Court métrageTranscription
00:00 *musique*
00:08 *bruit de foule*
00:10 *musique*
00:36 *bruit de la télé*
00:38 *bruit de la télé*
00:41 *bruit de la télé*
00:43 *bruit de la télé*
00:45 *bruit de coups de pieds*
00:47 *rires*
00:49 "What is this, a Von Trapp family?"
00:51 "Halt at the forefront of the civil rights movement!"
00:58 "Out of the car now!"
01:01 "I need a big favour, Howard!"
01:10 "I'm tired of doing favours for you spoiled children, I'm off duty! I am NOT an animal!"
01:16 *Rires*
01:18 *Rires*
01:25 "And don't tell us to sit down, just open that damn cell and let those two boys out of there or I'm gonna tie this place up with so much litigation that your grandchildren are gonna need lawyers!"
01:33 *Rires*
01:35 "We got arrested!"
01:37 "Arrested? By who, the fashion police?"
01:39 *Rires*
01:41 "You know, when you work for Witwerf, you get all the fringe benefits. Does he need a butler?"
01:45 *Rires*
01:47 "Just asking for a friend."
01:49 *Rires*
01:51 "As your lawyer, I'd advise you put an end to it."
01:53 "Oh sure, you wanna talk to him yourself?"
01:55 "Okay."
01:57 "Yo, Jay, what up coolie bop?"
01:59 *Rires*
02:01 "Really?"
02:03 "Really?"
02:05 "Well, yeah, if that's the way you want it, that's cool."
02:07 "Alright, peace."
02:09 *Rires*
02:11 "I'm gonna go."
02:13 "Alright, peace."
02:15 "Well, what'd he say?"
02:17 "Uncle Phil, you're fired."
02:19 *Rires*