Pochettino on dreams of trophy, challenge of facing Liverpool and recent form ahead of EFL Cup final (Full Presser)

  • 7 months ago
Chelsea boss Mauricio Pochettino on dreams of trophy, challenge of facing Liverpool and recent form ahead of EFL Cup final
00:00 Can you give us any team news ahead of that?
00:07 I think we need to assess a few players, see if they can be involved Sunday.
00:14 And yes, we will communicate tomorrow if we can recover some players from injury.
00:22 Thiago Silva is in partial training, has he got a chance to start?
00:26 Yes, he has the chance. Tomorrow we'll see if he's ready to be involved in the game.
00:34 What does it mean to you to finally win a trophy in England?
00:39 Does it play on your mind at all that you still haven't managed to do that?
00:44 It's good that you say 'in England' because before when I was in Tottenham I was the first title coach.
00:51 I think it means a lot for us, the coaching staff, to have the possibility to arrive in the final
01:00 and to challenge a team like Liverpool to win our first title here after 11 years when we arrived in Southampton.
01:10 I think it's a dream for us, the coaching staff, and of course we have the possibility.
01:17 We have 90 minutes to achieve that and yes, we are going to fight.
01:23 I think the team is ready, we are going to be very competitive and it's an amazing chance for us.
01:29 You had that four-day spell around three or four weeks ago when you lost quite heavily to Liverpool,
01:35 you lost at home to Wolves. Can you give us an insight on how low you were, how low the players were then
01:41 and what was said to prompt this turnaround in the past few games?
01:45 It's true that it's different because it's never the same, the approach when you play in the Premier League
01:51 or when you play in a final and then in the neutral place like Wembley.
01:57 Of course it's going to be different, of course you always learn from the games that you play,
02:04 I think, to many things. Of course we arrived in this game with different circumstances
02:13 and now the circumstances have changed and it's difficult to compare and to say that it's going to have
02:19 some influence on the game that we played in the past.
02:23 But of course what you learn is that Liverpool is a very competitive team
02:29 and they can play well, so well, very good, not so good, but they are going to always be competitive
02:39 and we need to match that competitivity. We need to be competitive, we need to be really to manage
02:47 some moments during the games. And I think in the last few weeks we were learning a lot,
02:54 I think we stepped up from that and I think we arrived in a very good momentum,
03:01 we arrived in a very good condition and I think after Wolves competing against Aston Villa, Palace
03:10 and of course Manchester City, I think provided the team a little bit of confidence and trust.
03:17 The team is starting to be now awake of the competition, it was a click to change in the way to compete,
03:32 that we were missing maybe in the first part of the competition and on the season.
03:37 But I need to say that because of too many circumstances, again, the team that did not provide us
03:46 or didn't give the possibility to compete better. But I think it's too many things for sure
03:52 and of course the circumstances are completely different from us and from them and see how they arrive
03:57 and see how we arrive. But for sure it's going to be completely different because it's a final and it's Wembley.
04:12 Yeah, because he's one of the best, with Pep, coaches in the world.
04:19 He's clever enough and he knows that when you arrive and you play a final, always circumstances can happen.
04:27 And of course, I think if they are not the favourites, we are not the favourites.
04:33 It's a final that you cannot say is a favourite. If he said that, for me it's Liverpool a favourite
04:42 because after I think eight years, you know, and in the last few years they have the experience to compete
04:51 like a team and be involved in different finals. And I think for many of our players,
04:59 they are not only new in this competition, in the Premier League, in the Carabao Cup,
05:05 if not for some of them, it's maybe the first final, you know. That is why make favourite them,
05:12 under my opinion, but he's clever enough to say, OK, 50-50.
05:17 So Liverpool are favourites, yeah?
05:19 For sure. And he knows that it's like this.
05:21 Just a final one from me. You talked about 90 minutes on Sunday.
05:26 It could go to extra time, of course. It could go to penalties like the two finals in 2022.
05:31 Have you been practising penalties?
05:35 Regular, always weeks. We always shoot penalties and train, yes.
05:42 And then it's completely different. Some coaches say you cannot replicate the same stress in training
05:50 like after he's going to be in the competition. But of course, it's part of the...
05:56 also our idea is to practise penalties.
06:01 Thank you.
06:02 You're welcome.
06:03 BBC.
06:04 Hello.
06:05 You said there's been a change since the Liverpool game and probably since the Wolves game as well.
06:11 Is that a mentality thing? Is the mentality of the players changed?
06:14 It's not fair to say only mentality. I think too many things change.
06:20 I think always when it's... all the young teams always need time to be more mature
06:28 and improve in different areas. But it's not only in our mentality.
06:32 I think when we talk about playing football or competing, I think it's in the whole areas
06:39 that you need to improve. And I think now the team is improving and maybe we have the chance
06:45 to be more consistent in the way that we compete. In the last three games, I think the team competed really well.
06:52 Was the Liverpool game and maybe more so the Wolves game a catalyst where you and the players said
06:56 something's got to change, it has to change? Because that was a real blow for us then.
07:01 I think for me it's not about to change. Of course, the transformation of the team
07:07 when you compete in a different way is about to be more mature and to be...
07:12 this type of process, you need that this type of thing happen.
07:17 And to really wake up about the situation. I don't know if it's wake up, but realise about that
07:26 when you experience some moment, you have the possibility to be different and to behave different.
07:36 The team always needs to learn from the good and the not so good experience.
07:42 And I think it was in a moment that for us was positive. After Liverpool, that was completely unfair,
07:51 the result, because I think if you watch again the game, there's a few penalties,
07:58 the penalty after five minutes was given, I think maybe changed completely the game.
08:06 But maybe that was good for us to feel the pain, negative situation again us,
08:13 and to be stronger now and to find the way to compete better and to start to see
08:26 that we need to live in a different way, the spirit of the team.
08:30 You can see that now the team, when it's on the pitch, before it starts the game,
08:36 they are all together, they talk, the communication is much better.
08:40 But always that needs to be natural. When you build a team, always things that need to be natural,
08:46 you cannot force to say, "Come on, you need to do this, to do that, to behave like this.
08:51 Now you need to be nice with your teammates. Now you need to help your teammates."
08:54 No, all this type of things arrive in a natural way. If it arrives in a natural way,
09:00 I think they are so strong. But if you force, when things are not natural, it never works.
09:08 What will your emotions be just before you come down the tunnel on Sunday,
09:12 and you've been brought here to win trophies, and here's your chance?
09:16 Yes, it's a chance there. And then for me, Wembley, Novosibirsk is like home,
09:20 because we play a lot there, and I think it's come back home, come back to your know-how's home.
09:32 Because I think after one year and a half competing there, we create a very good bond
09:36 between Wembley and the team and everyone there.
09:42 Yes, for sure it's going to be special, special to play there, and special in case to win.
09:49 I think we are going to give our best, to try to compete in our best,
09:52 and be better than Liverpool and deserve to lift the trophy.
09:58 Thank you.
10:00 Simon Athletic.
10:01 Have you decided who's in goal?
10:05 Yes, yes, yes.
10:06 Have you told them?
10:07 Yes, 99 per cent my team is in my head, of course.
10:10 Have you told the team?
10:12 Sorry?
10:13 Have you told the players?
10:14 No, not yet, not yet. Not yet, because always, you know, connection, communication,
10:21 you know, always things can happen, and I prefer tomorrow, or maybe after tomorrow.
10:29 Because I say tomorrow, you will start to find, you know, some information.
10:36 I know what you're saying about a lot of your players have not played at Wembley,
10:40 but Chelsea have lost their last five finals at Wembley.
10:44 The final start and finish and that's it, and you store in the box, you know,
10:51 because the final never a reference that is going to translate to, you know, to this final.
10:58 Of course, it's a history, and of course people pay attention,
11:04 but us, when we prepare the final, is not thinking in what happened one year ago,
11:10 two years ago, three years ago.
11:12 But of course, I respect, you know, your opinion and your question.
11:17 Tell me, tell me, tell me the question.
11:19 I was going to say, but can it actually be a good thing that a lot of your players
11:23 don't have the baggage, the bad memories of losing?
11:27 Yes, I think it's possible good things, and then not to be affected for the past.
11:34 And of course, in another way, you know, they need experience, you know, to play finals.
11:44 Always it's about having the experience and the capacity to manage.
11:47 I don't say the game, but of course all the preparation and how you arrive.
11:52 Last one for me. There's been a lot of chat about the amount of injuries Liverpool have had recently.
11:59 Do you have much sympathy given what you've experienced all season?
12:03 Yes, I understand always, you know.
12:06 I never like to see your opponent or teams that suffer, you know, injured players.
12:15 And of course, we emphasise, we understand that,
12:19 because we were dealing from the beginning.
12:22 And always it's difficult, I understand.
12:26 I think if I can say something, not to take it in a bad way,
12:34 I think always in the middle, when the dynamic is positive,
12:40 if you suffer some injury, always you can manage,
12:44 because the dynamic is positive and everything.
12:47 OK, you can, you know, support and you can find, you know, solutions that can work easily.
12:56 But when it's from the beginning, you need to create a positive, you know, dynamic.
13:03 If you are not capable from the beginning that the thing works,
13:06 always you are, always it's to try to change, to chase, you know, the rabbit.
13:13 No, it's in behind, in behind, in behind, in behind.
13:17 But I understand, I understand that the circumstances maybe are not easy today for the opponent,
13:23 but competition is competition.
13:26 We cannot, you know, complain, we cannot blame, you know,
13:32 we cannot find, you know, things that can affect it, you know, the players that are going to compete.
13:38 And for sure, Liverpool is going to be Liverpool.
13:41 And we need to go there thinking that we need to beat Liverpool.
13:46 Thank you. Last question in the broadcast section, Roman.
13:49 Mauricio, you consistently said that this team is a young team and needs time.
13:56 But some managers have said in the past that for finals, they are there to be won and not to be played.
14:02 How crucial...
14:03 I didn't say that we are going to go to play.
14:05 I said final, you start and stop and then you start.
14:08 That is why final is not about to play finals.
14:14 It's about to win the finals. Yes.
14:16 Right. I just wanted to say that. How crucial is this final to the project you are on now?
14:24 Maybe you need another people here, you know, sitting in my place.
14:29 For me, I am focusing on trying to win, but I cannot answer your question because it's not in my hand.
14:37 Thank you.
