
  • vor 8 Monaten
In the beginning was the Word
And the Word became flesh
But what was before the Word -

Words touch -
Can I understand?

Devotion - what does that mean?

Trust - how can something succeed without trust?

Creativity, the desire to create -
Are we not condemned to creativity?

Diversity of all the shapes, colors, textures, tones, contrasts -

Everything that comes into being has its counterpart - without resonance there is no being.

Shimmering of life.

Contrasts - soft
Soft - hard
Line - surface
Deep distance - closeness
Separate - merge
Shadow - light
Emptiness - space

Movement - growing - passing away - nothing remains as it is.

Dance of life into being
Taking - giving
Connecting - merging - separating - dissolving

Knowing Measuring Naming Holding

You my heart,
My anchor, my fixed star, my guide

World you only - in many forms - incomprehensible being

Divine order - security - eternal law - clear - light - unique

Earth You - my one and only -
From you I come
To you I go

What will be afterwards -
I will stay
Will I find my way back
To the place before the word

In the beginning was the Word

And the Word became flesh
