Watch historic Moon landing as US clinches first touchdown in 50 years

  • 7 months ago
Moment first privately owned spacecraft lands successfully on the Moon Source Reuters
00:00 the moon. It's a great day.
00:02 We're going to have a great
00:04 time. We'll be back with more
00:06 from the moon. 10 Tonight.
00:08 America is back on the moon for
00:10 the first time since 1972, a U.
00:12 S spacecraft touchdown on the
00:13 lunar surface. Yeah, we're
00:14 talking about an American
00:16 robot. Not exactly an American
00:16 astronaut. This was an unmanned
00:20 mission. South Bay Company
00:21 played a huge part in the
00:23 project. Fox 11's Laura Diaz
00:25 live in Torrance with details
00:25 of the coolest story of the
00:29 year. It's a great day. It's a
00:30 great day. It's a great day.
00:32 It's a great day. It's a great
00:34 day to be on the lunar surface.
00:34 But here at the Scorpius
00:37 company in Torrance. The men
00:39 and women are feeling very
00:41 proud tonight as they look up
00:43 toward the heavens. They know
00:43 they played a big part in this.
00:47 I'm thinking that we have a
00:48 spacecraft up there. That's got
00:50 our tanks in it on a day when
00:52 the impossible became a reality.
00:53 The president of a torrent
00:56 space launch company. Looked at
00:58 the moon. And he said, You know,
01:00 we're going to have a lot of
01:01 space. You know, we're going to
01:01 have a lot of space for the
01:05 project. Yes. So this is what
01:05 it takes to make an overnight
01:09 success, right? About 3 30,
01:11 California time, a private
01:13 robotic rover touched down on
01:15 the moon Thursday, becoming the
01:17 first U. S spacecraft in more
01:17 than five decades to land on
01:21 the lunar surface. It's the
01:23 first time in history of private
01:23 enterprise successfully pulled
01:27 off a mission. The crew is
01:29 proud of the success. The
01:31 astronauts are proud of the
01:32 success. Let's check it out
01:34 briefly in Torrance Thursday,
01:36 the CEO of Scorpio Space Launch
01:39 Company shared his proud day.
01:41 Scorpio spilt two of the fuel
01:42 tanks, which contained liquid
01:44 oxygen and liquid methane. It
01:47 was a breakthrough. Type five
01:48 tank is a tank that has no
01:51 metal inside. Is carbon fiber
01:54 only is structurally very
01:54 difficult to work with. It's
01:58 very difficult to work with.
02:00 It's prone to liquid nitrogen
02:01 even colder. In this particular
02:03 case, it runs about minus 275
02:06 degrees earlier today, the
02:08 Scorpio's team worried a little
02:09 and then celebrated as you see
02:12 in these images. It was an
02:14 achievement years in the making
02:17 one the CEO shared with his
02:18 team doing something that we
02:22 were told can't be done. And
02:23 that's what we're doing. We're
02:25 doing it. We're doing it. We're
02:26 doing it. We're doing it. We're
02:30 doing it. We're doing it. It
02:31 was great to hear him speak of
02:33 his team in such glowing terms.
02:35 I can tell you right now that
02:36 everybody's taking a little bit
02:37 of a bow, but they have some
02:38 other projects that they're
