‘Putin and his cronies are only people behaving like Nazis,’ Cameron says

  • 7 months ago
UK Foreign Secretary Lord David Cameron delivered a speech in New York on the eve of the second anniversary of Moscow’s invasion.Lord Cameron also renewed his appeal to US politicians to pass a multibillion-dollar aid package including support for Ukraine.
00:00 Thank you. Two years ago, almost to the day, Vladimir Putin launched his illegal invasion
00:11 of Ukraine with no justification apart from the fact that he is a warmonger that wanted
00:17 to build an empire. And two years later, here at the United Nations, this is the right place
00:23 to make this point. It's here at the UN that we note that a country's borders should be
00:30 inviolable, that a country's sovereignty matters, that a country's territory should not be taken
00:36 by another country by force. That is the simple principle that Putin breached when he launched
00:43 that illegal invasion. We've heard every excuse in the book since then. One minute he says
00:48 it was about attacking Nazis. The next minute it was because there was a threat to Russia.
00:54 Then he tells us it was NATO provocation. Then he says this country doesn't really exist
00:59 but somehow it's a huge threat to Russia. These excuses are nonsense. It was an invasion,
01:06 pure and simple. The only people behaving like Nazis are Putin and his cronies who thought
01:12 they could invade a country, take its territory and ultimately the world would look away.
01:18 Well the world must not look away. We must continue to back Ukraine with everything we
01:23 have. It is their right to defend their country, to insist on their borders and to restore
01:28 their sovereignty. And Britain for one will continue to support them for as long as it
01:33 takes.
