The film marks Rowlands first major starring role in a film.
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00:00 Oh, I was intimidated, but I was ready for it.
00:02 [laughs]
00:03 I was ready.
00:04 I was like, uncomfortable, you know what I mean?
00:06 Which is a good space to be in.
00:08 And a friend of mine, Sarah Jakes Roberts,
00:13 says if it doesn't make you comfortable,
00:15 I mean, if it doesn't make you uncomfortable,
00:17 what's the purpose of doing it?
00:19 And I've just really kind of kept that in my brain.
00:24 Mr. Malloy, this is Mia Harper.
00:26 I'd like to meet with you to discuss your case.
00:29 What the prosecution has is pretty damning.
00:32 I know that you have an eye for details,
00:34 so don't leave anything out.
00:36 [music playing]
00:39 She was a goddess.
00:44 One day I came back and she was gone.
00:46 So you believe this guy?
00:48 Zire, why did you do it?
00:49 I've never seen anything like it.
00:51 You always go with your gut.
00:53 Please, this is my life, and they're trying to ruin me.
00:57 So Kelly, I know you're really making this foray into acting.
01:02 So what was it like for you not only to take center stage
01:05 in this starring role, but also to be in such
01:07 a steamy sort of thriller?
01:10 It was an awesome experience.
01:12 Definitely different from anything I've ever done,
01:16 of course.
01:17 And it made me uncomfortable.
01:20 It pushed me.
01:21 And I'm so happy that it did.
01:23 And so happy to have taken this ride with Tyler
01:27 with Trevante, with this cast.
01:29 I just-- I loved every minute of it.
01:32 Absolutely.
01:34 And so Trevante, I read in a Rolling Stone interview
01:37 that you considered Tyler Perry to be
01:40 one of your entertainment OGs.
01:41 So can you tell me a little bit about the conversation
01:44 the two of you had about you taking on this role?
01:47 Yeah.
01:48 So he called me on a week or two prior to shooting.
01:53 And, you know, it was a whoop-de-whoop,
01:55 a whoop-de-whoop, whop-de-whop.
01:58 I got this thing, you know what I mean?
02:00 Come pop out and play with us for a little bit.
02:02 He told me Kelly was involved.
02:04 And I was like, bless, I'll be there.
02:07 I don't even need to see the script.
02:08 And then, you know, he's like, well, read the script.
02:10 Read the script.
02:11 And I did.
02:12 And we were able to finesse it.
02:14 So what was it like for the two of you
02:16 to work together on screen?
02:18 It was great.
02:20 It was amazing.
02:21 It was amazing.
02:22 Yeah, we met the day before we started shooting.
02:26 And it was literally like an embrace for me.
02:30 Like, he was like, what's up, little mama?
02:32 Like, nice to meet you.
02:33 It was very sweet.
02:35 And I felt safe.
02:37 I felt safe.
02:38 I felt respected.
02:39 I felt comfortable.
02:41 And I think that it just made everything
02:44 kind of like pop on screen.
02:47 How about you, Tremonte?
02:49 I mean, again, every time someone
02:50 asks me this question, I just say, look at her.
02:53 Like, take in that essence.
02:55 Take in that energy.
02:56 It's kind of difficult to not have some type of chemistry
03:00 with this kind of person.
03:01 So blessings.
03:04 And so for the both of you, what would
03:06 you say was perhaps the biggest challenge that you
03:10 guys had in filming this?
03:12 I will say there weren't any--
03:15 I didn't have any challenges.
03:16 Again, like, working with people who you feel very comfortable,
03:20 you feel very inspired by, that makes the job easy for me.
03:28 It makes everything easy for me.
03:29 And for you, Kelly?
03:30 Friend of mine confirmed it for me when I called him
03:33 and I talked to him about this role.
03:35 He was like, no, just go.
03:37 Go.
03:38 If it makes you uncomfortable, just run towards it.
03:40 Go, go, go.
03:41 And I said yes, and here we are.
03:44 What was that discomfort, would you say, or intimidation?
03:48 Oh my goodness, it's Tyler Perry.
03:50 It's Trevante Rhodes.
03:52 They have way more experience in this space than I do.
03:55 I respect them.
03:55 I respect the art.
03:56 I respect acting.
03:57 I respect storytelling.
03:59 And I want to be respected, period.
04:04 And so it pushes you to, you know, level up.
04:10 [LAUGHS]
04:14 (upbeat music)