• last year
We asked Tasmanians if they'd consider voting for a minor party over Liberal or Labor this state election. Video by Aaron Smith (21/2/24)
00:00 Hi, it's Aaron here on day two of our on-street polls.
00:03 Today we asked residents if they consider voting for a minor party
00:06 like the Greens, the Jackie Lambie Network or even the Independents
00:10 over the majors of Liberal and Labor.
00:12 Yeah, for sure. Yeah, I have been.
00:14 It's not as straightforward as things once were
00:18 and I think our community, year on year, has become more disenfranchised
00:23 with what the major parties offer.
00:26 Like, I like some of the policies that they have and want them to challenge
00:30 some of the bigger parties who kind of are able to dominate.
00:33 I was more focused on voting to have a particular party in majority
00:40 whereas this election I'm less concerned about that.
00:43 I'm wanting other people in there to rock the boat and challenge them a bit.
00:47 I think it's time for a bit of a change in the garden.
00:50 Maybe we need some fresh blood in there to shake it up a little bit.
00:54 There needs to be a lot of input into our health system and education.
01:01 They seem to make all these promises and never follow up.
01:06 And I think if you vote for a government, they should stop in for full time.
01:12 Are they more of a consideration for you this election season
01:15 than they were last one, for example?
01:17 Yeah, definitely. Because I don't think this government's done very much.
01:24 And I think, you know, this stadium, health is more important than building there.