Is Elon Musk's Neuralink Dangerous? The Dark Side of Neuralink.

  • 7 months ago
In this quick informative video, we have gathered 10 reasons on "Why Neuralink is Bad or scary". These reasons include:
1. Privacy Loss: Risk of others accessing personal thoughts.
2. Hackers: Potential for brain hacking.
3. Ethical Issues: Modifying identity or personality.
4. Surgery Risks: Infections, swelling, side effects.
5. Inequality: Technology affordability and social divide.
6. Skill Degradation: Decline in basic thinking skills.
7. Identity Change: Alterations in mood and personality.
8. Control Risks: Potential misuse for controlling individuals.
9. Unknown Effects: Long-term impacts on the brain.
10. Animal Ethics: Testing on animals and potential harm.

The detailed article is here:
