01:53 though these choices often sound simplistic, every decision you make, whether it's wiping
01:57 a mirror or walking away from someone, can have major consequences. And the game lets
02:02 you know just how important the most innocuous of decisions can be from the very beginning.
02:07 See in the opening scene, you wake up in a trashed hotel room with a hangover, and by
02:12 walking around you'll be asked if you want to turn on the lightbulb. However, the bright
02:16 light will hurt your hungover eyes, and if you go through with it, will actually dock
02:20 you a health point. And if your physique is too low, activating the light will cause you
02:25 to suffer a heart attack. Because no one would think twice about performing such a simple
02:29 choice, pretty much everyone turns on the light, teaching the player that every action,
02:33 no matter how small, has a reaction.
02:36 8. The Game Makes You Think You Have More Time - Fable III
02:40 In Fable III, your character must form an army large enough to lead a revolution against
02:44 the tyrannical King of Albion. But upon defeating the monarch, you learn that there's an even
02:48 bigger primordial evil destined to destroy the kingdom within one year. As you take charge
02:54 of the kingdom then, you must carefully strategise to expand your numbers, prepare coordinated
02:58 attacks and defences, and supply yourself with enough weapons and remedies for the looming
03:03 threat. Now any rational person will probably have the same mentality while organising this
03:08 plan. After a quarter of a year has passed, you should have prepared a quarter of your
03:12 strategy. When you're halfway through the year, you should be half ready, etc. etc.
03:17 So you can imagine how confusing it was to see the schedule suddenly change from 121
03:23 days left until attack, and skip right to 0 days left until attack in an instant. If
03:28 you hope to make some further preparations, well tough luck, because Fable III tricks
03:33 you into being ill-equipped and unready for the final confrontation, so it goes without
03:37 saying that pretty much everyone got their arses handed to them the first time they took
03:42 part in this battle.
03:43 Number 7 - Stealing - The Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening
03:47 In The Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening, our hero can purchase supplies at numerous
03:51 shops which will assist him on his travels. However, one shop that immediately stands
03:56 out is the Town Tool Shop. To make a purchase here, you need to pick up the desired item,
04:01 walk up to the shopkeeper, and then exchange some rupees. If you try to leave the shop
04:05 without buying it though, the shopkeeper will yell at you to put it back. But through crafty
04:10 trial and error, players noticed that they could steal items if they walked out of the
04:14 shop while the shopkeeper wasn't looking in their direction. The first time you pull
04:18 this off, you might think you've stumbled onto some glitch that will allow you to obtain
04:22 any of the shopkeeper's prized possessions for nothing. Pretty much the perfect crime.
04:27 Sadly though, it's not quite, because upon re-entering the shop, the owner does punish
04:33 Link for his thievery by shooting him with an electric beam, instantly killing him. Because
04:38 there is no way to permanently steal something from the shop unless you never re-enter, this
04:43 is a mistake that players will only ever make once.
04:47 The only puzzle in the game that stumps players, Sonic the Hedgehog 3. The gameplay of the
04:51 original Sonic the Hedgehog games were far from complicated. In every level, you jumped,
04:56 spun, sprung, and dashed through enemies, corkscrews, and loop-de-loops. But one thing
05:01 early Sonic titles didn't focus on much was puzzles. That is, until you reached Carnival
05:06 Night Zone Act 2 in Sonic 3. At one point, our blue-furred hero will discover the path
05:11 below is blocked by a spinning barrel, and by jumping on the platform, it will momentarily
05:16 drop down before bouncing back up. For first-time players, it looks like you need to jump on
05:21 the block over and over until it drops low enough for you to reach the bottom. But no
05:25 matter how many times you try, you always barely come up short. So you then might experiment
05:31 with how high to jump, or you might get your partner Tails involved, involving his extra
05:36 weight to push the platform down. However, the solution is astoundingly simple. By simply
05:41 pressing up and down while standing on the barrel, you can raise and lower it accordingly,
05:46 allowing you to reach the area below. It might sound simple now, but this section of the
05:50 game became so infamous that Sonic creator Yuji Naka was obligated to apologise for it.
05:57 No one is ready for the first attack, Undertale. There are some bosses that are so difficult
06:02 that it doesn't even seem feasible to beat them on first try. But Sans from Undertale
06:07 takes this concept to an even greater extreme. No matter what preparations you've made
06:11 or how wary you are of Sans' brutal difficulty, everybody dies upon this first encounter before
06:16 he's even finished his first attack. And the reason why is simple, it comes out of
06:21 nowhere. The first time you initiate this battle, Sans starts talking about the beauty
06:26 of the world, the blooming flowers, and the singing birds. Because of the way he speaks,
06:31 you might assume that this is just the beginning of a drawn out speech, which is pretty standard
06:35 for final bosses. But while in mid-sentence, he suddenly launches an assault at you, which
06:41 absolutely messes up your day. By the time the player even realises the fight has already
06:45 begun, it's too late. It's game over baby, and you lost.
06:50 Number 4 - Didn't scan the data on the frigate, Metroid Prime
06:54 Anyone well acquainted with the Metroid series should be aware that you need to pick up every
06:58 collectible to unlock a secret ending. However, this is much, much harder in the Metroid Prime
07:03 series than in previous entries for two reasons. First, you need to scan every item, enemy,
07:09 boss and file which is incredibly time consuming, and secondly, you only have one chance to
07:15 scan certain things. In fact, many players discovered the hard way. See, Prime opens
07:20 in a section called the Frigate Orphean, which contains a boss and a log file which cannot
07:24 be found in any other part of the game. And once you leave this area, it explodes, giving
07:30 you no means to scan these items again if you did miss them. It goes without saying
07:34 that anyone who played Metroid Prime 2 and 3 went through the opening level with a fine
07:38 tooth comb, terrified of making the same mistake twice.
07:42 Number 3 - Missing the tutorial Elden Ring
07:44 With Elden Ring following the From Software difficulty formula, a lot of fans were actually
07:49 prepared for the lovable BS that the game threw their way. However, at 12 million copies
07:55 sold and counting, for a lot of players, Elden Ring was their first taste of From shenanigans.
08:01 As a result, there was a lot of chatter online about the game needing a tutorial, which you
08:05 might think is a bit weird because there is one right at the beginning of the game. You
08:10 jump down a hole, learn the basics of combat and then move out into the open world. The
08:15 issue is, so many players seemingly manage to miss this. And the problem is because you
08:20 have two directions to go early on. One is brightly lit on the main path and leads you
08:25 to a big door that you can't miss. The other is off to the right and requires you to take
08:30 a leap into a big dark pit. So, can you guess which of these led to the tutorial? If you
08:36 guessed the scary dark pit, well you'd be right. And as a result, a bunch of gamers
08:41 just didn't notice it or were too cautious to throw themselves down to their potential
08:45 death.
08:46 Number 2 - Fighting Emerald without underwater materia - Final Fantasy 7
08:51 Nearly every Final Fantasy has a selective boss who's light years harder than anything
08:55 else in the game. Final Fantasy 6 had the Magi Master, Final Fantasy 9 had Ozma, but
09:01 one boss who causes gamers to work themselves into a cold, cold sweat at the mere mention
09:05 of his name is Emerald Weapon. By exploring the sea in Final Fantasy 7, you are bound
09:11 to bump into this god tier enemy at some point. And as you would expect, this nasty chap has
09:16 an absurd level of health, 1 million HP in fact, devastating attacks and regenerative
09:22 abilities. But the biggest problem is the fact that you're only given 20 minutes to
09:27 defeat him. And this is kind of a catch 22, since all of the most powerful magic attacks
09:31 and summons also take the longest to perform. As a result, even if you fought Emerald flawlessly,
09:38 most players ran out of time before they cut his health bar in half. Sadly, a lot of people
09:42 had no idea that you could get rid of the time limit if you just assigned your party
09:46 with underwater materia, which can be traded from the Calm Traveller with a guidebook.
09:51 Many players lost to Emerald over and over, trying to get their time down, unaware that
09:56 they could just avoid the fight's biggest hurdle by possessing this artifact.
10:00 The worst thing that you can possibly do while playing a Resident Evil game is panic. When
10:09 you hear shuffling, see something lurking in the shadows or enter an uncharted room,
10:14 the last thing you need to do is work yourself into a frenzy. At all times, you must stay
10:18 vigilant and use your limited weaponry precisely and sparingly. Unfortunately, nobody does
10:24 this since Capcom's horror franchise is designed to scare the absolute bejesus out
10:29 of you, especially the original. Here, as zombies burst through doors, smash through
10:34 windows or resurrect themselves as the far deadlier Crimson Heads, the player has the
10:39 tendency to freak out and start running about like a headless chicken. However, it's the
10:43 first encounter with a zombie as Chris that's the real test here. See, this character only
10:49 has a knife at this point, and if you panic and go in with slashes to try and take the
10:54 shriveled bollock down, there's a good chance that he'll just munch you to death. The
10:59 knife here is an absolute liability and you're better off getting out of there or running
11:03 around this first enemy rather than trying to take him head on. If you jolt up, it's
11:07 totally fine, just use the gun and start shooting away.
11:11 So that's our list, I want to know what you guys think down in the comments below.
11:13 How many of these mistakes did you make while playing these games and are there any cool
11:17 ones I missed off here? While you're down there as well, can you please give us a like,
11:20 share, subscribe and head over to wotculture.com for more lists and news like this every single
11:25 day. Even if you don't though, I've been Josh, thanks so much for watching and I'll
11:28 See you soon.
11:29 (upbeat music)
