• last year
SHIRLEY Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Regina King stars as Shirley Chisholm in SHIRLEY, the story of the first Black congresswoman and her trailblazing run for president of the United States. Directed by John Ridley and co-starring, Lance Reddick, Lucas Hedges, Brian Stokes Mitchell, Christina Jackson, Dorian Crossmond Missick, Amirah Vann, with Andre Holland and Terrence Howard, the film chronicles Chisholm's audacious, boundary-breaking 1972 presidential campaign.

directed by John Ridley

starring Regina King, Lance Reddick, Lucas Hedges, Brian Stokes Mitchell, Christina Jackson, Michael Cherrie, Andre Holland, Terrence Howard, Dorian Missick, Amirah Vann, W. Earl Brown, Brad James, Reina King

release date March 22, 2024 (on Netflix)
00:00 I have something I want to tell you. I am running for president of the United States
00:07 holy
00:10 I'm paving the road for a lot of other people looking like me to get elected
00:14 You're about to make history
00:18 Maybe we should find your mother
00:24 All you got is your one boat
00:28 You sound just like every other politician. Do I look like every other politician?
00:32 Truly you can't win and why can't I win I have an opportunity to make a difference
00:42 This isn't a campaign it's a joke
00:47 The only thing anybody's gonna remember is that there were a bunch of black folks who made fools of themselves
00:56 See too much suffering and I don't know how to not try
01:02 I don't think I'm special. I just want to remind people what's possible. We need something that's going to make some noise
01:15 the Black Panthers and Shirley Chisholm
01:22 I'm going to force all the politicians to be held accountable. You won't do all that
01:27 School teacher from Brooklyn Harriet was just a slave Rosa was just a domestic
01:32 What is it you do for a living again
01:36 The people of America are watching us
01:49 (Cheering)
01:51 (Cheering)
01:54 (Cheering)
01:56 (Cheering)
01:58 (Music)
02:00 (Music)
02:02 (Music)
02:04 (Music)
02:06 (Music)
02:08 (Music)
02:10 (Music)
