CHALLENGERS Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: From visionary filmmaker Luca Guadagnino, CHALLENGERS stars Zendaya (Dune) as Tashi Duncan, a former tennis prodigy turned coach and a force of nature who makes no apologies for her game on and off the court. Married to a champion on a losing streak (Mike Faist, from West Side Story), Tashi's strategy for her husband's redemption takes a surprising turn when he must face off against the washed-up Patrick (Josh O'Connor, from The Crown) -- his former best friend and Tashi's former boyfriend. As their pasts and presents collide, and tensions run high, Tashi must ask herself, what will it cost to win.
directed by Luca Guadagnino
starring Zendaya, Josh O'Connor, Mike Faist
release date April 26, 2024 (in theaters)
directed by Luca Guadagnino
starring Zendaya, Josh O'Connor, Mike Faist
release date April 26, 2024 (in theaters)
Short filmTranscript
00:03 You think that tennis is about expressing yourself,
00:06 doing your thing.
00:07 You don't know what tennis is.
00:10 What is it?
00:13 Tashi Duncan.
00:14 She's in another league.
00:16 You were incredible today.
00:17 Come on!
00:19 To have a fashion line, a foundation.
00:23 She's going to turn her whole family into millionaires.
00:25 [SCREAMS]
00:29 What are you going to do now?
00:30 Unfortunately, my only skill in life
00:32 is hitting a ball with a racket.
00:34 I want you to be my coach.
00:36 I want you to be my coach.
00:38 How often does this happen?
00:40 Going after the same girl?
00:42 Come here.
00:43 Which one of us?
00:48 This is a game about winning the points that matter.
00:57 I don't need to play mind games with you.
00:59 Come have a cigarette with me.
01:00 I have to talk to you.
01:01 I don't smoke, and I'm not talking to you.
01:06 He's not in love with you.
01:23 What makes you think I want someone to be in love with me?
01:28 Hey, I love you.
01:41 I know.
01:46 (dramatic music)