Return Of CEO's Lovely Wife 2 Part 2

  • 7 months ago
Return Of CEO's Lovely Wife 2 Part 2
00:00 What is this?
00:01 If you don't love me anymore, then why do you need to remind yourself that we are divorced?
00:06 Why do you want to push me away after all?
00:08 Enough!
00:09 I'm slowly forgetting everyone and everything.
00:12 I'm turning into a monster.
00:14 So please, Leila, I'm begging you.
00:17 Let me forget you.
00:20 I really don't want to hurt you anymore.
00:23 [Leila is crying]
00:25 Do you remember me?
00:39 Leila.
00:41 Am I still that Leila you fell in love with?
00:45 Am I?
00:47 Yes.
00:49 Then don't do this. Don't push me away while you still remember me.
00:53 While you haven't forgotten that you love me.
00:55 Aren't you afraid that I hurt you again?
00:59 Or that I forget you?
01:01 I count to three.
01:03 If you don't kneel in front of me, your son won't make it tonight.
01:08 One.
01:09 Two.
01:10 I'm begging you. Please, save my child.
01:17 Why would I be afraid?
01:19 We're already divorced.
01:21 I can leave you whenever I want.
01:23 You shouldn't push me away just because you think you're right.
01:27 You understand?
01:29 If I'm going to leave you, then it will be on my own terms.
01:34 Hayden.
01:38 Find peace.
01:40 And forget about me.
01:43 [Hayden sighs]
01:44 Are you going to the office today?
01:49 Yeah. I have to straighten some things.
01:51 Just in case I end up on the operation table again.
01:55 Hayden, don't say that.
01:57 You might win a 10%.
01:59 Come on. I already used all my luck just in meeting you.
02:10 I already feel like I can't remember a lot of things.
02:14 Even my memories of you are fragmented.
02:17 Leila, I don't even really remember how I met you.
02:24 Isn't it unfair that you're hurting and I'm slowly fading away?
02:29 Tell me. What do you remember?
02:33 I remember that we were deeply in love.
02:38 But I was afraid to admit it.
02:40 Anything else?
02:43 Well, the first three years of our marriage were full of joy.
02:48 But I'm scared to lose all those moments.
02:51 Mommy!
02:55 Hilias won't go to school today.
03:01 Instead, what he wants, he's looking for his mommy.
03:05 So the Smith family advised me to bring him here.
03:09 Mommy, why are you back after this bad guy kicked us out?
03:16 Who are you? She is not your mommy.
03:19 What kind of kid are you to claim randomly that your mom lives here?
03:28 You're evil! Say sorry to my mommy!
03:33 Hilias!
03:34 You're such a bad guy. You'll never let my mommy sleep.
03:43 Your mommy? I never had kids with your so-called mommy.
03:48 So get this bastard out of my house!
03:51 Hilias, this is our son. Don't you remember?
03:55 What? How is it possible?
04:01 How could I not know that you had a baby?
04:03 Hayden, I left you when I was pregnant.
04:07 Then, after five years, I came back with the hell-less.
04:11 You let us live in your basement.
04:13 But then, when I was in hospital, you took care of him because of me.
04:17 I didn't. That wasn't me.
04:25 How could I forget my own child?
04:28 So you're my dad?
04:30 What's your name, son?
04:32 Hayden.
04:33 I'm really sorry, Hilias. Forgive me for forgetting you.
04:37 Doctor, please, help Hayden. He already forgot so much.
04:54 He doesn't even remember his own son now.
04:58 I'm sorry, but nothing can be done unless the tumor is removed.
05:04 But it's too risky.
05:07 Mr. McKinley's condition is getting worse.
05:11 If this continues, in less than a week, he won't be able to recognize anyone.
05:17 And by then, even his son will be dead.
05:22 And by then, even if the operation is successful...
05:25 Hayden said he wanted to wait until he lost his memory before having the operation.
05:32 He probably wanted to let himself forget us so he could distance himself from us.
05:39 Maybe he thought that it would ease our pain a little bit.
05:45 But it will be even more painful for me.
05:50 To watch how he slowly forgets me.
05:53 Hayden, I'll always be there for you. So don't you dare forget me.
06:05 Ms. Leila!
06:07 Um, who are you?
06:10 Ms. Leila, I am Joseph, Mr. Smith's assistant.
06:14 You haven't contacted him for a few days.
06:18 He's worried about you.
06:20 He has been waiting for you to return.
06:23 Well, please tell him that I can't go back just yet.
06:28 Pardon me?
06:30 Ms., Mr. Smith said that you must come back no matter what.
06:34 Who the hell are you? How dare you touch my wife?
06:38 Who the hell are you? How dare you touch my wife?
06:47 Hayden, Ms. Leila is divorced from you.
06:50 It's time for me to return her to the Smith family.
06:53 Divorce? How could I possibly divorce Leila?
06:58 I bet the Smith family planned some tricks on me, huh?
07:02 So that he can hook up with her.
07:04 Tell me, who should I beat up first?
07:07 You.
07:10 Joseph, when I settle the things here, I will go back and talk to them.
07:16 I'm really sorry for the trouble.
07:18 Hayden signed the divorce paper.
07:28 He helped Ms. Leila and the Smith family to get to know each other.
07:33 Why is he backtracking now and pretending nothing ever happened?
07:38 Joseph, please tell Mr. Smith that we are sorry.
07:45 But, Hayden...
07:47 Hayden has a brain tumor.
07:50 And he's losing his memory.
07:53 What?
07:55 But the situation here is only getting worse.
07:59 He's forgetting everything.
08:01 And Ms. Leila is going to be the one who's going to accompany him for his final moments.
08:07 And soon enough, he'll forget her too.
08:13 But when the time comes, Leila will get back to the Smith family.
08:17 And I hope that the Smith family can accommodate this accordingly.
08:23 You really divorced me because you wanted to have an affair with someone of the Smith family?
08:39 Hayden, have you completely forgot about past five years?
08:43 What? You forced me to marry you three years ago, not five years ago.
08:49 Are you really divorcing me because you want to run off to another rich guy's mansion?
08:54 You're so shameless, aren't you?
08:57 Looks like he forgot the last five years of our lives after he returned from the office.
09:06 Do you even remember why you went back to the office today?
09:09 Yeah. I just needed to settle a collaboration with a West group.
09:15 But you don't need to change the subject on me, okay?
09:19 Hayden, I wouldn't do anything to betray you. The Smiths are just my family.
09:26 I didn't know you were so shameless. You call yourself the daughter of the richest family in the world.
09:34 Do you really think I can do this to you?
09:36 I didn't know you were so shameless to call yourself the daughter of the richest family in the world.
09:45 I didn't do anything to do this to you.
09:49 Hayden, you never loved me.
09:58 You make a good point. From the moment on, you dragged me to force to marry you, you meant nothing to me. I never loved you.
10:07 Hayden, I don't care. You are nice to me. Thank you for the last time.
10:21 Tell me, which one is the real me?
10:25 Hayden?
10:26 Does it hurt?
10:42 Next time, don't let any man touch you again. Otherwise it will be even worse.
10:51 Of course.
10:54 By the way, do you know where Maria is?
10:56 You can ask the Nelson family about her.
11:00 She is your sister. You should know where she is.
11:05 Hayden, you do know that Maria is not my real sister.
11:10 She is a biological daughter of the Nelson family and I am just adopted one.
11:16 Well, you should also know that Maria is in jail.
11:20 How can that be?
11:22 Someone as kind as Maria would go to jail? Someone was setting her up?
11:26 Was it you, Layla?
11:30 You don't know anything. Are you really just going to assume that I am the bad guy here?
11:36 You are always such a nasty bitch.
11:40 Did you forget that I am the bad guy?
11:43 I am the bad guy.
11:45 I am the bad guy.
11:47 I am the bad guy.
11:50 Did you forget that Maria and Nelson went to jail because she tried to hurt me?
11:55 You are just jealous of Maria, that she is the true Nelson's family heir.
12:01 After she returned, there was just no need for you anymore.
12:06 So you got rid of her, do you?
12:09 You are the one who destroys everything.
12:12 Hayden, that's enough.
12:15 Why are you coming with me right now to confess that Maria is innocent and to confess that you are the reason why she is in prison?
12:22 I said it's enough.
12:24 Did I strike a nerve?
12:27 You better come with me right now. I am getting Maria out of jail.
12:31 How dare you? After warming up your way in the Smith family, you dare to hit me?
12:43 I am going to kill you.
12:44 Hey.
12:51 Hayden.
13:02 None of you will be happy.
13:06 Go to hell.
13:12 What's going on? Why would Maria stab me?
13:15 Have you come to your senses, Hayden?
13:18 I can live with you forgetting me.
13:21 But how could you forget what Maria did?
13:24 At least you get to blissfully forget all of it. But what about me?
13:28 Leila.
13:31 Hayden, I won't care for you anymore.
13:33 Leila.
13:36 It's all my fault. I hurt him because I was angry.
13:39 Don't blame me, Leila. You have done a good job.
13:43 I don't think anyone has been able to stand seeing Hayden try to defend Maria.
13:49 I just didn't realize that his condition became worse so fast.
13:54 It's been less than half a month and I already have this case.
14:00 I have an operation for him. I am just so scared.
14:03 Leila. Hayden, it's all I have left.
14:10 What I will do if you leave me behind?
14:13 Who's there?
14:17 It's so noisy.
14:19 Hayden.
14:24 Hayden.
14:26 Hayden.
14:29 Hayden.
14:30 You're awake.
14:32 Hayden, do you remember me?
14:35 Yeah, you're my wife. You're Leila.
14:38 Yes, I'm your wife, Leila.
14:41 But other than our wedding day, I really can't remember anything else.
14:50 It's okay. It's actually good that you just remember this day.
14:57 Hayden, have some water.
14:59 Thanks, nurse.
15:01 Why did you call me?