• last year
What difference will putting supertram back in public ownership make?
00:00 Do you tell me what difference you think it will make when they put Supertramp back in public control?
00:06 I think it will be more on time on the table and I believe it will be more friendly from the public and I think it's the main thing.
00:26 I travel every day on Tramp to my work. I go a lot of delays, sometimes they cancel and sometimes they go a lot of delays, sometimes they come too early.
00:36 So I don't really prefer to be under public control.
00:41 Do you tell me please what difference you think having publicly run Tramps will make next month?
00:48 It will make it more run by the public. It will be sorted out better. You're not relying on a company or someone who runs a business to actually do it.
01:01 Because when you run a business you have to think about your overheads and stuff like that where it's different with a council.
01:07 Where the duty of care is completely different. They have to take care of stuff.
01:13 For example, I've noticed over the years that I've been alive that the potholes in the country have got worse.
01:20 Just simple things like that on the road. So being a 60s child I think that we've made a big mistake in having all these companies run by separate companies.
01:32 We should have had certain things within this country run by people.
01:37 But by the public, exactly, the NHS has really gone down because we are hiring people and paying people ridiculous money to do ridiculous jobs.
01:46 So to me, we do need certain things to be run by the public.
01:50 Do you think it will improve the Tramps then?
01:52 It will definitely improve them.
01:54 Do you tell me please if you think that the Tramps going back into public control will improve them?
02:01 Well, to be honest I didn't know that they'd ever been in public control. I thought they were set up privately and subsidised by Sheffield Council.
02:10 It's like with the buses. We had mainline buses and there was a private company. Well, First Buses is a private company too.
02:18 But they're subsidised by the council. So I don't know really. It's like saying would British Rail be better?
02:26 It would be state ownership because the trains here are terrible compared to Germany. So maybe, but it depends on commitment to it. But that's all my answer.
02:36 Could you tell me if you think that the Tramps going back into public control will make any difference?
02:42 Probably make a difference. I'm not too sure which way that difference would be.
02:48 Are you not sure if it will be good or bad?
02:51 I don't think anybody would push it.
02:55 Could you tell me please, do you think putting the Super Tramp back into public control will improve it or make any difference?
03:03 I think it will probably improve it because it will be more public spirited perhaps than any organisation motivated more by profit.
03:14 profit.
