महाराष्ट्र के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री ओर लोकसभा के पूर्व अध्यक्ष मनोहर जोशी का शुक्रवार को मुंबई के पी डी हिंदुजा अस्पताल में निधन हो गया. उन्हें दिल का दौरा पड़ने के बाद 21 फरवरी को अस्पताल के आईसीयू में भर्ती कराया गया था.
Former Chief Minister of Maharashtra and former Speaker of Lok Sabha Manohar Joshi no more on Friday at PD Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai. He was admitted to the ICU of the hospital on 21 February after suffering a heart attack.
#ManoharJpshiDemise, #ManoharJoshiDemiseReason, #ManoharJoshiPassedAway, #ManoharJoshiBiography, #ManoharJoshiNetWorth, #ManoharJoshiFamilyDetails
Former Chief Minister of Maharashtra and former Speaker of Lok Sabha Manohar Joshi no more on Friday at PD Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai. He was admitted to the ICU of the hospital on 21 February after suffering a heart attack.
#ManoharJpshiDemise, #ManoharJoshiDemiseReason, #ManoharJoshiPassedAway, #ManoharJoshiBiography, #ManoharJoshiNetWorth, #ManoharJoshiFamilyDetails