• anno scorso
Debut 1972 album by UK based psych-prog-rock folk band Byzantium , who's sound was equal part UK, U.S. Westa Coast pop, folk and rock, with some jazzy interplay, as well as some funky influences, pretty melodies, and some nice vocals harmonies.

Chas Jankel - vocals, guitar, keyboards.
Nico Ramsden - vocals, piano, organ, guitar, steel guitar.
Robin Lamble - vocals, bass, violin.
Stephen Corduner - drums.
guest: Jamie Rubinstein - guitar.
guest: Alan Skidmore - tenor saxophone.
guest - Frank Riccotti - timpani.
guest: Derek Wadsworth, Roy Young's Brass Section - brass.

What is happening?
I am a stranger to my life.
Come fair one.
Baby I can hear you calling.
Trade Wind.
Into the country.
Lady friend.
Why or maybe it's because.