• last year
Check out the sneak peek, titled 'Sharing a Secret,' from the beloved CBS comedy, Young Sheldon Season 7 Episode 3. Created by the talented duo Chuck Lorre and Steven Molaro, this clip promises more of the quirky humor and heartwarming moments fans adore. Featuring the stellar cast including Iain Armitage and Reagan Revord, this episode is sure to captivate audiences. Don't miss out! Stream Young Sheldon now on Paramount+ for all the laughs and delightful surprises.

Young Sheldon Cast:

Iain Armitage, Zoe Perry, Lance Barber, Montana Jordan, Reagan Revord, Jim Parsons, Annie Potts, Craig T. Nelson, Matt Hobby, Emily Osment, Craig T. Nelson and Wyatt McClure

Stream Young Sheldon Season 7 now on Paramount+!


