Chris Taylor on Love Island: All Stars & BARBIE MOVIE!!

  • 8 months ago
Chris Taylor on Love Island: All Stars & BARBIE MOVIE!! Report by Mccallumj. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at
00:00 Hi guys, it's Judy here from ODE. Love Island All Stars might be over but fear not because
00:05 our Post Villa chats with the Islanders are not. And today I've pulled the Islander with
00:10 quite arguably the best head of hair. It's Chris Taylor.
00:12 Thank you very much. How very kind of you to say.
00:14 Your hair's amazing.
00:15 Thank you.
00:16 No one talks about it enough and it's like incredible.
00:18 It's quite in your face isn't it?
00:19 But that's what we like.
00:20 Do you know how I do it?
00:21 No, tell me.
00:22 Muscle memory. It's a real thing.
00:24 But there's a lot of it as well.
00:26 Yeah, it's girth-er.
00:27 I'm obsessed. That's in your back. What a tan you've got.
00:31 Thank you.
00:32 You're fresh from South Africa. How are you feeling?
00:34 I feel quite confused. It's quite a lot to go from being with so many boys, because all
00:39 the boys were together for like the last week non-stop. And a lot of the time we didn't
00:42 have our phones on us as well. So we were all just having to interact constantly. To
00:46 like going from being with like seven absolute nutters to just being at home watching Queer
00:51 Eye again. It's quite the change of pace.
00:55 Let's talk about your journey and the villa.
00:57 My journey.
00:58 I feel like it was a roller coaster.
00:59 Do we have to use that word? I absolutely hate that word.
01:01 I'm sorry, am I just giving you the egg?
01:03 It got battered. It got absolutely battered this year as well.
01:05 What else do you call it?
01:06 Pilgrimage. That's what we'll call it.
01:08 Your pilgrimage.
01:09 Trek. Walk to Mordor to throw the ring in the volcano.
01:15 Right. So you get the call asking you go on Love Island All Stars. What were your initial
01:20 thoughts?
01:21 I said no.
01:22 Did you?
01:23 A lot. Yeah.
01:24 Why?
01:25 I mean, I've done various things that obviously I've just done some acting stuff. I wanted
01:29 to do more with that. And I thought like if I go in there, am I going to be deemed as
01:33 a reality star forever? Personally, I don't really think I am a reality star. I don't
01:38 really think like I'm similar to a lot of the people in there. Not in like a big headed
01:42 way or anything. I'm just I'm just not. I'm just a bit different. And I thought if I were
01:47 going to do that, it might hurt my chances of getting actual genuine acting roles. So
01:53 I had a meeting with ITV and they were like, listen, you should you should reconsider it.
01:58 And then eventually they talked me into it. So I was like, yeah, all right, if I have
02:02 to. But I'm very glad I did it. I really enjoyed it.
02:05 Single, another chance at love, free holiday.
02:08 Yeah, bit of that. Yeah. To be fair, I'm 33. So I do actually want to settle down. And
02:12 I think it's not a really interesting environment to meet people. I genuinely do. Because you
02:17 can go from like just meeting someone to being like deep in a week. And in real life, you've
02:22 got phones and everyone's got their normal lives and activities they do and all that
02:27 kind of stuff that to get like a week down in the biller would probably take you about
02:31 three months in real life. That's an exaggeration. Maybe about a month. So it's really interesting
02:37 like that, I think.
02:38 And I think people can I can judge it and be like, oh, going on love island again. But
02:41 then like in the real world, everyone's really busy and there's no time for it. Whereas when
02:45 you're there, you're just focusing on trying to find someone.
02:47 Yeah, you haven't got your phone. You haven't got any like work stuff to worry about. You
02:50 ain't getting distracted. You can actually just get to know people. That's why it moves
02:53 so quick. And obviously it's 24 hours. So yeah, went into find love again. Wasn't successful.
02:59 But what you can do about that? We move.
03:03 Yeah, exactly. But when you went and you are so popular, your milkshake was bringing all
03:07 the girls to the yard. And then what happened? Did it go out of date?
03:11 People keep asking me that. People keep going, where did it all go wrong? I'm like, I don't
03:15 think it went wrong in my eyes. Obviously, like psychologically when when like girls
03:22 make it obvious that they like you that I don't I don't really like that. No. And I
03:26 think like I've had a lot of therapy. And like, I know. I've had it like four years
03:34 of therapy and I know like why I do it. But I can't I can't deny that. That is just part
03:39 of who I am. Do you know what I mean? Like if a girl shows me that she likes me too quick,
03:43 I'm like, you'll find most men are like that as well. Like it scares them off. And if you
03:48 go into hard, you've ever been on a date where you've gone into hard and the boys are like,
03:51 whoa, chill out.
03:52 Listen, I'm saying nothing on camera.
03:54 Right. Fine. Okay. Well, if I'm spilling tea, you've got to spill tea about your life as
03:59 well.
04:00 My tea is far too hot for this.
04:01 Wow. Okay. Piping hot tea. So yeah, it was nice to get girls queued up next to me.
04:08 Which was a queue.
04:09 There was a queue. Yeah, I try not to use that word because it sounds a bit arrogant.
04:13 But there was a queue. And yeah, I kind of, I like them all as people. I get on with them
04:19 really well. But I just didn't fancy any of them. And obviously me and Kaz got really
04:24 close. I think she got it. She stood next to me. Me and Georgia Harrison are very good
04:29 mates. We get on really well. And Hannah, same as well. But like, there was just no
04:34 like chemistry sexually there. I don't think. I don't know what it was. Like, I don't really
04:38 get involved in the, the, the scene. Yeah, I'm not really that I don't go to events or
04:44 anything like that. So maybe it's because I was like unknown. I don't know.
04:48 But also you're really fat as well. Like no, but there is. I do think like you are really
04:53 good looking. You don't think that you're fat, but obviously the girls thought that
04:58 but that took you by surprise.
04:59 No, no, it did. It took my breath away. It gave me a center part in. I didn't really
05:03 know what was going on. I genuinely thought like, this is a joke. Like why? Like why?
05:07 Why are they doing this? That's not been my lived experience for the majority of my life.
05:10 By the way, I've got a lot of very fit mates. Maybe that's why I've got a lot of very funny
05:15 mates. And I dunno, I've just, the last time I was on Levon and I just got pied five times
05:20 like, like pie after pie, I was dripping in cream.
05:23 But Demi, I feel like there's, could have been something there, but it just never, never
05:28 transpired. No, it definitely could have been, but obviously I decided to, to try and snog
05:35 Molly for some bizarre reason.
05:37 We forget about that moment, but literally that was the whole looking into the eyes thing.
05:41 That was quite smooth.
05:42 I don't know. Well, I've had mixed reviews on it. My family told me it was cringey AF.
05:47 I don't think so.
05:48 But you know what happened, right? So I was like, obviously when you kiss somebody on
05:51 TV, you kind of want to let them know that you're going to do it, but not make it too
05:55 obvious because you don't want it. You want to set it up a little bit because you don't
05:58 want to get the pie right. Cause that's way worse on TV. You've got to think about it.
06:01 But there's millions of people watching. It's very embarrassing if they pie you. So you
06:05 kind of have to come up with a way of doing it. That's just maybe a little bit cringey,
06:09 but also smooth. And I thought, right. So we was doing a lot of facts, me and Molly
06:13 cause we both like facts. So I said the thing about looking into her eyes for two minutes.
06:17 It's actually only 8.2 seconds for men. It's two minutes for women. Obviously they need
06:22 longer. So I'm sat there just staring at her thinking, yeah, you're going to have to do
06:26 this in a minute, mate. And I just kept getting like getting really in my head about it.
06:30 I was like, no mate, it's literally been like a minute and 30 seconds. And you've seen,
06:34 you're still just staring at her like a weirdo. And you've done that without laughing. Well,
06:38 there was a little bit of like, like trying not to laugh at that. And I was like, Oh,
06:43 I'm just going to have to do this. So I just went, I'm going to kiss you now, which is
06:47 the one thing that I didn't want to do because I don't like the idea of asking for a kiss
06:51 because it's just weird. And it like some people do it on, on the show that all can
06:54 have a kiss and you're sat home like, Oh, that's why have you just asked for a kiss?
06:59 But you've got to in a way because otherwise you get the pie and it's horrendous. So I
07:04 might be getting the order wrong here, but then we're going to move on to Arabella. I
07:08 think the next couple was at Sophie before. Sorry, there was that many women for you. Stop
07:15 it. After Molly, where did we go? I was, I'm Sophie, I think. Sophie. Yeah. And then was
07:21 that a one where you kind of ended up in a triangle? Yeah. I was in a, I was in a nice
07:25 triangle. It's not, it's the, uh, it's the thing that I think that's made life wouldn't
07:32 do for love. Yeah. That's too much. Thanks for going. Well, you and Sophie though, I
07:36 think Josh hadn't came into the triangle. Well, Josh started off with Sophie and I think
07:41 I tried to interrupt it and they ended up in a couple together as voted by the public.
07:46 So I think part of them is thinking, Oh, the public wants this type of thing. So that's
07:49 that stick with that. But, um, yeah, you can't underestimate the time in bed when you're
07:54 in a couple. That's so important. Yeah. Cause you can just chat. You can literally just
07:58 like sit there and chat for hours and get to know each other when no one else is really
08:02 listening. Obviously if you can whisper, which I can't, but, um, but yeah, like I think that's
08:07 what kind of ruined that they were getting closer and very quiddly and touchy and I was
08:12 just, yeah. Steve on the outside. And then was Arabella. Then it was our ability. That
08:19 seemed to be going well. Yeah. Good match. And then it was all good until it wasn't.
08:23 What happened there? Yeah, it was a strange one. So basically I'd had a very frank discussion
08:28 with Arabella where I said, listen, like absolute transparency. I'm going to tell you everything
08:32 that I'm doing. I'm still open to get to know other girls. We had that chat and then obviously
08:36 Sophie came in and we went for a chat and I think she put a handout to hold my hand.
08:40 So I was like, all right, I'll hold your hand. And then stupidly held a hand, walked past
08:45 Arabella. That's upset her. Right. But what you didn't see was, um, so if you wanted to
08:50 sit on the sun beds that were right next to Arabella and I was like, no, no, no, no, no,
08:54 we're not doing that because that's right in front of her. So I messed up a little bit
08:57 there, but then I also tried to make sure that I wasn't doing it in her face type of
09:00 thing. We had that chat. That was fine. And the next thing I know, the boys are telling
09:04 me that she's called me disingenuous. So this was like just after I'd been on a date with
09:09 Arabella and I'd like got like really open and vulnerable about who I am, why I'm the
09:14 way I'm all that kind of stuff that I don't really like talking about with people that
09:18 I've just met. But we got into that conversation and then she called me disingenuous. So in
09:22 my mind, like I'm just somebody like I'm, I'm a bit older. I know what my boundaries
09:27 are. And if somebody hits a boundary or hits a red flag for me, I just cut it off because
09:32 I've, I'm not there to relearn lessons that I've spent most of my life learning. Do you
09:36 know what I mean? So that's how it kind of went down. Um, and then, you know, we had
09:40 a discussion. I said, listen, I was at fault for the handholding thing. I apologize for
09:44 that. And, um, and then I bought the disingenuous thing. I was like, I don't understand how
09:49 you can say that I'm disingenuous when actually I've been very genuine to you on the day and
09:55 opened up, wore my heart on my sleeve about who I am and why I'm the way I am and all
09:59 that kind of stuff. Um, and basically I don't know how it's been shown because of what I've
10:04 heard, but she was trying to shout and I don't really like having conversations where the
10:10 other person is trying to make it an argument. So I just kind of said to her, look, can we,
10:14 can we keep it to a conversation? I can't remember whether I said it like that or whether
10:18 I said, you know, can we dial this back or something like that? But all I was saying
10:21 was, let's have a conversation instead of shouting at each other because no one's going
10:25 to understand what the other person's trying to get at. And that's, we talk about it like
10:28 calm adults type thing. Um, and I'm led to believe it's come out a lot worse than that
10:33 on TV and people have called me certain things, but actually I was just trying to keep it
10:38 calm and keep it to an adult conversation. And yeah, I think she just wanted an argument,
10:45 which is fine.
10:46 Why did you say disingenuous? So that's quite a like specific thing to say. And also I think
10:51 if someone was to question like your realness, that's something that would get to me as well.
10:56 Yeah, no, that's when, when, like when there's something, there's a character trait that
11:00 you identify as part of your personality and somebody challenges that, but you're going
11:04 to get upset. So that's why I got upset about that because I am the opposite of disingenuous.
11:08 I was genuinely in there to find somebody, but she called me that after I held somebody's
11:12 hand. So in my head, I'm like, wow, like that's hurt you a little bit, which is fair. I'm
11:18 not, um, invalidating your feelings. You're, you're allowed to be hurt by that. But to
11:23 react with such a jugular comment as in like, Oh, you're disingenuous because I held someone's
11:29 hand. I was like, that's like, I've actually opened up to you on a day and you just turn
11:34 around and like throwing it back in my face. So how can I be disingenuous? It just made
11:39 no sense. It's just that word doesn't it? It's that particular thing that would, that
11:43 would stick with me as well. Yeah. It was the contradiction of it. And the fact that
11:46 I was genuinely in there for, for finding love. And do you think after that comment
11:51 then that's when it just was like frosty and there was just no, for me, there's just no
11:55 going back from that because it's a red flag. Like I said before, like I've spent 33 years
12:00 figuring out what I will and won't accept in relationships and stuff like that. Friendships
12:04 as well. And I am just cutthroat with it. Like that, that's all it boils down to. If
12:09 someone hits a red flag or something, a boundary of mine, I will just be like, right, I'm out
12:14 as quick as that. Because what's the point in me carrying on and going down a path and
12:18 discovering, Oh, there's more red flags here, here and here. I just knew in that moment
12:22 that it wasn't right for me. Then Joanna came in and it was love at first sight. And I'm
12:27 joking. But you really, really liked her, didn't you? Yeah, I did. I have. I have for
12:33 a while. Right. So you had your eye on her before. Yeah. So basically before you go in,
12:37 they ask you to write down like who you want to come into the villa. And I was with my
12:43 chaperone and it got to the stage where he was like, are you going to write down anyone
12:47 but Joanna? I was like, no, not really. I'm all right with that. I've just, yeah, just
12:51 get her in there. And obviously like she came in later down the line and she said to me
12:56 that like from her side, she, she wanted me to speak to me in that type of thing. So it
13:02 was quite like, even in that sense, which was quite exciting. But then talk about sad
13:06 days. Let's talk about that game of truths. Oh, that was awful. That was, it was so much
13:12 worse than it looked as well. You know, because I think there was, I think there was 12 of
13:15 us in there at that stage might've been 14. Can't remember. But every person that was
13:20 around for every person. So there was either 12 or 14 rounds and pretty much every single
13:25 one said me and Joanna on it. So it was, it was so intense. The first one was fine because
13:32 everyone voted for us and me and Joanna voted for ourselves. I don't know if they showed
13:36 that. And then we kind of like did it in third person as if we weren't talking about ourselves
13:40 type thing. So it was fun at the beginning. The first round was fun, but after that, it
13:43 was just horrendous. It was just like a bombardment, constant bombardment of yeah. Just everybody
13:49 copping out. Basically we were in the worst position because of what Joanna was doing
13:53 in terms of like talking to Callum. So everyone just like scapegoated us and was like, Oh,
13:57 this is the easy answer. This is the easy answer. Every single time, even with things
14:00 that didn't make sense, like with like sexual chemistry and stuff like that. And that's
14:04 when you just don't want like that. That's, that's not something you want to hear. But
14:07 was it hard when obviously you're taking all these hits and then people are saying, I'll
14:10 stop reacting. It's not a big deal. Was that difficult? Yeah, a little bit because it's
14:16 like if they were in my shoes, if they were in my Birkenstocks, they'd be, they'd be quite
14:23 healy in my heel is they'd be quite furious about it themselves, but it's obviously everyone
14:28 else is trying to be like, Oh yeah, it's not, it's not that big a deal. It's not that deep.
14:32 Yeah. But it is when you've been getting it for 12 rounds straight. And also the worst
14:36 thing was like, I knew that it wasn't even about me. It was mostly about Joanna because
14:39 Joanna was making the moves. So like I was, I just felt awful for her because it was like
14:45 everybody ganging up on her, which is why I like stock up for a tight thing. And Anton
14:50 was quite fiery in that as well. And then there was a moment where Casey kind of turned
14:54 to like, cause I don't know how it looks. Maybe it's the edit, but it kind of looked
14:57 as if to say like, stop reacting. Like, yeah, no, it made it look really strange because
15:01 we were actually having a bar that we're having a full blown bar that they came in and they
15:05 gave us our second drink and they were like, we can't continue filming until you drank
15:08 it. So everyone had to like back it. Right. And then everyone just got like quite drunk,
15:13 quite quickly. Obviously when you've got like, what's the word you become a lightweight,
15:18 you become a massive lightweight when you're only having two drinks a night. Yeah. Um,
15:22 so yeah, we was having a bit of a bond because I think, I think Casey had said something
15:27 to Joanna and I was just like, that makes absolutely no sense, mate. That was a stupid
15:34 thing to say. Um, in a slightly raised voice and uh, yeah. And then Anton said, oh, you're
15:40 piping up a lot today. Uh, I dunno. It was more heated than it looks. Cause it just made
15:46 it look like I was really calm, but I was after, but like in the moment there was a,
15:50 there was a back and forth about it, but like we were, we were getting ganged up on like,
15:54 what do you expect me to do? Sit down and show up. Absolutely not. Particularly when
15:57 actually all they're really doing is picking on Joanna. So like, obviously I'm going to
16:01 say something and she was getting upset and she cried. She never cried. She's not, she's
16:05 not like a cry type girl. And she'd actually broke down in tears and I had to walk off
16:10 and that was like round nine. So we had, we had like three rounds left after that. So
16:15 I had to say to her, listen, like we're just not paying attention to it. Now we're going
16:19 to thank people for their feedback. We're not going to make comment. We're going to
16:21 move on. And then we did that for the last three rounds. And again, it was just, it was
16:25 every single time. It was bad though. It was really brutal. It was like hard to watch.
16:29 I think like it looked, it looked terrible. It's hard to experience. Yeah. A hundred percent.
16:33 And then the decision that was made to send Joanna and Joe home. What do you think about
16:38 that? What's your thoughts? Well, it did annoy me because I think what they hadn't factored
16:44 into this season was that there's a lot of best mates from the outside. So if you think
16:48 about who was doing the voting and who was getting voted, like the twins were covered
16:52 by Sophie Casey was covered by Tom. I think Molly was Arabella was covered by Molly. So
16:59 that only kind of left me, Joanna, Joe and Arabella in, in the firing line. And obviously
17:05 like they decided they couldn't pick from the same couple and it had to be a girl boy.
17:09 So they picked Joanna and Joe, Joe bless him. It only been in there two days, which was
17:15 ridiculous. Like he definitely deserved more of a chance. I don't know. I felt like they
17:21 were voting based on their friendships as opposed to the whole reason why we're in there,
17:25 which is who is doing the most to find love and then exit with somebody that they can
17:29 be with. It didn't feel like that. It just felt like people were like going, Oh yeah,
17:33 you're my best mate on the outside. So I've got your back. But like, obviously it would
17:37 have been tough for them to explain that to that person. But I dunno, it just felt like
17:43 it felt like it wasn't, it wasn't right the way that it was being voted for, which is
17:48 what upset me. And they kind of kept me, but then left Joanna. It's like, guys, what do
17:52 you expect me to do now? There's nine days left. So I was just like, I didn't want to
17:56 be ungrateful about it. Like I enjoyed being there, but like when your love interest has
18:00 gone, it's like, what do you want me to do? And then you were automatically coupled back
18:05 up with Arabella. Let's talk about that moment. Cause you were just like, great. Yeah. And
18:11 that was really rude. And I was quite disappointed in myself for actually reacting that way.
18:15 Um, but it was more because Joanna had gone than I was being coupled up with Arabella.
18:20 But also for me, like the Arabella thing was just like, it was all water under the bridge,
18:24 but it was also dead in the water. So it was dead in the water under the bridge at that
18:29 point. So I was just like, I don't know what like what I'm going to do. So I think people
18:35 had a thought that maybe, maybe it could have been a bit nicer. Um, no, I definitely could
18:41 have been nicer to her. Yeah, absolutely. Um, as I said, I was quite disappointed in
18:45 the way I reacted to it, but it was just pure, raw emotion. The day, like bearing in mind
18:49 the context of the game and Joanna going, I was just emotionally drained. I had nothing
18:55 left to give. I had no words. I wasn't thinking it was like six in the morning. I was absolutely
19:02 shafted. Um, and it just came out. And as soon as I said it, I was like, fuck, I shouldn't
19:07 have said that. Um, because actually that was really unfair to her. And I did, uh, I
19:12 do apologize for it. I don't know if I did apologize for it, but I would like, yeah,
19:16 if I said an hour, I would apologize for it. And then after that, were you just like, I'm
19:20 over this now. I just want to go home. Yeah. No proper. I was emotionally just drained.
19:25 Had like nothing left. I didn't see the point in being there. Um, was actually taken out
19:30 the villa, um, spoke to like the execs and stuff like that. And they were kind of saying,
19:35 go back in there, try and be friends to people and support people and all that kind of stuff.
19:39 And I was like, guys, what light is his love Island? Like there's nine days left. Like
19:44 there's absolutely no point me being there. And I think because of the way that I spoke
19:47 about it, like that's how everything kind of lined up that night.
19:51 We're talking about Joanna then I know yous have been doing some press and stuff together.
19:55 Yous obviously went back into the villa again for that twist. Then we had the final years
19:59 were there. Yeah. You spent more time with her. There's been talk of Valentine's flowers
20:04 being sent to her. Spell the tea. What's going on, Chris? Uh, that is a vicious rumor. Uh,
20:10 that is absolutely true. Um, so yeah, like obviously I got my phone back. We spoke. I
20:18 wasn't having the best time when I got my phone back because of the way things have
20:22 been shown with certain conversations in there and bless. So she looked after me a lot. I
20:26 was on FaceTime to her for like three hours. Just basically just started chatting to her
20:30 and pushing her pack her suitcase to come back with her sister as well. Um, and then
20:35 yeah, we was taught whenever we had our phones, we was talking quite a lot and yeah, my mom
20:40 texted me saying it's Valentine's day tomorrow. My mom is very strategic with things like
20:45 that cause I wouldn't have noticed. So basically my mom was saying send you on a flowers. I
20:50 just thought, yeah, I'm going to, I'm going to send her some flowers. So it was quite
20:55 hard because I didn't know like where, where she was going to be staying and all that kind
20:59 of logistics was quite difficult. Um, but yeah, I did, I did do that and then wrote
21:05 her a note and yeah, so that, that was that. Yeah. And then I'm quite cute like that. Um,
21:14 and then yeah, we was, we was chatting FaceTime and all that kind of stuff. Whenever we had
21:18 our phones, obviously did press yesterday and then went for lunch afterwards. So we
21:23 went for lunch. How's that go? Very nice. That was the first time we've like actually
21:26 genuinely spent time on our own because the only time on our own really was in bed in
21:31 the villa and we'd like sit up like chatting for ages type thing. But like it's still a
21:36 lot of people around cameras on your, you know, you know, like genuine when you come
21:40 out and it's like you can actually have genuine chats where you're not being watched. So is
21:44 it just an on camera romance or do we think it might go somewhere? Well, like say too
21:49 soon to tell. Don't know. We've got to spend more time together on our own without cameras
21:53 in our faces or people staring at us. So I did. I think we're both up for trying and
21:59 saying, can we just take a minute to appreciate the fact that you were in the Barbie movie?
22:03 I still can't believe that. I call it. That was a prank as well. That was a cultural phenomenon.
22:11 You went to an after party with Margot Robbie. How did all of this happen? Chris? Basically
22:16 I went to an after party with Margot Robbie. Then we went to the after after party, which
22:20 is back at our hotel, but it was massive and there was loads of people there. I end up
22:24 outside with her having a breath of fresh air and yeah, she's like, it's kind of like
22:29 me and her and there's a bigger group of people, but it's kind of like me and her one on one.
22:32 So I had like a massive panic attack and basically just started talking about my mate who's got
22:39 a micro penis. Started discussing that and also my dad's best mate who's got a really
22:44 big ball sack and he can carry like 12 bottles of beer on his ball sack. Incredible. Yeah.
22:49 So we started having that chat. She seemed to enjoy it. I don't know whether that had
22:53 any effect on why I got in a Barbie film, but I feel like I might have made like an
22:56 impression, albeit a weird one. I still made an impression and yeah, about 18 months later
23:01 I got an email from Warner Brothers saying, do you want to do a self tape for this role?
23:05 And I said, yes, I do. And I still thought, yeah, I thought the whole thing was bad. I
23:09 just thought like this is going to end up on the internet somewhere. Yeah. Taking the
23:12 mick out of me. But no, it didn't. There was quite a lot of big names that get cut from
23:17 the Barbie movie. You managed to make it in for anyone that's not seen the Barbie movie.
23:21 Frankly, what do you mean? Tell us about your role in the Barbie movie. Yeah. I basically
23:25 announced that Ryan Gosling, Ken, has won a Nobel prize for horses, which made no sense
23:33 until you watch the film. So I was just saying this line. I had no context of it. But yeah,
23:38 I seen Margot at the red pink carpet and she'd come over to me, give me a hug and that. And
23:44 I was like, Oh, so many people have been cut from this and you're still in it. And she
23:48 was quite buzzing about that.
23:49 Olivia Colman was cut from the Barbie movie. Chris Taylor was kept in. Wow. She's won.
23:54 She's got awards. Yes. Yeah. Crazy. Yeah. It still feels like a cheese dream now, to
24:00 be honest. Do you think it's because Margot is a massive fan of love Island? Did she talk
24:04 to you about love Island? We were on the, at the after party. Yeah. We was talking about
24:08 love Island. She had, her and her mates had a lot of questions about it. Um, I love that.
24:12 Yeah. Don't really like really interested in how it all works. Could you imagine if
24:17 she gave me a number? Yeah, no, I haven't. Um, I'm got any contact with her until I love
24:25 your personality. Thank you. I find it annoying. No, I don't find it annoying at all. I absolutely
24:30 love it. Thanks. How has it been coming out to the edits and stuff like that? Because
24:35 obviously you've done it before you're coming out a second time. Do you pay attention to
24:39 that or do you just try and shut it out to protect yourself? Um, well, it's hard not
24:44 to pay attention to it because people will tell you online. Um, and it's quite confusing
24:48 because you're like, hold on a minute. I know it didn't go down like that, but it must've
24:51 been shown like that. And Mitch said to me like, Mitch, as you said to me when we, uh,
24:55 the, before we went into the live thing, uh, in the few days we were together, he goes,
24:59 mate, I watched that, that conversation with Arabella live and you did so well, you were
25:05 so calm and fair and all that kind of stuff. And then I watched it on TV and I was like,
25:09 he's a dickhead. And then he was like, I had, Mitch said it, I had to remember that he'd
25:14 seen the conversation live and how it went. So obviously people need to understand that
25:19 like it was caught in a certain way. The whole thing was very calm. Um, and I wasn't trying
25:25 to, you know, um, I was, wasn't trying to invalidate her feelings or anything like that,
25:29 but it's just the way that it, it got caught together. Um, so I suppose coming out and
25:34 hearing stuff like that is a little bit disheartening because it's like, I'm not that guy. And I
25:38 was really upset for like a couple of days, um, where I was like, hold on. So there's
25:43 literally a version of me out there now that everyone thinks exists that doesn't, because
25:48 I would never do that. Like it was never meant to come across like that. But obviously when
25:52 things are cut out and put together in a certain way, it can look like that. So I don't blame
25:57 people for thinking that. But then at the end of the day, like I can't really spend
26:01 my life caring about all that kind of stuff because I won't get anything done and I'll
26:05 just be sad. So I've moved on from it. Um, but yeah, there was a point where I was a
26:09 bit like, this is crap. This is really crap. Um, because I'm not that person. And for someone
26:15 to tell you that you are that person when you're not, it's quite unfair.
26:19 Yeah. And I find you very funny. I like your humor. It makes me laugh. Sweet. Keep being
26:24 you. Thank you so much for coming on. It's been a pleasure.
