• last year
We asked Tasmanians if there were any policies that could sway their vote come election day. Video by Aaron Smith (22/2/24)
00:00 Hi, it's Aaron here on day three of our on-street interviews for the upcoming state election.
00:04 Today we asked people if there was a policy that could help sway their vote before we hit the polls in March.
00:10 Something to cap rental prices and stop rental prices going up.
00:15 And allowing pets into rental properties.
00:18 Lowering fuel prices would be great.
00:22 I know a lot of the
00:25 Liberal politicians. I like them, but I just
00:29 don't
00:30 agree with all their
00:32 their policies and I have been a
00:36 Labor voter all my life.
00:38 So in regards to the state election
00:41 From past history of the performance on the state. I have decided who I'm already going to vote for.
00:47 Thank you.
