Actress Rakul Preet Singh and actor Jackky Bhagnani are getting married. Jackky's father Vasu and mother & Rakul's parents dressed up in yellow theme for the Mehendi function.
00:00 Sir, here.
00:02 In the shade.
00:04 You guys are coming from Bombay?
00:08 Yes, Bombay.
00:10 Very good.
00:12 You guys made a lot of effort.
00:14 You guys made a lot of effort.
00:16 You guys are coming from Mumbai to cover our best occasion.
00:20 We are very happy.
00:22 Thank you so much.
00:24 Congratulations.
00:26 Thank you.
00:28 We want you to give your best wishes to Kapil.
00:32 Tomorrow, both the kids will come to meet you.
00:36 Come tomorrow evening.
00:38 Both the kids will come to meet you.
00:40 And we will share our happiness with you.
00:42 Thank you.
00:44 Thank you.
00:46 For a photo.
00:48 We have been roaming in the sun since morning.
00:50 The photo is inside.
00:52 It's not out yet.
00:56 Thank you so much.
00:58 Be careful.
01:00 Be careful.
01:02 Congratulations.
01:10 Come, Dipshika.
01:24 Who is the labe?
01:26 He is right there.
01:28 Thank you for coming.
01:30 Wait.
01:32 Congratulations.
01:34 Thank you.
01:36 Thank you.
01:38 We are going to come out and meet you all tomorrow.
01:40 Thank you for coming.
01:42 Thank you.
01:44 I hope you all are okay.
01:46 It's really hot.
01:48 Congratulations.
01:50 Thank you.
01:52 Congratulations.
01:54 Ma'am, right corner.
01:58 Thank you.
02:00 Thank you.
02:02 Thank you.
02:04 Thank you.
02:06 Congratulations.
02:08 Congratulations.
02:10 Congratulations.
02:12 Congratulations.
02:14 you