SMNI suspension more personal than legal,’ says lawyer | Business and Politics

  • 8 months ago
SMNI suspension more personal than legal,’ says lawyer | Business and Politics

SMNI lawyer and former congressman Rolex Suplico doubts the integrity of Congresswoman Migs Nograles after filling House Resolution 1499, which urges the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) to suspend SMNI’s operations. He implies the move was more personal than legal.

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00:00 before i leave this legal discussion
00:02 uh...
00:03 behind you know uh...
00:06 do you see any hope i mean from a legal perspective i mean uh...
00:10 is there any hope you think that uh...
00:12 you know that that the network to be back on air or
00:15 uh...
00:17 all of this happened
00:19 that you know that i would be a nice place for the damage done
00:23 disorder
00:24 contains
00:25 the least of
00:26 stations
00:27 of the v_m_ radio stations here
00:30 okay you know how many
00:32 uh...
00:32 dvd still on the radio stations
00:34 as a man i have
00:36 what it does thirty operating
00:39 uh... radio and tv station white twenty nine
00:41 non-operating for a total of
00:43 fifty nine stations ok nationwide ok that's a lot of stations
00:48 it's a network
00:49 it's a big network
00:53 people are out of work
00:54 uh... we are not operating on another platform
00:58 let me be not on
00:59 three not for the area
01:02 what what is happening here
01:04 the n_p_c_ supposed to protect us right government is also supposed to protect
01:08 uh... as a man i am
01:10 that that uh... freedom of information
01:12 the press freedom is there yet we are not protected were left our own devices
01:17 what's in store for us
01:19 we can only get justice
01:21 from the supreme court
01:23 uh... a lot of people would say
01:25 or point out the obvious that
01:27 this is really not about elite legality or what is legal right but this is
01:31 really about
01:32 something political i for for for this series i want to
01:36 you know i want to ask you to put your your congressman's hat on and give me
01:40 your your political analysis right because
01:43 it you know
01:44 it's obvious at least to me that you know that we're not talking about
01:48 legal arguments here
01:50 but really the you know it seems like it's more political
01:53 that's encroaching now
01:54 and all no matter how
01:56 but look at it is
01:58 into something you got right you know what's your take there what's your
02:01 political analysis here
02:03 two years ago i think we're all friends
02:06 remember
02:07 and the president went to our event that the debate was a debate uh...
02:12 deep probe
02:14 uh... i think
02:15 all the uh...
02:17 uh... officials of the
02:18 present government are
02:20 were there
02:21 were there listening to uh... the boss yes uh... answer questions from us sure
02:25 okay
02:26 now what happened
02:27 who is afraid of the same night okay she no bond
02:30 quotes as a midnight
02:32 what
02:33 we don't see
02:34 a polarization in politics okay so you have
02:37 uh...
02:38 sara dot f_d_ okay and
02:40 on the other hand you also have
02:42 uh... speaker
02:43 martin rumaldez okay
02:45 they'd be still are clashing
02:46 sure the first open water was the uh...
02:49 uh... budget
02:50 of the department of education
02:52 became a big dot the intelligence was that it is fine so now uh...
02:56 webcast
02:58 as a man i stand there
02:59 okay as a man i is identified to be
03:01 in double-based
03:03 uh... network
03:04 and therefore allied with the defense okay
03:08 as a man i out of the equation and maybe
03:11 uh... the other side will feel that they have a fighting chance
03:15 you know i've asked this from you know uh... jason sa and i think that you know
03:20 as you said who's afraid of as a man i because you know uh...
03:23 a lot of uh...
03:25 journalists are saying that you know as a man i is is is french
03:28 right that it's
03:29 not part of uh... established media but you know the grudgingly
03:34 press freedom as well you know and maybe somehow sympathize
03:37 with estimate the point is that
03:39 it seems like it's a very small network i mean that
03:42 how much damage
03:44 do you think it can be again you know i'm asking you
03:46 for a political analysis here
03:48 because uh...
03:50 you know it it seems like uh...
03:53 you know in even the people from here at least from the people i i've talked to
03:57 they're not against the government
03:58 in fact they want the president to succeed
04:01 and so where's the threat
04:03 that's the point i'm trying to make right
04:05 and as you said
04:06 there were friendly with the network
04:09 before the elections
04:10 and now things have seemingly changed
04:13 uh... well you know
04:14 it's only now that i realize the rich
04:18 estimate nine okay fifty nine
04:20 stations operating nationwide okay that's a lot
04:24 for a network
04:27 the the
04:28 fifty nine
04:29 and we were still operating on the other platform
04:32 okay you too
04:33 uh... what else
04:35 all the rest of the other social media free to air but in the last year
04:39 they were trying to
04:40 silence us
04:41 in those
04:42 uh... platforms as well
04:44 what were they saying
04:45 they were saying that they should uh... government should stop us from operating
04:48 on youtube
04:49 on the other platforms as well on what legal basis
04:52 they were trying to prove
04:53 they were trying to ask mtrcb and tc to stop us
04:57 so can you imagine
04:58 why stop us on
05:00 uh...
05:01 uh... outside of the free to air uh... system
05:05 outside of the tv and radio stations
05:08 maybe they still feel
05:09 the the the power of the smni
05:11 but you know
05:12 you've been
05:13 you know associated with this network longer than i have i think you have a
05:16 radio program yes long before you ask panjero
05:20 i'm trying to recall was there anything you know before this
05:25 confrontation with as you said the speaker and the vice president
05:28 was there anything that that that you heard that may be threatening to
05:32 the speaker or the administration because i can't recall any i mean to me
05:36 to be honest with you maybe they cannot imagine that smni will be free of
05:40 the ball okay which double connections okay in fact
05:44 uh... in the prayer rally in the ball okay and the feastivities that
05:48 you know preceded it
05:49 okay that afternoon okay uh...
05:52 only as a man i
05:54 the program there i see uh...
05:56 and what is the effect
05:58 no it it was uh... i think that the program was held together with
06:01 uh... boggle
06:03 uh... bob bob bob
06:04 bob lip in a couple of the finance yet the program in double
06:07 overshadowed by one thing to do that
06:11 i think that's
06:13 i think that's uh... the domain of as a man i don't know what the point of time
06:17 to make was that
06:18 you know to put it in philippine and even a lot of money
06:21 but i don't know what point you know i mean at least before the you know the
06:25 these exchanges that you mentioned with uh... with
06:29 the budget of the all the p
06:31 and the house
06:33 do you recall any incident where you know it's not because i think that for
06:37 the from what i hear from
06:39 uh... the circuit below a statement that may be even from the former president
06:42 that they're there
06:43 they weren't against the marcus and i know that they wanted to
06:47 uh... the president to succeed in the back
06:49 i would say
06:51 as a man i is more government than government
06:55 it's more focus than the pope
06:57 well it's uh... people do it as a government states all that help us
07:00 understand the hero what what
07:03 what are the political undercurrents here what why is this happening here
07:08 click i think that they cannot be much of a situation where
07:11 as a man i would support
07:12 okay they can be the c_o_o_
07:14 speaker martin romaldez i see president
07:18 president
07:18 bobo marcos
07:20 just because of that yes i i don't think that's that situation is
07:23 uh... cannot be imagined
07:25 whenever happen
07:27 help us understand also
07:28 what's going on in in in in in the house right because
07:32 as i understand that the first uh... resolution or or bill filed
07:37 was by attorney uh... congresswoman uh... makes the greatest right of course
07:41 is also from from that what
07:43 well how do you read that
07:45 political development there with
07:47 well i was looking to share publicly i i i don't want to know if i think there
07:50 are two
07:51 resolutions filed by the mccabe black
07:53 okay but then i'm
07:54 luncheon
07:55 okay then uh... after the allegation
07:58 of the speaker
08:00 a traveling expenses okay well
08:02 congressman j_j_ as well as delivered a privilege speech okay
08:06 after that
08:07 uh... congresswoman no grunt is
08:09 uh... find this recent
08:10 find her resolution
08:12 okay calling for the suspension of the seminar right for alleged franchise
08:15 violations
08:17 now after that
08:18 congressman uh... uh... which areas of one writer parties
08:21 filed his house bill
08:23 for the occasion of the front sides of the assembly night
08:26 okay
08:26 let's talk about the notices okay
08:29 before
08:30 the idea became president
08:31 they're already fighting
08:32 over in the world
08:33 i see
08:34 that the latest be kept
08:36 uh... no grunt is
08:37 was uh... at one time i understand was a candidate against
08:40 uh... then uh... myriad the candidate uh...
08:43 uh...
08:44 uh... really good to get there
08:46 but of course
08:47 he lost to the death of it
08:48 okay not what you read that the president's seat
08:51 they were together
08:52 okay uh...
08:54 uh... call congressman then congressman carlon of goddess
08:57 was the
08:58 uh... cabinet secretary right
09:00 that just before the term ended
09:02 the appointed him
09:04 the had his own a little bit of a pointed
09:06 civil service chairman of civil service commission which is actually one of the
09:09 constitutional
09:11 commissions right
09:12 and with that term
09:13 yeah with a fixed on my dick i think seven years yeah okay
09:16 remember when
09:17 the uh... a franchise of uh... as a man i was up for a new one
09:21 the sponsors for that
09:23 no grouse brothers
09:25 carlo and uh... i i i think that the name of the other
09:27 jojo
09:28 okay they were dot the sponsors all
09:30 uh... house bill
09:32 calling for the renewal
09:34 on the front side so as a man so what happened
09:37 they understand
09:38 that in the brunt of the elections
09:40 there was a big fight over in the ball
09:41 okay and they were able to uh...
09:44 inside double cd
09:45 okay so the stage set for the
09:48 the thirty no grouse uh...
09:50 fight again
09:50 okay once again in twenty
09:53 twenty five point twenty five okay but that's different
09:55 what about speaker and the ground up speaker of the modest yeah
09:59 i think that's a different uh... peaceful together
10:01 okay but i think that is the uh...
10:04 fight for that
10:05 success or
10:06 to president
10:07 bobo marcos
10:09 in fact i would buy that up to that
10:11 people's initiative
10:13 but you know a lot of people would point out that they are they were
10:16 part of the same
10:20 i mean
10:21 political you know
10:23 uh... personality as well
10:25 does that surprise you that you know i'm
10:27 this is the way how it is unfolding because you know
10:30 you know from from an outsider
10:32 right i mean
10:33 my my assumption would be if you have higher political ambition
10:37 then then your your move should be to bring people together add people to your
10:42 side right
10:43 but this seems to be dividing uh...
10:46 what is already a unified movement right what is your take on that
10:50 they say politics is a vision
10:52 right yeah i see some structure right
10:55 we see division
10:56 i think it's up to the president
10:58 to place card
10:59 a very well
11:00 he has a card to play
11:02 uh... it's up to him to call the uh... the the what
11:05 wiring parties together
11:07 until then to uh... you know
11:09 smoke the peace pipe
11:11 but we're waiting for that
11:12 only a word from the president will stop this
11:15 interviews
11:16 x
11:23 x
